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The Port Books of Southampton 1427-1430

Edited by P. Studer
Genre: Legal, Administrative and Diplomatic
AND Bibliography: Port Bk studer

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The kindness with which the publication of the Oak Book of Southampton has been received in various quarters, has emboldened the Editor to make fresh incursions into the Muniment Room of the Corporation, and bring to light another treasure preserved among the local archives. As a manuscript it cannot rank on a par with the unique Oak Book, but it contains such accurate and interesting information on the sea-borne trade in the early part of the fifteenth century, a period in economic history notorious for the scarcity of documentary evidence, that it cannot fail to be of some use to students investigating the state of commerce at the close of the Middle Ages. The document cannot claim to possess the literary merits of the Oak Book, small as they were, but, as the last Southampton manuscript of any length written entirely in Anglo-French, it is not without interest to the philologist, and it supplies some valuable material for the study of the sources of Modern English.

The Manuscript.

The Port Books here published for the first time are the earliest of a large collection of registers kept by former Water-Bailiffs, or Receivers of Petty-Customs, of the Port of Southampton. The manuscript is a volume measuring 12 inches by 9 inches, composed of 78 leaves of paper sewn into a cover of vellum, partly torn. The pages are slightly damaged at the corners, but, with the exception of the front page, the text has not been injured. The writing is

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uniformly good and, except for a few Latin notes added by the auditors, all by the hand of Robert Florys, the then Water-Bailiff. Abbreviations are used sparingly. With commendable diligence the scribe has given the detail even of such goods as were freed from the payment of tolls. None of his successors seem to have performed their task in a manner so conscientious. Not only did they write less clearly, but often they omitted to give any detail of the goods, and carelessly described the cargo as various merchandise.

Even Robert Florys withholds information which would be of the greatest value to present day historians. For instance, he tells us little of the movements of the numerous Southampton boats. When he says 1 [1] See par. 1, below.1 that the Marie of Southampton, Captain William Hardy, has entered the port with a cargo of so many bales of madder, so many bunches of garlic, so many barrels of onions and soap, we should like to hear where she took that cargo on board; but on that point Florys is silent. It is true that in the case of other ships he supplies the names of the harbours to which they belonged, and from which they presumably sailed. Often he states the price of the commodities, and on the whole he deserves our sincere gratitude, the more so as he surely never dreamt, that after nearly five centuries had elapsed, his book would one day be unearthed and subjected to a close examination.

In conclusion the Editor wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the many friends who have so generously placed their time and knowledge at his disposal, above all to M. Paul Meyer, Directeur de l'Ecole des Chartes of Paris, Miss A. B. Wallis Chapman, and her brother. His task has also been facilitated by the assistance he received at the hands of Mr. Davis, Chief Librarian of the Public Library, and by the readiness with which the Officers of the Municipal Buildings granted him, at all times, access to the records and documents.

P. STUDER. Hartley University College, Southampton, October, 1913.

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The Port Books of Southampton.

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[A.D. 1427-1428, PART I, NORTHERN TRADE.]

P2A1 [P2A1] This title does not appear in the MS.4 [f.1a]

Particule compoti Rob[erti Floryse, Collectoris Theolonii ville Suthamptone,]P2A2 [P2A2] The top of the page is damaged.4 a festo Sancti Michaelis, Anno [regni regis Henrici sexti quinto, usque idem festum, Anno proximo sequente], videlicet Anno eiusdem Regis sexto.

P2A3 [P2A3] This heading, together with other Latin notes, has been added by a different hand, probably by one of the auditors. Note also that in reality the account was begun in the sixth year of Henry VI and ended in the seventh, as the regnal year began on September 1st. But Henry was not proclaimed King of France till October, and that may have led to the confusion. At all events the same mistake is repeated below for the year 1429-30.4 P2A4 [P2A4] The paragraphs are not numbered in the original.4

Entree la Marie de Hamptone, Mestre William Hardy, ancrage frank:

Nicole Fetplace: x bales de madyre,P2A5 [P2A5] Madder, a herbaceous climbing plant (rubia tinctorum), cultivated, especially in Holland and France, for the dye obtained from it (cf. New Engl. Dict.).4 v. C. de ayls, iij barels de sapone, xix barels de oynons–custume frank.

Rauf Huskard: v. C. de ayls, iij barels de sapone, vj barels de oynons–custume frank.

Stephen Rusche: j bale de madyre–custume ij d.; j barel de sapone, valor xvj s. viij d.–cust. ij d. ob.; v. C. de ayl per vxx le C.P2A6 [P2A6] Garlic were usually sold by the great hundred of six score, or 120 bunches (see below, par. 228, also Oak Book (published by the Southampton Record Society), Vol. II, p. 10). The duty on garlic had greatly increased since A.D. 1300; it was now 2/1 for a hundred bunches or 2/6 for a hundred and twenty bunches, instead of 6d. only.4–cust. x s. v d.; v barels de oynons–cust. ij d. ob.

William Hardy: iiij. C. de ayls per vxx le C.–cust. viij s. iiij d.; x barels de oynons–cust. vd.

John Colbesche de Yepuswysche: ix bales de alym–cust. frank, wharf. ij d.

Entre j batel de Hamptone, Mestre William Eylmere:

Le dit Mestre: viij quarters de frument–cust. iiij d.

John Caschele: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.

Summa xx s. vij d.

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Entre la Michele de Guernsey, Mestre John de Maresk, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iiij. C. de congres–cust. xvj d.; iiij peces de oulonesP4A1 [P4A1] oulone, a kind of coarse canvas cloth (originally made at Olonne? France), but imported into Southampton mainly from the Channel Islands (see my article in Mod. Lang. Review, April, 1911).6–cust. iiij d.; j pece de tele de cresP4A2 [P4A2] Tele de cres, a kind of linen cloth, called crestlots in the Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 16.6–cust. ij d.; iiij peces de tele, contient i C.–cust. ij d.

Issant le dit Mestre: iij C demi de lyn, valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

Issant Maryknyszt de Sclus, Mestre William Williamsone, ancrage nihil:

Le dit Mestre: xv quarters de fourment–cust. vij d. ob.; iiij C de pels de conyn–cust. vj d.; j drap–cust. ij d.; iij peces de CarseyP4A3 [P4A3] Kersey, a kind of coarse narrow cloth woven from long wool and usually ribbed; possibly named from the village of Kersey in Suffolk (cf. New Engl. Dict.).6–cust. ij d.

John Nene: viij. C. de suy,P4A4 [P4A4] In the Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 4, the spelling seu is found, a true A.F. form. suy or sui was the continental spelling common in northern France (cf. Mod. Lang. Review, Vol. VI, p. 182); Mod. French suif, tallow.6 valor iij li – cust. ix d.; xviij quarters de fourment–cust. ix d.; j drap–cust. ij d.; j Carsey–cust. j d.; iij barels de char de buef, valor xxij s. vj d.–cust. iij d. ob., wharf, j d.

Issant le Eline de Hul, Mestre John Williamsone, ancrage nihil:

William Rose: iiijxx xvj quarters de seilP4A5 [P4A5] In the tables of customs of the Oak Book (Vol. II, p. 2), no attempt was made to differentiate between the various kinds of corn. seil is an A.F. spelling; a more correct form would be seile < Lat. secale; soile is found in Picard (cf. Dict. Général, seigle).6–cust. iiij s.

Entre j batel de Poule, Mestre John Hulot:

William Potere: iij fardels de canevas, contient vij C. demi–cust. xv d.; ij C. demi de Cordage–cust. x d.; ij Ancres, valor xiij s. iiij d –cust. ij d.

Summa xij s. vij d.


Entre la Gylyene de Hamptone, Mestre George Myxto:

William Sopere: vij tones de vin–cust. frank, cranage ij s. iiij d.

John Emery: ij tonels de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Robert Eylward: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Le dit Mestre: viij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij s. viij d.

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Richard Halle: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xvj d.

J home de Guyldford: iij tones de vin–cust. et cran. ij s.

John Robyn: iiij tonels de vin–cust., cran. ij s. viij d.

Entre j busseP6A1 [P6A1] Buss, a two or three-masted vessel, of various sizes, used especially in the Dutch herring fishery (cf. New Engl. Dict.). John Ventherhee left Southampton before the end of the year to carry Genoese goods to London (see below, par. 264).8 de Arnemuthe, Mestre John Ventherhee, ancrage iiij d.:

Clement Henrisone: iiij C. xiiij barel de oynons–cust. xvij s. iij d.

[Entre] j busse de Sclus, Mestre John Blomere, ancrage iiij d.

Entre le Thomas de Sithemuthe, Mestre Thomas Clerk, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: v lastP6A2 [P6A2] The last of herrings generally contained 12 barrels (cf. New Engl. Dict.). This appears to have been the case in Southampton, seeing that the duty on one last was 2/- (cf. par. 11), and the duty on one barrel 2d. (cf. par. 57). The barrel was equal to two thousand (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 10), and could be sub-divided into four cades (cf. pars. 61, 62).8 de barel heryng–cust. x s., wharf. x d.

Entre la Trinite de Otromuthe, Mestre John Draake, kylageP6A3 [P6A3] Keelage (Med. Lat. killagium), a toll or due payable by a ship on entering or anchoring in a harbour (cf. New Engl. Dict.).8 ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iiij last demi de barel heryng–cust. ix s., wharf. ix d.

Entre le Sonday de Sythemuthe, Mestre Robert Blower, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iiij last ij barels de heryng–cust. viij s. iiij d., wharf. viij d.

Entre Trynite de Sythemuthe, Mestre John Barry, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iij last iiij barels de heryng–cust. vj s. viij d., wharf. vi d.

Summa iij lib. vij s. x d.


Entre la Trinite de Otremuthe, Mestre William Algonde, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: v last x barels de heryng–cust. xi s. viii d., wharf. xi d.

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Entre le Jamesknyszt ven Haukynsward, Mestre Adryen Cleyssone, ancrage iiij d.

C skyuesP8A1 [P8A1] It is curious to note that in all Southampton documents of this period teasels are always estimated by the skive, and not by the kive as was apparently the case elsewhere (Rates of Customs, A.D. 1545, in New Engl. Dict.). Probably skive was a local corruption of kive.10 de tezels,P8A2 [P8A2] Formerly the prickly flower-head or bur of the fuller's teasel was used for teasing or dressing cloth so as to raise a nap on the surface (cf. New Engl. Dict.).10 valor x li–cust. ij s. vj d.

Arnold Clayssone: v. C de ayls per vxx le C–cust. x s. vd.; C. demi de barels de oynons–cust. vj s. iij.

Issant le dit Arnold: iij draps, 1 kersey–cust. vij d.

[Entre] j Busse de Densk, Mestre Schypper Crus, ancrage iiij d.

Entre la Katherine de Guernesy, Mestre Piere le blank, kylage nihil:

Le dit Mestre: iiij C demi de Congres–cust. xviij d.; C. de tele–cust. ij d.

Entre le Valentin de Hamptone, Mestre John John:

Watte Fetplace: xxx tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. x s.

William Sopere: xxxv tones j pipe–cust. frank, cran. xi s. x d.

Piere James: v tones 1 pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. xxij d.

John Emery: iiij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xvj d.

John John: x tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij s. iiij d.

Henry Bramptone: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John Guyrdelere: j tone j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. vj d.

John Yffart: iiij tones j quarter–cust., cran. ij s. x d.

Ric. Rankel: xi tones j pipe de vin–cust. iij s. x d., cranage pur vj tones j pipe ij s. ij d.

Summa iij li. xij s. vi d.


John Gondale: j tonel de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

Robert Hervy: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Thomas Gryffyn: demi pipe de vin–cust., cran. ij d.

Ric. Rulford: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

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John Flotre: iiij tones j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. frank.

Henri Courte: j tone j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. vj d.

Ric. Hayle: j tone j pipe de vin–cust., cran. xij d.

Davi John: ij tones de vin–cust., cran. xvi d.

Raulyn Esmere: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

John Guynes: iiij tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iij s.

Thomas Wynterbourne: iij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xij d.

Thomas Sleant: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Ric. Redyng: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Robert Hayle: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Entre le Passemoket de Guernesuy, Mestre Michel le Orlu, ancrage pay a limetone:

Colin Caree: iij fardels de Canevas, contient viij C–cust. xvj d.; ij fardels de tele de cres, contient x peces–cust. xx d.; xiiij peces de Canevas, contient iij C. demi–cust. vij d.; xiij Rolles de oulones–cust. xiij d.

Thomas Tardyf: iiij fardels de Canevas, contient ix C–cust. xviij d.; ij peces de tele, contient demi C–cust. jd.; j foure iij quiltes, valor iij s. iiij d.–cust. ob.; xvij Cres de tele–cust. jd. ob.; wharf. de toutes susdytes Marchandyses iij d.

Summa xvi s. iiij d.


Entre a Portesmuthe Le Edmond de Cley, Mestre John Attecrofte, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: vij C de Lynge et meluel–cust. xiiij d.

Entre la Trinite de Luschebonne, Mestre John Affons, ancrage iiij d.:

Watte Fetplace: C sortP10A1 [P10A1] Sort often occurs in these accounts as a measure for fruit. From the various entries below, it would appear that one sort of fruit was equal to three pieces, one piece to four quarters. If the duty on fruit was still levied at the rate stated in the Oak Book (Vol. II, p. 12), four pieces of fruit equalled one ton. In the accounts of the year 1427-28 (Part II), however, there appears to have been two quarters only to a piece (cf. pars. 270, 271). In the case of figs, raisins, etc., sport was often used instead of piece (see note to par. 260).12 de frut–cust. frank; viij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij s. viij d.

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Pyeres James: V C. pecesP12A1 [P12A1] See note, p. 10.14 de frut–cust. frank; iiij tonels de vin–cust. frank, cran. xvj d.; C de cere–cust. frank.

John Hamptone de Salisbery: ij tonels j pipe de vin–cust. x d., cranage pur iij toneles xij d.; C sort de frut–demi cust.P12A2 [P12A2] According to an agreement drawn up in 1329, the burgesses of New Sarum, or Salisbury, were given at Southampton the benefit of a preferential tariff, in virtue of which they paid on most commodities half the duty only (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p. xv).14 vj s. iij d., wharfage x d.

Robert Honingham: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.; xxv sort de frut–cust. frank.

Brasianus de Port: C xxj sort j pece j quarter fruyt–cust. xv s. ij d., wharf. xij d.

John Affonse: j tone j pipe de vin–cust., cran. xij d.; vj peces i quarter de frut–cust. iij d.

Gomys Fernandus: j pipe j quarter de vin–cust., cran. vj d.; xi quarters de frut–cust. j d. ob.

John Cherche de Londres: xxxvj sort de frut–cust. frank.

John Affons: liij peces x quarters de frut–cust. ij s. iiij d., wharf. ij d.; j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.; ij boichelsP12A3 [P12A3] Bushel, measure of capacity used for corn, fruit, etc., containing four pecks or eight gallons. The spelling boichel for older boissel should be noted.14 de preves,P12A4 [P12A4] The reading of the MS. is clearly preves, a word which I have not been able to identify. Perhaps it is a slip for prenes, a spelling sometimes found for preens. Preen is an Old English word meaning pin, brooch (cf. New Engl. Dict.).14 valor vj s.–cust. j d.

Summa xxxv s. x d. ob.


Barthe Martins: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.; xj peces j quarter de frut–cust. v d. ob., wharf. ob.

John Alvors: v peces de frut–cust. ij d. ob.; j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

John Affonse: iij douzeine de cordwenP12A5 [P12A5] Cordwain, Spanish leather, made originally at Cordova, of goat-skins tanned and dressed, but afterwards frequently of split horse-hides (cf. New Engl. Dict.). In the Tables of c. 1300, the duty on a dozen of cordwain was only 1d., not 2d. as here (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 4).14–cust. vj d.

John Cano: i pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.; xxix peces de frut–cust. xiiij d. ob., wharf. id.

Petro Gonsalianus: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.; vij peces de frut–cust. iij d. ob.

Entre La Trynite de Lenne, Mestre John Grant, ancrage pay a Hamele:

Le dit Mestre: xiiij C de clapholt, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

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Entre La Katherine de Lenne, Mestre Thomas Mersche, ancrage pay a Hamele:

Le dit Mestre: viij C de Clapholt,P14A1 [P14A1] clapholt, a word of Low German origin, denoted smaller pieces of split oak as used by coopers for cask staves (cf. New Engl. Dict.). A continental French claphout is also found (cf. Godef.).15 valor x s.–cust. jd. ob.

Entre j batel de Wedderynge,P14A2 [P14A2] Wittering, co. Sussex.15 Mestre William Melward, kylage, ij d.:

Ric. Kenne de Chichestre: xxx quarters de fourmentP14A3 [P14A3] fourment = wheat.15–cust. xv d.

Issant le dit Mestre: j schaldreP14A4 [P14A4] Chalder, an obsolete dry measure of capacity for lime and coal; in England it varied from 32 to 40 bushels (cf. New Engl. Dict.). At Southampton the chalder was equivalent to four quarters, the duty on one quarter of sea-borne coal being ¼d. in the Tables of the Oak Book (cf. Vol. II, p. 12). The earliest example in the New Engl. Dict. of the use of this word in England is dated 1570. Chauder of Coliz occurs in a Southampton Book of Remembrances of the end of the fifteenth century.15 de carbon–cust. j d.

Entre John Huschun: xiij quarters de fourment–cust. vj d. ob.; j quarter de malt–cust. ob.

Entre j batel de Crescherche,P14A5 [P14A5] a boat of Christchurch, co. Hants.15 Mestre John William, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: i skyue de tezels,P14A6 [P14A6] kive of teasels; for the meaning see note to par. 16.15 valor iij s. iiij d.–cust. ob.

Summa vj s. ix d. ob.


Entre j batel de Warhaum,P14A7 [P14A7] a boat of Wareham, co. Dorset.15 Mestre John Sandre, ancrage frank:

Watte Fetplace: v tones de oyle–cust. frank, cran. xx d.

Pieres James issant en le dit batelP14A8 [P14A8] clears in the said boat.15: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.; xx sort de frut.

Entre le James de Yalm,P14A9 [P14A9] Yealm, co. Devon.15 Mestre John Nicole, ancrage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xix C de HaakeP14A10 [P14A10] Hake, food fish allied to the cod.15–cust. iij s. ij d.

Issant j busse de Sclus,P14A11 [P14A11] a buss of Sluis, Netherlands. For the word buss see note to par. 9.15 Mestre John Blomuere, ancrage iiij d.:

Et pur j fretP14A12 [P14A12] and for a freight made conjointly by William Nicole and the said master, 2/-. The meaning probably is, that a fine of 2/- was exacted from William Nicole for entering into a partnership with a foreigner, such partnerships having been declared illegal by an ancient ordinance of the town (cf. Oak Book, Vol. I, p. 36, Ord. 21; also p. 121).15 fet per entre William Nicole et le dit Mestre ij s.

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William Nicole: xxx schaldresP15A1 [P15A1] For the meaning of schaldre or chalder see note to par. 27.16 de carbone–cust. frank; C de WeinscotP15A2 [P15A2] Wainscot, best kind of oak wood.16–cust. frank.

Entre le George de Hamptone, Mestre George Mixto, ancrage frank:

Le dit Mestre: iij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. xiiij d.; iij C de canevas–cust. frank.

William Warne: iij tones de vin–cust., cran. ij s.; CC de Canevas–cust. iiij d.

William Brynchele: j tone de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

John Manduyt: xvj tones de vin–cust., cran. x s. viij d.

John Robyn: ij fardels de Canevas, contient v C–cust., wharf. x d. ob.

William Nicole: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.; C. de Canevas–cust. frank.

Watte Fetplace: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Adam Blaake: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Summa xxiiij s. viij d. ob.


Ric. Halle: ij tones de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.

Hugone Andreu de Salisbery: vj douzeine de Eskerdes,P15A3 [P15A3] escarde or escharde is the Old French spelling of carde, English card, an implement for raising a nap on cloth, consisting of teasel-heads, set in a frame, or an iron instrument with teeth (cf. Du Cange, Dict. Gen., New Engl. Dict.).16 valor iiij li.–cust., wharf. iiij d. ob.; ij pakes de canevas–cust., wharf. viij d. ob.

Entre le Petre de Suthwold,P15A4 [P15A4] Southwold, co. Suffolk.16 Mestre John Foxe:

Le dit Mestre: ij last de barels heryg, xiij last de heryng soreP15A5 [P15A5] 13 lasts of red herrings. For the word last see note to par. 11.16–wharf. xvij d.

Entre la Marie de Jersey, Mestre John des Preis, kylage, ij d.:

Gyffrey Bonvalet: iij fardels de Canevas, contient vij C demi–cust., wharf. xvj d.; xvj oulonesP15A6 [P15A6] For the meaning of oulone see note to par. 3.16–cust. xvj d.; i fardel de quiltes, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.; iij C de Weykyern,P15A7 [P15A7] wick yarn. The spelling weyke (< O.E. weoca) occurs in Middle English (cf. Cent. Dict.).16 valor xxx s.–cust. iiij d. ob.; C demi de

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congres–cust. vj d.; vi pipes de seil,P16A1 [P16A1] rye.17 contient x quarters–cust. v d., cran. xij d.; demi pipe de eskerdes, contient vj douzeine–cust. xij d.; C de teleP16A2 [P16A2] a hundred of linen cloth.17–cust. ij d.; iiij pourpois–cust. viij d., wharf. j d.

John Fouley: iij fardels de canevas, contient vij C demi–cust. xv d., wharf. j d.; CC de tele–cust. iiij d.; vj pipes de congres,P16A3 [P16A3] conger-eels.17 iiij fardels [de canevas], contient iij C–cust., cran. ij s.

[Summa xiiij s. ix d. ob.]P16A4 [P16A4] A corner of the page has been torn.17


Entre La trinite de Pensens,P16A5 [P16A5] Penzance, co. Cornwall.17 Mestre John Hykes, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: v C de Haake–cust. x d.; j barel de heryng–cust ij d.

John Basse: v C de Haake–cust. x d.

John Gregry: C de Haake–cust. ij d.; demi C. de poullokP16A6 [P16A6] Pollack or pollock, a sea fish of genus Pollachius, allied to the cod. Earliest quotation in New Engl. Dict. dated 1502.17–cust. j d.; demi C. de lynge et meluelP16A7 [P16A7] ling and mulwell, kinds of fish related to cod (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p.10).17–cust. j d.

Issant le dit Mestre: ij Rolles de oulones–cust. ij d.; xxvj quarters de frument–cust. xiij d.

Entre le vessel William Nicol, Mestre Laurens Whyte:

Gyffray Martin: j last v barels de heryng–cust. ij s. x d., wharf. iij d.; ij last demi de heryng soreP16A8 [P16A8] 2½ lasts of red herrings.17–cust. ij s. j d., wharf. ij d. ob.

Henre Dobson: vj barels de heryng–cust. frank, wharf. j d.; j last demi de heryng sore–cust. frank, wharf. j d. ob.

Entre per le vessel John Eylmere de Chychestre:

Thomas Peryere: xxxij quarters de fourment–cust. xvj d.; iij quarters de orgeP16A9 [P16A9] barley.17–cust. j d. ob.

Issant William Lede: demi pipe de vin–cust., cran. ij d.:

Issant George Husk: j tonel de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Summa xi s. j d. ob.

Page 17


Entre per le batele John Huschon: xiiij quarters de fourment–cust. vij d.

Issant John Ranvile: iiij barels de heryng, CC de stokfische, iiij barels de oynons–cust. frank, wharf. j d.

Issant La Marie de Jersey, Mestre John des Preys:

Gyffrey Bonvalet: vj schaldres de carbon – cust. vj d.; v draps–cust. x d.

John Fouley: ij draps–cust. iiij d.

Edmond de Sous le mont: j drap–cust. ij d.; j bale de alum–cust. ij d.

Drowyn Helles: iiij draps–cust. viij d.; j MouleP17A1 [P17A1] mill-stone.18–cust. ij d.

Issant la Gylyene de Hamptone, Mestre William Warn:

John Manduyt: iiijxx v sortesP17A2 [P17A2] For the meaning of sort see note to par. 23.18 de frut–cust. x s. vij d. ob.

Le dit Mestre: j fardel de fryse,P17A3 [P17A3] Frieze, a kind of coarse woollen cloth, with a nap, usually on one side only (cf. New Engl. Dict.).18 contient iiij peces–cust. iiij d.; iiij C de suy,P17A4 [P17A4] tallow.18 valor xxvj s. viij d.–cust. iiij d.

Issant John Emery: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Summa xiiij s. xi d. ob.


Entre le Edward de Hamptone, Mestre Andreu Duscheman, ancrage frank:

John Guymere: xxiiij mil de sclatP17A5 [P17A5] slate.18–cust. fr.

Watte Mantel: xx mil de sclat–cust. v d.

Issant la Trynite de Luschebone,P17A6 [P17A6] Lisbon.18 Mestre John Alfons:

Le dit Mestre: iij drapsP17A7 [P17A7] three cloths.18–cust. vj d.

Gomys Fernandus: demi drap–cust. j d.

John Martyns: demi drap–cust. j d.

John Alfons: j drap–cust. ij d.

Brasyanus de Port: iiij draps–cust. viij d.; j barel de putrewessels,P17A8 [P17A8] pewter vessels, worth £2 10s.18 valor l. s.–cust. vij d. ob.

Page 18

Entre La Marie de Bryxem,P18A1 [P18A1] Brixham, co. Devon.19 Mestre Henre Haukyn, ancrage iiij d.:

John Stephen: xx tonels de vin–cust., cran. xiij s. iiij d.

Watte Huschon: viij tones de vin–cust., cran. v s. iiij d.

Le dit Mestre: ix tones de vin–cust., cran. vj s.

Elyot de Lus: iij tones de vin–cust., cran. ij s.

William Marem: iiij tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iij s.

Thomas Dolynge: iiij tones de vin–cust., cran. ij s. viij d.

Entre le CogeP18A2 [P18A2] The cog of John of Fowey, co. Cornwall. Cog (< O.F. coge, coque), a kind of ship of earlier times, broadly built with roundish prow and stern. Supposed to have been primarily a ship of burden or transport, but also used as a ship of war; apparently not used after the fifteenth century (cf. New Engl. Dict.). John of Fowey, an important shipowner, was commissioned by King Henry VI to buy wine in England, Aquitaine and Normandy, for the use of the royal household (cf. Cal. Pat. Rolls, 5 Henry VI, part II, m. 14).19 John de Fowy, Mestre John Nicole, ancrage iiij d.:

Roger Lowys: xlix tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xvj s. iiij d.

Summa li s. x d. ob.


Thomas Corbet: ij tonels de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.

John Nicol, Mestre: xxi tones de vin–cust., cran. xiiij s.

John Yaffart: ij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. viij d.

John Benny: ij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. viij d.

John Peryere: xvij quarters de orgeP18A3 [P18A3] barley.19–cust. viij d. ob.; vij quarters de fourmentP18A4 [P18A4] wheat.19–cust. iij d. ob.

Gabryel Corbete: xx quarters de fourment–cust. x d.

Entre William Cathe: iiij quarters de fourment–cust. ij d.:

William Carpenter: iiij quarters de fourment–cust. ij d.

Issant Thomas Smyth de CossamP18A5 [P18A5] Cosham, co. Hants.19: i mil de ferreP18A6 [P18A6] one thousand of iron.19–cust., wharf. v d. ob.:

John Doudale: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.

Entre le George de Bayone,P18A7 [P18A7] Bayonne, France.19 Mestre Frances Ares, ancrage iiij d.:

Davy Savage: xx tones de fere–cust. frank; ix tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij s.

Page 19

Le dit Mestre: ix tones de ferre–cust., wharf. viij s. iij d.; iiij tones j pipe de vin–cust. et cran. iij s.

Martin de Lancete: vj tones de rosine–cust., wharf. v s. vj d.; ij mil de pierres valor xx s.P19A1 [P19A1] two thousand of stones, worth £1.20–cust. iij d.

Issant le Mestre: xl quarters de fourment–cust. xx d.; xij draps–cust. ij s.

Summa xliij s. v d. ob.


Entre le batel John EylmereP19A2 [P19A2] enters the boat of John Eylmere.20:

Watte Fetplace: xl quarters de fourment–cust. frank.

Issant en le dit batel Robert Coupere: j pipe de oyle–cust., cran, xd.:

William Nicole pur le segnur de S. JohnP19A3 [P19A3] Thomas de Ponynges (alias Poynings), Lord St. John, was lord of the manor of Basingstoke. He died on 7th March, 1429 (cf. F. J. Baigent and J. E. Millard, Hist. of Basingstoke, p. 12).20: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.

Robert Eylward: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

William Sopere: ij tones j pipe de fere–cust. frank.

John Balman: j sortP19A4 [P19A4] one sort of fruit. For the word sort see note to par. 23.20 de frut–cust. j d. ob.; demi pece de cereP19A5 [P19A5] half a piece of wax.20–cust. ij d.

William Payn: j bout de saumonP19A6 [P19A6] one butt of salmon.20–cust. frank.

Entre per le batel John Chepwryszt:

Watte Fetplace: xx quarters de frument.

Entre le John de Estone,P19A7 [P19A7] Easton, a Dorset village near Portland Isle.20 Mestre John Terry, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: ix last de heryng sore–cust. vij s. vi d., wharf. ix d.; j barel de heryng–cust. ij d.

John Chanterel de Suthewold: iij last de heryng sore–cust. frank, wharf. iij d.

Issant le susdit Mestre: lx quarters de seil–cust. ij s. vj d.

Entre le James de Suthwold, Mestre William Chanterele, ancrage nihil:

Le dit Mestre: x last de heryng sore, vj barels de heryng, j last de sperlyng–wharf. xj d.

Page 20

Issant le susdit Mestre: lv quarters de seil–cust.P20A1 [P20A1] Amount not stated.21

[Summa xiiij s. ob.]


Issant John Walsche de WysztP20A2 [P20A2] of the Isle of Wight.21: j barel de heryng–cust. ij d.; ij cadesP20A3 [P20A3] cade, a barrel of herrings holding six great hundreds of six score each (cf. New Engl. Dict.), consequently the fourth part of the ordinary barrel (cf. note to par. 11).21 de heryng–cust. i d.

Issant John Howe: ij Cades de heryng–cust. i d.:

John Wyuel: ij Cades de heryng–cust. j d.

Issant John Willy de Salisbery: ij fouthersP20A4 [P20A4] The fother, or load, of lead contained about 30 fotmels of 70 lbs. each (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 9, n. 19).21 de plumb–cran. et wharf. xij d.

Entre John Huschon: ix quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d. ob.

Issant le dit John: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Issant per John Emery, j home de LimetoneP20A5 [P20A5] a man of Lymington, co. Hants.21: demi C. de stokfische–cust. j d.:

Gabryel Corbete: j bout de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Thomas Rede: j barel de sapone,P20A6 [P20A6] one barrel of soap, worth £1.21 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

John Cranemoure: j barel de tareP20A7 [P20A7] At the time of the Oak Book (c. 1300) the duty on a barrel of tar was only 2d. (cf. opus cit., Vol. II, p. 14).21–cust. iiij d.

