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La Petite Philosophie An Anglo-Norman Poem of the Thirteenth Century
Edited by W. H. Trethewey
Oxford, Anglo-Norman Text Society
Genre: Philosophy
AND Bibliography: Pet Phil
Original work © 1939 The Anglo-Norman Text Society, which has granted permission for it to be digitised, browsed and searched on this site. Any other use, including making copies of this electronic version, requires the prior written permission of the copyright holders, who may be contacted via Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet St, London WC1E 7HX, UK
Key to MS Sigla and groupings
[The following table, extracted for this electronic edition from a more discursive presentation in the original edition, indicates the references of both the sigla used for the various MS witnesses, and the groupings (x and y) to which the editor has assigned them. AND editors]
Siglum | Group | Location | Identifier | Dating |
P | x | British Museum | Add. MS. 45103. | Written ~1275, Canterbury. |
R | x | Oxford, Bodleian | Rawlinson Poetry 241, formerly Rawlinson Miscellaneous 473, foll. 211, col 1 to 246, col 1 | prob written late 13th cent. |
C | y | Cambridge, Library of St. John's College | MS 1. 11 foll. 127r col 1 to 144r col 2 (or 152r to 169r acc to an older foliation). | Given to Syon Monastery by London priest John Bracebridge after 1414. |
D | y | Cambridge, University Library | Dd x. 31, foll. 128v col 1 to 146v col 2. | end of 13th cent. |
V | y | Rome, Vatican Library | MS Regina 1659, foll. 98v col 1 to 100r col 1, line 39 | Part 1 dates from 13th cent, Part 2 (containing Pet Phil) either from end of 13th cent or 14th cent. |
G | y | Cambridge, University Library | Gg. vi. 28, folio 15v col 1 to 51v col 2, line 4. | Hand dates from 1st quarter of 14th cent. |
B | y | Oxford, Bodleian | Douce 210, folios 13r col 1 to 15r col 2, line 7. | Hand dates from early 14th cent. |
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This edition is based on MS P, the orthography and readings of which have been given unaltered except in those cases where, in order to produce a readable text, it has been necessary to correct obvious errors. The deficiencies of the text of P such as lacunae, omissions, displacements, repetitions, etc., have
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been made good. The text itself has been emended in the following cases:a When P is isolated against R plus y in a reading which involves a real difference in meaning.
b When y plus the Latin are opposed to x.
c When x and y differ and y can be proved correct. These latter cases are generally discussed in the notes. When the test of P appears corrupt, but the other MSS fail to indicate what emendation should be made, P has been printed unaltered with full variants and possible emendations suggested in a note. When the text of P has been emended, the source of the emendation is given, followed by the rejected reading of P and the variants from the other MSS, immediately below the last line of text on the page. In this case it is understood that non-mention of a MS means that it lacks the line in question. If the emendation is supported by the Latin, this is cited within round brackets immediately following the sigla of the MSS giving the emendation. An emendation reproduces the orthography of the first MS cited as source. Occasionally the orthography of an emendation has been made to conform to the practice of P in order to avoid placing unusual forms in the text. In these cases the orthography of the MS cited as source appears in the emendation and the sigla of the supporting MSS are followed by a comma rather than a square bracket (cf. vult restored to the text in l. 247 from C's reading voet).
Abbreviations have been expanded according to the practice of the scribe of P. In doing so only one case arose where there was reason to hesitate, namely the expansion of the sign 9. The scribe wrote this syllable out as either cun(m) or con(m). Consequently the form most frequently used in a given word was adopted in expanding abbreviations of that word. The use of u and v and i and j has been regularized on the basis of vocalic or consonantal value. The modern forms de l' and a l' have been written before vowels although the MSS regularly use del and al. All proper names and initial words have been capitalized and modern punctuation has been added to the text. Illumination in the MS has been indicated by indentation
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in the text when it corresponds to a logical division in the subject matter, otherwise it has been disregarded. 1 [1] Such cases are ll. 57, 65, 70, 71, 227, 234, 247, 249, 255, 283, 290, 295, 405, 409, 469, 479, 539, 547, 769, 939, 1003, 1007, 1009, 1011, 1019, 1067, 1077, 1113, 1119, 1121, 1125, 1158, 1313, 1402, 1515, 1711, 2465, 2769, and 2057 and 2137 where C serves as base MS.lx On the other hand indentation has been made in a number of cases where there is no illumination in P. 2 [2] In ll. 597, 767, 2295, 2307, 2329, 2403, 2597, 2605, 2639: 2661 and 2705.lx The acute accent has been written on final tonic -é and -és of polysyllabic words to distinguish them from atonic -e and -es, and likewise in a few cases on monosyllabic words to distinguish like forms, cf. pié(pied) and pie (< pica). The cedilla has been placed under c before a, o, or u whenever it has the sound of c before e or i.Diaeresis has not been used in the edition, since the usual criterion, the syllable count, is unreliable in our text. In few cases use of diaeresis can be justified by the evidence afforded by rhyme. Thus the rhyme meime:abime 2069 proves meïme in this case. But one example can hardly be accepted as proving meïme in all cases, as the author might have used both the long and contracted forms. The learned endings such as -ial, and -iun seem generally to be disyllabic, but lines occur in which they appear to have undergone syneresis. As for atonic e in hiatus before or after the tonic vowel it is not possible to determine with certainty those casts in which the author gave the vowel syllabic value. The rhyme escripture:vesture 381 proves nothing as to whether we should read vesture or vesteüre, since the seven syllable feminine line is attested for the author. Thus it is precisely in those cases where diaeresis would be most helpful that it is least possible to prove its validity. Since an attempt to use diaeresis must of necessity result in many arbitrary decisions it has been deemed wisest to omit it altogether. 3 [3] Ewert, in his recent edition of Gui de Warewic, refrains for similar reasons from using diaeresis. See his introduction, p.xxvii.lx
In addition to the emendations discussed above certain minor corrections in the text have been made systematically without
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emendation. These area restoration within square brackets of the following final consonants which were occasionally omitted by the scribe:
1 l in 110, 775, 827, 2297, 2489, 2501, 2533, 2561, 2586.
2 r in 1404, 2393, 2394,
3 s in 2308.
4 st in 1814, 2501, 2569.
5 t in 230, 1746, 1958, 1986, 2176, 2449, 2489.
b letters restored within a word:
1 e in 2821, 2830.
2 n (no overstroke) in 31, 121, 275, 442, 833, 1010, 1315, 1787, 2329, 2394, 2512, 2532, 2632, 2707, 2729.
3 s before consonant in 1156, 1997, 2634.
4 t in 2848.
5 u in 326, 2502.
6 v in 1487, 1952.
c correction of evident errors (MS reading within round brackets):
del (des) 27,
dist (dst) 33,
Le (illuminated K for L) 405,
en (last stroke of n missing) 414,
Rin ( Bin) 1131,
Leunais (Leumais) 1147,
Galice (Calice) 1167,
Arsinoe (Arsimoe) 1213,
Aufrike (austrike) 1277,
retroverre retrover 1386,
arusent (aruseent) 1590,
amertume (last m has 4 strokes) 1591,
sulfre (sulfle)? 1632,
Eir (illuminated A before Eir) 1665,
ferir (ferit) 1720,
element (elelement) 1789,
lala la 1831,
cercles (ce cercles) 1914,
espeudre (espeuare) 2285,
alcun (n has one stroke only) 2594,
Plus (illuminated E for P) 2655,
Deu (illuminated L for D) 2661.
d s corrected to f,
chief 80,
fent 515,
fet 1002,
finant 1010.
e f corrected to s, resunt 2403, 2409.
f t corrected to c,
purceint 268, 492, 540 (purtient corrected to purceint), 1624,
Chambises 883,
curt 1780,
trescurt 1839,
presence, 1879.
The following corrections made in the MS by the corrector have been incorporated in the text (corrections are indicated within round brackets): fuiez (z added after final t altered to z?) 387, late (t written above c) 746, Mes (s inserted) 2508, Bel (MS Del, b in margin) 2314, Dez (written above .ii.) 2431, Deus (v = u written over n) 2474, pussant (first s inserted) 2475, debors (b and s inserted) 2498, cuntent (first t written above c) 2499, environ (overstroke for first n added) 2500, esquis (first s inserted) 2504, aurne (MS auure, rn written above ur) 2511, quanque (abbreviation for ua added) 2515, encusera (MS enseuera, seu underlined and cus in margin) 2527, lé rechesses (MS lenhbesses, n stroked out and re written above) 2529, mal (l inserted)
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2538, sert (t inserted) 2559, fort (written in margin) 2584, trahit (MS trahir, t in margin) 2621, met (t inserted) 2649, est (added in space left by scribe) 2673, dirrait (MS -at, ai written above a) 2692.Corrections made by the scribe have been followed. For the most part these are quite clear and there is no need to record them. The following cases justify citation: mauls or maulz? written over another word 28; tutdis written above trestuit not expunctuated 332; munt, mult? corrected to munt 364; ni vient, MS n vient, perhaps for ni vent 876. The scribe hesitated between t and z final and wrote one over the other several times, with the result that sometimes it is difficult to determine which letter was written last. Such cases are element 311, numez 1103, floz 1499, cuntenanz 1841, finez 1894, joinz 1987.
