The word is problematic. Walberg, editor of Becket, believes the forms attested in these texts, should be read as variants of parquei; Holden, the editor of Proth ants, acknowledges this interpretation but does not believe this to be the case. (see Vol. III, p.34, n.111) though admits the origin of the word is obscure and proposes an English influence on the construction. The DEAF lists the forms from Becket under the article for parquoi as does the FEW sub per. See Walberg in ZrPh, 51 (1931), 552-55; Schulz-Gora in ZrPh, 60 (1940), 29-32; F. Lecoy in Mélanges A. Henry (Strasbourg, 1970), pp. 98-99; Ipom note 1220.