John Stote: j barel de tare–cust. iiij d.

John Hosyer: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

John Marem: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

John Carpenter: vi peces de tymbreP20A8 [P20A8] timber.21–cran. iiij d.

Issant John Hone: x quarters de seil–cust. v d.; j barel de tarr–cust. iiij d.; xij bonches de ailsP20A9 [P20A9] twelve bunches of garlic (see note to par. 1).21–cust. iij d.; j barel de oynons–cust. ob.

John Riman: ix quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d. ob.

Summa v s. x d. ob.


Issant Maud Wynturbourne: xvj bonches de ayl–cust. iiij d.; iiij barels de oynons–cust. ij d.

John Stote: iij barels de oynons–cust. j d. ob; vj bonches de ayls–cust. j d. ob.

Page 21

John Guymere: j Mast–cran. ij d.

Le Abbey de Quarre: j barel de oyle pur lampeP21A1 [P21A1] the Abbot of Quarr Abbey (Isle of Wight), one barrel of lamp oil.22–cran. j d.; j moule a moulynP21A2 [P21A2] one millstone.22–cran. et wharf. viij d.

John Emery: ij pipes de sydreP21A3 [P21A3] cider.22–cust. frank.

William Nicole: viij tones de sydre–cust. frank.

John Ouedale: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.

John Reue: viij barels de oynons–cust. iiij d.; iiij bonches de ayls–cust. j d.

John Emery pur j estrangerP21A4 [P21A4] for a stranger.22: j pipe de oyle–cust., cran. x d.

Nicole Westone: xiiij quarters de fourment–cust. vij d.; x mil de lathesP21A5 [P21A5] The duty on laths and boards was still the same as in the time of the Oak Book (cf. opus cit., Vol. II, pp. 4, 16).22–cust. v d.; i quarter de bord–cust. j d.

John Vernest: iij mil de fere–cust., wharf. xvj d. ob.; j pece de cereP21A6 [P21A6] a piece of wax.22–cust., cran. xiij d.

Ric. Walles de Chicestre: j tone de fere–cust. frank, wharf. j d.; viij moulesP21A7 [P21A7] eight millstones.22–cust. frank, wharf. ij d.

Adam Cupere: demi C. de bord–cust. ij d.

Thomas Rede: j barel de oynons–cust. ob.

John Stote: x bonches de ayl–cust. ij d. ob.; iij quarters de seil–cust. j d. ob.; j barel de oynons–cust. ob.

Summa vij s. v d. ob.


Issant John Nouttebem: v C de stokfische–cust. x d.

Issant John Robyn: iiij mil de suy,P21A8 [P21A8] four thousand of tallow, worth £15 13s. 4d.22 valor xv li xiij s. iiij d.–cust. iij s. xj d.:

Et le dit R. John a fet j fyn pur concilment de dit suy de v s.P21A9 [P21A9] and the said John Robyn has made a fine of 5/- for concealing the said tallow.22

Issant Hugon Andreu de Salisbery: j drap–cust. j d.; iij kerseysP21A10 [P21A10] For the meaning of kersey see note to par. 5.22–cust. j d. ob.:

Ric. Halle issant C demi de suy, valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.

Watte Fetplace: ij bales de drap–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Page 22

Issant William Chapele de brystouP22A1 [P22A1] William Chapele of Bristol.23: iiij draps–cust. iiij d.

Issant Henre Martin: j quarter demi de congres–cust. j d. ob.; j cade de heryng–cust. ob.

Issant John Stote: j barel de oynons–cust. ob.

Issant Stephen Smytht: j mil de fere–cust., wharf. v d. ob.

Entre John Huschon: x quarters de fourment–cust. v d.

Issant John Reve: j barel de heryng–cust. ij d.; xij bonches de ayls–cust. iij d.

Issant Thomas Hyldewe: vj bonches de ayls–cust. j d. ob.; ij barels de oynons–cust. j d.

Issant Jenete Lombe: x quarters de Seil–cust. v d.

Issant le Dyen de ChychestreP22A2 [P22A2] the Dean of Chichester.23: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.

Issant John Emery: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Issant William Sopere: j tonel de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant le Segnur de PonyngeP22A3 [P22A3] Lord Ponynge (cf. note to par. 55).23: demi pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. j d.

Issant Ric. Rankele: demi pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. j d.

Issant John Guynes: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.:

Thomas Wynturbourne: j ancreP22A4 [P22A4] one anchor.23–cran. j d.

Summa xiiij s. ij d.


Issant John Guyenes: j tonel de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

Issant Gylbert Holbem: j pipe de vin – cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Issant John Guynes: j tone de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

Issant John Stote: iiij quarters de seil–cust. ij d.

Issant John Guynes: j tone de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

Issant la Duschesse de YorkP22A5 [P22A5] See note to par. 336.23: j tone de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

Issant John Stote: demi pipe de vin–cust., cran. ij d.

Page 23

Issant John Goudale: j bale de madyreP23A1 [P23A1] madder (see note to par. 1).24–cust., cran. iij d.:

Watte Fetplace: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Le Priour de CreschercheP23A2 [P23A2] the Prior of Christchurch.24: demi pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. j d.

Entre Thomas Peryere: xxvj quarters de fourment–cust. xiij d.

Issant Thomas Smytht: j mil de fere–cust., warf. v d. ob.

Issant John Estoke: j schaldreP23A3 [P23A3] For schaldre or chalder see note to par. 27.24 de carbon–cust. j d.

Issant Clement de SuthwykP23A4 [P23A4] Southwick, co. Sussex.24: v C de Sthokfissche–cust. xd.; x bonches de ayl–cust. ij d. ob.; ij cades de heryng–cust. j d.

Issant Piere James: j tonel de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Entre Jordan Bronyng: i pipe de sidreP23A5 [P23A5] cider.24–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Issant James Knyszt: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Issant John Lile: j Moule de Moulin–cust. nihil, cran. vi d.:

John Ouedale: demi pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. j d.

Issant John Houschon: j schaldre de carbon–cust. j d.; ij Moules–cust. iiij d.; j barel de sapone,P23A7 [P23A7] one barrel of soap, worth £1.24 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Summa vij s.


Issant John the Reve: ij barels de heryng–cust. iiij d.; ix cades de heryng–cust. iiij d. ob.; demi C de stokfysche–cust. j d.

Issant John Stote de WysztP23A8 [P23A8] John Stote of the Isle of Wight.24: ij barels de oynons–cust. j d.; vj cades de heryng–cust. iij d.

Issant William Flescher: demi pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. j d.:

John Hontte de Salisbery issant ij mil de stokfische–demi custP23A9 [P23A9] half-custom (see note to par. 23).24 xx d.

Page 24

Entre le Christofre de Coffhethe,P24A1 [P24A1] Covehithe, co. Suffolk.25 Mestre William Waltersone, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: v last de heryng sore–cust., wharf. iiij s. vij d.; vj barels de heryng–cust., wharf. xiij d.

John Soft: iiij last de heryng sore–cust. frank, wharf. iiij d.; ij barels de heryng–cust. frank, wharf. ob.

Issant John Howe: j sortP24A2 [P24A2] Sort, see note to par. 23.25 de frut–cust. j d. ob.

Issant William Waltersone: xxx quarters de SeilP24A3 [P24A3] rye.25–cust. xv d.

Issant John Soft: xx quarters de Seil–cust. frank.

Entre j batel de Schorrem,P24A4 [P24A4] Shoreham, co. Sussex.25 Mestre Ric. Haddone, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xx quarters de fourment–cust. x d.

Issant le dit Mestre: vj cades de heryng–cust. iij d.; xxx quarters de Seil–cust. xv d.

Issant John Berebrewer: j barel de sapone,P24A5 [P24A5] one barrel of soap.25 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.:

Thomas Feldere de BosamP24A6 [P24A6] Bosham, co. Sussex.25: iij quarters de Malt–cust. j d. ob.

John Kyngueswelle: j barel de sapone, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.; ij cades de heryng–cust. j d.

Summa xiij s. xd.


Entre Mariknyszt de Denske,P24A7 [P24A7] Mariknyszt of Denmark.25 Mestre Henre Goldbek, ancrage iiij d.:

Bertholme Flore: viij C lxx quarters de Seil–cust. xxxvj s. iij d.

Poul Blendemer: ij tones de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.

Deryk ven Stau: iiij barels de tarre–cust. xvj d.

Deryk Kylman: C de canevas–cust. ij d.

Arent Tymberman: C de canevas–cust. ij d.

Page 25

Entre Mariknyszt de Densk,P25A1 [P25A1] The scribe has probably made a mistake and called the ship by the wrong name, for it is not likely that two ships of Denmark, both called Mariknyszt, visited Southampton together. It should, however, be noticed that ships from the Baltic and North Sea were sometimes entered two or three times in succession under different captains (see below, pars 576, 579, 581, 582, 583, etc.).26 Mestre John Wolfram, a[n]crage iiij d.:

Bertholme Flore: vij C quarters de Seil–cust. xxix s. ij d.; iiij tones de vin–cust., cran. ij s. viij d.

Le dit Mestre: ij tones pipe de vin–cust., cran. xx d.

Entre le Christofre de Sclus,P25A2 [P25A2] Sluis, Netherlands.26 Mestre John Richard, ancrage iiij d.:

John Guysbery: v tones de vin–cran. xx d., cust. xviij d.

Hoggekyn Croulle: xij demi peces de frutP25A3 [P25A3] twelve half-pieces of fruit (see note to par. 23).26–cust. iij d.

Entre per le batel John Huschon, Ric. Don: xiiij quarters de fourment–cust. vij d.

Entre la Trinite de Densk,P25A4 [P25A4] Denmark.26 Mestre Clays Kytre, ancrage iiij d.:

Nicole Denemede: iij peces de frut–cust. j d. ob.

Entre i Neif,P25A5 [P25A5] enters a ship.26 Mestre Nicole Worstedde, ancrage iiij d.

Issant John Barbour: iiij cades de heryng–cust. ij d.; C de stokfische–cust. ij d.; demi C de HaakeP25A6 [P25A6] hake (see note to par. 32).26–cust. j d.; mil de ferre–cust., wharf. v d. ob.

Entre Le John de Hamptone, Mestre Ric. Prest:

Piere James: xxij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. vij s. iiij d.

Summa iiij li vj s. ix d.


John Selby: j tonel de vin, demi pipe de vin – cust., cran. x d.

John Benthem: x tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij s. iiij d.

John Schyke: CC de cereP25A7 [P25A7] two hundred of wax. In the Oak Book (c. 1300) the duty on wax was 4d. on a piece or 8d. on a bale (cf. opus cit., Vol. II, p. 6).26–cust. viij d.

Ric. Prest: ij tones de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.; lvij quarters de SeilP25A8 [P25A8] rye.26–cust. ij s. iiij d. ob.

Page 26

John Guyrdelere: ij tones pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. x d.

John Stouere: j tone de vin, j pipe j quarter de vin–cran. nihil; iiij quarters de Seil–cust. [nihil].

John Passelev: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.; iiij quarters de Seil–cust. ij d.

John Rankele: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.; iiij quarters de Seil–cust., ij d.

Robert Eylward: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Watte Fetplace: mil CC de cere–cust. frank; ix tones de vin j quarter–cust. frank, cran. iij s. j d.; xix MeusP26A1 [P26A1] meu (also mew) = muid, a former French measure of capacity, varying greatly in different localities and applied to different commodities. In recent times the values assigned to it range from about 52 to 110 bushels; in early use it was a much smaller measure, often stated at four bushels (New Engl. Dict.).27 de Seil–cust. frank.

John Emery: vj tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij s.

John Breton: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. vj d.

Roger Calker: viij quarters de Seil–cust. iiij d.

Thomas Leschefeld: iiij quarters de Seil–cust. ij d.

Thomas Luffe: v quarters de Seil–cust. ij d. ob.

John Edrysche: j tone j pipe j quarter de vin–cust., cran. xiiij d.

[Summa xix s. i d.]P26A2 [P26A2] A corner of the page has been torn.27


Nicole Rial: j tone de vin–cust. et cran. viij d.

Martin Eyles: j tonel j pipe j quarter de vin–cust., cran. xiiij d.

George Husk: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

John Yanes: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Thomas Frelond: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Entre John Eylmere: xxviij quarters de fourment–cust. xiiij d.

Issant Ric. Wales: iiij tones de ferre – cust. frank, wharf. iiij d.

Issant William Sopere: j tone de vin – cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant Piere James: ij tones de vin – cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Page 27

Entre John Chepwryszt: xviij quarters de fourment–cust. ix d.

Issant George Husk: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Entre la Marguyte de Clarence,P27A1 [P27A1] It is difficult to identify this harbour, as the nature of the cargo is not indicated. The captain, John Alfons, had visited Southampton on a previous occasion in a small boat from Lisbon (see pars. 23, 47). It is likely, therefore, that he again came from some Portuguese port.28 Mestre John Alfons, ancrage iiij d.

Entre la Marguyte de Lestowft,P27A2 [P27A2] Lowestoft, co. Suffolk. By virtue of the Letters Patent of A.D. 1401, the men of Lowestoft were freed from the payment of tolls (see Oak Book, Vol. I, p. 4, where the document has been transcribed). Therefore John Crek entered his herrings free of custom-duty, whereas John Knoccere, the captain, who was not a free burgess of Lowestoft, had to pay full tolls.28 Mestre John Knoccere [or Knottere?], ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: x last de hering soreP27A3 [P27A3] ten lasts of red herrings.28–cust. iiij s. ij d., wharf. x d.; v barels de heryng–cust., wharf. xi d.

John Crek: ij last de heryng sore–cust. frank, wharf. ij d.

Issant John Crek: x quarters de Seil–cust. frank.

Issant John Knoccere: xl quarters de Seil–cust. xx d.

Issant Robert Onlak: j mil de fere, j barel de tarre–cust. frank, wharf. j d.

Summa xiiij s. ix d.


Issant John Smytht de FaremP27A4 [P27A4] Fareham, co. Hants.28: demi mil de fere–cust. frank.

Issant John Hamptonet: ix quyrsP27A5 [P27A5] nine tanned hides. The duty charged on hides was still according to the rates provided in 1300 (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 4).28–cust. iiij d. ob.

Entre Nicole Westone: iij quarters de bord a neifP27A6 [P27A6] three quarters of boards for ships. Much oak wood for ship-building was obtained from the neighbourhood of Southampton and the New Forest.28–[cust.] iij d.; viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.

Issant Watte Smyth: iiij C de fere–cust. ij d.

Ric. Smyth de HafonteP27A7 [P27A7] Havant, co. Hants.28: ij schaldre de carbon – cust. frank.

Nicole Stapeltone de Haffonte: j tone de fere – cust. frank, wharf. j d.; C de Rosine–cust. frank.

Page 28

Entre le Mariboot de Schorem,P28A1 [P28A1] Shoreham, co. Sussex.29 Mestre John Praton, kylage ij d.:

William Nicole: xl quarters de fourment–cust. frank.

Entre le Alys de Wyderyng,P28A2 [P28A2] Wittering, co. Sussex.29 Mestre William Miller, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xx quarters de fourment–cust. x d.

Issant John Wrythere: x mil de fere – cust., wharf. iiij s. vij d.; vj Sort de frut–cust., wharf. ix d. ob.

Issant Watte Fyvien: iiij C de Rosine–cust. ij d.

Entre la Katherine de Setone,P28A3 [P28A3] Seaton, co. Devon.29 Mestre Roger Mate, ancrage iiij d.:

Watte Fetplace: iij tonels de vin–cust. frank, cran. xij d.; ij fardels de canevas–cust. frank.

Watte Dalman: vj tones de ferre–cust., wharf. v s. vj d.

Entre John Huschon: xij quarters de fourment–cust. vj d.

Entre la Trinite de Coffhethe, Mestre Thomas Holver, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: vij last de heryng sore–cust., wharf. vj s. v d.; j last de barel heryng–cust., wharf. ij s. ij d.

Robert Filsone: ij last de heryng sore–cust. frank, wharf. ij d.; vj barels de heryng–cust. frank, wharf. j d.

Summa xxiiij s. v d.


Issant Robert Filsone: xvij quarters de Seil–cust. frank:

Thomas Holver: lij quarters de Seil – cust. ij s. ij d.; iij sort de frut–cust. iiij d. ob.

Entre le Blythe de Coffhethe, Mestre Phelyp Arnold, ancrage iiij d.

Issant le dit Mestre: lx quarters de Seil–cust. ij s. vj d.

Entre Symond Kyng de Portesmuthe: ij pipes de sidreP28A5 [P28A5] cider.29–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant John Lyle: demi pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. j d.:

Thomas Eyr: xxiiij quirsP28A6 [P28A6] 24 tanned hides.29–cust. frank; ij cades de heryng–cust. frank.

Page 29

Issant John Chepiere: iiij C de fere–cust. ij d.:

Robert Caus: j barel de tarre–cust. frank; iiij C de fere–cust. frank.

Entre le Gabryele de Sclus,P29A1 [P29A1] Sluis, Netherlands.30 Mestre Petre Cornelyus, ancrage iiij d.

Issant John Cranmoure: j barel de tarre–cust. iiij d.; ij cades de heryng–cust. j d.; ij C de fere–cust. j d.; iij barels de oynons–cust. j d. ob.

Entre la Trinite de Guylly,P29A2 [P29A2] M. Paul Meyer kindly informs me that there are in Brittany no less than five localities called Guilly, all of them quite small hamlets. One of these is situated on a little creek close to Moëlan, in the arrondissement of Quimperlé, département of Finistère. At the present time it has a population of 14 inhabitants only; but M. Meyer is of opinion that it may have been of some importance in mediæval times.30 Mestre Reygnaud Ybele, kylage ij d.:

John Cuffe: ij C de ling et meluel–cust. iiij d.; vj C de hake–cust. xii d.

Issant Piere James: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.; xviij bales de alum–cust. frank.

Summa viij s. ix d.


Issant John Busson achateP29A4 [P29A4] John Busson clears with a boat, worth £2 13s. 4d., which he buys. This item throws some light on a somewhat obscure passage in the Oak Book (Vol. II, p. 16). On comparison it would seem that the duty charged on a boat which changed hands was 3d. in the pound (not 4d., as is stated in the Oak Book, loc. cit.). The entry in par. 426 further confirms this, whilst in par. 564 duty was charged at the rate of 1½d. only. But in the latter case the owner was from Bristol, a town which in common with Salisbury enjoyed certain reductions of customs in Southampton (see note to par. 162).30 j batel, valor liij s. iiij d.–cust. viij d.; x draps–cust., wharf. xxj d.

Issant John Rede: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.:

William Sopere: j pipe caus [= claus ?]P29A5 [P29A5] caus is obviously a mistake for claus, nails, usually sold by the pipe or barrel. It can hardly be meant for cauces, hoses, always reckoned by the pair or dozen of pairs (see for example, pars. 234, 242, 296, 452, etc.).30–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Entre John Selder: j fardel de drap–cust. frank, cran. j d.

Entre Nicole Westone: viij mil de lathes–cust. iiij d.

Issant Watte Smytht de Wyszt: v C de ferre–cust. ij d. ob.

Entre John Chepwryszt: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.

Page 30

Issant William Nicole: ij tones de fere–cust. frank.

Issant Thomas Wynturbourne: ij bales de Madyr, j bale de alym–cust. frank.

Entre le George de Carmardyn,P30A1 [P30A1] Carmarthen.31 Mestre John Fluelyn, ancrage a CalcheshordP30A2 [P30A2] anchorage at Calshot, in Southampton Water.31 iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: ij peces de fryseP30A3 [P30A3] frieze (see note to par. 45).31–cust. ij d.

Entre le ValentyneP30A4 [P30A4] From par. 296 below we learn that the Valentyne sailed again in March-April.31 de Hamptone, Mestre John Yaffard:

John John: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

John Guynes: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.; j tone de fere–wharf. nihil, cust. x d.

John Yaffard: iij tones de fere–wharf. nihil, cust. ij s. vj d.

John Ropere: j tone de ferre–cust., wharf. xi d.

Henre Baker de BeceldeneP30A5 [P30A5] Bursledon, on the Hamble.31: iiij tones de fer–cust. frank, wharf. nihil.

John Goudale: j tone j pipeP30A6 [P30A6] one ton one pipe of iron. The pipe was equal to half a ton (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 10, n. 8); the ton, on the other hand, was equal to 20 hundreds or two thousands. The duty on a ton of iron was 10d. and wharfage, 1d. The export duty on iron was therefore still the same as in 1300 (cf. Oak Book, loc. cit.).31 de fere–wharf. nihil, cust. xv d.

Henre Court: iij tones de fere–wharf. nihil, cust. ij s. vj d.

Henre Blamptone: ij tones de fere–wharf. nihil, cust. frank.

Ric. Rankel: vij tones de fere–cust., wharf. vj s. v d.

John Selby: ij tones de ferre–cust., wharf. xxij d.

Summa xxi s. vij d. ob.


Thomas Corbet: ij tones de ferre–cust., wharf. xxij d.

John Sainmour de BrystowP30A7 [P30A7] John Sainmour (or Sainte Maure?) of Bristol. This entry is curious, for Bristol, in Oak Book, Vol. I, p. 6, is mentioned among the boroughs whose burgesses enjoyed freedom of toll in Southampton, i.e., paid no duties on their goods. On the other hand, after much wrangling a special agreement was arrived at with the burgesses of Salisbury, in virtue of which the latter paid half-tolls at Southampton (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, pp. 18-27). From this entry it would appear that a similar agreement was also made with the burgesses of Bristol.31: j tone de fere–demi cust., wharf. vj d.

John Stoure: j pipe de ferre–cust., wharf. v d. ob.

John Primere: j pipe de ferre–cust., wharf. v d. ob.

Page 31

Issant John at Wode: iij mil iiij C de fere–cust. frank, wharf. ij d.

Issant John Caplein: iij mil iiij C de ferre–cust., wharf. xix d.

Entre Nicole Westone: xiiij quarters de fourment–cust. vij d.

Issant John Boukere: j tone de fere–cust., wharf. xj d.

Issant John Wrythere: x tones de ferre–cust., wharf. ix s. ij d.

Entre per j batel de Portesmuthe, John Baudewyn: ij barels, contient iiij dozane deskerdesP31A1 [P31A1] contents four dozens of cards or carding instruments (see note to par. 34).32–cust. viij d.

Entre la Trynite de Poule,P31A2 [P31A2] Poole, co. Dorset.32 Mestre John Coutlere, ancrage iiij d.

Issant John Wylly de SarumP31A3 [P31A3] Salisbury.32: viij boutP31A4 [P31A4] Butt, a cask containing from 108 to 140 gallons. In 1443, according to Rogers (Hist. of Agricult., Vol. III, p. 511), the butt was equal to 36 gallons only. In our text the butt appears to be identical with the pipe or half-tun, both for wine and for oil.32 de vin–cust., cran. ij s. viij d.; iiijxxvj quarters de seil–demi custume xxj d. ob.

Issant per le batel Thomas Belle de PortesmutheP31A5 [P31A5] Portsmouth.32: Ric. Wales: iij tones de ferre–cust. frank, wharf. iij d.

Issant William Nicole: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant Thomas Hervy: CC de ferre–cust. j d.

Entre John Husschon: xij quarters de fourment–cust. vj d.

Issant la Katherine de Hamptone, Mestre John Morysse:

Gabryele Corbete: xv quarters de fourment–cust. vij d. ob.

Issant John Dyhere: j bale j balet de wod, j bale de MadyreP31A6 [P31A6] one bale and one small bale of woad, one bale of madder.32–cust., wharf. v d. ob.:

Nicole Wysman: demi drap–cust. j d.

Summa xxiij s. v d. ob.

Page 32


Entre le Andreu de Fowy,P32A1 [P32A1] Fowey, co. Cornwall.33 Mestre William Baudewyn, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: viij C de lynge et meluelP32A2 [P32A2] ling and mulwell.33–cust. xvj d.

Issant John Baudewyn: xx quarters de SeilP32A3 [P32A3] rye.33–cust. x d.; ij draps–cust. iiij d.

John Selby Entre: ij bales de MadyreP32A4 [P32A4] madder.33–cust., wharf. iiij d. ob.; ij Rolles de venereP32A5 [P32A5] two rolls of veneer.33–cust. vj d.

Entre j batel, Mestre Ric. Haddon de Schorem,P32A6 [P32A6] Shoreham, co. Sussex.33 kylage ij d.:

Le dit Ric. a deliuere a HoukeP32A7 [P32A7] the said Richard has delivered at Hook (in Southampton Water) eight quarters of malt.33 viij quarters de Malt–cust. iiij d.

Issant le Christofre de Hampton, Mestre Richard Halle:

Le dit Mestre: j tone de vin–cust. fut pay entrant, cran. iiij d.; j bale j balet de alym–cust., wharf. iij d. ob.; ij quarters demi de Seil – cust. j d. ob.; demi drap–cust. j d.

Thomas Luffe: viij quarters de Seil – cust. iiij d.; xij galons de melP32A9 [P32A9] twelve gallons of honey. According to the tables in the Oak Book the same amount of duty was paid for honey as for oil, i.e., 2d. for 12 to 16 gallons (opus cit., Vol. II, pp. 4, 14).33–cust. ij d.

Henre Calf: demi barel de Mel, contient xvj galons–cust. ij d.; j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

John Munched [or Munehed ?]: iiij tones de vin–cust. paye entrant, cran. xvi d.

William Payn: j tone j quarter de Mel–cust. frank, cran. v d.; iij pipes de vin–cust. frank, cran. vj d.; vj draps–cust. frank.

William Payn Junior: xl quarters de Seil–cust. xx d.

John Munched: iij pipes de vin–cust., cran. xii d.

William Pain Senior: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Page 33

Entre le Gracieu de Guernesy,P33A1 [P33A1] Guernsey.34 Mestre John Gaynepain:

Le dit Mestre: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. vj d.; a descharge a LangestoneP33A2 [P33A2] the said master . . . has unloaded at Langstone three pieces of crestcloth. Langstone, near Portsmouth, was formerly the eastern boundary of the jurisdiction of the Southampton harbour (cf. Oak Book, Vol. I, p. 64). For crestcloth see note to par. 3.34 iij peces de tele de cres–cust. vj d.; j fardel, contient ij C demi de canevas–cust. v d.

Summa xij s. iiij d. ob.


Entree la Gylyenne de Landelp,P33A3 [P33A3] Landulph, co. Cornwall?34 Mestre John Prate, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: vij C de lyng et meluel–cust. xiiij d.; ij C de Haake–cust. iiij d.

Issant John Ropere: j quarter de fourment–cust. ob.

[MARCH-APRIL, 1428.]

Issant en la GylyenneP33A4 [P33A4] From a comparison with pars. 347 and 439 it appears that the Gylyenne sailed some time in March-April.34 de Hamptone, Mestre George Mixto:

Thomas Costevile: xix quarters de fourment – cust. ix d. ob.; j fardel, contient ix draps demi – cust., pontage xx d.

Entre Nicole Westone: viij quarters de fourment – cust. iiij d.:

Stephen Smyth: C de bord plancheisP33A5 [P33A5] one hundred of boards for floors. These boards (as in pars. 359 and 396) were smaller or of inferior quality, for the duty on boards was usually 4d. per hundred (see pars. 134, 195, also Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 4).34–cust. ij d.; j quarter de fourment–cust. ob.; v C de fere–cust. ij d. ob.

[Issant] j batel de Poule,P33A6 [P33A6] Poole.34 Mestre Robert Kylman, kylage ij d.:

Thomas Webbe: xx bonches de ailsP33A7 [P33A7] twenty bunches of garlic.34–cust. v d.

Entre la Trynite de Beceldene,P33A8 [P33A8] Bursledon [?], on the Hamble, in Southampton Water.34 Mestre Richard Patin:

Thomas Lanford: j bag de peper,P33A9 [P33A9] one bag of pepper, worth £2.34 valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

Andreu Carpenter: demi C de tele–cust. j d.; ij douzeine de chandelers,P33A10 [P33A10] two dozens of candlesticks, worth 6/6.34 valor vj s. vj d.–cust. j d.; j douzeine de cauderons,P33A11 [P33A11] one dozen of cauldrons, worth £1.34 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Page 34

John Wyot de Salisbery, Ric. Lord: demi C de canevas–cust. j d.; iij orlages,P34A1 [P34A1] three clocks, worth £4.35 valor iiij li–cust. iiij d.; ij barels de lathenail,P34A2 [P34A2] lathenails or lathnails, nails for fixing laths upon battens (New Engl. Dict.).35 valor v li–cust. xv d.; j barel de eskerdes,P34A3 [P34A3] cards, carding instruments (see note to par. 34).35 contient iij douzeine–cust. vj d.; j pipe contient v douzeine de patyn,P34A4 [P34A4] one pipe containing five dozens of pattens, a kind of footgear.35 valor x s.–cust. ij d.; demi barel de Sapone, valor x s.–cust. j d. ob.

John Hayward: j barel de lathenayl, valor iij li–cust. ix d.

John Selder: j barel de lathenail–cust. frank.

Peryn Gascoin: vj bales de MadyreP34A5 [P34A5] six bales of madder.35 – wharf. nihil, cust. xij d.

John Routluid: ij bales de Madyre – cust., pontage iiij d. ob.

John Galwe: vij bales de Madyre–cust., cran. xx d.

William Fromond: j last de tare–cust. frank; j fardel de lynge teleP34A6 [P34A6] one fardel, or bundle, of linen-cloth.35–cust. frank, wharf. iij d.

Summa xij s. xj d.


Entre John Huschon: viij quarters de fourment – cust. iiij d.

Issant le dit John: j chaldre de carbon–cust. j d.

Entre la Marye de Falmuthe,P34A7 [P34A7] Falmouth, co. Cornwall.35 Mestre John Body, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xx mil de sclatP34A8 [P34A8] twenty thousand of slate.35–cust. v d.

[Issant] Le abbey de QuarreP34A9 [P34A9] the Abbot of Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight.35: j tone de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

Issant en le John, Piers James: iij tones de vin et sydreP34A10 [P34A10] three tuns of wine and cider.35–cust. frank, cran. xij d.:

Galyot Pinel pur j ancreP34A11 [P34A11] Galyot Pinel for one anchor entered and cleared, for the cranage 8d.35 entree et issue, pur Cran. viij d.; iij huschesP34A12 [P34A12] three hutches. In the Oak Book (Vol. II, p. 14) the word is spelt whice, an O.E. form.35–cran. iij d.

Page 35

Issant Alys Fleschere: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Entre John Elys: demi C. de bord–cust. ij d.

Entre la Marie de Setone,P35A1 [P35A1] Seaton, co. Devon.36 Mestre Watte Cosin, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: le pois de xx tones de frank piere,P35A2 [P35A2] the weight of 20 tons of freestone, worth £4.36 valor iiij li.–cust. xij d.

Entre Nicol Westone: x mil de lathes–cust. v d.

Issant le dit Nicole: ij quiersP35A3 [P35A3] two tanned hides.36–cust. j d.

Issant Thomas Nicole: ij draps–cust. iiij d.