Economy of space has made it necessary to disregard a mass of variants which do not affect in any way the sense of the text. Such are, variations in orthography and alternate forms of words, presence or absence of inflection in substantives, adjectives and pronouns, agreement, elision, enclisis, etc. In such matters no uniformity exists even within the MSS and it is clearly impossible to determine the author's practice. Consequently only those variants are recorded which serve to establish a critical control of the text. These have been selected according to the following system:
1 Isolated readings which occur in RCDVGB are usually not recorded. For the most part they are corrupt and without value for the establishment of the text.
2 When x(PR) and y(CDVGB) differ, the variant of y is recorded. Within y, DV have been considered as one MS and V has been cited instead of D only in a few cases where the latter's reading is corrupt. D breaks off at line 2546 after which its place is taken by the fragment B which begins at line 2468, and which like D is closely related to G. The group y has been considered therefore as consisting of three MSS, C, G, and DV or B. Of these C, the most reliable and probably the oldest,
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stands by itself within y and must be accorded at least equal authority with DG. A reading is accepted as representing the group y whenever C is supported by DG, or by one of them when the other is isolated or does not contain the line in question. In these cases the variant is cited for y according to the orthography of C. Elsewhere the appropriate sigla accompany the variants. When x is supported by C the reading is assured and it is evident that no group variant for y exists, consequently a variant for DG represents a common error and can be disregarded. But G, though clearly a y MS, appears to represent a contaminated text and sometimes agrees with x against CD. When this occurs the reading of CD probably represents a y variant and has been recorded, it being understood that G agrees with x in this case. Similarly CG variants are recorded in the few cases where D supports x, although such agreements appear to be fortuitous. When x stands alone and y divides with C opposed to DG, either reading may represent the y variant and both have been recorded, unless for good reason one of them is inadmissible. A list of lines which are added or wanting in MSS C, D and G has been given in the notes. 1 [1] See below, pp. 99, 100.lxiii Similarly for lines wanting in the other MSS and for all displaced or transposed lines see the section on Manuscripts in the Introduction. These have not been mentioned in the variants.
3 When R agrees with y against P, the variant is recorded as Ry.
4 When R agrees with any MS of y against P, the variant has been recorded unless it is of minor significance.
5 When the reading of P is probably corrupt but left in the text all helpful variants have been given.
In the lacuna in x which extends from line 2031 to line 2144 the text is based on MS C supported by D and G, from which relatively full variants are given. A similar situation exists for the last 101 lines of the poem except that MS B replaces D.
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The variants are arranged at the foot of the page, below the rejected readings of P, in the following general order of preference, RCDVGB. When necessary they are located in the line by giving the words immediately preceding and following, these reduced to initial letters if possible. Sometimes the word or words, for which the variant is to be cited, are given first, followed by a square bracket. Variants for the same part of a line are separated by commas, those for different parts by semicolons. The orthography of a variant cited for more than one MS is that of the first mentioned. When one of the MSS cited for a common variant differs by a word from the variant as given, such variation is noted within round brackets immediately after the word in question. Variants reproduce the MS readings exactly, except that abbreviations are expanded, and initial words are capitalized. MS sigla, and other words which do not form part of the variants proper, are italicized.Since the Migne text of the Imago mundi is readily accessible, it has not been reproduced in the edition. It has been found necessary, however, to establish a control of this text, and the emendations which are essential have been indicated in the Notes to the edition. For this purpose I have examined MS Cleopatra B iv of the British Museum, the edition of 1477? (before 1479) by Koberger at Nuremberg, the edition by Hochfeder at Nuremberg in 1491, the edition of 1497 at Basle by Amerbach, the edition by Herold at Basle in 1544, the edition at Spire in 1583 by Albin and the versions in the Bibliotheca Patrum published at Cologne in 1618 and Lyons in 1677. 1 [1] For bibliography see the references given on p. liii, n, 2.lxlv
A complete analysis of the orthography of P is not provided, but attention is here drawn to some orthographical characteristics of the text which might cause difficulty to the reader.
1 i is written y frequently in proper names, Ylyun 943, Moyses 776, etc., and occasionally elsewhere, croyz 164, yle 312, yver 410, etc.
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2 ie, being reduced to e, is frequently so spelled, manere 47, vent 918, etc.; also ei, reveint 2627, and i, retint (pr.) 1223 (see note).
3 Close e is occasionally written ie, fieble 147, clier 1543, etc. (see note to l. 2316).
4 Close e is twice written ee, poeez 1974 and outreez 2827.
5 Tonic ei is sometimes written as i, cf. note to l. 648; and once as ie, purtient (corrected to purceint) 540.
6 Open e is written e, ei, ai and oi, cf Phonology, paragraph 4.
7 Open e is once written ei before n, teint (< tendit) 1076.
8 Atonic e in the verbal ending -ent is written u twice in P (see note to l. 586), and once ee, aruseent (corrected to arusent) 1590.
9 Atonic e in intertonic position is raised to i once, briefiment 1787.
10 Intrusive e after the tonic vowel occurs once, leiez ( = laids) 2152.
11 Flexional e feminine is occasionally not written in hiatus, chescun ewe 1602, etc.
12 anc is occasionally written on,.see note to l. 2316.
13 an is occasionally written aun, cf. haunter 2392 and manauntie 2665.
14 The product of open o free is written as o, son 1416, nof 1842, etc.; as u, tun 1952, sun 2583, estut 116, etc.; as e, sen 2585, tens 1984, nef 1329; as oe, poet 258, boef 1054, etc.; as eu, seun 83; as eo, neof 1472, ileoc 1537; as ou, pout 2418, 2623; as ui, muit 360. 1 [1] muit is an inverse spelling for mut arising from the reduction of ui to u.lxv
15 For oi spelled e see note to l. 2731.
16 Tonic close o (u) is regularly spelled u in P, but ou occurs, nevou 816. For an explanation of gloiz 2815 see note to this line.
17 ui is frequently written u, cf. nut 1186, lust 1183, etc., and also i, cesti 1423. Since ou and u are equivalent orthographies ou may appear for ui, nout 2538.
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18 It appears that u may be written eu after the atonic e in hiatus before the tonic vowel drops out, cf. Morphology, p. 50. Note also that the form feu alternates with fu in the text, cf. ll. 212, 228, etc., and the rhyme feu:vertu 1872.
1 c and s are sometimes confused, alci 2460, cecle 2468, si(ci) 2641, sertes 2563, etc.
2 f and v interchange occasionally, see note to l. 115.
3 j (i) is written occasionally for g before e or i. Cf. note to line 487.
4 Flexional s of adjectives and articles is sometimes omitted, tute rens 288, un munz (pl.) 551, une meres 609, uns fauve tors (pl.) 665, ces noble dras 2836 C, etc.
5 Intrusive s before consonant occurs in fest (< facit) 299, and possibly in cest = set 2322.
6 s before consonant is dropped occasionally, relut:nut 1869, etc.
7 t is sometimes written as ct, cf. note to l. 1346.
8 Confusion of final t and z has resulted in the ending -tz in wibetz 365, fustz 927 and frutz 1393.
9 Final t is replaced several times by th, north:forth 425, 455, etc.; and also by dh once, nordh 1687.
List of spurious and wanting lines in various MS witnesses
[The following lists of spurious and wanting lines are to be found on pp. 99-100 of the original edition, where they precede the critical notes in the back matter of the volume. Since this electronic edition places the critical notes at the foot of the pages to which they refer, the lists have been moved to this location along with the prefatory material. ANH editors]
THE following spurious lines occur in MSS CDG. Preceding each are given the number of the line of text which it follows and the siglum of the MS in which it is found.
