harmful, damaging, causing destruction or injury:
MS: c.1300
a communer en autri soil apent chace et fraunche entré et fraunche issue, tut soit la chace damageose
BRITT i 398
Si vous prioms et avisoms qe vous vous desportez de tieles meins bien seauntes coveitises qe vous puissent en cas estre damageouses
St Sard 119
MS: s.xiii/xiv
dispendiosam: (D) damajuse
TLL ii 79
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by
Taylor & Francis for the
MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the
Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.