Entre la Katherine de Hamptone, Mestre John Morysse:

Henre Baron: iiij C de meluel–cust. frank.

John Wodford: ij C de pisxP35A4 [P35A4] two hundred of pitch. pisx or pitz (already met with in the Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 14, c. A. D. 1300) is an English spelling apparently used side by side with the continental spelling poys (see par. 257).36–cust. frank.

John Wodcok: mil v C de bakstoneP35A5 [P35A5] Bakestone, generally described as a flat stone or slate on which cakes are baked in the oven (New Engl. Dict.), but in the present case bakstone probably denoted bricks (backstein still has that meaning in German). By the middle of the fifteenth century bricks were beginning to be used extensively for building purposes (cf. Rogers, Hist. of Agric., Vol. III, p. 427).36–cust. frank.

Gabryel Corbet: ij C de meluel–cust. iiij d.; xv C de bakstone, valor vj s. viij d.–cust. j d.

Entre John Huschon: viij quarters de fourment – cust. iiij d.; iiij quarters de aveineP35A6 [P35A6] four quarters of oats.36–cust. ij d.

Entre la Marye de Setone,P35A7 [P35A7] Seaton, co. Devon.36 Mestre Watier Cousyn, Hankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: vj tones de frank piere, valor xxvj s. viij d.–cust. iiij d.

Summa vij s. iiij d.


Entre le John de Hanptone, Mestre Richard Prest:

Watyer Fetplace: xij tones de ferre–cust. frank.

Piere James: xxij tones de fere–cust. frank; xviij C de Canevas–cust. frank.

William Payne: ij tones de ferre–cust. frank.

John Emery: iij tones de fere–cust. frank.

Thomas Boule de Wynchestre: iij tones j pipe de ferre–cust. frank, wharf. iij d. ob.

Page 36

John Stouere [or Stonere ?]: iij tones viij C de ferre–cust. [frank]; ij C de brayP36A1 [P36A1] bray, an Old French word for pitch or resin; apparently not used in that sense in Middle Engl. The New Engl. Dict. mentions the noun bray, meaning pestle, in a text of c. 1440, and the verb to bray (= to pitch a ship) in a text of 1600.37–custume [frank].

William Ede: iij pipes de ferre, ij C de bray–wharf. nihil, cust. xvj d.

Eyles de BeceldeneP36A2 [P36A2] Bursledon, on the Hamble.37: v C de ferre–cust. frank.

Henre Roger: j tone de ferre–wharf. nihil, cust. x d.; ij C de burayP36A3 [P36A3] buray, evidently a variant of bray (see above).37–cust. j d.

Roger Smytht de TychefeldP36A4 [P36A4] Titchfield, co. Hants.37: j pipe de ferre–wharf. nihil, cust. v d.

Ric. Porter de WalthamP36A5 [P36A5] Bishop's Waltham, co. Hants.37: ij tones de ferre–cust. frank, wharf. nihil.

Thomas Groubbe: iij pipes de fere–wharf. nihil, cust. xv d.

John Harry: j tone j pipe de ferre–cust., wharf. xvj d. ob.

Issant John Langle: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. vj d.

Entre John Huschon: xj quarters de fourment – cust. v d. ob.

Entre la Katherine de Setone,P36A6 [P36A6] Seaton, co. Devon.37 Mestre Pieres Thomas, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: le pois de l. tones de frank piereP36A7 [P36A7] the weight of fifty tons of freestone.37–cust. ij s. vj d.

Issant Robert Grantham: CC de ferre–cust. j d.

Summa ix s. v d. ob.


Entre la Marie de Loo,P36A8 [P36A8] Looe, co. Cornwall.37 Mestre Thomas Deale, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: vij C demi de lyng et meluel–cust. xv d.

Issant William Hoggekyn: iiij C de fere–cust. ij d.

Issant per William Gangley, Ric. Wales de Chichestre: v tones de fere–cust. frank, wharf. v d.

Page 37

Issant Thomas Wynturbourne: j tone de oyle–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant John Emery: ij tones de fere–cust. frank.

Issant William Lyon: xxij quarters de fourment–cust. xj d.

Entre la Marthe de Fermanvile,P37A1 [P37A1] Flamanville, Normandy.38 Mestre John de Gales, ancrauge iiij d.:

John Raul: iiij mil v C de cordage–cust., wharf. xv s. ij d.; xij li de fil de Limegnon,P37A2 [P37A2] 12 lbs. of thread of Limegnon [= Limoges ?].38 C destoupes,P37A3 [P37A3] one hundred of oakum, worth 6/8.38 valor vj s. viij d.–cust. j d. John Cayuel: vj douzeines deskerdes–cust. xij d.; x aunes de teleP37A4 [P37A4] 10 ells of linen-cloth.38–cust. ob.

Issant John Raul: C de flotesP37A5 [P37A5] Flotes, floats, are mentioned in the Oak Book (Vol. II, p. 14); they were large floats of cork used presumably for nets, anchors, etc.38–cust. j d.

Entre le Nicole de Gersy, Mestre John le Rougetel, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iiij C de tele–cust. viij d.

Gyffray Bernard: ij C demi de congres, v peces de oulone,P37A6 [P37A6] oulone, a coarse canvas cloth (see note to par. 3).38 iiij C de Canevas–cust. frank.

Issant Robert Kebel: j tone de ferre–cust., wharf. xj d.

Issant John Amons: j tone de fere–cust., wharf. xj d.

Issant Watter Brys: j barel de Claus a hek,P37A7 [P37A7] one barrel of heck-nails. heck is a northern form of hatch, and denoted a fence, rail, gate, etc. (cf. New Engl. Dict.).38 valor xl s.–cust., wharf. vj d. ob.

Issant John Ludenham: ij tones de ferre–cust. frank.

Summa xxiij s. ij d.


Entre a Portesmuthe La Trinite de Portesmuthe, Mestre Thomas dez Mans:

Page 38

John Moultone: iij fardels de Canevas, contient xj C–cust. xxij d.; j ponchonsP38A1 [P38A1] The word might be read ponchon or pouchon; in the latter case it would be a derivative of poche, poke, and denote a large bag. But as elsewhere cards were always conveyed in barrels it is more likely that ponchon was meant by the scribe. ponchon (in continental French spelt poinçon or ponchon, in English generally puncheon) was a cask for liquids, fish, etc. The word was apparently little used in English texts before the sixteenth century; the New Engl. Dict. quotes an instance from a Scotch document dated 1479, but none from English documents prior to 1536.39 de eskerdes, contient x douzeines–cust. xx d.; j barel de Eskerdes, contient iij douzeines–cust. vj d.

Nicole Boucher: C de canevas–cust. ij d.

Thomas de Mans: j tone de vin–cust. iiij d.

Entre John Chepwryszt: x quarters de fourment–cust. v d.

Issant Colyn Horman: j drap demi–cust. iij d.; j bag de alym–cust. j d.

Entre John Eylmere: xviij quarters de fourment–cust. ix d.

Issant Ric. Portere: ij tones de ferre–cust., wharf. xxij d.

Issant Thomas Smyth de Chichestre: j tone de ferre–cust., wharf. xj d.

Issant John Eylmere: j tone de ferre–cust., wharf. xj d.

Entre la Katherine ven the Gous,P38A2 [P38A2] Goes, Netherlands.39 Mestre John Johnsone, ancrage iiij d.:

Petre John: xviij C demi de aylsP38A3 [P38A3] 18½ hundred of garlic, by the great hundred of 120 bunches (see note to par. 1).39 per vjxx le C–custume xlvj s. iij d.

William Lyon: x quarters de fourment–cust. v d.

Issant John Raul: iij mil de ferre–cust., wharf. xvj d. ob.; xx quarters de Seil–cust. x d.; ij bales de alum–cust., wharf. iiij d. ob.

Entre le Frodenbergh de Sclus,P38A4 [P38A4] Sluis, Netherlands.39 Mestre Martyne Lambsone, ancrage iiij d.:

John Grey de LenP38A5 [P38A5] of King's Lynn, co. Norfolk.39: xxiiij C de ayls per vjxx le C–cust. iij li; iij mil de bakstone,P38A6 [P38A6] For bakestone see note to par. 200.39 valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.

Issant Ric. Haddon de Schorrem, kylage ij d.:

John Godfray: iij tones de ferre–cust., wharf. ij s. ix d.

Summa vj li. ij s. viij d.

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Issant Robert Bourtone: j pak contient xvj draps–cust., wharf. ij s. ix d.

Entre j vessel apele nostre Dame de Rowen,P39A1 [P39A1] Rouen, Normandy.40 Mestre John de Val, ancrage iiij d.:

Perryn de la Mare: ix C, per vjxx le C, de ayls–cust. xxij s. vj d.; xxx barels de oynons–cust. xv d.

Issant ij draps–cust. iiij d.

Issant William Selde: demi drap–cust. j d.; iij douzeines de CaucesP39A2 [P39A2] three dozens of hoses.40–cust. j d. ob.

Issant Thomas Corbet: xx quarters de fourment–cust. x d.; demi drap–cust. j d.

Issant John Yaffart: j drap–cust. ij d.; x quarters de bleyP39A3 [P39A3] ten quarters of corn.40–cust. v d.

Issant Monot Monodey: vj verges de drap – cust. ob.; ix verges de ScarlateP39A4 [P39A4] nine yards of scarlet cloth.40–cust. j d. ob.

Issant Bernard de entartas: v draps–cust. x d.

Issant John Stonere [or Stouere ?]: iiij draps–cust. [frank].

Issant John Guynes: iiij quarters de fourment–cust. ij d.; ij draps–cust. iiij d.:

Robert Chepier: ij draps–cust. iiij d.; viij quarters de bley–cust. iiij d.

Issant Robert Bever: j drap–cust. ij d.; v quarters de bley–cust. ij d. ob.

Issant Ric. Hayles: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.; iij quarters de feyuesP39A5 [P39A5] three quarters of beans.40–cust. j d. ob.; xviij verges de drap–cust. j d. ob.; ij douzeines de CaucezP39A6 [P39A6] two dozens of hoses.40–cust. j d.; ij douzeines de pels de veelP39A7 [P39A7] two dozens of calf-hides. It should be noted that the duty charged on calf-hides had been considerably lowered since the time (c. A.D. 1300) when the Table in the Oak Book was drawn up (cf. loc. cit., Vol. II, p. 16).40–cust. j d.:

Watter Brys: j mil de ferre–cust., wharf. v d. ob.

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Issant William Ledys: vj quarters de fourment; ij draps demi vj verges–cust. frank.

Summa xxij s.P40A1 [P40A1] Read xxxij s. instead of xxij s.41 vij d. ob.


Issant John Edrysche: iij draps demi–cust. vij d.

Issant William Fromont: j pak de drap – cust. frank, wharf. j d.

Issant Nicole Warner: ij paks de drap – cust. frank, wharf. ij d.

Issant William Hekle: j pipe demi, contient iij quarters bleP40A2 [P40A2] one-and-a-half pipe, contents three quarters of corn.41–cust., cran. iiij d. ob.

Issant Watte Hontle: iij draps demi–cust. vij d.

Entre le Nicole de Kynguestone,P40A3 [P40A3] Kingston, co. Sussex.41 Mestre John Blaake, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: ij ChaldresP40A4 [P40A4] chaldres (see note to par. 27).41 de Carbon–cust. ij d.

Issant leuesque de BourdeausP40A5 [P40A5] the Bishop of Bordeaux clears one pipe one quarter of wine.41: j pipe j quarter de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iij d.

Issant Ric. Leward: ij pipes de ble–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant Robert Bourtone: ij draps–cust. iiij d.

Issant William Warein de Salisbery: ij pak de drap–cust. viij d.

Issant Robert Tatersal, draper de Londres, xv bales de wod–cust. frank, wharf. iij d.

Issant Thomas Galwe: iiijxx bonches de ayls–cust. xx d.:

William Hore de Chichestre: j tone de ferre – cust., wharf. xj d.; j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Entre la Marie de Guernesey, Mestre John de Maresk, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: viij C de congres–cust. ij s. viij d.; iiij peces de teleP40A6 [P40A6] four pieces of linen-cloth, contents one hundred.41 contient C.–cust. ij d.

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Issant en le vessel William Nicole,P41A1 [P41A1] cleared in the ship of William Nicole.42 Mestre Laurens White:

William Warn: xl douzeine de suy,P41A2 [P41A2] 40 dozens, or 480 lbs., of tallow, worth £1 13s. 4d.42 valor xxxiij s. iiij d.–cust. v d.; xx quarters de seil–cust. x d.

John Stanford: ij draps demi–cust. v d.; vj peces de Worstedde–cust. vj d.; j douzeine de drap StretP41A3 [P41A3] strait cloth, cloth of single width, as opposed to broad cloth.42–cust. ob.

Piere le Seruant Robert DanielP41A4 [P41A4] Peter, the servant of Robert Daniel.42: j drap–cust. ij d.

John Flemynge: vj pipes de poys.P41A5 [P41A5] six pipes of pitch.42

Summa xij s. iij d.


Resceu de Richard Coton pur la ferme de HameleP41A6 [P41A6] received of Richard Coton for farming the custom-revenues of the Hamble (in Southampton Water).42 xx s.

Resceu de dit Ric. pur Gyles Marchant pur l skyues de tezelP41A7 [P41A7] For the meaning of kives of teasel see note to par. 16.42 xij d.

Resceu de Roger Pylly pour la ferme de LymetoneP41A8 [P41A8] received of Roger Pylly for farming the custom-revenues of the harbour of Lymington.42 xxxiij s. iiij d.

Summa liijj s. iiij d.

Resceu de George Husk pour la prinseP41A9 [P41A9] received of George Husk for the king's prisage, cranage of 15 tuns of wine, 5/-. Prisage was a royal tax on wine levied in kind. At Southampton it appears to have been converted into a fixed amount of 15 tuns a year (cf. par. 586).42 de Roy pour cranage de xv tones de vin v s.

Resceu de Richard Draper pour [la] custume de PortesmutheP41A10 [P41A10] received of Richard Draper for the customs of Portsmouth. Portsmouth Harbour was then within the jurisdiction of Southampton. The question has been discussed in my edition of the Oak Book (Vol. I, p. xxii; Vol. II, p. xi).42 ij s. iij d.

Summa vij s. iij d.

Summa totalis iijxx xi li. xxiij d.P41A11 [P41A11] grand total, £71 1s. 11d.42

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P42A1 [P42A1] This title does not appear in the MS., but see Introduction.43 [f.18b]

Entre j Carrake de Janne,P42A2 [P42A2] enters a carrack of Genoa, Captain Andrew Spinol.43 Patron Andree Spinol, ancrage iij s. iiij d.:

per Jacob Spinol: ij C lxxix bales de WodP42A3 [P42A3] woad.43–cust. xlvj s. vj d., pontage pour C xi bales j balet ij s. iiij d.; xvij casses de sapon,P42A4 [P42A4] 17 cases of soap, worth £2 13s. each.43 valor liij s. le cas–cust. xj s. iiij d., pontage xvij d.; iij bout de vin–cust., cran. xij d.; j balet de greineP42A5 [P42A5] a small bale of grain for cloth. grain denoted dye in general, or especially the kermes or scarlet grain. The latter was probably meant, as Southampton exported a considerable amount of scarlet cloth.43 pour drap, valor xiiij li–cust. iij s. vj d., pontage j d. [Issant.] j drap de scarlateP42A6 [P42A6] one cloth of scarlet.43–cust. iiij d.; ij draps–cust. iiij d.

per Bertholme Catan: C iiijxx xiij bales j balet de Wod–cust. xxxij s. ij d., pontategeP42A7 [P42A7] Read pontage.43 pour C lxij bales j balet iij s. iiij d.; xxij casses de sapon–cust. xiiij s. viij d., pontage xxij d; xxiiij bales de cereP42A8 [P42A8] wax.43 – cust. xvj s., pontage ij s.; xiiij barels de cereate,P42A9 [P42A9] 14 barrels of cerate. Cerate ( < Lat. ceratum), a kind of stiff ointment composed of wax, together with lard or oil and other ingredients. The earliest quotation of this word in the New Engl. Dict. is dated 1543, i.e., more than a century posterior to the present instance.43 valor x li–cust. ij s. vj d., pontage ij d.; ij bales de pakthred,P42A10 [P42A10] two bales of pack thread, worth £4.43 valor iiij li–cust. xij d., pontage nihil.

Issant xx verges de scarlateP42A11 [P42A11] cleared 20 yards of scarlet cloth.43–cust. iij d. ob.

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per Gregore Catan: iiijxx iij bales j balet de wod–cust. xiij s. xj d., pontage pour lxxiij bales j balet xviij d. ob.; xviij casses de sapon – cust. xij s., pontage xviij d.; j bale de alymP43A1 [P43A1] In our text the spelling alym alternates with alum, the latter being the rule (see pars. 44, 152, etc.). A curious combination of both spellings occurs in aluym (par. 295). In the Oak Book (Vol. II, pp. 12, 24) the word is invariably spelt alym or alim.44–cust., pontage ij d. q.

Julyen de Primenton: vj douzeinen de Mattes,P43A2 [P43A2] six dozens of mats.44 xv douzeine de peintepot,P43A3 [P43A3] 15 dozens of paintpots.44 j pot de Sucre,P43A4 [P43A4] one pot of sugar, worth £4.44 valor iiij li–cust. xij d. Issant iij douzeins de drap–cust. iij d.

Summa viij li xiiij s. vj d. q.


Antony Antynour: j terce de tonel de oyleP43A5 [P43A5] one-third of a tun of oil.44–cust. v d. ob., cran. ij d.; vij sportP43A6 [P43A6] As the same duty was charged on a sport and a piece, it would seem that the terms were interchangeable or merely referred to a difference in the method of packing. Sport originally denoted a basket, and must not be confused with sort, equal to three pieces of fruit (see note to par. 23).44 de resins–cust. iij d. ob.

Antony Carle: iiij petit saket de Wod,P43A7 [P43A7] four small sacks of woad of the contents of one bale.44 contient j bale–cust. ij d.

Thomas de Verdure: j bout de oyle–cust., cran. x d.

Antony Gyffray: iiij jarres de oyle–cust. iiij d.

Andree Calfate: j pipe de oyle–cust., cran. x d.

Issant Julyen de Primenton: j drap demi–cust. iij d.

Bertholme Catan pour j ankerageP43A8 [P43A8] for one anchorage of the carrack of Aragon Naton.44 de la Carrake Aragon Naton iij s. iiij d.

Issant de ville pour Londre Charge en le vesselP43A9 [P43A9] leaving the town for London, on board the ship of Thomas Frelond.44 Thomas Frelond:

Bertholme Catan: xxxv bales j balet de wod, iiij coffynsP43A10 [P43A10] four coffins full of paintpots. Coffin, originally a basket (a Greek word, Lat. cophinus), then also a chest, case or box (cf. New Engl. Dict.).44 plein de pentepot–pontage x d.

Issant pour Londres John Ventherhee, Mestre de j busseP43A11 [P43A11] Master of a buss of Arnemuiden, Netherlands, for his freight, 2/-. For the meaning of buss see note to par. 9. Note also that the nature of the freight is not mentioned, but must have consisted of Genoese goods.44 de Arnemuthe, pour son fret ij s.

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Issant de ville Gregore Catan: xvij bout de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij s. x d.; ij tones de oyle–cust. nihil, cran. viij d.; xxv balet de wod–cust. nihil, pontage iij d. q.

Bertholme Catan issant de ville: C xl bales j balet de wod–pontage ij s. xi d.

Entre Carake de Janne,P44A1 [P44A1] a carrack of Genoa.45 patron John De pont, ankerage iij s. iiij d.

Gregore Catan pour j Carake de Venisse,P44A2 [P44A2] Venice.45 patron Jourdan Pycel, ancrage iij s. iiij d.

Issant pour j ankereP44A3 [P44A3] clearing an anchor.45–cran. iiij d.

Summa xxiij s. ij d. q.

[JANUARY, 1428.]


Entre le xxjme jour de JanuerP44A4 [P44A4] enters on the 21st day of January, a carrack of Genoa.45 j Carrake de Janne, patron Teram Gryl:

Jacob Spinol pour le ancrage plegeP44A5 [P44A5] Jacob Spinol for the anchorage pledges 3/4.45 iij s. iiij d.

Jacob Spinol: CC liij bales de alum – cust. xlij s. ij d., pontage v s. iij d. q.; j bale de dates–cust., pontage ij d. q.; xvj bales de peperP44A6 [P44A6] 16 bales of pepper, custom 16 lbs. of pepper, worth £1. As in the Tables of the Oak Book (Vol. II, p. 8), the custom-duty on pepper (and spices) was paid in kind.45–cust. xvj li de peper, valor xx s., pontage xvj d.; iij bales j balet de Greine,P44A7 [P44A7] three bales, one small bale of grain, weight 683 lbs, worth £95 10s. For the meaning of grain see note to par. 260.45 pois vj C iij quarter viij li, valor iiijxx xv li x s.–cust. xxiij s. x d. ob., pontage iij d. ob.; fardel de see,P44A8 [P44A8] In the Oak Book (Vol. II, p. 8) a fabric called saye is mentioned. After some hesitation I connected the word with seta = silk, rather than with saga, say = serge. The present see is apparently the same word as the earlier saye; etymologically the derivation from seta presents no difficulty (seta > seie > see). It is curious that in these books see is used side by side with silk, but the value per pound is exactly the same in both cases and varies between 8/- and 10/- (cf. pars. 273 (a), 445, 598, 599, 608, etc). On the other hand the scribe not infrequently uses two names to denote the same thing, e.g., melstone and moule (pars. 526, 44), eisel and vin eigre (pars. 419, 425), etc. (see Introduction).45 pois l lb., valor xx li–cust. v s., pontage ob.

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Bertholme Catan: xiij bales de peper–cust. xiij li de peper, valor xvj s. iij d., pontage xiij d.; iij bales de gyngibre mekynP45A1 [P45A1] For the different kinds of ginger see note to par. 276.46–cust. iij li de gingibre, valor iij s. vj d., pontage iij d.; vij bales ij saket j cartelP45A2 [P45A2] seven bales, two small sacks, one cartel of grain. Cartel is undoubtedly the same word as cartallus mentioned by Du Cange, and variously explained as a basket or a liquid measure, quarta pars dolii, the fourth part of a tun. Note that the word cartel was also used in connection with wine (par. 273 (b)), black soap (par. 607), green ginger (par. 608), dried prunes (par. 610), packthread (par. 613), etc.46 de greine, pois ix C, valor C xxvj li–cust. xxxj s. vj d., pontage ix d.; viij casses de sapone,P45A3 [P45A3] eight cases of soap, worth £2 13s. 4d. each.46 valor le case liij s. iiij d.–cust. v s. iiij d., pontage viij d.; xvij pecesP45A4 [P45A4] See note to par. 23.46 de Resins–cust., pontage ix d. ob.; iiijxx bales de alum–cust., pontage xv s.; iij sakes de coton file,P45A5 [P45A5] three sacks of spun cotton, worth £14.46 valor xiiij li–cust. iij s. vj d., pontage j d. ob.; j saket de greine, pois xx li, valor l s.–cust., pontage viij d.

Summa ix li xj d.


Gregore Catan: xxv bales de alum – cust. iiij s. ij d., pontage vj d. q.; ix sak de Coton, valor xviij li–cust. iiij s. vj d., pontage ij d. q.

Entre j carrake de Cateloyne,P45A6 [P45A6] enters a carrack of Catalonia.46 patron Antony Pojate, ankerage de la dite carake iij s. iiij d.:

Poul Morel: xvij bales de almandP45A7 [P45A7] seventeen bales of almonds.46–cust. ij s. x d., pontage iiij d. q.; vj bales de comynP45A8 [P45A8] six bales of cummin.46–cust. xij d., pontage j d. ob.; iiij bales de dates–cust. viij d., pontage j d.; j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.; j bout de oyle–cust., cran. x d.

Abraham Sampsone: v bout de vin–cust., cran. xx d.

George Mixto pour j alyen: j balet de peper, valor v liP45A9 [P45A9] George Mixto, for an alien, one small bale of pepper, worth £5.46–cust. xv d.; j jarre de oyle, contient xviij galons – cust. ij d. ob.

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Mathee Daniel: j bagueP46A1 [P46A1] one bag, or half-a-bale, of alum.47 de alum–cust. j d.

Jure de Jarre: iiij quarters de frut–cust. j d.

Leonard de Porro: iiij peces de frut–cust. ij d.

William Flesscher pour j alyen: j balet de peper, valor x li–cust. xiij d., pontage ob.; iij sportes de almand–cust. iij d.; j bale de dates–cust. ij d.; iiij sak de alum–cust. vj d., pontage j d.; j jarre de oyle–cust. ij d.; C de cereP46A3 [P46A3] one hundred of wax.47–cust. iiij d.; j barel de vin–cust. j d.

Antony de Serasco: xxx douzeines de basket, valor xxx s.–cust., pontage v d.

Summa xxv s. x d. q.


Entre le xxiijme jour de januer j Carrake de Janne,P46A4 [P46A4] enters on the 23rd day of January, a carrack of Genoa.47 Patron Tobye vt de Mar, ankerage de la dit Carak iij s. iiij d.:

Jacob Spinol: iij bales iij pipes de greine, pois xiiij C, valor C iiijxx xvj li–cust. xlix s., pontage vj d. [Issant] j fardel contient vj draps–cust., pontage xij d. ob.

Bertholme Catan: xij bales ij saket de greine, pois mil iij C demi, valor C iiijxxix li–cust. xlvij s. iij d., pontage xij d.; xlv casses de sapone, valor [le case] liij s. iiij d.–cust. xxx s., pontage iij s. ix d.; j sport de sapon,P46A5 [P46A5] one sport (or basket) of soap, worth 16/-.47 valor xvj s.–cust. ij d. ob.; xiij bales de cereP46A6 [P46A6] 13 bales of wax.47 – cust. viij s. viij d., pontage xiij d.; vij sport de sucre de pot,P46A7 [P46A7] seven sports (or baskets) of pot sugar, worth £8.47 valor viij li–cust. ij s., pontage ij d.; xvij tones j pipe j quarter de vin–cust., cran. xj s. x d.

Poul Morel: iiij sakes de greine, pois viij C, valor del C, xij li–cust. xxiiij s., pontage iiij d.

Alfons Sanchys: xij tones de vin–cust., cran. viij s.

William Sopere: xiij tones de oyle–cust. frank, cran. iiij s. iiij d.

John Emery: iiij tones de oyle–cust. frank, cran. xvj d.

Nicole Tournar: ij peces de frut–cust. j d.

John de Saone: ij sort de frut–cust. iij d.

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Henre Darbyng: j quarter de vin–cust., cran. ij d.

Vasco Vases: iiij peces de frut–cust. ij d.

Summa ix li xviij s. vj d.


John de Rodewen: j bout de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Henkyn de Famagoste: j bout de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Richardyn de Galvie: j tone de oyle–cust., cran. xx d.

John Lombard: iiij quarters de frut–cust. j d.

Gabryel Corbete: v tones de vin–cust. iij s. iiij d.

John Emery: j tone de oyle–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Entre j Carrake de Janne, patron Bertholme Voultage:

Jacob Spinol, pour le ankerage de la dite Carrake iij s. iiij d.

Le susdit patron issant: j drap–cust. ij d.

Entre le xxvme jour de FeuererP47A1 [P47A1] enters on the 25th day of February, a carrack of Genoa.48 j Carrake de Janne, patron Symond Catan, pour ankerage de la dite carrake iij s. iiij d.:

Bertholme Catan: xj sport de almand – cust. xj d., pontage j d.; iiij sak de almand – cust. iiij d., pontage j d.; xxviij sport ij quarters de ResinsP47A2 [P47A2] 28 sports two quarters of raisins.48–cust. xiiij d. ob., pontage j d. ob.; CC iiijxx iij bales de wodP47A3 [P47A3] 283 bales of woad.48–cust. xlvij s. ij d., pontage pour ij C xxxiij bales iiij s. x d. q.; x bales j saket de alum–cust. xxj d., pontage ij d. ob. q.; ix bales de gyngybreP47A4 [P47A4] nine bales of ginger, custom 9 lbs. of ginger, worth 16/6.48–cust. ix li de gyngibre, valor xvj s. vj d., pontage ix d.; v balet de ploumes sekes,P47A5 [P47A5] five small bales of dried plums, worth £3.48 valor iij li–cust., pontage ix d.; xxij bales de cere – cust. xiiij s. viij d., pontage xxij d.; ij bales de wormsed,P47A6 [P47A6] two bales of wormseed, worth £8.48 valor viij li–cust., pontage ij s. ob.; j bout de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Summa v li, vj s. vj d. ob.

Page 48


De la Carrake Symond Catan:

Jacob Spynol: C lxix bales j sport de almand–cust. xxviij s. iij d., pontage pour C iij bales ij s. j d. ob. q.; C l sport de figues,P48A1 [P48A1] 150 sports of figs.49 CC ij sport de Resins–cust. xiiij s. viij d., pontage xviij d.; j bale de claus de GyrofleP48A2 [P48A2] one bale of cloves, custom 1 lb., worth 2/8.49–cust. j li, valor ij s. viij d., pontage j d.; iij bales de peper – cust. iij li, valor iij s. ix d., pontage iij d.; iij bales de cere–cust. ij s., pontage iij d.; iiij bales de see,P48A3 [P48A3] four bales of silk (see note to par. 269), weight 276 lbs., worth 8/- a pound.49 pois ij C demi xxvj li, valor la livre viij s.–cust. xxv s.; x bales de Canevas–cust. xx d., pontage ij d. ob.; C xx bales de wod–cust. xx s., pontage nihil; iiijxx x bales de alum–cust. xv s., pontage nihil.

Gregore Catan: C bales de wod – cust. xvj s. viij d., pontage nihil; j bale iiij saket xxj sport de almand–cust. ij s. iij d., pontage iij d. ob.; lxiij sport de resins–cust., pontage ij s. x d. ob.; j balet de see, pois xx li, valor la livre viij s.–cust. ij s.; j cartelP48A4 [P48A4] one cartel (see note to par. 269) one small sack of grain, weight 100 lbs., worth £14.49 j saket de greine, pois C, valor xiiij li–cust. iij s. vj d., pontage j d.; iiij bales de peper–cust. iiij li, valor v s., pontage iiij d.; ij bales de cere–cust. xvj d., pontage ij d.; ij sak de noys de coudreP48A5 [P48A5] two sacks of hazelnuts.49–cust. nihil; xij sport de suchre de pot,P48A6 [P48A6] 12 sports (or baskets) of pot sugar.49 valor xij li–cust. iij s., pontage iij d.; j quarter de tone de oyle–cust., cran. v d.; iiijxx xiij bales de alum–cust. xv s. vj d., pontage xxiij d. q.

Summa viij li xiij s. ob.


De la Carrake Symond Catan:

Raphael de Rapall: v bout de vin–cust., cran. xx d.; C de alum–cust. j d.; iij cartelsP48A7 [P48A7] For the meaning of cartel see note to par. 269.49 de vin–cust., cran. vj d.

Issant Bertholme Corsse: j douzeine demi de drap – cust. j d. ob.