Line422 | C | Austral le quint ad a non Ore ad chescun sun propre nun |
Line449 | DV | Sachez de fi si deu me uaille |
Line450 | D | Dunt nus en sumes plus baud |
(replaces) Line776 | C | Ke dampnedeu li tramist |
(replaces) Line876 | C | Sachez grant biens en li tient |
(replaces) Line1058 | D | La fontene aon est clame |
Line1116 | D | Vnkes cel pais ne atucha |
(replaces) Line1178 | C | Nul ne set auant la uoie |
Line1670 | D | E quanke vit sur le firmement |
Line1946 | D | Sachez le pur uerite |
Line2069 | G | Kar de peines ne veit termes De feu de puur sulferine |
Line2172 | G | Saunz le veir deu comandemenz |
Line2224 | G | Fore manger e beiuere a grant foisoun |
Line2350 | G | Solum nature ceo dist ly Mestre |
Line2378 | G | Ke nule femine en ceste vie |
Line2379 | G | E cel signe signefie |
Line2381 | G | Qen francoys est balaunce nome |
Line2382 | G | Ke li solail en owel setent |
Line2572 | G B | E sey vendu par pecche Ceo est ymage al maufee |
Line2637 | G | E del feu saunz luur |
Line2645 | G | Puis au ciel mounte serrunt |
Line2659 | G | Issi deseruir pount La ioie de ciel lamount |
The following lines are wanting in MSS CDG
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LA PETITE PHILOSOPHIE x [x] Neither P nor R has title or rubric. All variants for ll. 1-166 are from R2
[f.185a]Mult volenters escrivereie,
E multes choses enditereie,l.2 [l.2] moultz des c. [R] 2
Dunt mulz purreient bien aprendre,
4 Ki me suffrist al bien atendre;l.4 [l.4] Que a moi soeffreit al b. entendre [R] 2l.4 [l.4] Provided that I be suffered to discuss the good. Ki (var. ke) is frequently used with conditional force, cf. ll. 152, 1900, 1901, 2676, and is normally followed by a singular verb. Suffrir may mean to permit in OF, but the infinitive construction as found in this line is unusual in French. For atendrein the sense of direct attention to or be attentive to cf. l. 1901.2
Mes dous vices el mund habundent
Ke tuz biens heent e confundent;
L'une est envie venimuse,
8 L'autre est averice cuveituse.l.8 [l.8] Cf. the discussion of the prologue in the Introduction, p. lvi.2
La cheitive gent enviuse
Plus het ke serpent venimuse;l.10 [l.10] serpent venimuse. serpent is found as a feminine in early OF, but it is regularly masculine in the thirteenth century and serpente feminine. Another example of serpent feminine occurs in Perlesvaus 9784 (ed. Nitze and Jenkins). See also the Image du Monde (ed. Prior), p. 103, l. 3, and note. Elsewhere in the poem the word is apparently masculine, cf. tuz serpens 1350.2
Serpent ad lange en treis furchee,
12 Chescune furche est barbelee;
L'envius, ke a tuz maus tire,
Plus ad ke trente pur mesdire;
Ses langes resunt barbelees
16 E del duz venim si medleesl.16 [l.16] E de [R] 2
Ke nul n'est ke tantost n'afolel.17 [l.17] nul est [R] 2
Pur la ducur de sa frivole;l.18 [l.18] la f. [R] 2
El mesdire est mult delivre,
20 Cum tigre ignel, mordant cum guivre;
Sul vers les bons ses mesdiz guie,
Ke des cheitifs nul n'ad envie;
Dunt l'envius put bien aprendre,
24 Se il a verité vult entendre,
Ke il est pres de cheitifvescel.25 [l.25] Qest pris de c. [R] 2
Quant les bons mort, ledit e blesce, [f.185b]
Ke li bons n'ad del mal envie,
28 E li mauls tuz benfez detrie.l.28 [l.28] t. biens d. [R] 2
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Si acuns cunte bone parole,
U ren escrit de bone escole,
L'envius hu[n]ist e depravel.31 [l.31] Cf. note to ll. 7-8.3
32 Cum gupil [a] tessun sa cave;L32 [L32] sic [R] 3
U il dist: 'Ce ne fist il mie,
Tel sens ne ist pas de tele vie,l.34 [l.34] nest il pas de bone v. [R] 3
U il n'est pas de tel clergie
36 Ne issi fundez ke il issi die.'
Tant parole seurement
Cum il cunust tute la gent,
E si ne fra ja mesmes nient
40 Ke a bien n'a buntez apent;l.40 [l.40] Que b. [R] 3l.40 [l.40] retraire. Since the line has nine syllables the original form may have been traire, inasmuch as dropping of prefixes was frequent in Anglo-Norman, cf. Suchier Vie de Seint Auban p. 34, and Waters' Brendan 1789 note. Cf. also in our text prendre for aprendre 58 R and 140 R, serre 320 with C's var. aserre, tempree for atempree 435, numee for renumee 834, tenvist for atenvist 2376, etc.3
Les altres set de buntez retraire,l.41 [l.41] des b. [R] 3
Si ne vult mesmes nul bien faire;
U il ne vult u il ne set,
44 Dunt il altri bien plus het.
Deus destruie lange furbie
Ke mult destruit bien par envie!
Li aver unt une manere
48 Ke mult est malveise e motere.l.48 [l.48] motere. An unattested adjective related to OF muete (< VL movita) which in Norman and Anglo-Norman has the form mote, cf. H. Moisy Glossaire comparatif anglo-normand (Caen 1895) p. 664; and Wace's Rou 9684 and 9689 (ed. Andresen). This form is found in the text l. 254, but is there based directly on the Latin motu. motere is formed on the radical mot by addition of the suffix -aria (cf. the noun meuterie cited by Godefroy); its meaning is subversive.3
Asquanz dient: 'Ke valt despendrel.49 [l.49] Ke quai [R] 3
Pur ren en cest siecle aprendre?
Tuz serrunt sages en l'altre vie,l.51 [l.51] serroms [R] 3
52 Icest aprise ert tost finie.'l.52 [l.52] est [R] 3 [f.185c]
Sache cil ke si n'est sage,l.53 [l.53] qe issi est [R] 3
La perira par sun folage.
Poi sunt ke sul Deu face entendre,l.55 [l.55] Few there are in whom God inspires wisdom, i.e. acquisition of knowledge depends on individual toil and mutual interchange of ideas. The idea is repeated in line 156; it may have been proverbial.3
56 Dunt chescum deit lire e aprendre.
Li sages dist: 'Ne finez mie
De aprendre tant cum dure ta vie.'l.58 [l.58] ta. P's reading is either sa or ca. It seems preferable to accept ta from R, as confusion of vus (cf. finez in l. 57) and tu is frequent in Anglo-Norman, cf. Menger Anglo-Norman Dialect p. 115.3
E nul ne purra bien aprendre
60 Sanz oir, veer e entendre;l.60 [l.60] et bien e. [R] 3
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E ki quidum ke ço nus face,
S'il n'espeire reprendre od grace?
Mes ore est veire la sentence
64 Dunt li poetes par vers tence:
'Mult vulent oir e aprendre,
Mes nul ne vult le travail rendre.'l.66 [l.66] I have not identified the source of this quotation.4
Suz cel n'ad tele marchandiel.67 [l.67] marchandie. Cf. Prov. 3, 14, Melior est acquisitio eius negotione argenti et auri, which is rendered in English For the merchandise of it (wisdom) is better than the merchandise of silver, etc. Marchandie may therefore be rendered acquisition.4
68 Cum de sen e de curtaisie;l.68 [l.68] curtaisie. See also l. 73. The author considers cultivated manners and learning to be complementary accomplishments, which fact indicates that he was familiar with courtly society. Although certainly a churchman, he probably was not a monk.4
Mult est estreite la entree,L69 [L69] sic [R] ladentree [P] 4l.69 [l.69] la entree. P's reading ladentree suggests the possibility that the intrusive d served to indicate hiatus. Possibly the form ad (<habet), which usually retained in spelling its silent d, influenced the scribe's orthography in this case.4
L'aprise large e honuré,l.70 [l.70] L'aprise. The MS has La prise but aprise occurs in l. 52. Such division is not infrequent in the MSS, cf. sa reste 676, la luma 2537, sa corde 338 C, sa costeie 2072 C, et al. La prise stands perhaps for La aprise, cf. note to l. 762.4
La fin est pardurable viel.71 [l.71] Cf. Matt. 7, 14.4
72 U ja mes n'ateindra folie.
Ove sen ai mis curteisie,
Ke fol curteis fet deverie;
E ne pot estre ke ne pleise
76 Sapience ke n'est curteise.
Asquanz dient: 'Ke valt saver?l.77 [l.77] Ke quai [R] 4
Mult est sages ke ad aveir. [f.185d]
Par aveir put hom trestut fere,
80 Quant sens ne pot a nul chief trere;l.80 [l.80] c. fyn [R] 4
Li riches sunt trestuz honurez,
Li sage povre, desuz pez;
Fols est ke vult le seun despendre
84 Pur meseise u poverte aprendre.'
Ço dient il tut par feintise
Pur cunceler lur cuveitise.l.86 [l.86] consailer [R] 4
Mult est en peis li povre sages,
88 Quant richesce ad plusurs damages;
Ke richesce est chose treslable,l.89 [l.89] c. passable [R] 4l.89 [l.89] treslable. The word lable occurs in the Evangiles des domées (ed. Aitken) 12201 and p. 100, and in The Dialogues of Gregory the Great (ed. T. Clotan) p. 12. Godefroy lists labile only.4
E saver est tutdis estable.
La gent sunt granment esperduesl.91 [l.91] Les riches s. [R] 4
92 Quant lur richesces sunt tolues;
Page 4
Mes cil ki unt riche science certel.93 [l.93] vnt s. [R] 5
Ne se esmaient de nule perte.
Scilbon perdi trestut par guere,l.95 [l.95] Si hom p. [R] 5l.95 [l.95] Scilbon. The reference is to Stilpon, the philosopher of antiquity, who may have been known to the author from Seneca's ninth Epistle.5
96 Femme, enfanz, homes e terre;l.96 [l.96] h. chatel [R] 5
Si respu[n]di il a un rei:l.97 [l.97] r. a [R] 5
'Tutes mes choses sunt od mei.'l.98 [l.98] These words are attributed to Bias of Priene, one of the seven wise men of Greece; see Nouvelle Bibliographie Littéraire V, 930.5
Cist k'aveit trestut perdu,l.99 [l.99] Cil ne a. rien p. [R] 5
100 Quant sun sen tint, out tut tenu.l.100 [l.100] tient [R] 5
Sul le sen propre li esteit,
Dunt perte ne out, quant ço teneit.l.102 [l.102] tenout [R] 5
Li sages recuvre a l'aveir,
104 E li fols ja mes al saveir. [f.186a]
Deu duna a Salamun
De treis choses electiun,l.106 [l.106] Des [R] 5
Le quel il vosist: estre sage,
108 Ou riche, ou de grant vasselage.
Salomon al saveir se prist;
I[l] l'out, e par tant tut cunquist.l.110 [l.110] Solomon's choice is related in I Kings 3, 5-15.5
Li sages avera en baillie
112 Quanque li aver esparnie.l.112 [l.112] The wise man, by choosing wisdom like Solomon, will also acquire wealth, for which the avaricious strive.5
Sul li fols het e reprent
Sen, saver e apernement.
