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champartie (1307-10)

champartie (1307-10)

champarté,  champarti;  chaumpartie,  chaumperté,  chaumpertie  
  FEW:  campus 2/i,157b Gdf:  champarterie 2,48a GdfC: TL: champarterie 2,201 DEAF:  champ  DMF:  champarterie  TLF: OED:  champertry n.  MED:  champart?e n.  DMLBS:


lawchamperty (offence of bargaining for a champart)
( 1307-10 )  la vint le dit Evesqe par sa conspiracie e chaumpartie e feseit une B. […] empleder le dit W. des ditz tenementz pur les approprier a son maner  LANGETON 300.5
( 1321-22 )  le dit conte prist feoffment de son vallet avauntdit du dit manoir, par covenaunt & chaumpartie fait entre eux a comencement  Rot Parl1 i 398
( 1376-77 )  confederacies, champartiez, entrealiances & autres faucines  Rot Parl1 ii 374
a champartie
lawby champerty (illegal assistance to one party in a dispute in return for a share in any profits)
( c.1394 )  la ad un R.B., sachant lez ditz terres et tenemenz estre en debate […] achaté les ditz terres et tenemenz du dit suppliant a champarté pur cent marcz  Chancery SC 71
bref de champartie
lawwrit of champerty
( 1310-11 )  En un bref de champartie  YBB Ed II vi 141
( 1338 )  Le Roy swyt un bref de champertie devers plusours; et le bref […] reccitta qe come il est defendu par statut qe nully ne preigne de meyntenere parties […]  YBB 11-12 Ed III 539

See also:

This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.