Jasper Balicant: ij peces de frut–cust. j d.; xx douzeine de basket, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Page 49

Jacob de Baudrak: ij bagg de peper, pois xviij li–cust. iiij d. Et fet fyn pour concilment de dit peperP49A1 [P49A1] and he makes a fine of 4d. for concealment of the said pepper.50 iiij d.

Leonard Balycant: ij bout de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

John de Famagoste: ij bag de almand–cust. ij d.

Piere Trompete: j bag de almand–cust. j d.

John Symon: j bag de peper, valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

Jacob de Bado: j bagg de almand–cust. j d.

Piere Fyno: ij peces de frut–cust. j d.

George Castael: j bag de almand–cust. j d.

Frances de Cos: j bag de almand–cust. j d.

Antony Materon: j bag de almand–cust. j d.

Manuel Center: j balet de almand–cust. j d.

Cypryen de Phyno: iiij sport ij sportin de almand–cust. v d.

Michel Lombard: xij pot de dates, vij cofyns de confections,P49A2 [P49A2] seven coffins of confection. Confection = preserved fruit.50 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Antony Materon: iij sport de ResinsP49A3 [P49A3] three sports of raisins.50–cust. j d. ob.

Pelgrym de Elyce: j bag j sport de almand–cust. j d. ob.

Antony Busse: issant demi drap–cust. j d.

John de Mesyns: j pece de frut–cust. ob.

Issant le dit John demi drap–cust. j d.

Summa vj s. v d.


De la Carrake Symond Catan:

Bertholme de Peise: j bagg ij sport de almand–cust. iij d.

Cypryen de Phyno: j bagg de almand–cust. j d.

Jesogale: j bagg de almand, ij peces de resyns–cust. ij d.

Antony Carcayne: ij sport j saket de almand, ij quarters resyns–cust. v d. ob.

Issant de ville pour Londres Charges en diverses vesselsP49A4 [P49A4] leaving the town for London, loaded on divers ships.50:

Jacob Spynol: C vij bales de wod, viij bales de alum–cust. nihil, pontage ij s. iiij d. ob. q.

Page 50

Issant de wille Bertholme Catan: C vij bales de wod, cust. nihil, pontage ij s. ij d. ob. q.

Entre le primer jour de MarsP50A1 [P50A1] enters, on the 1st day of March, a carrack of Genoa.51 j Carake de Janne, patron Aram Hardyment, ankerage de la susdite Carake iij s. iiij d.:

Jacob Spynol: v bales de MadyreP50A2 [P50A2] five bales of madder.51–cust., pontage xi d. q.; ij pipes plein de patyn,P50A3 [P50A3] two pipes full of pattens (a kind of footwear), worth £1 13s. 4d.51 valor xxxiij s. iiij d.–cust., pontage vij d.

Bertholme Catan: iiij bales de gyngybre qui furent ij de gyngibre mekyn et ij de belendynP50A4 [P50A4] four bales of ginger, which consisted of two bales of mekyn ginger and two bales of belendyn ginger. The New Engl. Dict. quotes an extract of 1460 in which three kinds of ginger are referred to, viz., ginger valadyne, maydelyn and colombyne, but no explanation is offered. Green ginger is mentioned in par. 608, below.51–cust. iiij li, valor vj s., pontage iiij d.; xj bales de Madyre–cust. xxij d., pontage ij d. ob. q.; j tone j quarter plein de patin, valor xl s.–cust. vj d., pontage ij d.

Summa xix s. vj d.


de Aram Hardyment:

Gregore Catan: xlviij barels de sapon,P50A5 [P50A5] 48 barrels of soap, worth £48.51 valor xlviij li–cust. xij s., pontage viij d.

Issant en la Carrake Aram Hardyment:

Jacob Spynol: liij bales xxi fangot,P50A6 [P50A6] 53 bales 21 fangots, of the contents of 710 cloths, two yards. Fangot, a quantity of wares, especially used of raw silk. Earliest quotation in New Engl. Dict., 1673. As the word is of Italian origin (cf. Ital. fangotto), it may well have been introduced into England by the Genoese settled in Southampton. At all events the word must have been quite familiar to Southamptonians of A.D. 1428, seeing that it was commonly applied to bundles of exported cloth (!).51 contenu vij C x draps ij verges–cust. v li xviij s. iiij d.; ij carseysP50A7 [P50A7] kersey (see note to par. 5).51–cust. ij d.; ij sargesP50A8 [P50A8] serge, a woollen fabric; before the sixteenth century it is mentioned chiefly as material for hangings, bed covers, etc. (cf. New Engl. Dict.)51–cust. vj d.; ij bales contenu mil v C. pels de agnelsP50A9 [P50A9] two bales containing 1500 lamb-skins.51–cust. xxij d. ob.; vij barels de peutrevessels,P50A10 [P50A10] seven barrels of pewter vessels, weight 451 lbs., worth per hundred lbs., £1 6s. 8d.51 pois iiij C lj lb., valor xxvj s. viij d. le C–cust. xviij d.; pontage de susdite parcelleP50A11 [P50A11] pontage-dues on the above-mentioned parcel, 5/3¾.51 v s. iij d. ob. q.; ij basyns, ij lauours,P50A12 [P50A12] two basins, two lavers, two dozens of candlesticks. Laver, vessel, basin or cistern for washing.51 ij dozeins chaundelurys, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Page 51

Bertholme Catan: xxix bales xi fangot, contenu iiij C lij draps iiij verges–cust. iij li xv s. iiij d.; j pece de fryse de galleP51A1 [P51A1] one piece of Welsh frieze (see note to par. 45).52–cust. j d.; iiij bales iij fardels, contenu iij mil iij C. demi xij pels de agnels–cust. iiij s. ij d. ob.; pontage de susdite parcelle iij s. ob.; iij barels de peutrevessels, pois viij C – cust. ij s. viij d., pontage j d. ob.

Poul Morel: iiij bales, contenu xxix draps ij verges et xvj peces de fryse–cust. vj s. ij d., pontage iiij d.; xxij pokes de leine–cust. iij s. viij d., pontage xi d.

Gregore Catan: xix bales j balet viij fangot, contenu iij C xxiiij draps xxii verges–cust. liiij s. ij d., pontage xxij d.; iiij barels de peutrevessels, pois xv C quarters–cust. v s. j d., pontage iiij d.

John de Saryn: iiij draps demi–cust. ix d.

Summa xiiij li xix s. iij d. ob. q.


Entre le xxime jour de Mars,P51A2 [P51A2] enters, on the 21st day of March, a carrack of Genoa.52 j Carake de Janne, Frances Spinol patron, ankerage de la dite Carrake iij s. iiij d.:

Jacob Spynol: xxiij bales de alum – cust. iij s. x d., pontage vj d.; ij sak j saket de coton, valor v li–cust. xv d., pontage j d.; vij bale de peper–cust. vij li, valor viij s. ix d., pontage vij d.; C iiijxx vij bales de wod – cust. xxxj s. ij d., pontage pour C xij bales ij s. iiij d.

Bertholme Catan: viij bales de gyngybreP51A3 [P51A3] ginger.52–cust. viij li, valor xiiij s. viij d., pontage viij d.; j bale de peper–cust. j li, valor xv d., pontage j d.; xiij cofyns de datesP51A4 [P51A4] 13 coffins (or chests) of dates.52–cust ij s. ij d., pontage iij d. q.; iiij bales de cere–cust. ij s. viij d.; pontage iiij d.

Gregore Catan: xlj beles j balet de wodP51A5 [P51A5] 41 bales and one small bale of woad.52 – cust. vj s. xj d., pontage x d. ob.; iij sak v sport de almand–cust. viij d., pontage ij d.; iiij sak de Coton, valor viij li–cust. ij s., pontage j d.; xxiiij bales de alum–cust. iiij s.; j balet de alum–cust. j d., pontage nihil.

Page 52

Poul Morel: C xxxiiij bales de wod–cust. xxij s. iiij d., pontage pour C ix bales ij s. iij d. q.

Summa v li xiij s. iiij d.


Obert de Port: xx douzane de basket, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Jurem de S. Croys: j sport de almand–cust. j d.

Piere Lofryk: viij Mattes,P52A1 [P52A1] eight mats, worth £1.53 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Antony Barbour: j bag iij sport de almand–cust. iiij d.

Piere Spynol: j bag de peper, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Petre Duscheman: j bag de almand–cust. j d.

John de Leonard: j bague de almand–cust. j d.

Abraham de Moulyn: j bag de almand–cust. j d.

John Dyaw: ij bag de almand–cust. ij d.; iiij Mattes, valor vj s. viij d.–cust. j d.

Angelus de Primenton: iiij bout de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.; viij balet de wod–cust., cran. xij d.

Seraphin Sarde: ij bout de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

John Cravile: j bout de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.; j bag de peper, valor xx s.–cust. iij d. Issant j douzeine de drap–cust. j d.

Carbe Basse: j sak de coton, valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

Lukyn Mariner: j quarter de vin–cust., cran. ij d.; ij sak de coton, valor iiij li–cust. xij d.

John Carvele: j bag de peper, valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.

John de S. Manere: j bag de peper, valor iiij li–cust. xij d.

Seraphyn Sarde: j bout de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

John Makaluf: ij bout de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Summa ix s. ij d.


Entre le xxvijme jour de MarsP52A2 [P52A2] enters, on the 27th day of March, a carrack of Genoa.53 j Carrake de Janne, patron Galyot Pinel, ankerage de la dite Carake iij s. iiij d.:

Gregore Catan: C lxxiiij bales de wod – cust. xxix s., pontage iij s. vij d. ob.; iiij bout de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.

Page 53

Jacob Spinol: xxx casse de sapone,P53A1 [P53A1] 30 cases of soap, worth £80.54 valor iiijxx li–cust. xx s., pontage ij s. vi d.; C lxxv bales j balet de wod–cust. xxix s. iij d., pontage iij s. viij d.; vj bales de cereP53A2 [P53A2] six bales of wax.54–cust. iiij s., pontage vj d.

Bertholme Catan: ij bales xviij balet de cere qui fount xv balesP53A3 [P53A3] two bales 18 small bales of wax which make 15 bales.54–cust. x s., pontage xv d.; ij bales de wod–cust., pontage iiij d. ob.; ix balet de gyngybre–cust. ix li, valor xvj s. vj d., pontage ix d.; xxx bales j balet de alum–cust. v s. j d., pontage vij d. ob. q.

Bertholme Syste: ij peces de cere–cust. viij d.

Antony de Lavayno: xvij pot de dates,P53A4 [P53A4] 17 pots of dates.54 valor vj s. viij d.–cust. j d.; xi peces de frut–cust., pontage viij d.

John Seba: iiij pot de Sucre roset,P53A5 [P53A5] four pots of sugar roset, worth £2 13s. 4d. Sugar roset was compounded with essence of roses and used for medicinal purposes.54 valor liij s. iiij d.–cust. viij d.

Stephen Vibald: ij peces de cere–cust. viij d.

John de Marlo: ij peins de sucreP53A6 [P53A6] two loaves of sugar.54–cust. ij d.

Antony Breton: j bag de peper, valor xiij s. iiij d. – cust. ij d.

Bertholme Syste: ij sport de almand–cust. ij d.

Antony de Lavayne issant j drap–cust. ij d.

Galyot Pinel: j bale de almand–cust. ij d.

Nicole de Porro issant j drap–cust. ij d.

John Barere issant demi drap–cust. j d.

Bertholme Syste issant demi drap–cust. j d.

John Mariner: ij bag iij sport de almand–cust. vij d.; j bag de peper–cust. iiij d.; [issant] j drap–cust. ij d.

Summa vj li xvj s. ix d. ob. q.


Entre la Trinite de Guylly,P53A7 [P53A7] Guilly in Brittany (see note to par. 151)54 Mestre John Marein, kylage ij d.:

Page 54

Le dit Mestre: C demi de lyngP54A1 [P54A1] Ling, mulwell and hake, kinds of fish.55 et meluel–cust. iij d.; vj C de Haake – cust. xij d.; j barel de seimP54A2 [P54A2] seim (or seam) in the Southampton Records appears to have denoted grease or fish oil (see Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 5, note 12) A special town ordinance regulated the trade in seam and blubber (opus cit., Vol. I, pp. 76-78).55– cust. iiij d.; j dykere de quiyrsP54A3 [P54A3] one dicker of hides, a dicker being a parcel of ten hides. The spelling dykere is English, the A.F. form being generally dacre or daker (see Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 24, note 9).55–cust. v d.

Issant le dit Mestre: xx quarters de fourment–cust. x d.

Entre le Christofre de Wallourswyk,P54A4 [P54A4] Walberswick, co. Suffolk.55 Mestre Thomas Scheldrous, ancrage iiij d.:

Henre Cobbe: ij barels demi de heryng – cust., wharf. vj d. ob.; ij last de heryng soreP54A5 [P54A5] two lasts of red herrings.55–cust., wharf. xxij d.

Issant Henre Cobbe: xv quarters de SeilP54A6 [P54A6] 15 quarters of rye.55–cust. vij d. ob.

William Aldrysche: vj last de heryng sore, j last de barels heryng–cust., wharf. viij d.

Issant William Aldrysche: xlv quarters de Seil–cust [frank].

Thomas Metscharp: iij last de heryng sore, viij barels de heryng–cust., wharf. iiij d.

Issant John Suthwelle: C de stokfissche–cust. ij d.

Entre le Christofre de Syryse,P54A7 [P54A7] Zierikzee, Netherlands. A more correct spelling of the word, viz., Zyrecksee, occurs in the Black Book of Southampton,–ed. Miss Wallis Chapman,–Vol. II, p. 169.55 Hayman Reynersone, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xij bales de Madyre–cust., wharf. ij s. iij d.; lvj barels de oynons–cust. ij s. iiij d.; C iij quarters de ails–cust. iiij s. vj d.

Issant le dit Mestre: viij draps–cust. xvj d.

John Colbesche: xxiiij bales de Madyre–cust. frank.

Summa xviij s. iij d.


Entre le Fryday de Arnemuthe,P54A8 [P54A8] Arnemuiden, Netherlands.55 Mestre Laurens John, ancrage iiij d.:

John Mideltone: ix bales de Madyr, ix barels de sapon, CC demi de ayls,P54A9 [P54A9] two-and-a-half hundred of garlic.55 iiij C de lyng et meluel.

Page 55

William Flescher: ix bales de Madyre, ix barels de sapon, CC demi de ayls, iiij C de lyng et meluel–cust. frank.

Le susdit Mestre: ij bales de Madyre – cust., wharf. iiij d. ob.; v Rolles de teldes,P55A1 [P55A1] five rolls of tent-cloth. teld is an O.E. word and generally means a tent (cf. New Engl. Dict.), but it is possible that rolle de telde is here used for the older A.F. term rule de tref, sail-cloth or tent-cloth, which occurs in the Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 14.56 valor xiij s. iij d. – cust. ij d.

Issant Watte Smyth: iiij C de fere–cust. ij d.

Entre John Eylmere: ix quarters de fourment – cust. iiij d. ob.

Issant Poul Morel: ij bales de alum – cust., pontage iiij d. ob.

Entre John Morel: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.

Entre John Falat: xviij quarters de fourment–cust. ix d.

Issant le susdit John: vj cades de heryng–cust. iij d.

Issant George Husk: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Entre la Marguyte de Guernesey, Mestre Guylliam Papain [or Papam], ancrage iiij d.:

Thomas FlorysP55A2 [P55A2] Thomas Florys, alias Florice, of Guernsey, was the kinsman of Robert Floryse, the water bailiff responsible for these Port Books (cf. Black Book of Southampton,–ed. Miss Wallis Chapman,–Vol. II, p. 136).56: ij tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. xx d.

Issant Thomas Florys: v peces de frut–cust., ij d. ob.; vj cades de heryng–cust. iij d.; j pece de Rosine, pois ij C–cust. j d.; j barel de brayP55A3 [P55A3] For the meaning of bray see note to par. 203.56–cust. ij d.; iiij bales de alum–cust., wharf. ix d.; iij schaldres de Carbon–cust. iij d.; ij sakes de boule,P55A4 [P55A4] two sacks of bowls, worth £3.56 valor iij li–cust. ix d.

Summa vij s. xi d.


Issant Robert FlorysP55A5 [P55A5] Robert Florys, alias Florice, was water bailiff of Southampton from 1426-1430 (see Introduction).56: v peces de frut – cust. frank; vj cades de heryng, j barel de bray, iiij bales de aluymP55A6 [P55A6] For this curious spelling of alum see note to par. 260.56–cust. frank.

Issant en le Valentin de Hamptone, Mestre John Yaffart:

John Guynes: vj quarters de fourment–cust. iij d.; j drap–cust. ij d.

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Ric. Guyrdeler: iiij quarters de fourment – cust. ij d.; ij draps–cust. iiij d.

Henre Baker: xvij quarters de fourment – cust. frank; ij draps–cust. frank; ij douzeines de causches–cust. frank.

Henre Court: x quarters de fourment – cust. v d.; ij douzeines de cauces–cust. j d.

John Yaffart: xvj quarters de fourment–cust. viij d.

Ric. Raukel: j drap–cust. ij d; xxx quarters de fourment–cust. xv d.; vj douzeines de cauces–cust. iij d.; demi drap–cust. j d.

William Ledys: viij quarters de fourment–cust. frank.

John Ropere: iiij quarters de fourment–cust. ij d.

Robert Hervy: demi drap–cust. j d.

William Hardy: ij quarters de fourment–cust. j d.

Entre Nicole Westone: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.; iiij quarters de bord–cust. iij d.

Issant Nicole Westone: ij mil de sclatP56A2 [P56A2] two thousand of slates.57 – cust. ob.; j schaldre de carbon – cust. j d.; j dyker de quyrsP56A3 [P56A3] one dicker of tanned hides. For the word dicker see note to par. 280.57–cust. v d.

Summa v s. iij d. ob.


Issant John Noutebem: j last de heryng sore – cust., wharf. xi d.

Issant Thomas Robert de WysztP56A4 [P56A4] of the Isle of Wight.57: CC de fere–cust. j d.

Entre le Petre de Kersselond,P56A5 [P56A5] Perhaps Kersselond is a corruption of Goeree Zeeland, a Dutch port.57 Mestre Thomas Vufray, ancrage iiij d.

Issant le dit Mestre: lxviij quarters de seilP56A6 [P56A6] 68 quarters of rye.57–cust. ij s. x d.

Issant William Nicole: l quarters de seil–cust. frank.

Issant j home de SchychestreP56A7 [P56A7] a man of Chichester clears two barrels of soap.57: ij barels de sapone, valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

Page 57

Issant William Eylmere: ij peces de cere, j quarter de sapone–cust. viij d.

Entre William Flescher: j pipe de sydre–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Issant Ric. Tak: j barel de tarre–cust. iiij d.; v C de fere–cust. ij d. ob.; ij bonches de ayls–cust. ob.

Entre la Marye de Falmuthe,P57A1 [P57A1] Falmouth, co. Cornwall.58 Mestre John Adam, kylage ij d.:

Reynold Colyn: viij barel de seymP57A2 [P57A2] For seym or seam see note to par. 280.58–cust., wharf. ij s. ix d.; iij C de RayesP57A3 [P57A3] three hundred of ray, a kind of striped cloth.58 – cust. iij d.; viij dyker de quyers – cust. iij s. iiij d.

Issant John Cranmour: CC de fere–cust. j d.

Entre la Trinite de Beceldene,P57A4 [P57A4] Bursledon (?) on the Hamble, co. Hants.58 Mestre Ric. Patyn, ancrage frank:

Robert Bourton: ix tones de vin–cust., cran. vj s.

John Benthem: x tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij s. vj d.

John Wodford: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Henre Baron: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Adam Blaake: viij tones de vin – cust. frank, cran. ij s. viij d.

John Selver de Alysford: v tones de vin – cust. frank, cran. xx d.

William Payn: v pipes de melP57A5 [P57A5] five pipes of honey.58–cust. frank, cran. xx d.

John Emery: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Summa xxix s. vj d.


Watte Fetplace: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

John Whetual: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. vj d.

John Wodkok: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

John Webbe and John Cager: vj tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij s.

Ric. Patyn: j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij d.

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Ric. Cole: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John Haukyn: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

John Hendy: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

William Cole: ij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. viij d.

Huschon Parker: ij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. viij d.

Thomas Freman de Salysbery: j tone de vin – cust., cran. viij d.

Robert Felde: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

Nicole Masson: iij tones j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xiiij d.

Roger Rende: ij tones de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.

Thomas Tredde: j pipe j quarter de vin–cran. iij d.

Entre le Gost de Hamptone, Mestre John Webbe:

John Wodford: xv tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. v s.

John Bentham: x tones j pipe–cust. frank, cran. iij s. vj d.

Thomas Belle: v tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. xxij d.

Rauf Chamberlein: v tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xx d.

John Wetual: j tone j pipe–cust. frank, cran. vj d.

Robert Bourton: xii tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. viij s. iiij d.

Summa xxviij s. xj d.


Laurens Stouart [or Stonart ?]: x tones de vin–cust., cran. vj s. viij d.

John Wryther: xx tones de vin – cran. nihil, cust. vj s. viij d.

John at Wode: vj tones j pipe j quarter–cran. nihil, cust. frank.

Thomas Caplein: vj tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij s.

William Preston: ij tones j quarter–cran. nihil, cust. ix d.

William Gate: x tones de vin – cust. frank, cran. iij s. iiij d.

Henri Baron: xxxix tones j pipe j quarter de vin–cust. frank, cran. xiij s. iij d.

William Lede de Chichestre: x tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iij s. iiij d.

George Husk: x tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij s. iiij d.

John Selder: iiij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. xviij d.

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John Langle: vij tones j quarter de vin–[cran.] nihil, cust. ij s. v d.

Nicolle Fetplace: vij tones de vin – cust. frank, cran. ij s. iiij d.

John Hosyer: v tones de vin–cust., cran. iij s. iiij d.

Thomas Wynturburne: vij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij s. vj d.

John Skelton: iiij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xvj d.

John Webbe: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

Ric. Lewart: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

John Robyn: vj tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij s.

Henri at Halle: iij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xij d.

John Wodcok: iij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. xiiij d.

Watte Philpot: ij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. viij d.

Summa lviij s. vij d.


Henri Salter: j ton j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij d.

Watte Smale: ij tones de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.

John Hayward: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Thomas Boucher: j tonel de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Thomas Couper: ij tones de vin, j quarter–cran. nihil, cust. nihil.

William Elyot: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

Ric. Wynbourne: j tone j pipe de vin – cran. nihil, cust. vj d.

William Fynkwort: j tone j pipe de vin – cust. frank, cran. vj d.

Thomas Strong: j tone j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. vj d.

Robert Brandon: j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij d.

Thomas Gosse: j quarter de vin–cust., cran. ij d.

Entre le Gabryel de Farem,P59A1 [P59A1] Fareham, co. Hants.60 Mestre Michel at Hethe, ancrage frank:

Thomas Doustrire, Thomas Gardyner: xix tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. vj s. vj d.

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Walter Fetplace: x tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij s. vj d.

William Marnel [or Maruel ?]: x tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. vij s.

Reymond Cramayl: x tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij s. vj d.

Thomas Tredde: v tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xx d.

Robert Am de Farem: iiij tones de vin – cust. frank, cran. xvj d.

John Houte de Salisbere: iiij tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iij s.

Johana Cherle de Salisbere: v tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iij s. viij d.

John Selder: v tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xx d.

John Houte de Hampton: iiij tones de vin–[cran.] xvj d.

William Primer: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Summa xxxviij s. vj d.


William Ledis: iij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xii d.

Thomas Neiler: iiij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xvj d.

Paksell de WysztP60A1 [P60A1] Isle of Wight.61: j tone j pipe de vin – cran. nihil, cust. vj d.

Robert Bower: j tone j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. vj d.

John Tryp de Farem: j tone j quarter de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John Kytte: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

William Beuer: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

Michel at Hethe: ij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. viij d.

William Bacheler: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

John Wetual: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. vj d.

John Colby: j pipe j quarter de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij d.

John Halle: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

Henry Cok: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

William Smytht de Farem: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

George Thomas: j tone de fere–cust., wharf. xi d.

Henri Cok: j tone de fere–cust., wharf. xi d.

William Tole: j tone de fere–cust. x d.

Page 61

Entre la Marie de Hamptone, Mestre John Bygbrouk:

Nicole Warner de Wynchestre: xxii tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. vij s. iiij d.

William Preston: iiij tones j pipe j quarter de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xix d.

John at Wode: iiij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

Thomas Caplein: iiij tones j quarter de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xvij d.

Syre Reynold West: v tones j quarter de vin–cust. nihil, cran. xxi d.

Thomas Wynturbourne: v tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xx d.

Summa xxij s. x d.


Thomas Frelond: v tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. xxij d.

William Nicole: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

John Flemyng: iij tones de vin.

William Gate: iij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xij d.

John Selder: v tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xx d.

Thomas Braybrouk: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

John Wodcok: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Raymond Cramel: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Poul Morel: v tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij s. iiij d.

John Houte de Salisbery: xij tones quarter–cust., cran. viij s. ij d.

Guylbert Holbem: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

John le seruant Thomas Belle: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

John Selby: ij tones de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.

John Bygbrouk: j tone j pipe j quarter de vin–cust. frank, cran. pour j tone j quarter v d.

Robert Stryde: j tone j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. vj d.

John Bydel: ij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. x d.

William Serle: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

William Algar: j tone de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iiij d.

John Martin: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John John: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

John Osmond: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Page 62

Robert Doustrire: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. pour j tone iiij d.

George Thomas: j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij d.

William Tole: j tone pipe de vin–cust. vj d., cran. pour j tone iiij d.

Summa xxv s. iij d.


John Prat: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

John Cok: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

Ric. Cok: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John Hardyng: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John Jourde: j pipe j quarter de vin–cust., cran. vj d.

William Bouterel: j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij d.

William Swain: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

William Boule: j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij d.

Laurens Stouart [or Stonart ?]: v tones de vin–cust., cran. iij s. iiij d.

George Husk: iij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. xiiij d.

William Wales: v tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iij s. viij d.

William Osmont: pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij d.

Entre le Nicole de Hampton, Mestre John Deuenissche:

William Gate: iij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xii d.

John Wodcok: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. vj d.

William Nicole: iij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xij d.

Robert Stryde: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Thomas Frelond: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

John Stouere [or Stonere ?]: j pipe j quarter de vin–cran. nihil, cust. iij d.

Sire Reynold West: j tone de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

Robert Hul: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John Prat: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John Cok: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil.

John Selder: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Summa xiij s. v d.


Entre la Trinite de Pensens,P62A1 [P62A1] Penzance, co. Cornwall.63 Mestre Ambrose Michel, kylage ij d.:

Page 63

Le dit Mestre: ij mil iiij C de haake–cust. iiij s.; C de lyng et meluel–cust. ij d.

Entre le James de Schorem,P63A1 [P63A1] Shoreham, co. Sussex.64 Mestre John Pierres, kylage ij d.

Issant John Marsche: viij CadesP63A2 [P63A2] eight cades of herring (see note to par. 11).64 de heryng, C de stokfissche, demi C de haake, ij sortP63A3 [P63A3] For the meaning of sort see note to par. 23.64 de frut–cust. frank, wharf. j d.:

John Howe: xx quarters de malt–cust. x d.; iiij cades de heryng–cust. ij d.

Entre John Huschon: xij quarters de fourment–cust. vj d.

Issant John Huschon: j last de heryng sore–wharf. nihil, cust. x d.

Entre la Marye de Fermanvile,P63A4 [P63A4] Flamanville, Normandy.64 Mestre John de Gales, ancrage iiij d.:

John Raul: ix mil CC de cordageP63A5 [P63A5] 92 hundred of cordage, or ropes for ships.64–cust., wharf. xxxj s. ob.; vj mil de fereP63A6 [P63A6] six thousand of iron.64–cust., wharf. ij s. ix d.; iij C de ascere,P63A7 [P63A7] three hundred of steel, worth £1.64 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.; xij li de peper, valor xv s.–cust. ij d. ob.; xxx quarters de seilP63A8 [P63A8] 30 quarters of rye.64–cust. xv d.

Issant John Raul: vj barels de brayP63A9 [P63A9] For the meaning of bray see note to par. 203.64–cust. xij d.; iiij peces de figueP63A10 [P63A10] four pieces of figs.64–cust. ij d.; j pece de cereP63A11 [P63A11] one piece of wax.64–cust. iiij d.; viij moulesP63A12 [P63A12] eight millstones.64–cust., wharf. xviij d.; j pece de kerseyP63A13 [P63A13] one piece of kersey (see note to par. 5).64–cust. j d.; xij quernetones,P63A14 [P63A14] 12 quernstones, worth £1. Quernstones were smaller millstones.64 valor xx s.–cust., wharf. iiij d.

Summa xlvj s. ij d.


Entre John Chepwryszt: xij quarters de fourment–cust. vj d.

Entre Ric. Hadon de Schorem,P63A15 [P63A15] Shoreham, co. Sussex.64 kylage ij d.

Page 64

Issant Thomas Caplein: x tones de vin charge a la neifP64A1 [P64A1] 10 tuns of wine, taken on board direct from the ship, i.e., without landing the wine at the quay.65–cust., cran. nihil.

Issant John Cranmoure: ij C de fere–cust. j d.

Issant John Yong de WysztP64A2 [P64A2] of the Isle of Wight.65: ij Cades de her[yng] – cust. j d.

Entre John Millerre de Wederyng,P64A3 [P64A3] Wittering, co. Sussex.65 kilage ij d.:

Ric. Kenne: xxvi quarters de fourmentP64A4 [P64A4] 26 quarters of wheat.65–cust. xiij d.

Issant John Wryther: xvij tones de vin charge a la neif–cust. pay entrant.

Entre John Praton de Schorem,P64A6 [P64A6] Shoreham, co. Sussex.65 kylage ij d.

Issant John Wryther: iij tones de vin charge a la neif–cust. pay entrant.

Issant John Wodcok: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Issant John, le SeruantP64A7 [P64A7] John, the servant of William Nicole, clears three tuns of wine.65 William Nicole: iij tones de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xij d.; ij tones de vin – cust., cran. xvj d.:

John Wryther: j casse de saponP64A8 [P64A8] one case of soap.65–cust., wharf. ix d.

Entre le Thwyng de Orwelle,P64A9 [P64A9] Orwell, co. Suffolk.65 Mestre Herman Croule, ancrage iiij d.:

Robert Cuppere: xviij barels de saumon,P64A10 [P64A10] 18 barrels of salmon.65 ij last de barels heryng, ij barels de Codlyng, xv last de heryng sore, j fouther de plonb,P64A11 [P64A11] one fother of lead (see note to par. 63).65 ij C de ayls,P64A12 [P64A12] garlic.65 iiij last de tare–wharf. ij s. ij d.

Reynold Hohn: viij cades de heryng–cust. iiij d.

John Boure de JernemutheP64A13 [P64A13] Great Yarmouth.65: ij cades de heryng – cust. frank.

Page 65

John Jakes de Salisbery: ij cades de heryng–demi cust. ob.; j barel de heryng–demi cust. j d.