Ke, jofne, ne vodra aprendre,l.115 [l.115] jofne. Cf. also malvé for malfé 1336, briefiment 1787 and possibly also solivag (< solifugum) 1337. V and f interchange frequently in Anglo-Norman; see the examples collected by Stimming, Boeve de Haumtone p. 220.5
116 Veil, a trebble le estut despendre;l.116 [l.116] lui e. [R] 5
E dunc luera altri sens,
Quant de aprendre n'ad liu ne tens.
Certes mult li esterra bien
120 Ke en soi set alcune rien;
Mes cil ke en tuz sens me[n]dive,l.121 [l.121] qe t. s. mendie [R] 5l.121 [l.121] mendive. Cf. the rhyme with vive. Apparently a verb formed from the adjective mendif, cf. also the noun mendivetez beggary, l. 2765. Neither word is listed by Godefroy. mendif occurs frequently in Anglo-Norman texts, cf. Le Lai d'Haveloc (ed. Bell, Manchester 1925) 547; and Chardri's Set Dormanz 456. The meaning of our line seems to be He who is poor in (is mendicant of) all knowledge.5
Dreiz est ke il a hunte vive.l.122 [l.122] qe a [R] 5
Nul ne set les set arz trestutes,
124 Si revalent al cors les tutes.
Pur ço doit chescun bien aprendre
Page 5
Pur soi, quant mesters ert, defendre;l.126 [l.126] est [R] 6
E ne pur itant sulement,
128 Mes pur soi garir e sa gent.
La gent dient en lur voir diz:l.129 [l.129] Les gentz [R] 6
'Ki est garni ne est pas huniz.'l.130 [l.130] Another form of this proverb is given in ll. 2111-2.6 [f.186b]
Ja n'ert meillur garnissementl.131 [l.131] ni ert [R] 6
132 Ke cil ke sage quor enprent;
E suz ciel n'ad si riche dunl.133 [l.133] ni ad [R] 6
Cum savoir quant est a bandun,
Ne suz ciel n'ad tele richesce
136 Cum savoir ke tuz mals adresce;
Tutdis lui crest e acurt sure
Ke sen despent en bone cure.
Trestut ausi ke se abaundune,
140 E a l'aprendre sun quor dune,l.140 [l.140] al prendre [R] 6
Cum plus aprent, plus i truvera,
E greinur sens lui abundera.
Pur ço deit hum par bon delit
144 Lire e oir chescun escrit;
Mult par est male la sentence
U l'om n'i pot truver science;l.146 [l.146] ne p. [R] 6
E mult est fieble l'escripture
148 U il n'i ad point de apresture;
Neis cil ke dient vileiniel.149 [l.149] Mes cil [R] 6
Garnissent nus de tel folie.l.150 [l.150] cele f. [R] 6
Ke pot e vult, sei meimes triche,
152 Ke de tuz prent e plus est riche;l.152 [l.152] He who has the will and the power to do so, if he takes from everybody and is thereby the richer, deceives himself. Understand whereas before l. 153. The author wishes to contrast the pursuit of material wealth with the pursuit of knowledge.6
Ke de tuz lit, tuz out e escute,l.153 [l.153] out oit [R] 6l.153 [l.153] out. Out and ot are interchangeable orthographies in P for the ind. pr. 3 of oïr, cf. ll. 155, 2423, and 2489.
escute. Prosthetic e apparently has no syllabic value after a fully pronounced vowel. Other examples from the text are ll. 758, 1934, 2265 and probably 116. On this point see Suchier op. cit. p. 31.6
Plus ke tuz savera senz dute:L154 [L154] sic [R] ke de tuz [P] 6
Cum ert sages ke sen ot dire!l.155 [l.155] est [R] 6
156 Poi sunt ke par soi Deus espire; [f.186c]
Mes ke en sen met sa voillance
Page 6
Le Deu de sen par tut l'avance.
Pur ço ne larrai pur envie,
160 Ne pur avers ke Deu defie,
Ke mun petit sen ne desplie:
Aver de sen pire est ke piel.162 [l.162] pie. The magpie was the symbol of vanity, conceit and boasting, cf. Neckham De naturis rerum II, Cap. CLXXXIX.7
Ki autre luer ne vult rendre.l.163 [l.163] ne me v.7
164 Prie Deu ke m'alme deigne defendrel.164 [l.164] Prie. . . . deigne. Atonic e in hiatus after the tonic vowel tends to lose its syllabic value, cf. Suchier op. cit. p. 34. Other probable cases in the text are geometrie 378 and crue 562. It is possible of course that prie is scribal for pri, ind. pr. I. Deigne may be scribal for deint the etymological form from dignet.7
E ove ces seinz en glorie prendre,
Ke me deigna en croyz rendre.
Li sages ke jadis estoientx [x] CDVG begin, see note7l.167 [l.167] The passage beginning here and running to l. 252 serves to introduce the translation from the Imago mundi. MSS CDVG begin at this point, D after a unique prologue of 40 lines. In C at the top of the page is the rubric Ici comence la petite philosophie. V also has over the first line the rubric Ci com̃ce la petite philosophie.7
168 De grant savoir se entremetoient,
E mult estreitement enquistrent
Des choses durit il puis escristrent.l.170 [l.170] p. plus [R G] 7
Chescun mustra sa sentence
172 Solunc la sue sapience,
E en plusurs lius deviserent,
Deskes li sages ke pus erent
Lur escriz tuz assemblerent,
176 E lur sentences acorderent,l.176 [l.176] ordeinerent [y] 7
Les dutances tutes osterent,
E la verité confermerent;
Ke il en tuz [poinz] l'apruverent,l.179 [l.179] il has been added in x to replace the lost syllable poinz.7
180 E cum pruvé l'acerterent.L180 [L180] sic [CDV] la crecerent [P] la certifierent [R] la cercherent [G] 7
Ces escriz mult longes corurent
Dunt plusurs avant garni furent [f.186d]
De bon e de mal aventure,
184 Ke tuit disoit lur escripture.
Par tut le mund apris avoient
Les aventures que il savoient.
Page 7
Deu meimes en alcune guise
188 Mustre al mund ço k'il devisel.188 [l.188] Mustre. Final atonic e appears to retain syllabic value before a vowel when it is preceded by a consonant combination consisting of mute plus liquid. Other cases are ll. 663, 1228, 1700, 2188 and perhaps 50.8
Par alcune sue feiture
Ke faut u crest en sa mesure.l.190 [l.190] ue [y] 8l.190 [l.190] By something he has created which waxes or wanes in its measure.8
Il en urent grant garde prise,
192 Pur ço en surent la devise;
Le mund trestuit parmesurerent,l.193 [l.193] p. ames. [C] mes. [D G] 8
Terres, ewes, [fuz], eir, tuit numbrerent,l.194 [l.194] The MSS all offer confused readings but it is clear that all four elements must be mentioned, cf. l. 319 below. This line occurs in the Vie de St. Georges (ed. Matzke) 1403. as Tere, ewe, fu e eir.8
