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encherir (c.1136-37)

encherir (c.1136-37)

encherer,  encherrer;  enchirer,  enchirir  
  FEW:  carus 2/i,441a Gdf:  encherir 3,102a GdfC:  encherir 9,451b TL: encherir 3,201 DEAF:  chier (encherir)  DMF:  enchérir  TLF:  enchérir  OED: MED: DMLBS:


1to revere, hold dear
( 1165-80?; MS: s.xiiiin )  Biuen [sic] deit l’en la dame servir E honurer e encherir  ADGAR3 100.162
to cherish
( c.1136-37; MS: s.xiiex )  Mult m’amerent e encherirent  GAIMAR1 588
( c.1240; MS: c.1300 )  Si l’ad pus amé et servie E honuré et encherie  Mir N-D 263.320
( 1377 )  le noble chivalrie del roialme estoit bien nurriz, encherriz, honorés  Rot Parl1 iii 5
2merch.to raise the price of
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  les forstallours ausi, qi acherisent (var. (C: s.xiv1/3) acressent) les foers de vitayle vendable  BRITT i 193
( 1293 )  marchaunz estranges [...] tiegnent lour marchandise desvenduez tant q’il unt outrajousement les biens encherrez  Rot Parl1 i 119
( 1362 )  Pur ce qe vins [..] sont encherrez et mis a tres grant pris  Rot Parl1 ii 270
( 1327-77 )  […] dount les marchés de tote manyre de vitaille sunt enchiris  Rot Parl1 ii 404
to render (a place) more expensive (to live in)
( 1321 )  qe nul ne soit si hardi de forstaller [...] par qei la ville soit encherie  YBB Ed II xxvi 12
( 1323-25 )  le pais est si encheri devers nous par defaute de vitailles  St Sard 103


merch.(of price, etc.) to rise, be increased
( 1314-15 )  certeins pris des boefs [...] les queus se encherisent  Rot Parl1 i 295

p.p. as a.

cherished, beloved
( 1165-80?; MS: s.xiiiin )  Marie [...] mere Deu mult encherie  ADGAR3 138.122

See also:

acherir  cherir1  escherir2 
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.