Summa viij s. xi d. ob.


Issant le Twyng de Orwelle, Mestre Herman Croulle:

Stephen Broun de Londres: lxx bales de alym – cust. frank, wharf. xvij d. ob.

Robert Cuppere: xij bales de alum–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Thomas Andree de HerwyscheP65A1 [P65A1] Harwich, co. Essex.66: j barel de peynes,P65A2 [P65A2] peyne suggests Mod. French peigne, comb. The word does not occur elsewhere in this document.66 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Issant le abbey de BeuluyP65A3 [P65A3] the Abbot of Beaulieu, co. Hants, clears one tun of wine.66: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant la Duschesse de YorkP65A4 [P65A4] The lady referred to was Philippa, the widow of Edward Duke of York. She became a widow in 1415 and died in 1431 (cf. Dict. of Nat. Biog, Vol. 45, p. 403).66: j pipe j quarter de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij d.

Issant William Blower: j quarter de vin–cust., cran. ij d.

Issant John Wyuel: C de fere–cust. ob.

Entre le George de Derthemuthe,P65A5 [P65A5] Dartmouth, co. Devon.66 Mestre Ric. Core, angrage iiij d.:

Watter Fetplace: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.; j fardel de canevas–cust. frank.

Robert Eylward: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.; j fardel de (canevas) LymegnonP65A6 [P65A6] Probably Limoges (see note to par. 214).66–cust. frank; j fardel de tele de CresP65A7 [P65A7] one fardel of crestcloth (see note to par. 3).66–cust. frank.

John Payn de RomeseyP65A8 [P65A8] Romsey, co. Hants.66: iij tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. ij s. iiij d.; j pipe de vin bretonP65A9 [P65A9] one pipe of wine of Brittany.66–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.; j fardel de canevas, contenu ij C demi–cust. v d.; iiij C de lymegnon,P65A10 [P65A10] See above.66 valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

Issant Ric. Core, susdit Mestre: xv schaldreP65A11 [P65A11] For schaldre or chalder see note to par. 27.66 de carbon–cust. xv d.

Page 66

Entre Nicole Vysman: demi drap–cust. j d.

Issant John Clerk de Neutoun de WysztP66A1 [P66A1] Newtown, Isle of Wight.67: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Issant en le vesselP66A2 [P66A2] cleared in the vessel of William Nicole, Master, John Devenissche.67 William Nicolle, Mestre John Deuenissche:

William Nicolle: iiij tones de vin–cust. nihil, cran. xvj d.

Issant Poul Morel: iij tones de vin–cust. nihil, cran. xij d.

Issant Poul Morel per le batel William Eylmere: iij tones de oyle–cust., cran. v s.; ij bales de MadyrP66A3 [P66A3] two bales of madder (see note to par. 1).67–cust., wharf. iiij d. ob.

Issant Thomas Wynturbourne: j bale de alum – cust. frank.

Summa xvij s. iij d. ob.


Entre la Gylyane de Hamptone, Mestre William Warn:

Le dit Mestre: ix douzeines demi de eskerdesP66A4 [P66A4] nine-and-a-half dozens of cards, or carding instruments (see note to par. 34).67 – cust., wharf. xix d. ob.

Bertholme Catan: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.; j barel, contient xxiiij saumons–cust. vj d.; demi barel, contient xij saumons–cust. iij d.

Issant John Noutebem: v cades de hering–cust. ij d. ob.; xxiiij galons de oyle–cust. ij d. ob.

Entre John Huschon: xv quarters de fourment–cust. vij d.; iiij cades de heryng–cust. ij d.

Entre le Petre de Pensens,P66A5 [P66A5] Penzance, co. Cornwall.67 Mestre John Wilcok, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xi C de hake–cust. xxij d.; ij C de ling et meluel–cust. iiij d.

Entre per le batelP66A6 [P66A6] Walter Fetplace enters, per boat of John Osmond.67 John Osmond, Watter Fetplace: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Entre le batelP66A7 [P66A7] enters the boat of which Thomas Nicole is Master.67 dounk est Mestre Thomas Nicole:

Page 67

Bertholme Catan: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. vj d.

John Houte: j tone de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

Thomas Alexandre: demi pipe de vin–cust., cran. ij d.

Entre per le batel John Chepwryszt, George Husk: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant George Husk: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Entre le Christofre de Portesmuthe, Mestre John Strong, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xl mil de sclatP67A1 [P67A1] 40 thousand of slates.68–cust. x d.

Issant le dit Mestre: vj schaldresP67A2 [P67A2] For schaldre, chalder see note to par. 27.68 de Carbon–cust. vj d.

Entre Nicole Westone: xij quarters de fourment–cust. vj d.; j tone de sidreP67A3 [P67A3] one tun of cider.68–cust., cran. vj d.:

John Hamptonet: ij diker de quirsP67A4 [P67A4] two dickers of tanned hides (see note to par. 280).68–cust. frank; j barel de seimP67A5 [P67A5] one barrel of seam (see note to par. 280).68–cust. frank.

Issant John Tenner: ix quirsP67A6 [P67A6] nine tanned hides.68–cust. iiij d. ob.:

Rauf Huskart: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Summa xi s. j d.


Entre Nicole Westestone: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.; C de bord planchesP67A7 [P67A7] one hundred of boards for floors (see note to par. 186).68–cust. ij d.; ij mil de lathesP67A8 [P67A8] two thousand of laths.68–cust. j d.

Entre Nicol Wysman: demi drap–cust. j d.

Entre le Nicole de Hamptone, Mestre John Deuenische:

Gregore Catan and Poul Morel: xxv fouthreP67A9 [P67A9] 25 fothers of lead, contents 120 pieces (see note to par. 63).68 de plonb, contenu vjxx peces–cust. xij s. v j d., pontage v s.

Entre le Christofre de Hamptone, Mestre John Edrysche:

Henre Baron: vj tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij s.; iiij mil de ferreP67A10 [P67A10] four thousand of iron.68–cust. frank.

Page 68

John Wodford: iij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xij d.

Robert Florys: ij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. nihil; j tone de ferre–cust. frank.

Rauf Chamberlein: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Thomas Wynturbourne: ij tones de ferre–cust. frank; j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

John Edrysche: ij tones de fere–cust., wharf. xxij d.

Piere James: iiij tones de fere–cust. frank.

John Tynemuthe: v C de fere–cust. ij d. ob.

John Seldere: ij tones de fer–cust. frank.

Richard Guybbes: j pipe de fere–cust., wharf. v d. ob.

Summa xxiiij s. viij d.


Issant Hore de Chichestre: j bout de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Entre William Nicole: demi pipe sidreP68A1 [P68A1] half-pipe of cider.69–cust. frank.

Issant Thomas Wynturbourne: v tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xx d.

Issant John Eylmere: j bout de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Entre le Michel de Fowy,P68A2 [P68A2] Fowey, co. Cornwall.69 Mestre Ric. Legat, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iij C demi de lyng et meluel–cust. vij d.

Entre le George de Asche,P68A3 [P68A3] Ash, near Sandwich, co. Kent.69 Mestre John Gustard, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iij C de meluel–cust. vj d.; iij C de haake–cust. vj d.; j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Entre la Michelle de Plymouthe, Mestre John Hega, kilage ij d.:

John Mimmehed[?]: iiij tones de vin–cust., cran. ij s. viij d.; demi casse de sapone,P68A4 [P68A4] half-a-case of soap, worth £2.69 valor xl s.–cust. vj d. ob.

Issant le dit Mestre: xiiij quarters de fourment–cust. vij d.; ij bales de alum–cust., wharf. iiij d. ob.

Entre la Michele de Otremuthe,P68A5 [P68A5] Otterton [?], co. Devon.69 Mestre Henre Warde, kylage pay a HameleP68A6 [P68A6] keelage paid at Hamble.69:

Le dit Mestre: iiij C de lyng et meluel–cust. viij d.

Page 69

Entre le Thomas de Kyngueswer,P69A1 [P69A1] Kingswear, co. Devon.70 Mestre Gylbert Slafter, kylage ij d.:

Gregore Catan: ij tones de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.

John Moure: j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Nicole Wisman: demi drap–cust. j d.

Summa xij s. ij d.


Issant la Marie de Hamptone, Mestre John Bygbrouk.

Issant John de Port: vij pakes de drap–cust., wharf. ij s. xi d.

Issant la Duschesse de YorkP69A2 [P69A2] See note to par. 336.70: j pipe de vin–cran. ij d.

Issant John Nouttebem demi quarter de ling et meluel–cust. ob.

Entre j batel de Seforde,P69A3 [P69A3] Seaford, co. Sussex.70 Mestre John Ficays, kylage nihil:

John Wrythere: xxvij quarters de fourment–cust. xiij d. ob.

Entre j batel de Schorem,P69A4 [P69A4] Shoreham, co. Sussex.70 Mestre John Pierre, kylage ij d.:

John Wrythere: xxix quarters de fourment–cust. xiiij d. ob.

Issant John Wrythere: iij tones de vin–cust., cran. ij s.; j saket de alumP69A5 [P69A5] one small sack of alum.70–cust. j d.

Issant William Sopere: j tone j quarter de vin–cust. frank, cran. v d.

Entre la Jehanna Barflev,P69A6 [P69A6] Barfleur, Normandy.70 Mestre Martin Mauvesyn, ancrage iiij d.:

John Kydel: xv C de cordage–cust., wharf. v s. j d.; iij C de fyl pour cordes,P69A7 [P69A7] three hundred of thread for ropes, worth £1.70 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.; xi C de canuere,P69A8 [P69A8] eleven hundred of hemp, worth £2.70 valor xl s.–cust. vj d.; xxiiij douzeines de eskerdeP69A9 [P69A9] 22 dozens of cards, or carding instruments (see note to par. 34).70–cust., wharf. iiij s. j d.; xl quarters de fourment–cust. xx d.

Summa xx s. ob.

Page 70


Issant John Kydel: iij MoulesP70A1 [P70A1] three millstones.71–cust., wharf. vj d. ob.; iij pere de quernestones,P70A2 [P70A2] three pairs of quernstones (see note to par. 321).71 valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.; ij mil v C de ferre–cust., wharf. xiij d. ob.; j lib. de whetstones,P70A3 [P70A3] one pound of whetstones, worth one noble. The noble was a former English gold coin, having a current value of 6/8 (or 10/-?) (cf. New Engl. Dict.).71 valor j noble–cust. j d.; iiij douzeine de basanP70A4 [P70A4] four dozen of basan. Basan denoted calf-leather or sheep-skin; it was a coarser kind than cordwain (see note to par. 23), and used by the lower classes for shoes and leggings (cf. Du Cange). According to the New Engl. Dict. sheep-skin is the only English meaning of the word, but the earliest quotation is from 1714. At Southampton the word already occurs in a text of 1300 (see Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 4)71–cust. iiij d.; demi C de fil de leine,P70A5 [P70A5] half-hundred of wool thread, worth 16/8.71 valor xvj s. viij d.–cust. ij d. ob.; vj mil de sclatP70A6 [P70A6] six thousand of slates.71–cust., wharf. iij d. ob.

Issant Richard le Machon: v quernestones, valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.

Entre John Chepwryszt: xiiij quarters de fourment–cust. vij d.

Issant John Cupere: j tone j pipe de oyle–cust., cran. ij s. vj d.

Issant le DyenP70A7 [P70A7] the Dean of Chichester clears one pipe of wine.71 de Chichestre: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.:

William Chortere: ij barels de sapon,P70A8 [P70A8] two barrels of soap, worth £2.71 valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

Thomas Wynturbourne: j mil de fer–cust. frank.

Issant William Sopere: demi pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. j d.

Issant la Katherine de Hamptone, Mestre John Morysse:

John Wodford: xxx quarters de aveineP70A9 [P70A9] 30 quarters of oats.71–cust. frank.

Gabryel Corbete: xxx quarters de aveine–cust. xv d.

John Wodcok: iiij pipes de fourment–cust. frank.

Summa viij s.


Issant le Christofre de Hamptone, Mestre John Edrysche:

John Wodford: lx quarters de fourment–cust. frank; x quarters de aveine–cust. frank.

Page 71

Issant Gabryel Corbete: xxx quarters de fourment–cust. xv d.; v quarters de aveine–cust. ij d. ob.; iij draps–Cust. vj d.; j Rondel de Candel,P71A1 [P71A1] one cask of candles, worth £1 13s. 4d. rondel, with its diminutive rondelet, occurs several times in our text, e.g., rondeles de cendres (par. 475), rondels de sulfre (par. 599), rondel de peutrevessels (par. 605), rondelet de peutrevessel (par. 593), etc. rondel obviously means a cask or round wooden vessel for packing candles, cinders, sulphur, pewter, etc. According to Littré rondelle denotes in Northern France, un petit tonneau à bière, a small beer-barrel. In Godefroy (Compl.) rondele is described as a small cask, and from a quotation of 1412 it appears that rondele had about the same capacity as the poinçon or puncheon (see note to par. 221).72 valor xxxiij s. iiij d.–cust. v d.

Issant John Wrythere: xx quarters de fourment–custume fut pay entrant.P71A2 [P71A2] custom was paid on entering.72

John Edrysche issant: j drap–cust. ij d.

John Wodcok: l quarters de fourment–cust. frank; j pak de drap–cust. frank.

Laurens John: v drap–cust. x d.

Entre la Katheryne de Sclus, Mestre Andree Selonder, ancrage a CalscheshordP71A4 [P71A4] anchorage at Calshot, 4d.72 iiij d.

Entre la Marguyte de Sclus, Mestre Piere Cornelyus, ancrage a Calscheshord iiij d.

Issant Robert Sefare de BosamP71A5 [P71A5] Bosham, co. Sussex.72: ij moulesP71A6 [P71A6] two millstones.72–cust. iiij d.

William Smyth de SuthwykP71A7 [P71A7] Southwick, co. Sussex.72: j tone de fere–cust., wharf. xi d.

Henre Houles: demi pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. j d.

Entre John Schepwryszt: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.

Issant le dit John: ij schaldresP71A8 [P71A8] For schaldre or chalder see note to par. 27.72 de carbon–cust. ij d.

Issant Thomas Lestournel: iiij fouther de plombP71A9 [P71A9] four fothers of lead (see note to par. 63).72–cust. ij s., wharf. iiij d.

Summa viij s. ij d. ob.

Page 72


Entre Nicole Westone: vj quarters de fourment–cust. iij d.; C de sawedbordP72A1 [P72A1] sawedbord, sawed boards, is evidently the same thing as bord plancheis (par. 186), bord planches (par. 359), or planchebord (par. 429) (see note to par. 186).73–cust. ij d.; j tone de sydreP72A2 [P72A2] cider.73–cust. et cran. vj d.

Issant John Prentis de HaffonteP72A3 [P72A3] Havant, co. Hants.73: j mil de fere–cust. frank, wharf. ob.

Entre la Gylyenne de Guernesy, Mestre Piere Gosse, ancrage a CalscheshordP72A4 [P72A4] anchorage at Calshot, 4d.73 iiij d.

Issant Gyffrey Roussel: j bale de alym–cust. ij d.

Entre John Huschon: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.

Issant le dit John: j schaldre de Carbon–cust. j d.

Issant Thomas Taylour: j bale de alym–cust., wharf. ij d. q.; iij bales de wod–cust., wharf. vj d. ob. q.

Issant James de BeuluyP72A5 [P72A5] Beaulieu, co. Hants.73: demi pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. j d.

Issant Watier Fetplace: j pipe j quarter de vin–cust. frank, cran. iij d.

Entre le George de Poule,P72A6 [P72A6] Poole, co. Dorset.73 Mestre John Mawer, ancrage iiij d.

Issant Thomas Harlestone: xxviij sarpuler,P72A7 [P72A7] Sarpuler, a sack of wool, or two pokes (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 20, n. 12).73 j poke de leine–cust. frank, pontage iiij s. ix d.

Issant Thomas Brys: v C de fere–cust. ij d. ob.

Entre le Passemoket,P72A8 [P72A8] Le Passemoket was a Guernsey boat (see par. 21).73 Mestre Michel le Orlu, ancrage iiij d.:

Piere Pot de vinP72A9 [P72A9] pot de vin is probably meant for poitevin, of Poitou.73: v tones de vin–cust., cran. iij s. iiij d.

Entre le Christofre de Portesmuthe, Mestre John Strong, ancrage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xxxvij mil de sclatP72A10 [P72A10] 37 thousand of slates.73–cust. ix d.

Issant le dit Mestre: ij schaldres de carbon–cust. ij d.

Page 73

Issant John Byschop: ij bales de alym–cust., wharf. iiij d. ob.

Summa xiij s. vj d. ob.


Entre j batel de Gersy,P73A1 [P73A1] Jersey, Channel Islands.74 Mestre Richard Loher, kylage ij d.:

John le Roy: v fardels de Canevas, contenu ij mil–cust. iij s. iiij d.; ij fardels, contenu xiiij peces de oulonesP73A2 [P73A2] 14 pieces of oulonne (see note to par. 3).74–cust. xiiij d.; ij C de canevas–cust. iiij d.; j fardel j walet, contenu v C de canevas–cust. x d.; j walete,P73A3 [P73A3] one wallet, or bag, containing one hundred of linen cloth and five quilts, worth one noble. For the value of the noble see note to par. 382.74 contenu C de tele et v quiltes, valor j noble–cust. iij d.; iij fardel, contenu xv peces de tele de cresP73A4 [P73A4] 15 pieces of crestcloth (see note to par. 3).74–cust. ij s. vj d.; xviij quitys,P73A5 [P73A5] Read quiltys, quilts.74 valor v li–cust. xv d.; wharf. de susditz marchandizeP73A6 [P73A6] wharfage of the aforesaid goods, 3d.74 iij d.; iij mil de fere–cust., wharf. xx d. ob.

Issant John le Roy per le susdit vesselP73A7 [P73A7] John Le Roy clears by the aforesaid vessel.74: xvj quarters de fourment–cust. viij d.

Entre le Larron de Gurnesy,P73A8 [P73A8] Guernsey.74 Mestre John Petyot, ancrage iiij d.:

John le Roy: xviij mil de Makerel–cust. vij s. vj d.; iiij C de oryonsP73A9 [P73A9] Read onyons, onions.74–cust. ij d.

John de Rochere: ij tonels de vin–cust., cran. xvj d.; demi C de canevas–cust. j d.

Issant John le Roy en le susdit vessel: iij schaldre de carbon–cust. iij d.

Issant la Duschesse de YorkP73A10 [P73A10] See note to par. 336.74: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.:

Thomas Rede: j tonel de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Entre Nicole Weston: iij tones de sidre–cust. et cran. xviij d.

Issant John Tennere: j dykerP73A11 [P73A11] one dicker of tanned hides (see note to par. 280).74 de quiers–cust. v d.

Page 74

Entre Foukes Kenche: j pipe de EysilP74A1 [P74A1] one pipe of eisell, or vinegar. Eisell, from Old French aisil, is used in our text side by side with vineigre (see par. 425).75–cran. ij d.

Issant John at Brouke: j mil de fere–cust. v d.

Entre la Michel de Port Peryn,P74A2 [P74A2] Perranporth, co. Cornwall.75 Mestre Roger Schynde, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: ij C demi de ling et meluel–cust. v d.

Issant John Busschop: j bale de alym–cust. ij d.

Summa xxvj s. ij d. ob.


Entre le Thomas de Guylly,P74A3 [P74A3] Guilly in Brittany.75 Mestre Henre Thomas, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xij mil de sclatP74A4 [P74A4] 12 thousand of slates.75–cust. iij d.

Entre le George de Derthemuthe,P74A5 [P74A5] Dartmouth, co. Devon.75 Mestre Nicole Crokere, ancrage iiij d.:

John Busschop: xij tones de vin–cust., cran. viij s.

John Cole: j tone j pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. vj d.

William Sopere: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

Issant LescriueinP74A6 [P74A6] the scrivener, or clerk, of the carrack clears . . .75 de la Carake: j tone j quarter de vin eigreP74A7 [P74A7] vinegar (see note to par. 419).75–cust. nihil, cran. v d.

Entre la Marie de Seint BriowP74A8 [P74A8] Saint Brieuc, Brittany.75 de Vaus, Mestre John Conyn, ancrage iiij d.:

Ric. Busson: CC xxvj quarters de seil–cust. ix s. v d.

La susdite neif a este vendueP74A9 [P74A9] the aforesaid ship was sold for £17 6s. 8d. (see note to par. 153).75 pour xvij li vj s. viij d.–cust. iiij s. iij d.

Issant Robert Grantham Smyth: v C de ferre–cust. ij d. ob.

Entre le Heryngwein,P74A10 [P74A10] There is no indication of the port to which the ship belonged.75 Mestre Monjanyn, ancrage iiij d.

Page 75

Entre Nicole Westone: viij mil de lathes iiij d.; demi C de planchebordP75A1 [P75A1] half-hundred of sawed boards (see note to par. 186).76–cust. j d.

Issant John Prentys de HaffonteP75A2 [P75A2] Havant, co. Hants.76: j schaldre de carbon–cust. fank.

Nicole Stapultone de Haffonte: j mil de fere–cust. frank, wharf. ob.

Entre John Chepwryszt: x quarters de fourment–cust. v d.

Issant Thomas Wynturbourne plege pour j estrangerP75A3 [P75A3] pledges for a stranger.76: xxiiij balet de wod–cust., wharf. ij s. iij d.

Issant Richard Tague de Wyszt: j chaldreP75A4 [P75A4] For chalder see note to par. 27.76 carbon, v C de fer–cust. iij d. ob.

Entre John Huschon: viij quarters de fourment–cust. iiij d.

Issant John Huschon: j chaldre de carbon–cust. j d.

Summa xxviij s. ij d. ob.


Issant John Doudale: j tone j quarter de vin–cust. nihil, cran. v d.

Issant Lescriuein de la CarrakeP75A5 [P75A5] the scrivener, or clerk, of the carrack clears . . .76: j quarter de vin–cust. nihil, cran. j d.

Entre Ric. Lord: j quarter de sydreP75A6 [P75A6] one quarter of cider.76–cran. j d.

Entre la Gylyene de Hamptone, Mestre George Mixto:

Thomas Costevile: xj bales de MadyreP75A7 [P75A7] 11 bales of madder (see note to par. 1).76–cust., wharf. ij s. j d.; iij sumes de lathenayl,P75A8 [P75A8] three loads of lathnails (see note to par. 188).76 valor xxx s.–cust. iiij d. ob.; C de tele de linP75A9 [P75A9] one hundred of linen cloth.76–cust. ij d.

John Selvere de Alisford: vij bales de Madyre, j barel de lathenel, ij barels de sapon–cust. frank, wharf. ij d.

William Warn: vj bales de Madyre–cust., wharf. xiij d. ob.; iij sumes de lathenail, valor xxx s.–cust. iiij d. ob.

John Pain: v bales de Madyre–cust., wharf. xi d.

Page 76

Ric. Payn de Salisbery: vj bales de Madyre–demi cust., wharf. vij d. ob.

Walter Fetplace: viij bales de Madire–cust. frank.

Robert Eylward: iij sak de comyn,P76A1 [P76A1] three sacks of cummin.77 iiij bales de Madyre, iiij barels de lathenail, C de meluelP76A2 [P76A2] one hundred of mulwell, a kind of fish.77–cust. frank.

Gyffray Bernard: vj barels de saponP76A3 [P76A3] six barrels of soap.77–cust. frank.

George Mixto: vj bales de Madyre, iij sumes de lathenail–cust. frank.

Robert Kenne: iij bales de Madyre, ij barels de lathenail, j MandeP76A4 [P76A4] one maund of haberdashware. A maund is a wicker or other woven basket having a handle or handles (cf. New Engl. Dict.). At Southampton haberdashware apparently had the modern meaning of petty merchandise, small ware, since the beginning of the fourteenth century (see Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 23, n. 13).77 de haberdachware–cust. frank.

Ric. Halle: j barel, contient xx mil de bordnail,P76A5 [P76A5] one barrel containing 20 thousand of board nails.77 valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

Henre Baron: vj bales de alym–cust. frank.

John Selby: iij balet de alym–cust., wharf. iij d. ob.

Summa vij s. ij d. ob.


Entre le vessel William Nicole, Mestre Laurens Whyte:

John Kele de Salisbery: xx skyuesP76A6 [P76A6] 20 kives of teasels (see notes to par. 16).77 de tezel, valor xl s.–cust. ij d.

Robert Kenne: xiiij skyues de tezel–cust. frank.

William Fleschere: lx skyues de tezel, iiij mil de bakstoneP76A7 [P76A7] four thousand of bricks (see note to par. 200).77–cust. frank.

Entre John Chepwryszt: xij quarters de fourment–cust. vj d.

Issant John Stote de WysztP76A8 [P76A8] of the Isle of Wight.77 ij quarters de seilP76A9 [P76A9] rye.77–cust. j d.

Issant la Trinite de Beceldene,P76A10 [P76A10] Bursledon, on the Hamble, co. Hants.77 Mestre Ric. Patyn:

John Routland: xviij quarters de fourment–cust. ix d.

Page 77

Laurens John: v draps–cust. nihil, le dit drap fut retourne a terre.P77A1 [P77A1] the said cloth was returned on land.78

Ric. Lord: j fardel, contient xi draps–cust. xxij d.

John Wyot de Salysbery: iij draps–cust. iij d.

John Estwelle: ij draps–cust. frank.

Entre le Christofre de Hamptone, Mestre John Edrysche:

Henre Baron: viij tones de fere, iiij bales de Madyre–cust. frank.

John Edrysche: iij tones de fere–cust., wharf. ij s. ix d.; iij bales de MadyreP77A2 [P77A2] three bales of madder (see note to par. 1).78–cust., wharf. vj d. ob.

John Emery: j tone de fere j bale de Madyr–cust. frank.

Thomas Ferrere de Romesey: iiij bales de Madyre–cust., wharf. ix d.

Gabryel Corbet: ij tones vj C de fere–cust., wharf. ij s. j d.

William Elyot: j bale de Madyre–cust. frank.

Summa ix s. viij d. ob.


Entre le xxviijme jour de April j Carake de Saone,P77A3 [P77A3] enters, on the 28th day of April, one carrack of Savona (Italy), Captain Bartholomew Corsse, anchorage of the aforesaid carrack, 3/4.78 patron Bertholme Corsse, ancrage de la susdite Carake iij s. iiij d:

Gregore Catan: j saket de safren,P77A4 [P77A4] one small sack of saffron, weight ½ hundred, worth £25.78 pois demi C, valor xxv li–cust. vj s. iij d., pontage j d.; vij balet j fardelet de cereP77A5 [P77A5] seven bales one small fardel of wax, which contains four bales.78 qui contient iiij bales–cust. ij s. viij d., pontage iiij d.

Bertholme Catan: j bale de see,P77A6 [P77A6] one bale of silk (see note to par. 269).78 pois demi C, valor xxv li–cust. vj s. iij d., pontage j d.; j balet de safren, pois demi C, valor xxv li–cust. vj s. iij d., pontage j d.

Poul Morel: ij bales de cere–cust. xvj d., pontage ij d.

Entre de la susdite Carrake en la neifP77A7 [P77A7] enters from the above-said carrack in the ship of Fareham of Michael at Hethe for London, i.e., the goods were placed from the carrack on board the Gabryel of Fareham (see par. 312) and conveyed to London, by the Captain Michael at Hethe.78 de Farem Michel at Hethe per [= pour] Londres:

Page 78

Gregore Catan: iiijxx xj bales j balet [de wod ?]–pontage nihil, cust. xv s. iij d.; iiij balet de paper negre,P78A1 [P78A1] four small bales of black paper, contents 40 reams, worth £3 6s. 8d.79 contenu xl remes, valor iij li vj s. viij d.–cust. x d.

Poul Morel: ij C iiijxx xvij bales de wod–pontage nihil, cust. xlix s. vj d.

Issant de ville pour Londres charge en dyuerses vesselsP78A2 [P78A2] leaving the town for London, loaded on diverse vessels.79:

Bertholme Catan: C lviij bales j balet de wod–cust. nihil, pontage iij s. iij d. ob. q.; j cofynsP78A3 [P78A3] one coffin of paint pots (see note to par. 263).79 de peintpot, j tone j pipe plein de patynP78A4 [P78A4] one tun one pipe full of pattens, a kind of footgear.79–pontage iiij d.

Jacob Spynol: xlvij bales de wod, v bales de alum–cust. nihil, pontage xiij d.

Gregore Catan: lxij bales [de wod ?]–cust. nihil, pontage xv d. ob.; ij tones de vin–cust. nihil, cran. viij d.

Poul Morel: lxv bales de wod–cust. nihil, pontage xvj d. q.

Summa v li v d. ob.


Entre le premer jour de May j Carrake,P78A5 [P78A5] enters, on the first day of May, a carrack, Captain, John Depont. It was evidently the same Genoese boat which had already visited the port in October-December of the previous year (see par. 267).79 patron John Depont, ankerage iij s. iiij d.:

[Issant] Bertholme Catan: j fardel, contient iiij draps–cust., pontage viij d. ob.

Poul Morel: j fardel, contient vj draps demi–cust., pontage xiij d. ob.

Poul Mylyen: j fardel, contient v draps demi–cust., pontage xj d. ob.; v barels de peuter vessel, pois viij C–cust., pontage ij s. x d. ob.

Thomas Freman de Salisbere: vij pakes j paket de drap–cust. ij s. viij d., wharf. viij d.

John Payn de Romesey: ij pakes, contenu xv draps–cust. ij s. vj d., wharf. ij d.

Richard Payn de Salisbery: iiij pakes de drap–cust. xvj d., wharf. iiij d.

Entre le premer jour de May j Carrake, patron Symon Catan, ankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Page 79

Bertholme Catan: x bales de Madyre–cust. xx d., pontage ij d. ob.

Gregore Catan: xiij bales, contenu xxxix sakes de coton, valor lxxviij li–cust. xix s. vj d., pontage xiij d.

Issant en la Carrake de Symond Catan:

Jacob Spynol: CC x draps demi en xiij bales xv fangotP79A1 [P79A1] For the meaning of fangot see note to par. 277.80–cust. xxxv s. j d., pontage xvj d. ob. q.; xxiiij pokes de leineP79A2 [P79A2] 24 pokes of wool.80–cust. iiij s., pontage xij d.; v barels de petre vessels,P79A3 [P79A3] five barrels of pewter vessels.80 pois iiij C–cust. xvj d., pontage ij d. ob.; j barel de destrers,P79A4 [P79A4] The meaning of destrers is not obvious; perhaps it is the same word as destrier (= hammer, blacksmith's hammer) recorded by Du Cange. The word might have reached Southampton via Gascony.80 valor xvj s. viij d.–cust. ij d. ob., pontage ob.

Summa iiij li v s. viij d. ob. q.


Poul Morel: C xxxix pokes de leine–cust. xxiij s. ij d., pontage v s. ix d. ob.; lxiiij draps demi viij verges en vij bales–cust. x s. ix d. ob., pontage vij d.; ij barels de peutre vessels, pois viij C–cust. ij s. viij d., pontage j d.