Les qualitez de tuz cercherent,
196 Dunt la force de tuz truverent;
E l'espruvé truveure
Mistrent en sage lettrure,
Pur garnir ceus ke pus vendreient,l.199 [l.199] g.c. cels g. [y] 8
200 E lur sens aprendre vodreient.
Mes nul ke seit a cest cuntempre
A lur sens gueres ne se atempre;
Nul ne purvoit nule aventurel.203 [l.203] p. malav. [y] 8
204 Par ren ke Deu avant figure;
Dunt terre est mult afeblie,
E la gent tantost deviel.206 [l.206] Except for afebleie in C the orthography of the MSS points to a rhyme in -ie. Afebliee is attested in l. 1508 by the rhyme with bee, but the reduced form might stand here nevertheless; in any case it could be the past participle of afeblir not afebleier. The context indicates that devie is from desveier to lead astray and not from devier to kill. The original rhyme may thus have been afebleiee:desveiee which gives a regular octosyllabic line. An alternative would be to read afeblïé:devïé without agreement.8
Par les pledurs, par les legistres,l.207 [l.207] e les l. [CD] 8
208 Ke tuz sunt Antecrist ministres. [f.187a]
Cil purvertent tute droiturel.209 [l.209] peruertent [R G] 8
Pur terriene pureture;
Nul ne purvoit la Deu manace,l.211 [l.211] p. doute [y] 8
212 Dunt la gent est cum fu sur glace;l.212 [l.212] om est [R] sunt [y] 8l.212 [l.212] feu sur glace. Doubtless a popular phrase to indicate insecure or precarious position.8
Nul n'esgarde la creature,l.213 [l.213] ne garde [y] 8
Par tant del creatur n'unt cure,
Ke li faitres par sa feiture
216 Est conuz sanz defalture.l.216 [l.216] Nest c. s. defaiture [R] 8
Page 8
Pur ço faz en cest escripturel.217 [l.217] face [R C] 9
De tuit le mund la purtreture;
Coment la tere set entere,L219 [L219] sic [CDG] entrere [P] en terre [RV] 9
220 Des ewes tute la maniere,
De l'eir e de l'ethere ensement,
E la force del firmament,
D'enfer, del ciel e des planetes,l.223 [l.223] de c. [R D G] 9
224 Del lune, del soleil e des cometes,l.224 [l.224] This line cannot be read as octosyllabic in its present form. Del is a contraction of de+le for de+la, but it is probably scribal and the articles may be intrusive, cf. D'enfer in l. 223. Secondly, it appears that atonic e final after l, m, n, or r may lose syllabic value in our text, cf. ll. 614, 663, 888, 1228, 1289, 1414, 1482, 2188 and 2234. Cf. Suchier op. cit. p. 37. Finally sol may be read for soleil. MS P offers the monosyllabic form in ll. 415, 443 and 1558, all of which are octosyllabic whereas ll. 1379, 1832, and 2368 which offer the disyllabic form contain nine syllables. It seems assured, therefore, that the author used whichever form his line required. Sol occurs in the MSS of Philippe de Thaün, see Mall Li Cumpoz p. 52.9
Des .xii. signes e lur curs,l.225 [l.225] e de lor [C D] 9
Pur quei sunt curz e lungs les jurs,l.226 [l.226] c. e. l. l. e c. [y] 9
Dunt li vent vient, dunt la toneire,
228 Dunt fudre, dunt feu, dunt escleire,
Dunt pluie, dunt noif, dunt gelee,
Dunt gresil, niule, dun[t] rusee,l.230 [l.230] n. dont n. [R y] 9l.230 [l.230] MSS DV transpose these lines and offer the rhyme brisile (brisele V): aubegele. The form brisile cannot be the word cited by Godefroy and connected by him with brasier. Antoine Thomas has suggested that the rhyme is drisile[e]:aubegele[e] and that drisile[e] means drizzle, (see Langlois Connaissance du monde p. 163, n. 2), but this seems most doubtful.9
Dunt le feu vent ke l'um chair veit,l.231 [l.231] ke l'umcum [y] 9
232 Ke l'em quide ke estoile seit,
Dunt vent cele blanche veiel.233 [l.233] Et d. v. [R y] 9
Ke parmi le ciel se desploie: [f.187b]
Ke a ces choses vult entendre,
236 Mult i purra granz biens aprendre,l.236 [l.236] M. p. [R D] 9
E saver en tutes manieres
Ke mult est sages li crieres,
E ke il est pussant par nature,
240 E ke si avols par tut dure,
E ke li sert a volenté
Tut veintra par sa pousté,
E ki defalt de sun servise
244 Mult doit duter sa grant justise.
Nun don' al livre ke l'enditel.245 [l.245] doune [R y] 9l.245 [l.245] He who composes it gives to the book the title, etc. For the sake of clarity I have in this case indicated by an apostrophe the suppressed final e of don which is in all the other MSS. The author is speaking of himself in the third person but changes to the first in ll. 248 ff.9
Ki plus [vult] oir par requesteL247 [L247] sic [CDVG] not in [PR] 9
Page 9
248 Li frut li dirrai e la reste;
Ki vult del mund oir l'image,
E sa feture e sun estage,l.250 [l.250] E la [C D] 10
Aturt oie od bon curage,l.251 [l.251] Aturt. Cf. the explanation of this emendation given in the Introduction, p. xxi.10
252 Jo l'en frai certain e sage.l.252 [l.252] E ieo [C D] 10l.252 [l.252] frai certain. This turn of phrase is probably modelled on the Latin certum facere, consequently certain may be taken to mean well-informed.10 x [x] [Imago mundi, Lib. I, Cap. I, Pat. Lat., CLXXII, 121]10
Li mund est rund cume pelote, x [x] Latin text begins10
Nent estable mes en mote;l.254 [l.254] en mote. Cf. note to l. 48.10
Unc ne fu ne ja n'ert estable,
256 Mes tut>dis moble e remuable.
Par elemens est destinctez,
Cum par un of ver purrez:l.258 [l.258] ver. Scribal for veer or veeir since the disyllabic form is needed in every case to make octosyllabic lines, cf. ll. 60, 928, 1348 and 2768 (decasyllabic).10 [f.187c]
L'aubun defors enclost l'escale,
260 En l'aubun li muels s'enmale;
Li muels enclost une gute,
Ke de gresse est furmee tute.
Tut ausi est li ciel cum escale,l.263 [l.263] escale. Prosthetic e appears to be elided here after nasal consonant. Perhaps however est loses its vowel following a tonic vowel.10
264 L'ethre pur cum aubun enmale;l.264 [l.264] om pur [D G] 10
L'ethre, cum albun fet muel,
Le espés eir envirune bel;L266 [L266] sic [DVG] purs [PR] 10
Li muels enclost la grasse gute,l.267 [l.267] Muel. This word is apparently disyllabic, cf. the rhyme with bel 265-6. Perhaps the author wrote clost rather than enclost, cf. ll. 380, 934, 2461 and 2490.10
268 E l'eir purceint la terre tute:l.268 [l.268] purceint. The scribe occasionally confuses t and c. He writes this word with t here and in ll. 492 and 540, whereas in ll. 380, 873 and 1624 he writes c, which latter I have generalized.10
Saver put ke sen ad parfund
Ke li cels enclost tut le mund. x [x] [Cap. II]10
De cest mund la creaciun
272 Feite en cinc manieres truvum:l.272 [l.272] m. le t. [y] 10
L'une fu einz ke ren nule fut,l.273 [l.273] nule rien [R y] 10l.273 [l.273] ren nule. This order is peculiar to MS P, all the others placing the adjective first. The same situation is found in ll. 1651 and 1935.10
Ke Deu en sun penser conçut
Devant tuz siecles a purtreirel.275 [l.275] tuit le secle [y] 10
276 Come[n]t il volt tuit le mund feire.
Cist est architepes dist
Page 10
De Deu prince ke tut purvit;l.278 [l.278] deu le pr. [y] 11
Prince est dit archos en gregeis,
280 Typos est dit figure en françois;l.280 [l.280] om dit [R y] 11
Dunt cest mund cel non ad,l.281 [l.281] itel non [y] 11l.281 [l.281] An example of a line in which it is necessary to replace the short demonstratives by the longer forms in order to get an octosyllabic line. MS C wrote cesti and itel. Such cases are frequent in our text and in nearly every case at least one MS gives the form required.11
Kar Deu par soi le figurad.
L'altre est quant Deu par cest essample
284 Cest mund criad noble e ample,l.284 [l.284] n. ueable [y] 11 [f.187d]
E trestut furmat en matirel.285 [l.285] om E [C V] 11
Quanque purvit sun sage empire;
Dunt l'escrit dit: 'Cil ke fin n'ad
288 Ensemble tute rens criad:'l.288 [l.288] Eccles. 18, 1, Qui vivit in aeternum creavit omnia simul. Migne cites the passage as Qui manet, etc. but does not identify it.11
Ensemble par voil deboneire
E par apparisante matire.
Le tierce fu quant trestut furma,
292 E par .vi. jurs tuit ordena;
Dunt l'escrit dit ke a .vi. jorneesl.293 [l.293] ff. cf. Gen. 1.11
Fist Deu tutes bones criees.
La quarte manere Deu mustral.295 [l.295] quarte. Final atonic e after t began to lose syllabic value in the late twelfth century, cf. Suchier op. cit. p. 37. Other examples from the text are ll. 290, 1867 and 1905.11
296 Quant une rien de altre cria,
Ausi cum il uncore fet
Quant il un home d'altre estret,l.298 [l.298] om un [R D] 11
Beste de beste fest venir,
300 Arb[r]es e herbes reverdir;
N'est chose ke sulunc sa semencel.301 [l.301] om ke [D V] 11
Dunt le Deu a mund ne recomence;l.302 [l.302] This couplet is apparently corrupt and the variant readings do not indicate clearly what emendations should be made. I have therefore printed unaltered the text of P with full variants. The Latin original is unumquodque de semine sui generis nascitur, which makes it plain that the meaning is There is nothing in the world which God does not reproduce according to its seed. Perhaps the original reading was N'est chose sulunc sa semence Ke Deu el mund ne recommence.11
Dunt l'escrit dit: 'Mun pere uvrel.303 [l.303] The original is cited by Migne without identification, Pater meus usque modo operatur. cf. John 5, 17.11
304 Uncore, e ces buntez ne cuvre.'l.304 [l.304] b. pas ne [y] 11l.304 [l.304] Uncore. Several examples of overflow lines occur in the text, cf. ll. 1310, 1492, 1494, 1800, and 1806.11
La quinte maniere adunc ert veirel.305 [l.305] est [R y] 11
Quant Deu vuldra le mund refere,l.306 [l.306] voet [C D] 11
E tuit oster la pulentie,
308 E vestir tuit de nuvelerie,l.308 [l.308] nuvelerie. The second e is apparently to be elided in scansion. Similar cases of e losing its syllabic value in the body of polysyllabic words are found in ll. 1061 and 1103.11
Dunt le prophete dit verai:
'Tutes rens renuvelerai.'l.310 [l.310] Rev. 21, 5, Ecce nova facio omnia.11
Page 11
[f.188a] x [x] [Cap. III]12Ore escutez des element,
312 Ço est de yle les liemenz;
Tant dit yle cum fet matire,
Dunt tutes rens pernent afeire;
