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orphanin (s.xii1)

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orphanin (s.xii1)

orfanin,  orfanyn,  orfeinin,  orfenin;  orphanyn,  orphenin  (orfanyng  ii 149 ),
(pl. orphanynis  309)  
  FEW:  orphanus 7,420a Gdf: GdfC: TL: orfenin 6,1246 DEAF:  orfe (orfenin)  DMF:  orphenien  TLF: OED:  orphenin n. and a.  MED:  orphenin n.  DMLBS:  orphaninus 2058c

The forms orphanin and orphelin both come from the same Latin root, orphaninus (‘of or like an orphan’). Whereas both forms also appeared in English, only the latter has persisted in Modern French. Therefore, despite their shared etymology, they have been treated as separate articles.


kinshiporphaned, having lost one's parents
( c.1165; MS: s.xiii2 )  A mes enfanz purras cunter [...] qe ore sunt povre e orphenin  270.21
fig.emotionwretched, bereft of happiness previously enjoyed
( c.1235; MS: c.1235 )  As Romeins nuncier [...] Kancke ai veu e oi, jo peccheres orphanin  1836
orphanin de
bereaved of
( 1163-70; MS: s.xiv1/4 )  Ore esteit Edward sul sans frere Et orfanin de sun bon pere  622


kinshiporphan, child of deceased parents
( s.xii1; MS: c.1145 ) Seient fait li fil de lui orfenin e la feme de lui vedve  110.108.8
( 1155; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  Tu as mainte aume de cors traite E [...] Maint enfant as fait orphenin  7881
( s.xiiiin; MS: s.xiii1 )  As vedves e as orphanins Fud il pere, e as povrins  189
( s.xiv1 )  Gardez les vefves et les orphanyns  21
( 1377 )  come de tresanciene franche custume de la dite citee, les gardes des orfanyns de meisme la citee [...] deivent de droit appertenir a les maire et chamberlein  iii 28
fig.emotionwretched person, one bereft of happiness previously enjoyed
( s.xiii1/3; MS: s.xivin )  Ne puis abstiner de plur Quant moi sovent d'icel tens Ke l'emperere Maximiens Nos citeins tuz en menat E orphanins si nus lessat  4216


See also:

orphain  orphanine  orphanité  orphelin  orpheline 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.