Bertholme Catan: vj C xj draps demi vj verges en xlij bales et xliiij fangotP79A5 [P79A5] 611½ cloths six yards in 42 bales and 44 fangots. For the meaning of fangot see note to par. 277.80–cust. v li xxiij d. ob., pontage iiij s. v d.; vj barels de peutrevessels ouesque j bacyn j lavoure,P79A6 [P79A6] six barrels of pewter vessels, together with one basin and one laver (basin or vessel for washing), worth £7 6s. 8d.80 valor vij li vj s. viij d.–cust. xxij d., pontage iij d.; li pokes de leineP79A7 [P79A7] 51 pokes (or half-sacks) of wool.80–cust. viij s. vj d., pontage ij s. j d. ob.

Gregore Catan: C iiijxx ix draps et ij draps v verges de drap en graynP79A8 [P79A8] 189 cloths and two cloths five yards of dyed cloth in 15 bales and 13 fardels.80 en xv bales et xiij fardels–cust. xxxij s. iij d. ob., pontage xviij d.; j barel de peutrevessels, pois C–cust., pontage iiij d. ob.; xiiij pokes de leine–cust. ij s. iiij d., pontage vij d.

Issant Fascio Pisan: ij draps–cust. iiij d.

Issant Symon Ferare: j drap–cust. ij d.

Domync de Stella: demi drap–cust. j d.

Symon Catan: j drap–cust. ij d.

Page 80

John de Mesyn: j drap–cust. ij d.

Antony Boule: demi drap–cust. j d.

Summa x li iij d.


Entre le ixme jour de julleP80A1 [P80A1] enters, on the 9th day of July, a carrack [of Genoa].81 j Carrake, patron Galyot Pynel, ankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Gregore Catan: xx bales de MadyrP80A2 [P80A2] 20 bales of madder (see note to par. 1).81–cust. iij s. iiij d., pontage v d.; j balet de wodP80A3 [P80A3] one small bale of woad.81–cust., pontage j d. q.

Bertholme Catan: xlviij bales de Madyr–cust. viij s., pontage xij d.; ij Cables, pois xviij C quarter–cust. vj s. j d., pontage j d.

Poul Morel: xix bales de Madyr–cust. iij s. ij d., pontage iiij d. ob. q.

Jacob Spynol: vj bales de bateryeP80A4 [P80A4] six bales of battery. Battery, metal or articles of metal, especially of brass or copper, wrought by hammering (cf. New Engl. Dict.); especially kitchen utensils, according to Du Cange and Littré.81–cust. iiij s., pontage vj d.

John Gylbert: xxx bales de wod–cust. v s., pontage vij d. ob.

Watier Fetplace: xxxiij bales de Madyr–cust. frank.

Issant per la Carrake Galyot Pynel:

Bertholme Catan: v C xxvij draps j verge en xxx balez et iiij fangotP80A5 [P80A5] For the meaning of fangot see note to par. 277.81–cust. iiij li vij s. x d., pontage ij s. vij d.; vj barels de Estein fondu,P80A6 [P80A6] six barrels of molten tin.81 pois iij mil vj C quarter–cust. ix s. ob. q., pontage vj d.; vij peces de estein–cust. xiiij d., pontage j d. ob. q.; ij barels de estein fondu, pois viij C demi–cust. ij s. j d. ob., pontage ij d.; j barelelP80A7 [P80A7] Read barel, barrel.81 de peutrevessels, pois demi C–cust. ij d., pontage ob.

Gregore Catan: CC iiijxx ij draps iiij verges. En xvij bales viij fangot–cust. xlvij s. q., pontage xix d.; vj barels de peutrevessels, pois v C quarter–cust. xxj d., pontage iij d.

Summa ix li x s. iiij d. q.

Page 81


Paulus Morel: lxxiij draps demi v verges en xj bales–cust. xij s. iij d. ob., pontage xj d.; xx peces de Estein–cust. iij s. iiij d., pontage v d.

Jacob Spynol: iiijxx xix draps demi en vj bales–cust. xvj s. vij d., pontage vj d.

Issant en Galyot Pinel, Raphael Baylmond: j drap–cust. ij d.

Lucyno Michalm [or Michalin ?]: demi drap–cust. j d.

Josse Colyn: demi drap–cust. j d.

Petre Ferre: j bacynP81A1 [P81A1] one basin and pewter vessels, worth £1.82 et peutrevessels, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

John Spynol: xxxv aunesP81A2 [P81A2] 35 ells of linen cloth.82 de tele–cust. j d.

Bertholme Siste: demi drap–cust. j d.

Raphael Darnou: demi drap–cust. j d.

Frances Masse: demi drap–cust. j d.; j drap–cust. ij d.

Poul Caran: j barel de peutrevessels, pois C–cust. iiij d.

Antony Casan: v douzeine x pere de caucesP81A3 [P81A3] five dozen and 10 pairs of hoses.82–cust. iij d.

Issant j Carrake de Janne,P81A4 [P81A4] clearing a carrack of Genoa.82 patron Frances Spynol, ankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Jacob Spynol: iij C iiijxx vij draps viij verges en xxx bales xvj fardels–cust. iij li iiij s. vj d. ob., pontage ij s. x d.; viij barels de peutrevessels, pois v C–cust. xx d., pontage iiij d.

Summa v li viij s. v d.


Bertholme Catan: C lxj drap vij verges in xvj bales xv fardels–cust. xxvj s. x d. ob., pontage xix d. ob. q.; liiij peces de estein–cust. ix s., pontage xiij d. ob.; xxvj pokes de leine–cust. iiij s. iiij d., pontage xiij d.; j barel de peutrevessels, pois demi C–cust. ij d., pontage ob.

Gregore Catan: ij C liiij draps ij verges in xvij bales xv fangot–cust. xlij s. iiij d., pontage xx d. ob. q.; j barel de peutrew essels, pois demi C–cust., pontage ij d. ob.

Page 82

Poul Morel: lxix draps ij verges in vj bales–cust. xj s. vj d., pontage vj d.; j barel de peutrevessels cum bacyn et la(o)uour,P82A1 [P82A1] one barrel of pewter vessels, together with a basin and a laver (a vessel or basin for washing), worth £2.83 valor xl s.–cust. vj d., pontage ob.; x balet, contient lxiiij draps vj verges–cust. x s. viij d. ob.–pontage x d.

Entre j Carrake de Janne,P82A2 [P82A2] enters a carrack of Genoa.83 patron Antony De Pont, ankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Poul Morel: xxxiiij tones de fere–cust. xxviij s. iiij d., pontage ij s. x d.; viij C xij quarters de seilP82A3 [P82A3] 812 quarters of rye.83–cust. xxxiij s. x d.

John Payn de Romesey: ix tones j pipe de ferreP82A4 [P82A4] iron.83–cust. vij s. xj d., pontage ix d. ob.

Thomas Freman de Salysbery: xv tones de ferre–demi cust. vj s. iij d., wharf xv d.; ij pakes, contenu xlv oulonesP82A5 [P82A5] two packs, contents 45 oulones (see note to par. 3).83–cust. viij d., wharf. ij d.

Summa ix li xviij s.


Entre j Carrake de Venissce,P82A6 [P82A6] enters a carrack of Venice.83 patron Mari Michel:

Poul Morel: ancrage iij s. iiij d.; pour MarinersP82A7 [P82A7] for the mariners two cloths six yards. This cloth was evidently bought in Southampton for the crew of the carrack.83 ij draps vj verges–cust. iiij d. ob.

Entre le xxviijme jour de AugustP82A8 [P82A8] enters, on the 28th day of August, a carrack [of Genoa].83 j Carrake patron Karole Ytalyen:

Jacob Spinol: ankerage iij s. iiij d.

Bertholme Catan: CC xlj bale de wod–cust. xl s. ij d., pontage v s. q.; j bale vij balet de cere qui fountP82A9 [P82A9] one bale seven small bales of wax which make up six [standard] bales.83 vj bales–cust. iiij s., pontage vj d.

Gregore Catan: xxxj bale de wod–cust. v s. ij d., pontage vij d. ob. q.

George Barbe: j balet de cere–cust., pontage viij d. ob.

Nicole Jeard: iij bales de cere–cust., pontage ij s. iij d.; ij bag de almand–cust. ij d.

Page 83

Issant John Maryner: vj verges de drap–cust. ob.

Entre j Carrake de Cateloyne,P83A1 [P83A1] enters a carrack of Catalonia (Spain).84 patron John Pojate:

Poul Morel: ankerage iij s. iiij d.; xv bales de almand–cust. ij s. vj d., pontage iij d. ob. q.

Summa iij li xi s. x d. q.


Entre le xxviijme jour de AugustP83A2 [P83A2] enters, on the 28th day of August, a carrack [of Genoa].84 j Carrake, patron Thomas Scorcefigue:

Bertholme Catan: ankerage iij s. iiij d.; ix bales j sak de peperP83A3 [P83A3] pepper.84–cust. x li, valor xj s. viij d., pontage x d.; ix bales de dates–cust. xviij d., pontage ij d. q.; xxxj bales et balet de cereP83A4 [P83A4] 31 bales and balet of wax which make up 30 [standard] bales and one [standard] small bale.84 qui font xxx bales j balet–cust. xx s. iiij d., pontage ij s. vij d.; j Cassel de MassesP83A5 [P83A5] one small case of mace, custom 1 lb. [of mace], worth 3/4.84–cust. j li, valor iij s. iiij d., pontage j d.; ij tapit,P83A6 [P83A6] two carpets, worth £3.84 valor iij li–cust., pontage x d.; iiij bout de oyleP83A7 [P83A7] four butts of oil.84–cust., cran. iij s. iiij d.; ij bout de vin–cust., cran. viij d.; xiiij bales de alum–cust. ij s. iiij d., pontage iij d. ob.

Entre pour Londres de la Carrake Scorscefigue charge en Karole Italien et per le vessel Thomas FrelondP83A8 [P83A8] enters for London from the carrack of Scorscefigue, loaded on [the carrack] of Karole Italien and on the vessel of Thomas Frelond.84:

Bertholme Catan: C lxxvj bales de alum–cust. xxix s. iiij d., pontage nihil.

Jacob Spinol: xxviij bales de peper–cust. xxviij li, valor xxxij s. viij d., pontage xxviij d.; j bale de NoutemygP83A9 [P83A9] one bale of nutmeg, custom 1 lb., worth 2/-.84–cust. j li, valor ij s., pontage j d.; C xl bales de alum–cust. xxiij s. iiij d., pontage ij s. xj d.

Entre pour Londres per la Carake Karole Italyen et le vessel Thomas FrelondP83A10 [P83A10] enters for London in the carrack of Karole Italyen and the vessel of Thomas Frelond.84:

Jacob Spynol: C lvj bales de alum–cust. xxvj s., pontage nihil.

Page 84

Issant de ville per Jacob Spinol lxv bales de wod–cust. nihil, pontage xvj d. q.

Summa viij li xj s. iiij d.


Gregore Catan: xj bales de peper–cust. xj li, valor xij s. x d., pontage xj d.; x bales de cereP84A1 [P84A1] 10 bales of wax.85–cust. vj s. viij d., pontage x d.; j cartelP84A2 [P84A2] one cartel (see note to par. 269) of grains (for dyeing), weight three quarters, worth £10 10s.85 de grayne, pois net iij quarters, valor x li x s.–cust. ij s. vij d. ob., pontage j d.; x bout de oyle–cust., cran. viij s. iiij d.; CC xliij bales de alum–cust. xl s. vj d., pontage v s. ob. q.

John Malgambe: j sak de almand–cust. j d.; xx Mattes,P84A3 [P84A3] 20 mats, worth £1.85 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

John Baldit: j balet de alum–cust. j d.; j bag de peper, valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.

Bertholme Catan issant j draps xviij verge–cust., pontage iiij d.

Issant j Carrake de Janne,P84A4 [P84A4] clearing a carrack of Genoa.85 patron John De Pont:

Le dit patron: j bale j fardel, contenu xv drapsP84A5 [P84A5] one bale one fardel containing 15 cloths.85–cust. ij s. vj d., pontage j d.

Baltazar ScryueinP84A6 [P84A6] Baltazar, scrivener (or clerk) of the carrack of John Depont.85 de John De Pont: iij fardels, contenu x draps–cust. xx d., pontage j d.

Issant Poul Mylyen: ij fardels de tele,P84A7 [P84A7] two fardels of linen cloth.85 contenu ix C–cust. xviij d., pontage j d.

John de Galo: demi drap–cust. j d.

Jacob Spynol: j bale xi fardels, contenu xxx draps xi verges–cust. v s. j d., pontage iij d. ob.; j barel de peutrevessel, pois demi C–cust., pontage ij d. ob.

Gregore Catan: iij bales ix fangot,P84A8 [P84A8] For the meaning of fangot see note to par. 277.85 contenu lvj draps j verge–cust. ix s. iiij d., pontage iiij d.; ij fardels, contenu C pels de agnelsP84A9 [P84A9] two fardels containing 100 lamb-skins.85–cust. j d. ob., pontage ob.; j barel de peutrevessels, pois xlij li, valor x s.–cust. j d. ob., pontage ob.

Summa v li iiij d. q.

Page 85


Bertholme Catan: xij bales v fardels, contenu C xlvij draps–cust. xxiiij s. vj d., pontage xiij d.; j barel de peutrevessels, pois C, valor xxvj s. viij d.–cust. iiij d., pontage ob.; xij pokes de leineP85A1 [P85A1] 12 pokes, or half-sacks, of wool.86–cust. ij s., pontage vj d.

Entre j Galye de Cateloyne,P85A2 [P85A2] enters a galley of Catalonia.86 patron John de ville, ankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Le Scrivein de la dite GalyeP85A3 [P85A3] the scrivener (or clerk) of the said galley: 128 bunches of garlic.86: C xxviij bonches de ayl–cust. iij s. iij d.

John Mariner: j bag de peper–cust. ij d.

Entre j Maryner: j fardel de habredascheware,P85A4 [P85A4] one fardel of haberdashware (see note to par. 439).86 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Issant j Maryner: demi drap–cust. j d.

Entre le Mayre de SandewyscheP85A5 [P85A5] enters the mayor of Sandwich.86: x bales de Madyre–cust. frank.

Poul Morel: iij pipes de Canele,P85A6 [P85A6] three pipes of cinnamon, of the contents of three bales, custom 3 lbs., worth 7/6.86 contenu iij bales–cust. iij li, valor vij s. vj d., pontage vj d.; iij pipes de peper, contenu iiij bales–cust. iiij li, valor iiij s. viij d., pontage vj d.; j pipe de claus de gyrofle,P85A7 [P85A7] one pipe of cloves, of the contents of one bale, custom 1 lb., worth 3/4.86 contient j bale–[cust.] j li, valor iij s. iiij d., pontage ij d.; ij casses de caneleP85A8 [P85A8] two cases of cinnamon, custom 2 lbs., worth 5/-.86–cust. ij li, valor v s., pontage ij d.

Issant en la susdite Galye:

Poul Morel: xxiij bales j fangot, contenu CC ij draps demi iiij verges–cust. x[xxiij s. ix d.],P85A9 [P85A9] MS. torn.86 pontage xxiij d.; Et xxij douzeines de hures,P85A10 [P85A10] 22 dozen of hures, worth £5 10s. Hures were rough hairy caps (cf. Liber Albus, Gloss.).86 valor v li x s.–cust. xvj d. ob.; C xliiij pokes de leyne–cust. xxiiij s., pontage vj s.; xiiij bales, contenu xvj mil C pels de agnelsP85A11 [P85A11] 16,100 lamb-skins.86–cust. xxij s. ix d. ob.; j bale, contenu iiij C pels lanutP85A12 [P85A12] one bale containing 400 wool fells.86–cust. xij d., pontage xv d.

Summa ix s. v d. ob.

Page 86


Poul Morel: liij peces de esteinP86A1 [P86A1] 53 pieces of tin.87–cust. viij s. x d., pontage xiij d. q.; viij barels de peutrevessel, pois mil ix C demi–cust. vj s. vj d., pontage iiij d.

Bertholme Catan: ij bales, contenu xxiiij draps–cust. iiij s., pontage ij d.; x peces de estein–cust. xx d., pontage ij d. ob.

Summa xxij s. ix d. ob. q.

Summa C xliij li vj s. j d. ob.

Summa totalisP86A2 [P86A2] grand total £214 15s. 3½d. This total includes the £71 odd of Part I, and represents the total receipts of petty-customs for the year 1427-28.87 CC xiiij li xv s. iij d. ob.


Parcelle payes per Robert FlorysP86A3 [P86A3] items paid by Robert Florys.87:

Premerement per le comandement Watter Fetplace, Mayre, pay a John Wodford Senescal de Suthampton xv li.P86A4 [P86A4] first by the command of Walter Fetplace, mayor, paid to John Wodford, steward of Southampton, £15.87

Paye a Thomas Midlyngton pour son anuelteP86A5 [P86A5] paid to Thomas Midlyngton for his annuity, £10 13s. 4d.87 x li xiij s. iiij d.

Item deliuere a William Sopere, per le comandement William Nicole, Mayre, pour payer la ferme de ceste ville a madame la Reyne DengleterreP86A6 [P86A6] also delivered unto William Sopere, by the command of William Nicole, mayor, to pay the farm of this town to our Lady the Queen of England. The town was often bestowed in dowry upon queens of England. At the time when these accounts were drawn up, Joan of Navarre, queen of Henry IV, had a jointure of 150 marks (= £100) from the farm-rent of Southampton, by patent dated 19th April (1 Henry IV), 1400. Payments were apparently made to her till the time of her death, A.D. 1437 (see Davies, Hist. of Southampton, p. 35).87:

De Jacob Spynol j letre de paimentP86A7 [P86A7] a draft of £30.87 de xxx li.

De Bertholme Catan ij letres de payment de xl li.

De Poul Morel j letre de payment de xx li.

Paye a William Sopere per lez mains John Selby iiij li.P86A8 [P86A8] paid to William Sopere by the hands of John Selby, £4.87

Paye a William Nicole, Mayre, xxx li.

Deliuere a dit May[re] j letre de payment de Gregore Catan de xxv li.

Et William Nicole a resceu de John Grey de Lenn iij li.P86A9 [P86A9] and William Nicole has received of John Grey of King's Lynn, £3.87

Page 87

Summa expensa C lxxvij li xiij s. iiij d. Et sic Summa recepta excedit [Summam] Expensam per xxxvij li xxiij d. ob. Et sic idem Collector Theolonii remanet in arreragiis in predictis xxxvij li xxiij d. ob. De quibus prefatus collector postea soluit Radulpho Chamberlayne, tunc Senescallo ville predicte, xxvj li xiij s. iiij d. Et sic idem Collector remanet de claro in arreragiis in x li viij s. vij d. ob., quos quidem denarios predictos prefatus Robertus Florys, Collector Theolonii, soluit Johanni Wodeford nuper Senescallo in curia. Et sic idem Robertus quietus est. Et quos quidem denarios predictos prefatus eciam Senescallus deliberauit in curia et positi fuere in pixde de Thesauro ville cum omnibus aliis denariis de arreragiis eiusdem Senescalli ut patet in rotulo de computo eiusdem nuper Senescalli. Et sic idem Senescallus quietus est similiter.P87A1 [P87A1] amount expended £177 13s. 4d., and thus the amount received exceeds the amount expended by £37 1s. 11½d., and thus the said collector of customs remains in arrears in the aforesaid £37 1s. 11½d. Out of which the aforementioned collector afterwards paid Ralph Chamberlayn, then steward of the aforesaid town, £26 13s. 4d., and thus the same collector remains clearly in arrears in £10 8s. 7½d., which moneys the aforementioned Robert Florys, collector of customs, paid in the court to John Wodeford, late steward, and thus the same Robert is quit; and those moneys aforesaid the aforementioned steward also paid into the court, and they were placed in the coffer of the treasure of the town together with other moneys and arrears of the same steward, as appears in the roll of accounts of the same late steward, and thus the same steward is likewise quit.88

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[A.D. 1429-1430, PART I, NORTHERN TRADE].


P88A1 [P88A1] For the year 1429-1430 typical entries only are published here, but all the essential facts have been embodied in the Introduction. The Index of Proper Names at the end of the volume contains all the proper names of the MS., including those omitted here.89 [f.43a]

Computus Roberti Floryse, Collectoris Theolonii ville Suthamptone, de bonis et mercandisis intrantibus et exeuntibus per aquam, a festo sancti Michaelis, Anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum septimo, usque idem festum, Anno resoluto.

P88A2 [P88A2] Account of Robert Floryse, Collector of Customs of the Town of Southampton, of goods and merchandises entering and clearing by water, from the Feast of Saint Michael (Michaelmas Day, 29th September), in the seventh year of the reign of King Henry the Sixth after the Conquest, until the same feast day in the following year. This heading has been added by a different hand. The scribe has repeated the same mistake here as on the first folio (see note 3, page 2); the accounts were begun in the eighth year of Henry VI, not in the seventh.89

Entre a Calscheshord le Salvatour de Portingal,P88A3 [P88A3] enters at Calshot le Salvatour of Portugal.89 Mestre John Alfons, ankerage iiij d.

Issant le Priour de CreschercheP88A4 [P88A4] the Prior of Christchurch clears one pipe of wine–custom nothing, cranage 2d.89: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.

Entre le xxme jour de octobreP88A5 [P88A5] enters on the 20th day of October.89 le Marie de Hamptone, Mestre John Bigbrouk:

Thomas Brysco de CovintreP88A6 [P88A6] Thomas Brysco of Coventry.89: xxviij mil de stokfische–cust. frank, wharf. iij s. iiij d.

Robert Cupper de JernemutheP88A7 [P88A7] Robert Cupper of [Great ?] Yarmouth.89: vj barels de heryng […]

Issant William Sadler de Wyszt: ij seles, j dozune de pelsP88A8 [P88A8] two saddles and one dozen of skins.89–cust. j d. ob.

Page 89


Entre pour le homes al file au Roy de Portingal: j pipe beuerage, j pipe de aveineP89A1 [P89A1] enters for the men of the daughter of the King of Portugal: one pipe of beverage, one pipe of oats. From this entry it would seem that the daughter of the King of Portugal had landed at Southampton. Portugal and England were at that time on very friendly terms, a treaty between the two countries having been concluded a few years before. The daughter here mentioned was Isabella, who was then on her way to Burgundy where she was to marry the Duke, Philippe the Good, early in the following January. The Burgundians were the allies of the English, and the latter would naturally endeavour to do honour to the young bride. There is apparently no other record at Southampton of that royal visit, but that Isabella of Portugal came to England about that time is fully attested by an order upon the treasury (dated December 6th, 1429) to defray the expenses incurred in entertaining the Princess (cf. Rymer, Foed. X, p. 436).90–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.


[Entre] Guybbe Hayman: j barel de eskerdes, contient vj dozane troche,P89A2 [P89A2] one barrel of cards, or carding instruments, containing six dozen bundles, worth £2. According to Godef. troche (also troce, troque) meant a bundle, heap, also a kind of measure. It had practically the same meaning as Engl. truss, though it does not appear to be etymologically connected with the latter.90 valor xl s.–cust. vj d.:

Guillaume le prouost: j ponchonP89A3 [P89A3] For the meaning of ponchon see note to par. 221.90 de eskerdes, valor xl s.–cust. vj d.


Entre le Valentin de Neucastel,P89A4 [P89A4] Newcastle-upon-Tyne.90 Mestre John Alyff, ankerage frank:

Robert Chynchon de Salisbery: ix lastP89A5 [P89A5] For the meaning of last see note to par. 11.90 j barel hering–cust. ix s. j d., wharf. xviij d.; ij tones de wod–cust. xij d., cran. viij d.; j barel oynons–cust. ij d.; l benches de ailsP89A6 [P89A6] 50 bunches of garlic.90–cust. vj d.

Guerard Ducheman, Watter Waylond: viij C de patines,P89A7 [P89A7] eight hundred of pattens (a kind of footgear), worth 10 nobles.90 valor x nobles–cust. x d.; vj last de hering–cust. xij s., wharf. xij d.

Issant per j batel, Mestre William Thangle:

William Brouk de Exetre: vj bout de vin–cust. frank, cran. xij d.; vj barels de vin, v balet de wod, C de bawestauesP89A8 [P89A8] one hundred of bowstaves.90–cust. frank, wharf. j d.

Entre le Jamez de Midelburgh,P89A9 [P89A9] Middelburg, Netherlands.90 Mestre Petre Botsak, ankerage iiij d. […] :


Alis Frelond: j fardel, contient xxij Mantels de WekP89A10 [P89A10] one fardel containing 22 mantles of wek. wek, some fabric of Dutch or German origin; perhaps from Wijk, near Maastricht.90–cust. frank; vj peces de tele de lin,P89A11 [P89A11] six pieces of linen cloth.90 contenu ij C–cust. frank.

Page 90

Entre le xxij jour de Nouembre le Marie de Gersy,P90A1 [P90A1] enters, on the 22nd day of November, le Marie of Jersey.91 Mestre Phelip Jordan, kylage ij d.:

Gyffray Bauvalet: iij C de congresP90A2 [P90A2] three hundred of conger eels.91–cust. xij d.; v fardels, contenu xiiij C de teleP90A3 [P90A3] linen cloth.91–cust. ij s. iiij d.; iij fardels, contenu iiij peces de cresP90A4 [P90A4] crestcloth (see note to par. 3).91–cust. viij d., v C de canevas–cust. x d., vj peces de ouloneP90A5 [P90A5] For the meaning of oulone see note to par. 3.91–cust. vj d.; j fardel de quitepainte,P90A6 [P90A6] one fardel of counterpanes. The Old French coute pointe (< Lat. culcita + puncta) at an early period underwent extraordinary changes of spelling. The popular mind connected the word with cosdre, cousdre, Mod. French coudre, to sew, whence couste pointe (in a text of 1361, see Godef. Compl.). More generally coute was confused with courte or contre, whence Mod. French courtepointe and contrepointe (cf. Dictionnaire Général). In Anglo-French the word ultimately became counterpane (but not until 1600), used side by side with quilt (see pars. 21, 36). Our text presents a further variant showing confusion with quit (Lat. quetus < quietus) and paint. Note also the plural kytisz (par. 543). quite paint of our text supplies one link between Middle English counterpoint and our modern spelling counterpane.91 contenu xvj peces, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.; j barel de eskerdes troches,P90A7 [P90A7] For the meaning of troche see note to par. 471.91 valor xl s.–cust. vj d.; iij RondelesP90A8 [P90A8] three rondels of cinders. For the meaning of rondels see note to par. 389.91 de cendres–cust. vj d., wharf. x d. […]

John de la baleine: ij walet, contenu iij C de tele–cust. vj d., wharf. ob.



Entre j seignur de PortingalP90A9 [P90A9] enters a lord of Portugal: two tuns of beverage (see note to par. 470).91: ij tones de beuerage–cust. nihil, cran. viij d.

Issant le abbey de BeuleP90A10 [P90A10] the Abbot of Beaulieu clears two barrels of oil.91: ij barels de oyle–cran. ij d.


[Entre] Ric. Rauwe: ij tones de ferre, j tone de Rosin–cust. ij s. vj d., wharf. iij d. […]

Roger Levedown de BristowP90A11 [P90A11] Bristol.91: j balet de ssafferenP90A12 [P90A12] one small bale of saffron, custom ½ lb., worth 4/-.91–cust., demi li, valor iiij s.

Thomas Hore de Bristow: j bag de safferen, valor xxviij li–cust. iij s. vj d.

Entre le vjme jour de decembreP90A13 [P90A13] enters on the 6th day of December.91 le Gylyen de Hamptone, Mestre John Webbe […] :

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Le dit Mestre et soun compaynonsP91A1 [P91A1] the said Master and his companions. According to mediæval custom, mariners, instead of receiving a fixed sum of money for their services, might either be allowed to embark a certain quantity of goods, or share in the freight of the ship. That such was the custom at Southampton appears from the sea laws (Rolls of Oléron) in the Oak Book (see my edition, Vol. II, pp. 86-89, especially p. 87, n. 18).92: viij tones de vin–cust. ij s. viij d., cranage pour iij tones xij d.

Le vjme jour de decembre Entre le Trinite de Beceldene,P91A2 [P91A2] Bursledon (?) on the Hamble, co. Hants.92 Mestre Watter Smale:

Le dit Mestre et son compainon: vj tones pipe de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij s. ij d.


Entre le vjme jour de decembre le Thomas Assche,P91A3 [P91A3] Ash, near Sandwich, co. Kent.92 Mestre John Sloug, Ankerage iiij d. […] :

Le dit Mestre et son compainun: xlv tones de vin–cran. xv s., cust. pour xli tones de vin xiij s. viij d.

Le dit Mestre: xviij C de ferre–cust. ix d., wharf. j d.

Entre Robert Gyffray pour j alyenP91A4 [P91A4] for an alien.92 C de cere–cust. iiij d.

Entre le vjme jour de decembre le Gost de Hamptone, Mestre Rauf Huskard […] :

John Chamberlein: x tones de vin, tenant de CanturberyP91A5 [P91A5] John Chamberlein, a tenant of Canterbury, 10 tuns of wine, custom free, cranage for three tuns one pipe, 1/2.92–cust. frank, cran. pour iij tones pipe xiiij d.


Entre le Katherine de Dermuthe,P91A6 [P91A6] Dartmouth, co. Devon.92 Mestre John Ledguere, ankerage iiij d. […] :

Le dit Mestre et son compainnons: vj tones de vin–cust., cran. iiij s.

Issant Thomas Rede hors de j neif de j tone de vin–cran. nihil,P91A7 [P91A7] Thomas Rede clears from a ship one tun of wine, i.e., the tun was not landed and therefore no cranage was charged.92 cust. iiij d.

Entre a Calschesord j neif de Portingal,P91A8 [P91A8] enters at Calshot a boat of Portugal.92 Mestre John de Gard, ankerage iiij d.


Entre le conte de PortingalP91A9 [P91A9] enters the Count of Portugal (see note to par. 470).92: ij tones j pipe de beuerage–cran. x d.

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Issant j chanoun de ChichestreP92A1 [P92A1] a canon of Chichester.93: j tone de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.


Entre le George de Hamptone, Mestre William Jacob:

John Bidel: xxv bonches de flex,P92A2 [P92A2] 25 bunches of flax.93 xxx barels tarre, iij quarters de ailsP92A3 [P92A3] garlic.93–cust. frank.


Entre le xme jour de Januere le Katherine de Depe,P92A4 [P92A4] enters, on the 10th day of January, le Katherine of Dieppe, France.93 Mestre Robert Roward, ankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: vij last demi de hering–cust. xv s., wharf. xv d.; ij ponchonsP92A5 [P92A5] two ponchons of red herrings containing half last. For the meaning of ponchon see note to par. 221.93 de hering sore, contenu demi last–cust. v d.; iiij barels de whiting–cust. iiij d.

Issant ij Roles de beuer,P92A6 [P92A6] two rolls of beaver, worth six nobles.93 valor vj nobles–cust. vj d.