Yle est matire divine,
316 Dunt tutes riens pernent orine.
Les elemenz sul quatre sunt,
Par ki trestutes riens estunt;
Ço sunt feu, ewe e eir e terre,l.319 [l.319] eir ewe [y] 12
320 Dunt chescun a altre se serrel.320 [l.320] se s. saserre [C] la serre [V] afere [D] 12
Par si amee concordance
Ke nul n'est a altre grevance;l.322 [l.322] a autre nest [C G] 12
Ke si cum sercle returnee
324 En soi se turnent sanz medlee:l.324 [l.324] om se [y] 12
Le fu en l'eir tutdis s'enturne,l.325 [l.325] se turne [R y] 12
L'eir en l'ewe bien suj[u]rne,
L'ewe en la terre cule e plie,
328 La terre en l'ewe se demie;
Par meime ceste manere
Terre se turne en ewe clere;
E l'ewe en l'eir tres bien se mue,l.331 [l.331] The Migne text (Cap. III) reads incorrectly acqua in terram instead of acqua in aerem.12
332 E l'eir en feu tutdis tressue.
Ces quatre par grant cumpaignie
Chescun a altre bien se aliel.334 [l.334] se lie [C D] 12
Par lur quatre propretez
336 Cum par un braz entrelacez,l.336 [l.336] The idea is that of four people standing in a circle each with an arm around his neighbour.12 [f.188b]
Si ke lur naturel descorde
Remaint tutdis en bon acorde.l.338 [l.338] en bon e bien [C D] 12l.338 [l.338] The rhyme is descord:acord RG. Acord is found in rhyme with mort 1993.12
La terre, ke est secke e froide,
340 A l'ewe froide pas ne plede;
L'ewe, [ke est] froide e muistie,l.341 [l.341] muistie. Apparently a pp. adj. from muistir, v. n. be moist. cf. moitir cited by Godefroy.12
A l'eir muiste tient cumpaignie,
Page 12
E l'eir, ke est muiste e chaude,
344 Al chaut fu est par itant baude;l.344 [l.344] The rhyme is chaud:baud RDVG.13
Le feu par chaude seckeresce
La secke terre pas ne blesce.l.346 [l.346] La t. s. [y] 13
De ces, cum tut plus pesant,l.347 [l.347] ces quatre cum plus [y] 13l.347 [l.347] The reading of y, ces quatre cum plus, is to be preferred to that of PR.13
348 La terre mist en bas seant;
Le feu, si cum le plus legier,
Sur les altres volt Deus ester;l.350 [l.350] e. poser [y] 13
Les altres deus cum milluiens,l.351 [l.351] milluiens. This form is to be interpreted as miliueins, cf. the rhyme with veins, and also miluein 399 of which Godefroy cites a second Anglo-Norman example. The etymon is medium+locum+anum.13
352 Quant tuz atemprent, ne sunt veins.l.352 [l.352] s. pas v. [y] 13
Des quels deus l'ewe plus pesante
La terre de plus pres hante.l.354 [l.354] t. plus [C G] 13
La terre ad les bestes alanz,
356 E l'ewe ad les bestes noant,l.356 [l.356] b. peisons [y] 13
En l'eir sunt les bestes volanz,l.357 [l.357] b. oiseals [y] 13
El feu les resplendisanz.l.358 [l.358] feu sunt les [R] 13 x [x] [Cap. V]13
La terre est runde cum pelote,
360 Ne muit ne croulle ne ne flote.
Ele est runde en verité:
Se alcuns fust halt en l'eir posél.362 [l.362] en leir f. h. [y] 13 [f.188c]
E la terre tute surverreit,l.363 [l.363] surverreit. Note the parallel use of a past subjunctive, fust in l. 362, and a conditional in the protasis of a conditional sentence. This equivalence existed in the apodosis (cf. the example cited by Foulet Petite Syntaxe p. 213), but it is exceptional in the protasis.13
364 Ne munt ne val plus n'i parroitl.364 [l.364] ne p. [y] 13
Ke wibetz funt en un grant munt;
Par tant sachez ke ele est runt.
Ele estat sanz sustenement
368 For de sul Deu omnipotent;
N'ad pié ne basse n'apuail,
Dunt dist le prophete fedail
Ke deit ke ne dute la gent;l.371 [l.371] doutent [y] 13
372 Deu, ki la terre en nient pent,
Il l'ad par sun sen establiel.373 [l.373] sen si e. [y] 13
Page 13
Si ke ja mes n'ert esturmie.l.374 [l.374] Ke ia [C D] 14l.374 [l.374] cf. Ps. 103, 5.14
Cil ke la terre mesurerent,
376 [Envirun il i aconterent]L376 [L376] sic [CDVGR] 14
Duze mile liues e cinquantel.377 [l.377] The variants of the line result from confusion between the two Latin forms of the computation, in leagues (12,052) and in stades (180,000). Cent has crept into the text of RDV from marginal glosses giving the quotation in stades (such a gloss actually existing in MS D). Finally miler (< milliariu) is a synonym for liue, which accounts for the variants of DV.14
E dous; geometrie le grante.
Occean, ço est la mer grand,
380 La terre clot en purceignant,l.380 [l.380] enclot [y] 14
Si cum cunte l'escripture:
'Abime fet sa vesture.'l.382 [l.382] Ps. 103, 6.14
Abime est la parfunde mer,
384 Ke Deu tut sul put amirer.L384 [L384] see note [] 14l.384 [l.384] put amirer. P reads puramirer (the scribe used the abbreviation for ur), R has purra muer, and y reads poet amirer. The corrector in P, noticing that the context required a verb in the present, wrote a t over the a and after the abbreviation for ur. The reading of x results from confusion of r and t.14
La terre ad en soi plusurs veines,
Ke sunt de l'ewe tutes pleines;l.386 [l.386] de ewe [R y] 14
Dunt avient, quel liu que fuiez,l.387 [l.387] fouerez [R] fuez [D G] 14
388 Tut soit parfund, ewe truverez.l.388 [l.388] truverez. The e following the stem in the future and conditional may not have syllabic value, cf. also ll. 2, 141, 142 and 2658, but this elision appears to be optional, cf, ll. 310, 2521, 2653 and 2820.14
Par ces veines l'ewe s'enserre,l.389 [l.389] cestes v. [R C] 14 [f.188d]
E aruse la secke terre.
Si cel arusement n'estoit,
392 Ja mes nul frut n'aporteroit. x [x] [Cap. VI]14
La terre par la Deu asise
En cinc zones bel se devise;
Zones cercles u compas sunt,
396 E Deu compassa tut le mund.
Les deus foreins nul n'enhabitel.397 [l.397] nabite [y] 14
Pur le grant froit kis desherite;
Nun fet hom pas le miluein,l.399 [l.399] om pas [C D] 14
400 Ke tutdis est de chalur plein,
Ke le soleil en celui meint,
E as foreins unkes n'ateint.
Les deus ke sunt parentre celsl.403 [l.403] p. eals [y] 14
Page 14
404 A habiter sunt bons e beals;
Le chaud se ameine a la froidure,l.405 [l.405] se meille [C] meigne corrected to medle [G] 15
Si est bone l'atemprure.
Entendez, e de bone feil.407 [l.407] Ore en. o b. [D G] 15
408 Par ensample le mustrai:l.408 [l.408] le vus [C D] 15
Fetes un fu fors al serain,
Quant yver est del gel tut plain,l.410 [l.410] de g. [R y] 15
Cinc lignes i verrez tut dreit,l.411 [l.411] om i [C G D] 15
412 Une de chaud e dous de froit;
Li dous ke entre cels serrunt
Bone attemprure en soi frunt; [f.189a]
S'il turnast cum li sols fet,l.415 [l.415] solail [R y] 15
416 Cinc cercles altresi freit.
Li premer cercle en sun estalL417 [L417] sic [RCDVG] est [P] 15
Est numé septemtrional,l.418 [l.418] Est apele [y] 15
Le secund est solsticial,
420 Le tierz est equinoccial,l.420 [l.420] E le terce [R C] 15
Le quart est apelé brumal,
Le quint ad nun austral.l.422 [l.422] Et le [R C D G] 15l.422 [l.422] By reading ewith RCDG and ad a nun with C the line becomes regular metrically. aveir nun and aveir a nun are both frequent in our text.15
Le solsticial sulement
424 Reçoit le nostre habitement.
Septemtriun ço est le north,
U tutdis est le froit si forth
Ke, mer e terre, est engelee,l.427 [l.427] sunt [y] 15
428 Ke ne put estre enhabité.l.428 [l.428] Ne pot pas e. [y] 15
D'iloc vers equinocciunl.429 [l.429] equinoccial [R C D] 15
Dure nostre solsticiun,l.430 [l.430] solsticial [R C D] 15
Ke pur itant est si numé
432 Ke li solail en nostre esté
Page 15
Vers le north plus ne passe mie,
Mes ver le su sun curs reguie.
