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1theol.resuscitation, miraculous restoration to life (through divine intervention):
c.1334; MS: s.xivm
lui glorifia en sa vie et en sa mort par resuscitacions des mortz
TREVETCron1 320.4
♦theol.resurrection, Christ’s rising from the dead (celebrated at Easter):
c.1378; MS: s.xivex
celle incarnacioun Mist a resuscitacioun La tierce jour, dont il revit
GOWERMirour 28811
2law(of an action or writ) reviving, re-instigation after the first has been quashed or defeated:
si le demaundaunt cony une chose en prejudice de luy mesme et seyt nounswi, aprés la resuscitacion de novel bref il ly chereit en prejudice
YBB Ed II ii 11