Entre le xviijme jour de Januere le Maryknyszt de Andwarp,P92A7 [P92A7] Antwerp, Netherlands.93 Mestre John Johnsone, ankerage iiij d.:

Jacob ven Arkel: C pointelsP92A8 [P92A8] The word pointel or pointelle occurs also in the Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 10, n. 7. It seems to have denoted a variable quantity, seeing that in the present case customs-duty amounted to 3/4 per pointel, whilst below (par. 543) it was only 2/3. In the latter case the entry states that 24 pointels were equal to four hundred [lbs. ?]. For an explanation of the word pointel see my article in Mod. Lang. Review, April, 1911, p. 180.93 de wolde–cust. vj s. iij d.; lx skyues de tezel,P92A9 [P92A9] 60 kives of teasels (see note to par. 16).93 valor vj li–cust. xviij d.; ij mil de pavingston, valor vj li–cust. xviij d.; viij C de pauement en piere,P92A10 [P92A10] eight hundred of paving stones. Note the curious use side by side of the French pauement en piere and the English equivalent pavingston.93 valor iiij nobles–cust. iiij d.; ij C mil de noysP92A11 [P92A11] 200 thousand of [wal]-nuts.93–cust. iiij s. ij d.; ij sak de hoppes, valor iiij li–cust. xij d.; vj douzeine de forcers,P92A12 [P92A12] six dozen of forcers (caskets or small chests), worth £1.93 valor xx s.–cust. iij d., wharf. viij d.

Issant John Terry: vj barels osmond,P92A13 [P92A13] John Terry clears six barrels of osmond, worth £3. Osmond, a superior quality of iron formerly imported from the Baltic regions, in very small bars or rods, for the manufacture of arrow heads, fish hooks, bell-gear, etc. (cf. New Engl. Dict.).93 valor iij li–cust. ix d., wharf. j d.

Page 93

Entre le Christofre de Coffhethe, Mestre William Waltersone, Ankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: ij last demi de hering–cust. ij s. j d., wharf. ij d.; xl quarters de Malt–cust. xx d.

Issant le abbey de NetleP93A2 [P93A2] the Abbot of Netley clears one tun of wine.94: j tone de vin–cran. iiij d.


Entre le James de Coffhethe, Mestre John Coke, ankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: ij last de sprot,P93A3 [P93A3] two lasts of sprats.94 valor xx s.–cust. iij d. […]

Entre le CowP93A4 [P93A4] cow is very likely a corruption of, or a mistake for, cog, a kind of boat (see note to par. 49).94 Clement Rose de Sclus, Mestre de j neif, ankerage iiij d.


Issant John Cok: j Rolle de beuere,P93A5 [P93A5] one roll of beaver, worth £1.94 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.


Entre le xxijme jour de JanuereP93A6 [P93A6] enters on the 22nd day of January.94 le George Eston,P93A7 [P93A7] Easton, near Portland Isle, co. Dorset.94 Mestre John Pope, ankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: v last de hering soreP93A8 [P93A8] five lasts of red herrings (see note to par. 11).94–cust. iiij s. ij d., wharf. v d.; demi last de barels hering–cust. xij d., wharf. j d.; iij last de sprotisP93A9 [P93A9] three lasts of sprats.94–cust. vj d.


Entre le xxxme jour de Januere le Katherine de Bayon,P93A10 [P93A10] Bayonne, France.94 Mestre John de lavyne, Ankerage iiii d.:

Watte Fetplace: xxxiij tones de vin, xvj tones de ferre–cust. frank, cran. xi s.

John Pier: j tone de ferre–cust., wharf. xi d.; ij tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. xx d.

Issant v draps–cust. x d.

Estephen de mycosant: ij tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. xx d.; ij tones de Rosine–cust., wharf. xi d.

Le dit Mestre: barel de melP93A11 [P93A11] one barrel of honey.94–cust. ij d.

John John: ix tones de ferre–cust. frank.

Page 94

Issant le abbey de BeulyP94A1 [P94A1] the Abbot of Beaulieu (Hants) clears one tun of wine.95: j tone de vin–cust. frank, cran. iiij d.

Issant Robert Cupper: ij tones j pipe j quart de vin–cust. frank, cran. xi d.; j pipe de plein de figP94A2 [P94A2] one pipe full of figs.95–cust. frank, cran. ij d.



Entre le ixme jour de febre le bryde de falmuth,P94A3 [P94A3] enters, on the 9th day of February, le Bryde of Falmouth, co. Cornwall.95 Mestre Thomas Yuet, kylage ij d.:

Josse Dayow: lxx peces de estein,P94A4 [P94A4] 70 pieces of tin.95 pois xiiij mil v C–cust. xij s. vi d., pontage xvij d.

Issant le byer brewerP94A5 [P94A5] the beer brewer [of Southampton].95: j pipe de vin–cust., cran. iiij d.

Entre le Marguite Guernesy, Mestre Guyllem Papein, hankerage iiij d.:

John Payn: C xxx peces de frutP94A6 [P94A6] 130 pieces of fruit (see note to par. 23).95–cust. v s. v d., wharf. v d.; iij fardels de canevas, contenu vij C demi–cust., wharf. xvj d.

Ric. Payn de Salisbery: C xxx peces de frut–cust. ij s. viij d. ob., wharf. iij d.

John Tyant and John Perin: iiij fardels de cres,P94A7 [P94A7] four fardels of crestcloth (see note to par. 3).95 contenu xxij peces–cust. iij s. viij d., wharf. ij d.

[Issant] William Chapman de ArnoldelP94A8 [P94A8] Read arondel, Arundel, co. Sussex.95: ij balet de wod–cust. ij d.; C de sapon,P94A9 [P94A9] one hundred of soap, worth £1.95 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.; C de almand, valor xvj s. viij d.–cust. ij d. ob.


Entre le xxme jour de feuereP94A10 [P94A10] enters on the 20th day of February.95 le Nicole de Syrryse,P94A11 [P94A11] Zierikzee, Netherlands (see note to par. 284).95 Mestre Martin Symon, Hankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xvj bales de madyrP94A12 [P94A12] madder (see note to par. 1).95–cust. ij s. viij d., wharf. iiij d.

Elys Jonson: xxij bales de madyr–cust. iij s. viij d., pontage v d. ob.

Page 95

Petre Williamsone: ij peces de tele,P95A1 [P95A1] two pieces of linen cloth.96 contenu demi C–cust. j d.

Entre le Mary de S. Yue,P95A2 [P95A2] St. Ives, co. Cornwall.96 Mestre Henry Berwe, Ankerage pay a Hamele:

Le dit Mestre: ij mil C de haake–cust. iij s. vj d.; iij C de meluwel–cust. vj d.; xxvij barels de seimP95A3 [P95A3] 27 barrels of seam (see note to par. 280).96–cust. ix d., wharf. iij d.

Issant John Meltone: j tone j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. vj d.

Entre le Fryday de Midelbourgh,P95A4 [P95A4] Middelburg, Netherlands.96 Mestre Petre Botsak, hankerage iiij d.:

William Warner de Pole: v C demi de ailsP95A5 [P95A5] five-and-a-half hundred of garlic by the small hundred (see note to par. 1).96 per vxx–cust. xj s. v d.; xlij barels de oynons–cust. xxj d.; iiij bales de madyr–cust. viij d., pontage nihil; iiij barels de sapon, valor iiij li–Cust. xij d., pontage nihil.


Issant le Maryeknyszt ven Enwarp,P95A6 [P95A6] Antwerp, Netherlands.96 hankerage pay entrantP95A7 [P95A7] anchorage paid on entering.96:

Thomas Cambourne: ij tones j pipe de vin–cust., cran. xx d.

John Wodford: ij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. x d.

Rauf Chamberlen: ij tones j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. x d.

John John: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Henry Baron: ij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Entre William Slye: iiij quarters de fourment, iiij quarters de benesP95A8 [P95A8] four quarters of beans.96–cust. iiij d.

Entre le Christofre de Crawmer,P95A9 [P95A9] Cromer, co. Norfolk.96 Mestre William Trewe, hankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iij last demi de hering sores–cust. ij s. xi d., wharf. iij d.; j last demi de barels de hering–Cust. iij s., wharf. iij d.; iij C de ling et meluwel–cust. vj d.

Page 96


Issant le seconde jour de Mars j batel de Fowy,P96A1 [P96A1] clearing, on the 2nd day of March, a boat of Fowey, co. Cornwall.97 Mestre Phelyp Gode, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre mil de ling et meluel–cust. xx d.


Issant William Hardeman, issant per Petre Botsak: xxij peres de drommes,P96A2 [P96A2] 22 pairs of drums (or drum fells ?), worth two nobles. According to the New Engl. Dict. the word drum, though evidenced c. 1540, is not common before 1575. The noble was a gold coin first minted by Edward III, having the current value of 6/8,–some authors say 10/- (cf. New Engl. Dict.).97 valor ij noble–cust. ij d.; iiij dozeine de pels de conynP96A3 [P96A3] four dozens of rabbit-skins.97–cust. ob.

Issant la Dame de YorkP96A4 [P96A4] See note to par. 336.97: j pipe de vin–cran. ij d.

Issant j Mariner de Cornwaille: C de plumbP96A5 [P96A5] a mariner of Cornwall clears one hundred of lead.97–cust. ob.

Entre j batel de Briszhelmstone,P96A6 [P96A6] enters a boat of Brighton.97 Mestre Reinol Trenkierne, kylage ij d.

Issant le Nicole de Syrise,P96A7 [P96A7] Zierikzee, Netherlands (see note to par. 284).97 Mestre Martin Symonsone:

Le dit Mestre: x draps demi–cust. xxj d.; vij tones j quarter de vin–cust., cran. iiij s. x d.

Entre per le batel Mestre William Payn:

William Hayne de PouleP96A8 [P96A8] Poole, co. Dorset.97: v tones de ferre–cust. iiij s. ij d., wharf. v d.

Issant per le susdite batel xx tones de ferre–cust. xvj s. viij d., wharf. nihil.

Entre le xvme jour de Mars le Marie de Assche,P96A9 [P96A9] enters, on the 15th day of March, le Marie of Ash, co. Kent.97 Mestre William Steuertone, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: ix C de meluel et ling–cust. xviij d.

William Flescher pur j tymbre schideP96A10 [P96A10] Timber and shide both mean piece of wood, plank.97–cran. ij d.


Entre le Gylyen de Loo,P96A11 [P96A11] Looe, co. Cornwall.97 Mestre Watte Howe, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: v C de ling et meluel–cust. x d.

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Issant John Cherche de Londres per le Marye de Hamptone: iij pakes de drap–cust. frank, wharf. iij d.

Issant le primer jour de April per le Marie de Hamptone,P97A1 [P97A1] clearing, on the 1st day of April, per le Marie of Southampton.98 Mestre John Bygbrok:

John Harry: j fardel, contenu iiij draps demi–cust. ix d.

Issant John Cheshal de Londres: xiiij pipes de wod–cust. frank, cran. iij s. vj d.


Issant Sir John Bown: j tone de vin–cust. nihil, cran. iiij d.

Issant le Reve de BeterneP97A2 [P97A2] the Reeve of Bitterne (Hants) clears one millstone.98: j melstone–cran. xij d.

Entre le Marie de Setone,P97A3 [P97A3] Seaton, co. Devon.98 Mestre Watte Cosin, hankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xx tones de frank piere, valor iiij li–cust. xii d.

Le dit Mestre fet j fin pur concilmentP97A4 [P97A4] the aforesaid Master makes a fine for concealment of his custom, i.e., customable goods, 2/8.98 de son custum de ij s. viij d.

Issant John Carter de Limeton pur le dit Iglyse v peces de plumbP97A5 [P97A5] John Carter of Lymington clears for the said church five pieces of lead.98–cust. nihil, cran. vj d.

Entre le Wolfar de Durdreyszt,P97A6 [P97A6] Dordrecht, Netherlands.98 Mestre John Wysse, hankerage iiij d.:

Ric. of Blaktoft: lx chaldre de carbon–cust. v s.; portage x schaldres,P97A7 [P97A7] portage of 10 chalders of coal, 10d. For the meaning of chalder see note to par. 27.98 (cust.) x d.; demi last de biereP97A8 [P97A8] half-last of beer. This is the only instance in which beer was imported. The last consisted generally of 12 barrels.98–cust. iiij d.; demi C de averens,P97A9 [P97A9] half-hundred of oars.98 valor iiij nobles–cust. iiij d.

Le dit Mestre: vj grindingstones–cust. xij d.


Entre Nicole Weston: viij quarters de orgeP97A10 [P97A10] barley.98–cust. iiij d.:

Issant ij chaldre de carbon–cust. ij d.

Page 98

Issant William Johnson: vj C de flokkes,P98A1 [P98A1] six hundred of flock, a material consisting of coarse tufts and refuse of wool (cf. New Engl. Dict.).99 valor v nobles–cust. v d.; vij C de pels de coninP98A2 [P98A2] seven hundred of rabbit-skins.99–cust. x d. ob., wharf. ob.

Issant William Kant: j pipe de habredache,P98A3 [P98A3] one pipe of haberdashware (see note to par. 439).99 valor iij li vj s. viij d.–cust. nihil.

Entre le Marie de Kentone,P98A4 [P98A4] Kenton, co. Devon.99 Mestre Roger Down, kylage ij d.

Entre le xvme jour de MayP98A5 [P98A5] enters on the 15th day of May.99 le Antony de Hamptone, Mestre John John:

Le dit [Mestre]: xx tones de ferre–cust. frank; iij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. xij d.

John Thursbout de Londres: vij tones de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij s. iiij d.; j tone de ferre–cust. frank […]


Robert Hervy: j tone de Rosine et bra,P98A6 [P98A6] one tun of resin and bray. For the meaning of bray see note to par. 203.99 valor l s.–cust. vij d. ob., wharf. j d.

Entre j batel de Sefford,P98A7 [P98A7] Seaford, co. Sussex.99 Mestre John Crawling, hankerage frank:

John Partrische: xviij quarters de breisP98A8 [P98A8] breis, also written brees, brez, or blees (cf. Liber Albus, p. 432), denoted malt or barley for making malt.99–cust. ix d.

Entre le Petre de Asschesche,P98A9 [P98A9] Ash, near Sandwich, co. Kent.99 Mestre Ric. Kyng, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iiij C de Meluel–cust. viij d.

Entre le Marie de Salthasche,P98A10 [P98A10] Saltash, co. Cornwall.99 Mestre Ric. Amis, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: xx mil de sclatP98A11 [P98A11] 20 thousand of slates.99–cust. v d.


Entre Watte Cosin: xx tones de frank piere,P98A12 [P98A12] 20 tuns of freestone, worth £4.99 valor iiij li–cust. xij d, hankerage iiij d.

Page 99

Issant John Sydney Esquier: j pipe de vin–cust. nihil, cran. ij d.

Entre le George de Exetre, Mestre John Steubery, hankerage frank:

Thomas Paynol de CovintreP99A1 [P99A1] Coventry.100: viij bales madireP99A2 [P99A2] madder (see note to par. 1).100–cust. frank, wharf. ij d.

John Bristo de Covintre: l bales madyre–cust. frank, wharf. xij d. ob.

John Catour draper de Covintre: xx bales de madyre–cust. frank, wharf. v d.

Entre le derein jour de MaiiP99A3 [P99A3] enters on the last day of May.100 le Gost de Hamptone, Mestre Rauf Huskard:

Le dit Mestre: ij tones pipe de ferre–cust. frank.

Davy John de Hoke: j barel de sapone,P99A4 [P99A4] soap.100 valor xvj s. viij d.–cust. ij d. ob. […]

Ric. Cok: ij barels de sapon, valor xxxiij s. iiij d.–cust. v d. […]


Gyffray Ouertone: j last de sapon, valor x li–cust. ij s. vj d., wharf. ij d.; ij peces de tele,P99A5 [P99A5] linen cloth.100 contenu C–cust. ij d. […]

Morysse Flesscher: C de bawstaues,P99A6 [P99A6] one hundred of bowstaves. In the reign of Edward IV special legislation was passed to encourage the importation of bowstaves (cf. Cunningham, Growth of Engl. Ind. and Com., Vol. I, p. 388).100 valor vij nobles–cust. vij d.

Entre le Marie de Hethe,P99A7 [P99A7] Hythe, probably Hythe in Kent rather than Hythe in Southampton Water.100 Mestre Roger Knyszt:

William Hardeman: iij barels de haberdach,P99A8 [P99A8] haberdashware (see note to par. 439).100 valor iij li–cust. ix d.; iiij skyues de tezel,P99A9 [P99A9] four kives of teasels (see note to par. 16).100 valor vj s. viij d.–cust. j d.; j mil de bakstone,P99A10 [P99A10] For the meaning of bakestone see note to par. 200.100 valor iiij s. iiij d.–cust. ob. […]

James Johnsone: ij barels de sapon, valor xl s.–cust. vj d.

John Gondiere de Hethe: j barel de sapon, valor xx s.–cust. iij d.

Page 100

Entre le Nicole de Endwerp,P100A1 [P100A1] Antwerp, Netherlands.101 Mestre John Dan, Hankerage iiij d.:

Gyles Snak: viij bales de madire–cust., pont. xviij d.; xxi peces de teldes,P100A2 [P100A2] 21 pieces of sail-cloth or tent-cloth (see note to par. 285).101 valor iiij li xiij s. iiij d.–cust. xiiij d.; lii skyues de tezel, valor iiij li–cust. xij d.; xxiiij pointelsP100A3 [P100A3] 24 pointels of woad. For the meaning of pointel see note to par. 491.101 de wold, pois iiij C–cust. xvj d.; xiij mil de pavingtiles, valor iiij li–cust. xij d.; ij C stikP100A4 [P100A4] 200 sticks of linen cloth of the contents of one hundred [ells]. The stick was therefore equal to half-an-ell.101 de tel, contenu C–cust. ij d.; C demi camvere,P100A5 [P100A5] half-hundred of hemp, worth £1.101 valor xx s.–cust. iij d.; ij kytisz,P100A6 [P100A6] two quilts or counterpanes (see note to par. 475).101 valor vj s. viij d.–cust. j d.; viij dozeine de fil de coloine,P100A7 [P100A7] eight dozen of Cologne thread.101 valor iij li–cust. ix d., wharf. pur tout viij d.P100A8 [P100A8] wharfage for the lot, 8d.101


[Issant] le abbe de beuluyP100A9 [P100A9] the Abbot of Beaulieu, co. Hants.101: j pipe de vin–cust. frank, cran. ij d.

[Issant] Gregore Catan: j bout de beuerage pour le CarrakP100A10 [P100A10] one butt of beverage for the carrack.101–cran. ij d.

Entre le Nicole de Barfleu,P100A11 [P100A11] Barfleur, Normandy.101 Mestre Guyllem Reul, hankerage iiij d.:

William at Yate: lxij quarters de fourmentP100A12 [P100A12] wheat.101–cust. ij s. vj d.; xij quarters de orgeP100A13 [P100A13] barley.101 –cust. vj d.

Ric. Ermysse: ij bacons–cust. j d.

Issant ij C de ferre–cust. j d.; j tone de vin–cust., cran. viij d.

Entre le Marie de Kyngueswere,P100A14 [P100A14] Kingswear, co. Devon.101 Mestre Robert Fithel, hankerage iiij d.:

William Sopere: xxviij mil de sclatP100A15 [P100A15] slates.101 –cust. frank.

Page 101

Entre le xvjme jour de junP101A1 [P101A1] enters on the 16th day of June.102 le Gilien de Hamptone, Mestre Michel at Hethe:

Watte Fetplace pur j home de Barstaple x tones de ferreP101A2 [P101A2] for a man of Barnstaple, 10 tons of iron.102–cust. frank, wharf. ix s. ij d. […]

Le dit Mestre: iiij barels de sapon, valor iij li vj s. viij d.–cust. x d. […]


John Buskard: xiij MandesP101A3 [P101A3] 13 maunds of wine glasses. For the meaning of maund see note to par. 439.102 de verres pur vine, valor xviij li–cust. iiij s. vj d., wharf. j d.

Entre le Nicole de Depe,P101A4 [P101A4] Dieppe, Normandy.102 Mestre William Candeler, hankerage pay a HameleP101A5 [P101A5] anchorage paid at Hamble.102:

Ric. at Wode de Londres: lx quarters de furment–cust. frank.

Issant Gyles Snak: j pipe ouesque candel,P101A6 [P101A6] one pipe with candles, i.e., filled with candles?102 valor liij s. iiij d.–cust., cran. x d.

[Issant] le seigneur de HogrefordP101A7 [P101A7] Lord Hungerford clears two anchors. Sir Walter Lord Hungerford was a distinguished warrior and statesman. In 1415 he accompanied Henry V to France and fought at Agincourt. In 1417 he became admiral of the fleet. Afterwards he held various offices at Court and acted as carver at Henry VI's coronation in Paris in December, 1430. He died in 1449 (Dict. of Nat. Biog., Vol. 28, p. 258).102: ij ankeres–cran. iiij d.

Entre le Marie de Hamptone, Mestre Ric. Halle:

John Greyling de AlisforP101A8 [P101A8] Alresford, co. Hants.102: j fardel de canevas, j ponchon de eskerdP101A9 [P101A9] one ponchon, or cask, of cards or carding instruments.102–cust. frank. […]

John Ropere: vj dubletz, valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.; j fardel canevas, contenu C demi–cust. iij d.

Le dit Mestre: j pipe de eskerdes (de eskerdes) troches,P101A11 [P101A11] one pipe of cards, or carding instruments, in trusses or bundles. The second de eskerdes is redundant. For the word troche see note to par. 471.102 valor iiij li–cust. xij d.; vj quarters de frument–cust. iij d.; vj dubelet, valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d. […]


Entre le Gylyene de Hamptone, Mestre John Haward:

John Cherche de Londres: ij tones j pipe de ferre–cust. frank […]

Page 102

Robert Sexy et son compainonsP102A1 [P102A1] Robert Sexy and his companions (see note to par. 479).103: iiij tones de ferre–wharf. nihil, cust. iij s. iiij d.

Ente le x jour de Jule le Marie de Hamptone, Mestre John Bigbrouk:

Watte Fetplace: xxvij tones de ferre–cust. frank.


Issant John Scherter de Chichestre: iiij fardels de canevas et toile,P102A2 [P102A2] canvas and linen cloth.103 contenu xiiij C–cust. ij s. iiij d., wharf. ij d.

Entre Nicol Westone: x mil de lathes–cust. v d.; demi C de petit bordP102A3 [P102A3] half-a-hundred of small boards.103–cust. j d.

Issant Thomas Harlestone: xvj sarpuler de laneP102A4 [P102A4] 16 sacks of wool (see note to par. 406).103–cust. frank, wharf. ij s. viij d.

Issant Thomas Crouke tenant levesque de CantourberyP102A5 [P102A5] a tenant of the Bishop ( = Archbishop) of Canterbury.103: ij tones de oyle–cust. frank, cran. viij d.

Issant John Payn: j tone j pipe de vin–custum pay entrant,P102A6 [P102A6] customs-duty paid on entering.103 cran. vj d.

Entre le Marie de Schorem,P102A7 [P102A7] Shoreham, co. Sussex.103 Mestre William Swyft, kylage ij d.:

Morysse Flescher: C de bawstaues,P102A8 [P102A8] one hundred of bowstaves (see note to par. 541).103 valor xl s.–cust. vi d.

Entre le xxviijme jour de juulle le barge de S. Marie de Bylbawe,P102A9 [P102A9] enters, on the 28th day of July, the barge Sainte Marie of Bilboa, Spain.103 Mestre John Martin, hankerage iiij d. […] :


Petre de Oudarre: iiij tones de ferre–cust. iij s. iiij d., pontage iiij d.; xiiij mil claus,P102A10 [P102A10] 14 thousand of nails.103 valor iij li v s.–cust. x d.

Entre le primer jour de augustP102A11 [P102A11] enters on the first day of August.103 le Fryday de Mydelburgh,P102A12 [P102A12] Middelburg, Netherlands.103 Mestre Petre Botsak, ankerage iiij d. […] :

John Benthem: […] j barel de whitplat yren–cust. frank.

Page 103

John de port de Salisbery: xj bales de madireP103A1 [P103A1] madder (see note to par. 1).104–cust. xj d., wharf. iij d.; xviij barels de sapon,P103A2 [P103A2] soap.104 valor xv li–cust. xv d., wharf. iij d.; ij C de pamen tyle, iij skyves de tezel,P103A4 [P103A4] three kives of teasels (see note to par. 16).104 x avirons, valor xx s.–cust. j d., wharf. j d.

William Warem de Salisbery: v bales de madire–cust. v d., wharf. iij d.; ij barels de sapon, valor xl s.–cust. ij d.; iij barels de lathenails,P103A6 [P103A6] lath nails.104 valor ix li–cust. ix d.; j barel de habredache,P103A7 [P103A7] haberdashware.104 ij C de pament tyl–cust. iiij d.; iij skyues de tezels, x avirons, ij saks de camvere,P103A8 [P103A8] two sacks of hemp.104 valor iij li–cust. iij d.; j mande de colointhred,P103A9 [P103A9] one maund (or chest) of Cologne thread. In par. 543 the same article was called fil de Coloine.104 valor x li–cust. x d.


Entre j Neif de Luschebone,P103A10 [P103A10] enters a ship of Lisbon (Portugal).104 Mestre John Fernand, hankerage iiij d. […]

John Stephenes de BristowP103A11 [P103A11] John Stephenes of Bristol for a boat, worth £5, custom 7½d. (see note to par. 153).104 pour j batel, valor v li–cust. vij d. ob.

Entre le Nicole de Barfle,P103A12 [P103A12] Barfleur, Normandy.104 Mestre Ric. Ermysse, kylage ij d.:

Le dit Mestre: iij cables, vj auseres,P103A13 [P103A13] three cables, six hawsers, weight 23 hundred. Hawser, large rope or small cable.104 pois ij mil iij C–cust. vij s. viij d., wharf. j d. […]


Issant Alis Sandre: ij bout de vin–cust., cran. viij d.; j tone devoydeP103A14 [P103A14] an empty tun.104–cust. j d.

Entre le xjme jour de Septembre le Magdalen ven Densk,P103A15 [P103A15] enters, on the 11th day of September, le Magdalen of Denmark.104 Mestre John Rourdanse, hankerage iiij d.:

Arnold Foulenhowe: C xx charges de seil, contenu ix C lij quarters de seilP103A16 [P103A16] 120 loads of rye, contents 952 quarters of rye.104 –cust. xxxix s. viij d.

Page 104

John Henricson: ij peces de canevas, contenu C–cust. ij d.

Roulland Geraradsone: iiij rolles de oulonesP104A1 [P104A1] For the meaning of oulone see note to par. 3.105–cust. iiij d.

Entre Thomas Hedlend de Neucastel: iiij fouther demi de plumbP104A2 [P104A2] four-and-a-half fothers of lead (see note to par. 333).105–cust. frank, wharf. iiij d.


Entre le Mariknyszt de Hambourgh, Mestre Guerwyn Thegond, hankerage iiij d.

Entre Marischip de Midelburgh,P104A3 [P104A3] Middelburg, Netherlands.105 Mestre Pier Whyte, hankerage iiij d.:

Bencras Petresone: iij C barels de oynons–cust. xij s. vj d.

Entre William Nicole: xvj peces de plumb, contenu iij fouthers demi–cust. frank, cran. xiiij d.

Issant per le Katherine, Mestre Ric. Halle […] :

William Flescher: ij douzeine de calf skines–cust. j d.; iiij C de cornes,P104A4 [P104A4] 400 horns, worth 3/-.105 valor iij s.–cust. ob.

Ric. Halle: x peces de frise de galesP104A5 [P104A5] 10 pieces of Welsh frieze (see note to par. 45).105–cust. x d.

Entre le Christofre de Neucastel,P104A6 [P104A6] Newcastle-upon-Tyne.105 Mestre John A. Medow, hankerage frank:

Le dit Mestre: iiij dozeine de moolesP104A7 [P104A7] four dozens of millstones.105–cust. frank.

Entre le Mary de Sclus,P104A8 [P104A8] Sluis, Netherlands.105 Mestre Cornelius Wygard, hankerage iiij d.

Entre le James de Sclus, Mestre John Ruskard, hankerage iiij d.

Entre le Gost de Hampbourgh,P104A9 [P104A9] Hamburg.105 Mestre Henry Croup, hankerage iiij d.

Entre le Marknyszt de Camp,P104A10 [P104A10] Kampen, Netherlands.105 Mestre Tynne Guysesene, hankerage iiij d.

Entre le Christofre de Hampbourgh, Mestre Foulmere, hankerage iiij d.

Page 105

Entre le Mariknyszt de Hampbourgh, Mestre Martin Whyte, hankerge iiij d.

Entre le Goddysknyszt de Hampbourgh, Mestre Henry Hauman, hankerage iiij d.

Entre le Mariknyszt de Hampbourgh, Mestre Tydmond Holmysted, hankerage iiij d.

Entre le Gost de Hampbourgh, Mestre John Sosse, hankerage iiij d.

Entre le Gost de Hampbourgh, Mestre Stephen Thorbar, hankerage iiij d.


Entre le Madleine de Deve,P105A1 [P105A1] Perhaps Dives (?) in Normandy, or more likely Delft (?) in Netherlands.106 Mestre Petre Riole, hankerage iiij d.:

Le dit Mestre: j tone j quarter fere–cust., pontage xiij d. ob.; ij rolles de beuer,P105A2 [P105A2] two rolls of beaver.106 valor xl s.–cust. vj d.; j bale de likerysP105A3 [P105A3] one bale of liquorice.106–cust. ij d.


Entre iiij neifs de embassadeurs de Spayne,P105A4 [P105A4] enter four ships of the ambassadors of Spain, for four anchorages 1/4 (see Introduction).106 pour iiij hankerages xvj d.

John Emery pour cranage de le prinse del Roy pour xv tonesP105A5 [P105A5] for cranage of the king's prisage, for 15 tuns 5/- (see note to par. 259).106 v s.

Resceu de Roger Pylly pour le ferme de le tole de LymyngtoneP105A6 [P105A6] received of Roger Pylly for the farm of the toll of Lymington, £1 5s.106 xxv s.

Roberd Gyffray pour le ferme de le tole de Portesmuthe et HameleP105A7 [P105A7] Robert Gyffray for the farm of the toll of Portsmouth and Hamble, £2.106 xl s.

Et inde postea idem Balliuus postea per omnes auditores exoneraturP105A8 [P105A8] and afterwards the same bailiff was exonerated by all the auditors of 13/4.106 de xiij s. iiij d.

Summa totalis omnium Receptorum prescriptorumP105A9 [P105A9] sum total of all the above written receipts, £64 0s. 2½d.106 lxiiij li ij d. ob.

Page 106




Acompte des Carrakes de landemain de Seint Michel lan nostre Seigneur mil iiij C xxix.