Icest espace est si tempreel.435 [l.435] atempre [y] 16
436 Ke de nus genz est habitee.
Le equinoccial est si ardant
Ke nul alme n'i est manant.
Pur tant est dit equinocciall.439 [l.439] Pur ceo [R C] 16
440 Ke jur e nuit sunt paringal. [f.189b]
Iloc est la zone bruantl.441 [l.441] It is preferable to read si after zone with y and interpret Ke in l. 442 as that. The atonic e of zone, following an n, may be dropped in scansion.16
Ke mer e terre fet builla[n]t;l.442 [l.442] bruant [C] bruillant [D G] 16
La est li sols si chaud pur veirl.443 [l.443] solail [R y] 16
444 Ke nul home n'i put maneir.
D'iloc s'estent pus le brumal,
Si se acumpaine a l'austral,
Ke pur ço est brumal numee
448 Ke tendrement est engelee.
Alcune feiz quant li solalz
Vers nus ici fet ses chalz,l.450 [l.450] refet [C G] 16
Icele zone est atempree,
452 Mes des hommes n'est pas habitee.l.452 [l.452] des de [C G] 16
D'iloc avant s'estent australl.453 [l.453] laustral [y] 16
U li froit fet sun estal,
Altresi cum fet utre cel north
456 U tutdis est gelee forth;l.456 [l.456] si f. [C G] 16
E si est austral apelél.457 [l.457] Si [y] 16
Kar le su est auster numé
Par un vent ki d'iloc vient
460 Ke memes itel nun retent.l.460 [l.460] Cf. the Introduction, p. lxv. It is of interest to note that there are strong verbal resemblances between certain ll. in this passage and other passages in the text. Compare ll. 425-8 with ll. 1188-94, ll. 439-40 with ll. 2385-6, ll. 441-4 with ll. 1263-6 and ll. 458-60 with l. 1695. The only part of this passage which seems original is that on the zone called brumal, 445-52.16 x [x] [Cap. VII]16
Ceste zone ke nus manumsl.461 [l.461] ke ou [y] 16l.461 [l.461] ke. The form was written by the scribes of both P and R, but the corrector of P rejected it and wrote ou above, which form is also found in y. A transitive use of maneir is not recorded and it is altogether probable that the author wrote ou, but it seems certain that ke in P was not a scribal error, else it would not occur also in R; consequently I have left it in the text.16
En trois parties divisums
Par une mer ke l'ad severee,
464 Mediterraine est apelee;l.464 [l.464] Mediterraine. Cf. Mediteraine 784, but the form in rhyme is Mediterin, cf. ll. 523, 862 and 1027 and in the line 1016. Both forms probably belong to the author as other proper names in the text are dimorphic, cf. notes to ll. 855, 745 and 967.16
Page 16
E ço nun de ço li surt
Ke en miliu de la terre curt, [f.189c]
Si ad [le non] par destinctiunL467 [L467] sic [CDVG] 17
468 De occean ke curt envirun.l.468 [l.468] loc. [y] 17
De ces treis parz ke ai destinctee,
L'une est Asie apelee,l.470 [l.470] Asie. Final e representing a Latin a appears to stand in hiatus, cf, ll. 315, 789 and 1007.17
L'autre Europe, la terce Aufrike,
472 Dunt chescune est endroit soi rike. x [x] [Cap. VIII]17
Asie ad nun d'une reine l.473 [l.473] A. est dite [y] 17
Ke franche ert e de bone orine.l.474 [l.474] Ke mult ert de f. o. [y] 17
Gariz est k'en bien n'est feint,
476 Ke bon nun a tutdis remeint.
De ceste le cumencement
Est leis loin en orientl.478 [l.478] leis leis [C] 17
Le realme de paradis
480 U Adam fu de primes mis;l.480 [l.480] om de [y] 17
Mes tant i ad de cel occean,l.481 [l.481] loc. [y] 17l.481 [l.481] occean. Apparently the Mediterranean Sea is meant, as the route to Paradise was overland via India; cf. the Iter ad Paradisum and the Alexander legend.17
E de terre si tresgrant pan,
Ke de rubes, ke de guast,l.483 [l.483] Ke. . . . ke. This correlative use of ke occurs three times in our text, cf. ll. 1303 and 1747-9.17
484 Ke nul nen est ke la trespassast.l.484 [l.484] trespast [C D V] 17l.484 [l.484] trespassast. The original form was probably trespast as found in CDV, which gives an octosyllabic line.17
Del trespasser la terre est quite,
Kar n'est home ke la habite;
Nis le deluje nel tuchat,l.487 [l.487] ni atocha [y] 17l.487 [l.487] deluje. Cf. also ll. 926 and 1115. The regular form in the other MSS is -uvie.17
488 Ke tut cest nostre mund neat.l.488 [l.488] ceste terre n. [y] 17
Paradis ad en soi tuz biens,
De tuz deliz n'i falt ja riens;l.490 [l.490] om ia [y] 17
Humme n'i vient, humme n'i meint,
492 Ke tut est de feu purceint;l.492 [l.492] trestut [C V] 17 [f.189d]
Un mur de feu fort e ardant,l.493 [l.493] feu trestuit a. [y] 17
Halt desque al ciel, li est garant.l.494 [l.494] om Halt [C D] 17 x [x] [Cap. IX]17
En cel liu est le fust de vie;l.495 [l.495] f. frut [R y] 17l.495 [l.495] fust. Fust, found in P alone, reproduces the Latin lignum which proves its authenticity. This word does not normally mean tree, but is used in our poem with this meaning again in l. 1374.17
Page 17
496 Ke en mangue ne murt mie;
Ki de sun frut point gustera
Ja pus cel hure ne murra.l.498 [l.498] cel iour [y] 18
Une funtaigne de cel liu surt,l.499 [l.499] de en [y] 18
500 Ke en quatre fluies decurt;
Mes tuz quatre, chescune gute,
Dedens les murs la terre englute,
Ke pus surdent en lur pais,
504 Mes mult loinz de cest paradis. x [x] [Cap. X]18
Phison, ke nun de Ganges tent,
D'Orcoban, munt en Inde, vent,L506 [L506] sic [G] ke m. est [P] qe m. en [R] mult en [C] amunt en [V] see note [] 18
E tret sun curs vers orient,
508 U il en occean descent.l.508 [l.508] loc. [C G] 18
Geon, ke Nil est apelé,l.509 [l.509] Seon [C D] 18
Juste munt Athlant surt de gré;
Mes terre tantost l'englutist,
512 Dunt a la Ruge Mer s'en ist;
Ethiope bel envirune,l.513 [l.513] auiroune [R C G] 18
E en Egipte se abandune;
E pus en se[t] buches se fent,L515 [L515] sic [DVC] se [PG] ces [R] sent [P] 18l.515 [l.515] set. Cf. l. 1986 where P again omits the final t of this word. To avoid misinterpretation of the text I have restored the consonant in both cases.18
516 E si en la Grant Mer descent
Juste Alisandre la cité,
Ke d'un fort rei fu si numé. [f.190a]
Eufrates e Tygre le ignell.519 [l.519] Eufrates e Tygre. Both words have two forms, cf. Eufrates 764 against Eufrate:late 745 and in the line 783; Tygre 745 and Tygrin:veisin 721.18
520 De munt Caucas issent mult bel,L520 [L520] sic [V] tankas [PR] cantas [C] cancas see note [DG] 18l.520 [l.520] Caucas. Cf. also ll. 533 and 893. The form Tankas of PR is an evident corruption of Caucas given by V, i.e. the Caucasus range, which name has been introduced erroneously in place of Parchoatrus, cf. mons Parchoatros in Orosius' Historiarum libri septem (Migne Pat. Lat. XXXI) I, 2. This form reappears in manuscript Cleop. B iv in the British Museum and in the editions of 1497 and 1544. The Migne edition has de monte Barchoatro funduntur. Since the Tigris and Euphrates rise in the mountains of Armenia the substitution of names was probably deliberate, but we cannot attribute it with certainty to our author as it may have stood in the Latin MS he was using.18
E lur curs funt par Armenie,
E chescun vers midi se guie,l.522 [l.522] uers inde [y] 18
E en la mer Mediterin
524 Iloc entrent, ço est la fin.
Deça le liu de paradis
Page 18
Sunt deserz de tuz biens esquis,
Pleins de serpens e de draguns,
528 De guivres, tygres e de leuns,l.528 [l.528] g. gryffons [R G] grips [D] griuers [V] 19
Tant guastés, tant venimezl.529 [l.529] enuenimez [y] 19
Ke ja n'i est chemin truvez. x [x] [Cap. XI]19
Pus est Inde la renumee,
532 Ke de Inde un fluvie est numee,l.532 [l.532] est si n. [y] 19
Ke del munt Caucas del north surtl.533 [l.533] Caucas. On the form see note to l. 520. The range of mountains here referred to is the Caucasus Indicus, so-called by the soldiers of Alexander the Great, now commonly referred to as the Hindu Kush. The Indus river rises in Thibet and breaks through the mountain barrier into India at the eastern extremity of the range.19
E vers midi sur terre curt;l.534 [l.534] m. inde [y] 19
E quant ad curu sun esploit,
536 En la Mer Ruge sa fin fet.l.536 [l.536] Mer Ruge. On Isidore's map the Red Sea is called the Sinus Adriaticus and the Mare Rubicum is placed below India, hence the Indus river was said to flow into it.19
Cest Inde enclost vers occident
Le grant occean verrement:
Ço est occean l'Indien,l.539 [l.539] le o. i. [y] 19l.539 [l.539] In the Imago mundi the Red Sea is made identical with the Indian Ocean which is said to be cut off by India from the west: Hoc (mare Rubicum) India ab occidente clauditur et ab hoc Indicus oceanus dicitur. Since the various oceans which were distinguished by the ancients all formed part of the great ocean which flowed around the earth, it results that the terms Mer Ruge 536, grant occean 538 and occean l'Indien 539 of our text all refer to the same body of water. Grant ocean in l. 538 is of course subject of the verb enclost l. 537.19
540 Ke un idle purceint tres bien;
Taprobane l'idle est numee,
De .x. citez nobles est casee.