P106A1 [P106A1] account of the carracks of the morrow of Michaelmas Day in the year of our Lord 1429.107

Primerement de Gregore Saluage, lequel Ankerage est pay en le acompte devant le S. Michel.P106A2 [P106A2] first of Gregory Salvage, an anchorage which was paid in the account before Michaelmas.107

Entre j carrake, Patron Pier Blank, hankerage paye en le acompte devant le Saint MychelP106A3 [P106A3] anchorage paid in the account before Michaelmas.107:

Andre Spinol: xv balet de cere,P106A4 [P106A4] 15 small bales of wax.107 contenu xi bales–cust. vij s. iiij d., pontage xi d.; ij barels de gynbre verd,P106A5 [P106A5] two barrels of green ginger.107 valor xv li–cust. iiij s. ix d., pontage ij d.

Gregor Catan: xxvj pot de suchreP106A6 [P106A6] 26 pots of sugar.107 valor vj li x s.–cust. xix d. ob., pontage j d. ob.


Entre le xime jour de octobre j Carrak de Venisse,P106A7 [P106A7] enters, on the 11th day of October, a carrack of Venice.107 patron Antony Contelmare, hankerage iij s. iiij d. […] :

LescriuenP106A8 [P106A8] the scrivener, or clerk, of the carrack.107 de la Carrak: vj barels de vin–cust. iij d.; xxv mantel de buge,P106A9 [P106A9] 25 mantles of budge. Budge, a kind of fur, consisting of lamb-skin, with the wool dressed outward. The word is spelt boge and bogea in the Oak Book, Vol. II, pp. 6, 24.107 valor vj li–cust. xviij d. […]


John Emery pour j estranger: j bag de saffren,P106A10 [P106A10] for a stranger, one bag of saffron.107 valor ij li–cust. vj d. […]

Poul Morel: C xxij bout de vin–cran. nihil, cust. xx s. iiij d.; xxxvj tertien,P106A11 [P106A11] 36 tertians containing 12 butts. According to the New Engl. Dict. the tertian was a measure of 84 gallons or the one-third part of a tun. But in the present case the tertian is equal to one-third of a butt or one-sixth of a tun.107 contenu xij bout–cust. ij s.; vj barels de vin, contenu j bout de vin–cran. nihil, cust. ij d.

Page 107

Gregore Catan carge de la Carrak susdite en dyuerses vessel pour LondresP107A1 [P107A1] Gregory Catan loads from the aforesaid carrack on diverse vessels for London 59 butts of wine.108: lix bouts de vin–cran. nihil, xvij barels de vin, contenu ij bout demi–cran. nihil, cust. x s. iij d.

Issant j carrak de Janne,P107A2 [P107A2] Genoa.108 Patron Nicole de Camoylle, hankerage est compte ou livre de acompte deuant S. MichelP107A3 [P107A3] the anchorage is reckoned in the book of accounts before Michaelmas.108 […]


Andre Spinol: xxj bale iiij balet xxxij fardels, contenu ij C iiijxx xviij draps viij verges, vj draps ij verges de drap en graine et scarlate, summa iij C ix draps demi–cust. lj s. viij d. ob.

Andre Spinol plege pur Jacob Spinol xxvj bales de pels, contenu vj mil v C pel passelargeP107A4 [P107A4] Andrew Spinol pledges for Jacob Spinol 26 bales of fells, contents 6500 fells of passelarge . . . and 6500 lamb-skins. Note that duty on fells passelarge was twice that on the ordinary lamb-skin; it must therefore have been a particularly large fell, or a fell with a superior quality of wool. M. Paul Meyer has kindly pointed out to me that passelarge is a superlative adjective, a parallel form of très large = very large. passe fin occurs in Cotgrave, passe gracieus in a notice of M. Meyer, published in Bulletin des anciens textes fr., 1912, No. 1, p. 61.108–cust. xvj s. iij d.; vj mil v C pels de agnels–cust. viij s. j d. ob., pontage ij s. ij d. […]

Laurens Markysan: ij barels de peutrevessel et latonerie,P107A5 [P107A5] two barrels of pewtervessels and articles of latten (a finer kind of brass).108 valor v li vj s. viij d.–cust. xvj d., pontage j d.


Issant j Carrake de Saone,P107A6 [P107A6] Savona, Italy.108 Patron John Dubat, hankerage fuit compte en mon Acompte deuant le S. Michel.P107A7 [P107A7] the anchorage was reckoned in my account before Michaelmas.108

Gregore Catan: iij litz de sarge,P107A8 [P107A8] three beds of serge, worth £4.108 valor iiij li–cust. xij d., pontage ob. […]

Berth. Catan: ij RondeletP107A9 [P107A9] two small casks of pewtervessels. For the word rondelet see note to par. 389.108 de peutrevessels, pois iij quarters–cust. iij d.


Entre j Galee de Florence, Patron Pryour de Maryot, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

xij balet de wod–cust. xij d., pontage j d. ob.

Page 108

Le susdite patron: xiij mantels de Greywerk,P108A1 [P108A1] 13 mantles of greywork (a kind of fur).109 j ffoure de fwyne,P108A2 [P108A2] one fur of pole-cat. In the Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 6, the word was spelt ffeynz.109 valor xviij li–cust. iiij s. vj d.

Poul Morel: ij ffardels de tele de lin,P108A3 [P108A3] two fardels of linen cloth.109 contenu xvj C–cust. ij s. viij d., pontage j d.

Issant le dit patron: iij bales, contenu xxxviij draps–cust. vj s. iiij d., pontage iij d.; xiiij bales j fardel, contenu xxi draps xxij verges–cust. xx s. iiij d.; xiij peces de fryse de galesP108A4 [P108A4] 13 pieces of Welsh frieze (see note to par. 45).109–cust. xiij d., pontage xiiij d.; j barel de peutrevessels pois ij C–cust. viij d., pontage ob. […]

[Entre] John Narle: ij Mantels de Ruskyn,P108A5 [P108A5] two mantles of ruskin (a kind of fur).109 valor xxvj s. viij d.–cust. iiij d.; j pece de tele de lin, contenu demi C–cust. j d.

Issant demi drap–cust. j d.

John Fonteine: xj mantels de Greywerk, valor xiij li–cust. iij s. iij d.

Le xvjme jour de decembre entre j Carrak de Janne,P108A6 [P108A6] on the 16th day of December enters a carrack of Genoa.109 Patron Nicole Dore, hankerage iij s. iiij d. […] :

[Issant ?] Andre Spirol: j bale, contenu lxx couerlitz dit eperling,P108A7 [P108A7] one bale containing 70 coverlets called eperling; perhaps called after the sparling, a small but brilliantly coloured sea fish.109 valor v li–cust. xv d.

[JANUARY, 1430.]


Entre le xijme jour de Januer ij Galees de Florence,P108A8 [P108A8] enter, on the 12th day of January, two galleys of Florence.109 Patrons Piere Vespouche et Bernard Caruesek, hankerage, kylage et wharfage xx s.:

Poul Morel: xxij bales de datis–cust., pont. iiij s. j d. ob., xxxiij balet de anyseP108A9 [P108A9] anise or aniseed.109–cust. v s. vj d., pontage viij d. q.; vj bales de Greine,P108A10 [P108A10] grain, for dyeing cloth.109 pois viij C, valor iiijxx xviij li xiij s. iiij d.–cust. xxiiij s. viij d., pontage iij d.; ix barels de oyle–cust. iij s., pontage ij d.; ij casses de confections,P108A11 [P108A11] two cases of confection, or preserved fruit.109 valor xxvj s.–cust. iiij d., pontage ob.;

Page 109

iiijxx xviij sportin de resinsP109A1 [P109A1] 98 small baskets of raisins.110–cust. ij s. ob., pontage ij d.; ix barels de sukade,P109A2 [P109A2] nine barrels of succade, or sweetmeat.110 valor xl s.–cust. vj d., pontage ij d.; iiij casses, cont. xij peces de draps de silk, iiij peces de veluet, j pece de drap de or,P109A3 [P109A3] one piece of gold cloth.110 viij peces de damask, j pece de veluet, valor ij C xlvj li xvj s. viij d.–cust. iij li xx d. ob., pontage ij d.

Gregore Catan: ij bales de greine,P109A4 [P109A4] grain, for dyeing cloth.110 pois ij C quarter, valor xxviij li xv s.–cust. vij s. ij d. q., pontage j d.

Luk de Ancone: iiij barels petit de oyleP109A5 [P109A5] four small barrels of oil.110–cust., pontage x d.

Antony de (de) lovente: viij quarters de fig–cust. iij d.

Issant les avandites Gallees:

Poul Morel: mil xxvj pokes de laneP109A6 [P109A6] 1026 pokes of wool.110–cust. viij li xj s., pontage xlij s. ix d.; C xxx peces de esteinP109A7 [P109A7] 130 pieces of tin.110–cust. xxi s. viij d., pontage ij s. viij d. ob.; vjxx peces de plumb, contenu xxviij foutherP109A8 [P109A8] 120 pieces of lead, containing 28 fothers.110–cust. xiiij s., pontage v s.; xxx bales de Guyldford, contenu vj C lxx draps, xviij vergesP109A9 [P109A9] yards.110–cust. v li xj s. ix d. ob., pontage ij s. vj d.; xxxiij bales [f.68b] iiij coffer xx fardels, contenu vj C xxx draps iiij vergis–cust. v li v s., pontage iij s. iiij d.; vij litz,P109A10 [P109A10] seven beds, worth £18.110 valor xviij li–cust. iiij s. vj d.; v peces de worstedeP109A11 [P109A11] five pieces of worsted.110–cust. x d.; v douzeines de hures,P109A12 [P109A12] five dozens of hures, or hairy caps (see note to par. 464).110 valor iiij nobles–cust. iiij d., etc.


Entre le xxvme jour de JanuerP109A13 [P109A13] enters, on the 25th day of January, a carrack [of Genoa].110: j carrak, Patron Luk Hardiment, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Page 110

Andre Spinol: iiij bales de Graine,P110A1 [P110A1] four bales of grain, for dyeing.111 pois vij C iij quarter, valor iiijxx xv li xi s. viij d.–cust. xxiij s. x d. ob., pontage ij d.; j farlet de sylk, pois xiij li, valor v li viij s. iiij d.–cust. xvj d. q. […] ; xij balet de peper–cust. xij li, valor xij s., pontage xij d.; ij barels de Gyngibre,P110A2 [P110A2] two barrels of ginger.111 valor xxiiij li–cust. vj s., pontage ij d.; iij bales de comynP110A3 [P110A3] three bales of cummin.111–cust. vj d., pontage j d. ob.; xlvj sport de suchre de pot,P110A4 [P110A4] 46 sports, or baskets, of pot sugar.111 valor xlvj li–cust. xj s. vj d., pontage xij d.; j balet de cere,P110A5 [P110A5] one small bale of wax, weight three quarters.111 pois iij quarters–cust. iiij d., pontage ob.; ix casses de sapon,P110A6 [P110A6] nine cases of soap.111 valor xxvij li–cust. vj s. ix d., pontage iiij d. ob.; xx sak de sapon, valor xxiiij li–cust. vj s., pontage v d.; iiij casses de suchre, valor xx li–cust. v s.; j cassel de suchre cassen,P110A7 [P110A7] one small case of cassen sugar. suchre cassen is obviously the same thing as sucre casson, (recorded by Godefroy-Compl. in a text of 1359), irregular, broken sugar.111 valor l s.–cust. vij d. ob., pontage iiij d. ob. […]


Laurens Markysan: v bales gomme arabyk,P110A8 [P110A8] five bales of gum-arabic, worth £10. The word does not appear to have come into general use in England before the sixteenth century. The earliest quotation in the New Engl. Dict. is from 1500.111 valor x li–cust. ij s. vj d., pontage j d. […]

Gregore Catan: viij pot de argent vif,P110A9 [P110A9] eight pots of quicksilver, worth £28.111 valor xxviij li–cust. vij s., pontage ij d. […]

Berth' Catan: l saket de coton,P110A10 [P110A10] 50 small sacks of cotton.111 valor C li–cust. xxv s., pontage xij d. ob. […]

Bernard Fournar: ij pot de suchre, valor vj s. viij d.–cust. j d.; C iij quart de pels de RenardP110A11 [P110A11] 175 fox-skins. It is worth noticing that in A.D. 1300 the Old French word gopile was still used for fox (see Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 6). As is well known, renard was originally the proper name given to the fox in the popular animal romances of the Middle Ages; finally it became so widely used that it entirely superseded the older word gopile or better goupil.111–cust., pontage iiij d.; […] j cyngeP110A12 [P110A12] one monkey–custom 6/8.111–cust. vj s. viij d.; j simiaP110A13 [P110A13] one monkey (in Latin instead of French, as above)–custom 6/8; 5/- remitted. Bitter complaints are voiced in the Political Songs of the time that good English cloth, wool and tin were being exchanged against apes and japes, and marmasettes, of which the Venetians and Florentine were the chief importers (cf. Political Songs (Rolls) II, 173).111–cust. vj s. viij d., perdone v s.


Entre le xxvjme jour de januerP110A14 [P110A14] enters, on the 26th day of January, one carrack [of Genoa].111 j carrak, Patron Andre de Mare, hankerage iij s. iiij d. […] :

Page 111

Guillaum de Ferrere: j coffin de peintepot,P111A1 [P111A1] one coffin (or chest) of paint-pots.112 j pein de suchreP111A2 [P111A2] one loaf of sugar.112–cust. ij d. […]

Colin de la Turre: C li quarter de resins–cust. iij s., pontage ij d.

Et pour concilment de le dit resins fet j fin de iij s.P111A3 [P111A3] and for concealing the said grapes he is fined 3/-.112


Andre Spinol: C viij sport de Resins de MalikP111A4 [P111A4] 108 sports of raisins of Malik (?)112–cust. ix d., pontage iiij d.; […] xvj casses de suchre, valor iiijxx li–cust. xx s., pontage xvj d.; v fardels j fardelet de silk, pos iij C, valor C xl li–cust. xxxv s., pontage iij d.; xij balet de Greine, pois mil demi C, valor C xxix li x s.–cust. xxxij s. iiij d. ob., pontage vj d.; ij fangot, contenu x cassel de fyl de or,P111A5 [P111A5] two fangots containing 10 small cases of gold thread, worth £30.112 valor xxx li–cust. vij s. vj d.

Charge de la Carrak pour Londres en le vessel William a GappeP111A6 [P111A6] loaded from the carrack for London on the vessel of William Agappe.112: xx bales de Wod–pontage nihil, cust. iij s. iiij d.

Poul Morel: En le susdite vessel pour Londres charge al susdite carrakP111A7 [P111A7] in the aforesaid vessel for London loaded from the aforesaid carrack.112: lx bales j balet de wod–pontage nihil, cust. x s. j d.; xj rondels de sulfre,P111A8 [P111A8] 11 rondels (or casks) of sulphur (see note to par. 389).112 valor xx li–cust. v s. […]

Entre le xxvijme jour de feuerer j carrak de Janne,P111A9 [P111A9] enters, on the 27th day of February, a carrack of Genoa.112 Patron Gregre Salvage, hankerage iij s. iiij d. […] :


j Mariner: j parcelle de habredacheware,P111A10 [P111A10] one parcel of haberdashware, worth £1.112 valor xx s.–cust. iij d. […]

[Issant] Berth. Catan: xiij bales ij balet ij fardels, contenu C iiijxx viij draps demi, ij draps vij vergis de demi graine–cust. xxxij s. ij d., pontage xiiij d.


[Issant] Poul Morel: j lit de sarge,P111A11 [P111A11] one bed of serge, worth £2.112 valor xl s.–cust. vij d., pontage iiij d.

Entre le xxvjme jour de Mars j Carrak de Janne, Patron Karole Italien, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Page 112

Lauerens Makysan: iiijxx vij casses de sapon, valor iij C xiij li vj s. viij d.–cust. iiij li x d., pontage iiij s. ob.

Entre le xxvijme jour de Mars j carrak de Janne,P112A1 [P112A1] enters, on the 27th of March, one carrack of Genoa.113 Patron Phelip Justinian, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Gregore Catan: xxxj sak de coton, valor lxij li–cust. xv s. vj d., pontage viij d.; iij balet de Graine de paradisP112A2 [P112A2] grains of paradise, the capsules of Amomum Meleguetta of Western Africa, used as a spice and in medicine; called also guinea grains (cf. New Engl. Dict.).113–cust. iij li, valor x s., pontage iij d.; xxiij tones de oyle, Rabatu j tone pour oylageP112A3 [P112A3] 23 tuns of oil, remitted one tun for oiling.113–cust. xxix s. iiij d., cran vij s. viij d.

Andre Spinol: iij balet de graine de paradys–cust. iij li, valor x s., pontage iij d. […] ; vij jarres de gingebre verd,P112A4 [P112A4] seven jars of green ginger.113 valor xxx li–cust. vij s. vj d., pontage iij d.

Laurens Markysan: iiij bales de paper, valor v li vj s. viij d. cust. xvj d., pontage j d.; j fardel de brasil,P112A5 [P112A5] one fardel of brazil, a red dye-wood.113 valor x li–cust. ij s. vj d., pontage j d.; iij bales de noys de Galles,P112A6 [P112A6] three bales of nut-gall.113 valor vj li–cust. xviij d., pontage j d.; j barel de gynbre verd,P112A7 [P112A7] one barrel of green ginger.113 valor vj li–cust. xviij d., pontage ob.; xxij sak de coton, valor xliiij li–cust. xj s., pontage v d. ob.


Poul Morel: lxxvj bales de wodP112A8 [P112A8] 76 bales of woad.113–cust. xij s. viij d.; xij bales de cendres,P112A9 [P112A9] 12 bales of cinders.113 valor vj li–cust. xviij d., pontage iij d.


Entre le primer jour de april j Carrak de Janne,P112A10 [P112A10] enters, on the first day of April, a carrack of Genoa.113 Patron Symon Catan, hankerage iij s. iiij d. […] :

Andre Spinol: pour aler en FlandresP112A11 [P112A11] to go to Flanders.113 xxxvj bales de alum–pontage nihil, cust. vj s.; xxx bales de almand–pontage nihil, cust. v s.; viij sport de suchrepotP112A12 [P112A12] eight sports (or baskets) of pot-sugar.113–pontage nihil, cust. ij s.; xxxvij bales de wod–cust. vj s. ij d., pontage ix d. q.; iiij tones de oyle–cust., cran. vj s. viij d.

Laurens Markysan: j Casse de MassesP112A13 [P112A13] one case of mace–custom 1 lb., worth 3/-.113–cust. j li, valor iij s., pontage j d.

Page 113

Poul Morel: j cartel de j barel de graine,P113A1 [P113A1] one cartel of one barrel of grain, for dyeing (see note to par. 269).114 pois C demi xiiij li, valor xx li x d.–cust. v s., pontage j d. ob.


Le seconde jour de jun j carrak,P113A2 [P113A2] on the second day of June, a carrack.114 Patron Dominc de Rapalle, hankerage nihil. Le susdit carrak ne vint dedens le Isle de WysghtP113A3 [P113A3] the aforesaid carrack did not come inside the Isle of Wight.114 […] :

Andre Spinol: j Rondel de peutrevessel, pois iij C–cust. xij d., pontage ob.

[Issant] Le servant de Andree Spinol: ij sak de synve,P113A4 [P113A4] the servant of Andrew Spinol clears two sacks of senvy, or mustard. The spelling synvy is recorded in the New Engl. Dict. The word ultimately came from Old French senevé.114 valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.


Entre le xxvjme jour de jun j carrak, Patron Piere Blank, hankerage iij s. iiij d. […] :

Gregore Catan: v cartels de sapon noir,P113A5 [P113A5] five cartels of black soap, worth £8. For the meaning of cartel see note to par. 269. Black soap is mentioned as an import at Southampton in the tariff of 1329 (cf. Oak Book, Vol. II, p. 22).114 valor viij li–cust. ij s., pontage j d.

Entre le xxviijme jour de jun j carrak,P113A6 [P113A6] enters, on the 28th day of June, a carrack [of Genoa].114 Patron Symond Grile, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Christofre Catan: ij fardels j fardelet de silk, pois sutilP113A7 [P113A7] two fardels and one small fardel of silk, net weight 192 lbs.114 C iiijxx xij li, valor iiijxx li–cust. xx s., pontage j d. ob.; lix bales de dates–cust. ix s. x d., pontage xiiij d. ob. q.; xiij bales de alum RocheP113A8 [P113A8] 13 bales of rock alum (prepared from the alum-stone in Italy).114–cust. ij s. ij d., pontage […]


Andre Spinol: v fardels j fardelet de sylk, pois sutil v C, valor ij C viij li vj s. viij d.–cust. lij s. j d., pontage iij d. […] ; x sakes de coton net,P113A9 [P113A9] 10 sacks of cleansed cotton.114 valor xx li–cust. v s., pontage ij d. ob.; j cartel de gingibre verd,P113A10 [P113A10] one cartel of green ginger. For the meaning of cartel see note to par. 269.114 valor xj li–cust. ij s. ix d.; iij jarres de dates en confit,P113A11 [P113A11] three jars of preserved dates.114 valor l s.–cust. vij d. ob., pontage ob.

Page 114

Gregore Catan: iiij fardelet de see,P114A1 [P114A1] four small fardels of silk (see note to par. 269), net weight 110 lbs.115 pois sutil C x li, valor xlv li xvj s. viij d.–cust. xj s. v d. ob., pontage ij d.; j balet de canelleP114A2 [P114A2] one small bale of cinnamon–custom 1 lb., worth 1/4.115–cust. j lb., valor xvj d., pontage ob. […] ; j coffin de Scamenye,P114A3 [P114A3] one coffin, or chest, of scammony. Scammony, a gum-resin obtained from the tuberous roots of convolvulus scammonia, used in medicine as a strong purgative (cf. New Engl. Dict.).115 pois xx li, valor vj li xiij s. iiij d.–cust. xx d. […]

Jacob Gatte: iij coffins de peintepot,P114A4 [P114A4] three coffins, or chests, of paintpots.115 valor xiij s. iiij d.–cust. ij d.


Le xxviijme jour de jun entre j carrak,P114A5 [P114A5] on the 28th day of June enters a carrack [of Genoa].115 Patron Poul Italyen, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Christofre Catan: iij bages de saffrenP114A6 [P114A6] three bags of saffron.115–cust. iij li, valor xxi s., pontage j d.

Entre le primer jour de julle j carrak,P114A7 [P114A7] enters, on the first day of July, a carrack [of Genoa].115 Patron Frances Spinol, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Andre Spinol: iiij cartels de prunes sek,P114A8 [P114A8] four cartels of dried prunes, worth £3. For the meaning of cartel see note to par. 269.115 valor iij li–cust. ix d., pontage j d.

Entre le viijme jour de julle j carrak de Venisse,P114A9 [P114A9] enters, on the 8th day of July, a carrack of Venice.115 Patron Andree Masse, Ankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Jacob de Asselo: iij C de pels de agnelsP114A10 [P114A10] 300 lamb-skins.115–cust. v d. […]

Entre le viijme jour de julle j carrak,P114A11 [P114A11] enters, on the 8th day of July, a carrack [of Genoa].115 Patron Galyot Pinol, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Christofre Catan: j Casse de MassesP114A12 [P114A12] one case of mace.115–cust. j li, valor iij s., pontage j d.; j balet de aylespatik,P114A13 [P114A13] Aylespatik, perhaps from the Arabic al battikha, Spanish albudeca, (Mod. Fr. pastèque), a kind of water-melon? More likely, it was some kind of spice.115 valor ix li–cust. ij s. iij d.

Gregore Catan: viij bales de gomme,P114A14 [P114A14] gum.115 valor xvj li–cust. iiij s., pontage ij d.; j balet de gingibreP114A15 [P114A15] one small bale of ginger.115–cust. j li, valor xx d.; xiij bales de peper–cust. xiij li, valor xiij s., pontage xiij d. […]


Bertholme Priour: xxxvj pels de agnelsP114A16 [P114A16] 36 lamb-skins.115–cust. ob. […]

Page 115

Nicole de Rode: vj tables de cypres,P115A1 [P115A1] six tables of cypress wood.116 valor xx s–cust. iij d.

Entre le xxvjme joure de Jun j carrake,P115A2 [P115A2] enters, on the 26th day of June, a carrack [of Genoa]. Some of the entries are not in strict chronological order.116 Patron Symon Catan, hankerage iij s. iiij d.:

Jacob de Hambyse: vj bales, contenu iij mil iiij C aunes de tel de linP115A3 [P115A3] six bales, contents 3400 ells of linen cloth.116–cust. v s. viij d., pontage vj d. […]

Poul Morel: iiij barels de lathenayl,P115A4 [P115A4] four barrels of lathnails.116 valor xj li.–cust. ij s. ix d., pontage ij d.

Andre Spinol: j cartel de pakthred,P115A5 [P115A5] one cartel of packthread (see note to par. 269).116 valor xl s.–cust. vj d., pontage ob.

Arnold de Grave: xiij Mastes,P115A6 [P115A6] thirteen masts, worth £2.116 valor xl s.–cust. vj d., wharf. vj d.; iiij tones de lin,P115A7 [P115A7] four tons of flax.116 valor xiiij li–cust. iij s. vj d., wharf. iiij d.; iij last de breyP115A8 [P115A8] three lasts of bray (see note to par. 203).116–cust. xij s.; demi last de tarre–cust. ij s., wharf. iiij d.


[Issant] Laurens Markysan: j bale, contenu xiiij peces de frise de LondresP115A9 [P115A9] contents 14 pieces of London frieze (see note to par. 45).116–cust. ij s. iiij d., pontage ij d.

Poul Morel: j bale, contenu vij C pels passelargeP115A10 [P115A10] 700 fells of passelarge (see note to par. 592).116–cust. xxj d., pontage j d.


[Issant] Gregore Catan: j barel de batery,P115A11 [P115A11] one barrel of battery (see note to par. 451).116 valor v nobles–cust. v d. […]


Issant Antony Fernand: xxx tones voidesP115A12 [P115A12] 30 empty tuns.116–cust. ij s. vj d.

Le xxvme jour de August entre vne carak de Veni[ss]e,P115A13 [P115A13] on the 25th day of August enters a carrack of Venice.116 Patron Andre Masse, Ankerage iij s. iiij d. […] :

Poul Morel, Issant: xx gybesP115A14 [P115A14] 20 gibes 1 poke, containing 20½ sacks of wool. The poke was equal to half-a-sack, or half-a-sarpler (see note to par. 406), therefore the gibe of wool was identical with the sarpler or sack. The word gibe, though in fairly common use on the continent, in the sense of bale, lump, etc., does not seem to have been current in England, as no mention of it is made in the New Engl. Dict. It was nevertheless well established at Southampton, for it occurs again in an English text of 1497 (see Oak Book, Vol. I, Appendix, p. 157).116 j poke, contenu xx sak demi de lane–cust. vj s. x d., pontage xx d. ob.


Entre le xviijme jour de Septembre j carrake, Patron Galiot Pinol, Ankerage iij s. iiij d.

Page 116

Summa Caracarum per se, CC xxix li xvj s. ix d. ob.

(Summa totalis omnium Receptorum ipsius Roberti de hoc Anno, CC iiijxx xiiij li x s. vj d. Et de arreragiis ipsius Roberti pro Anno proximo preterito, xxv li xv s. ob. q.)P116A1 [P116A1] In the MS. the words in brackets have been crossed out.118

Summa totalis omnium Receptorum prefati Roberti de isto libro, CC iiijxx xiij li xvij s.P116A2 [P116A2] It is significant that the totals of sections III and IV are added together as constituting the receipts of one and the same year. The grand total of £294 10s. 6d. (read 4d. instead of 6d.) was reduced to £293 17s., because Robert Gyffray was exonerated of 13/4 (see par. 587).118


(Le xxijme jour de decembre, lan nostre seigneur mil iiij C xxix, je paye a John Selder, Maire de Suthampton, de le arerage de mon acompte de lan passe, xxv li.)P116A3 [P116A3] In the MS. the words in brackets are crossed out. They had already been entered in the accounts for the year 1428-9, accounts which are unfortunately lost.118

Le xixme jour de april, lan nostre seigneur mil iiij C xxx, je pay a John Selder, Mayre, pour payer William Chamberlein pour ses gagez de le parlement et autrez costages, xxij li xiij s. v d.

Le iijme jour de jun de lan nostre seigneur mil iiij C xxx, je paye a Robert Gyffray, Seneschal de Suthampton, pour payer a Sopere pour ses gagez de parlement et autrez costagez, xix li.

Le xxme jour de jun je deliuere a Robert Gyffray, Seneschal de Suthampton, par le comandement de John Selder, Maire, pour payer le priour de Fouthringgay, viij li xv s.

Le primer jour de August payer a Robert Gyffray, par le comandement a John Selder, Mayre, pour payer pour costages desises et autres, iiij li.

Le xxjme jour de octobre paye a Robert Gyffray, nadgueres Seneschal, par le comandement Thomas Regold, Mayre, pour paer John Emery pour j pipe de vin qui fut done a William Sopere et j quart de vin qui fut done a visconte de Suthampton, iiij li.

Le ixme jour de decembre je paye a Robert Gyffray en iij letrez de change, come il apier par j bille endent, a paier al Royne la ffe ferme de la vyle, liiij li.P116A4 [P116A4] Portion of the fee-farm rent of the town was paid to the Queen-dowager, Joan of Navarre (see note to par. 465).118

Le xiij jour de januer je delyuere en or pour payer le ferme a Robert Gyffray, come il apiert par j bille endentur, C xlvi li.

Page 118

Item je pay a Thomas Regold, exectour de testament Thomas Mydlington, pour le pencion de le kaye et le grue, x li xiij s. iiij d.

Item pour mon labour de cel an, vj li xiij s. iiij d.

Le xxvjme jour de mars pay a Thomas Abrygen, pour aler al cow pour querre le hankerage Karole Italien,P118A1 [P118A1] See par. 602.9999 pour ses costages, xvj d.

Le xviijme jour de Septembre pay a Thomas Abrigen pour ses costages de aler quere al cow le hankerage de Galyot Pinel,P118A2 [P118A2] See par. 617.9999 xvj d.

Item paye a Thomas Abrygen pour iij jours, pour aler a Calscheshord querre lez Ankerages des esterling et flemyng venant de la bay,P118A3 [P118A3] The fleet of Easterlings and Flemish referred to are undoubtedly those mentioned on folio 62a (cf. pars. 567-583). The Easterlings were the merchants from Germany (North Sea and Baltic), in this particular case merchants from Hamburg and Denmark. The Flemish included the Dutch merchants from Middelburg, Kampen, etc.9999 iij s. iiij d.

Item paye pour le lowage de cheualles pour ij fois pour aler a Wynchestre es asises, xij d.

Item pay a John Boulour pour son labour pour j an de garder les ij Grues, iij li vj s. viij d.

Summa totalis omnium solucionum et expensorum CC lxxix li viij s. ix d. Summa totalis omnium Receptorum prefati Roberti, ut plenius patet in altera parte istius folii antea, CC iiijxx xiij li xvij s. Et sic summa recepta per prefatum Robertum excedit summam expensam prefati Roberti per xiiij li viij s. iij d. Et sic idem Robertus remanet de claro in arreragiis in preditis xiiij li viij s. iij d. Et quos quidem denarios de arreragiis prefatus Robertus postea soluit in curia coram Auditoribus. Et positi fuere in pixide de Thesauro ville. Et sic idem Robertus quietus est.


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