Chescun an i ad dous estez,
544 E dous yvers e dous fez blez; [f.190b]
Saver poez, grant bien en ist,
Kar ele a trestut l'an verdist.
Crise e Argire iloke sunt,l.547 [l.547] A. augur [C G] augor [D] 19
548 Ke dous idles en la mer sunt;
De or e d'argent sunt replenies,
E a tutdis tres bien fluries.
La sunt un munz de fin or granz,l.551 [l.551] est [R C] 19
552 U draguns e grips sunt mananz,L552 [L552] sic [DVG] serpens [PR] griffons [C] 19l.552 [l.552] grips. This form as acc. pl. is found in rhyme with pais in l. 585.19
Kis defendent si faitement
Ke nul alme de l'or ne prent.l.554 [l.554] a. homme [R D G] 19
Iloc est le munt Caspy,l.555 [l.555] Caspy. cf. Caspin:chemin 893, here referring to the sea, not the mountain range; but there is no such distinction in form in the Latin, cf. mons Caspius and a Caspio mare, hence our author must be held responsible for the variant forms in his poem.19
556 Dunt cele mer ad nun ausi.
Entre cel munt e cele merl.557 [l.557] munt terre [y] 19
Page 19
Fist li rois Alisandre le fier
Gog e Magog si enfermerl.559 [l.559] om si [R C] 20l.559 [l.559] Gog e Magog. Referred to in Ezek. 38 and 39. For the most recent discussion of the tradition concerning these tribes, see A. R. Anderson Alexander's Gate, Gog and Magog, and the Inclosed Nations Cambridge, Mass. 1932, and the review by P. Barry in Speculum VIII (1933) 264.20
560 Ke il ne poent issir ne passer:l.560 [l.560] Ne p. [C V G] 20
Ce sunt une gent malostrue,
Ke humme e crue beste mangue.l.562 [l.562] om Ke [C V G] 20l.562 [l.562] crue beste. For crue cf. note to l. 164. The Migne text at this point has the ludicrous error of caudis bestiis for the correct crudis bestiis found in Cleop. B iv and the edition of 1544.20
Inde content en sun bandunl.563 [l.563] ses bandons [y] 20
564 Quarante e quatre regiun.l.564 [l.564] bandun:regiun. The original rhyme was banduns:regiuns as found in y, cf. l. 1317.20
Inde ad en soi multes genz natres,l.565 [l.565] m. g. mult grant [C D G] 20
Garmanz, Orestes e Choatres;
Lur bois en haut cressent tant
568 Ke le pur ethre sunt tuchant.l.568 [l.568] e. ayr [R C] 20
En Inde est Pigneos un munt,l.569 [l.569] Pigneos un munt. This error resulted from misinterpretation of the Latin In montibus Pygmaeos, in which Pygmaeos was taken for an adjective.20
E en cel munt uns hummes sunt [f.190c]
Ke dous cutes unt de lungur,L571 [L571] sic [RCDVG] le [P] 20
572 E as grues tenent estur;
Od les grues bataile funt,
E al tierz an lur enfant unt;
A l'utime an velz e defrait sunt,l.575 [l.575] d. defait [R D] 20l.575 [l.575] utime an. Since an stands in l. 574 it may be omitted in 575 (D omits) and the final e of utime may be elided (cf. note to l. 224). An alternative to elision would be to read the disyllabic form utme which is known in Anglo-Norman, cf. uitme in the Cumpoz 1387 and 3205 and in the Brendan 769. This form does not occur in our MSS.20
576 Se il plus vivent, petit durrunt.l.576 [l.576] om il [R D G] 20
Entre ces genz li poivre crest,l.577 [l.577] cele [R D G] cels [C] 20
Si est trestuit blanc quan[t] il nest;l.578 [l.578] Si. P's form sil may be for cil as s and c frequently interchange in P. More probably it is merely scribal for si because final l appears to have been silent for our scribe in certain forms, cf. i for il ll. 110, 775, etc., de for del l. 2312, ma for mal l. 2538, and the form ad for al in ll. 2640 and 2652. Conversely the scribe writes del occasionally where we should expect de, cf. ll. 16 and 410; cf. also kil for ki in l. 2869 C. It seems probable consequently that sil merely represents an inverse spelling for si in the case in question.20
Mes pur les serpens dechacerl.579 [l.579] d. ench. [C D] esch. [D] 20
580 Funt il les champs tut alumer,l.580 [l.580] om tut [C V G] 20
Dunt le poivre tut enercist,
E par l'arsun trestut flestrist.l.582 [l.582] par raisun [y] 20
Les Macrobins ilokes sunt,
584 Quatorze cutes de lungur unt;l.584 [l.584] de lung [C G] 20
Cist guerroient cuntre les grips,l.585 [l.585] E il g. [y] 20
E defendunt lur pais.l.586 [l.586] defendunt. A similar case of -unt for -ent is ount 1543, and MS G furnishes a third example in perdunt 2828. Mangunt in l. 598 is rather a reduction of manguent, cf. the syllable count and the rhyme malostrue:mangue 561. These forms are of course scribal.20
Le grip de leun ad cursage,
Page 20
588 Ele e ungle de egle salvage.
La resunt Agrot e Bragman,
Ke meimes se ardent a grant han
Pur amur de cel autre vie:l.591 [l.591] lamur [R C D] 21
592 Fole esperance fet folie.
Uns autres lur pere oscient,
Quant a vielesce lur tens guient,
E lur chars manger se aparaillent;
596 Fel sunt tenu ke de ço faillent. [f.191a]
Altres i sunt ke le cru pessunx [x] 191a, l. 221
Mangunt tutdis a bandun,
E beivent la mer tressalee:
600 A tel manger tele bevee. [f.190d] x [x] [Cap. XII]21
Uns mustres en cel munt resunt,
Tels hummes, tels bestes lé funt.l.602 [l.602] Some call them men, others beasts. Note the correlative use of tels.21
Asquanz unt les piez besturnez,
604 E .viii. ortilz e sezze piez;L604 [L604] sic [RCG] vint [P] 21l.604 [l.604] This line is corrupt in all the MSS, the form printed, apparently representing the original line. The passage is clear in the Latin, et octonos simul sedecim in pedibus digitos. Either the author misunderstood his Latin text or he was using a MS which was corrupt at this point.21
Asquanz tele teste cum chens unt,
Lur ungles curbs e aguz sunt,l.606 [l.606] c. corz [C] curs [D] 21
De pels de bestes vestuz sunt,
608 E pur voiz abai de chens unt.
Ilokes une meres sunt,
Ke une feiz lur enfanz unt;
Chanuz sunt quant des meres issent,l.611 [l.611] de mere [R y] 21
612 E en viellesce ennercissent;l.612 [l.612] en lur v. [R y] 21
E plus vivent mult lungement
Ke ne fet nule de nostre gent.
Altres i sunt ke en cinc anz
616 Enfantent trestuz lur enfant,
Mes neis un de cest enfanterl.617 [l.617] Mes vn soul de [y] 21
Utre le utime an ne put endurer.l.618 [l.618] durer [y] 21l.618 [l.618] The line becomes octosyllabic by reading durer CDG, omitting an (not in D) and eliding the e of utime (cf. l. 575). Here again the form utme would serve, but it does not appear in any MS.21
Page 21
La sunt gent ke un oil unt,l.619 [l.619] unes g. [y] 22
620 E cil lur set enmi le frunt;
Arismaspi sunt apelé,
E Ciclopes resunt numé.
Lé Cynope la resunt,l.623 [l.623] Cynope. The Latin form scinopodae proves that a syllable od has disappeared and that we should read Cynopode. In CDR appears the form Ciclope by contamination from l. 622.22
624 Ke sulement un pe unt;
L'orree venquent en curant,
E quant del repos unt talant,
La terre cum un sarcu uvrent,l.627 [l.627] sarcu. This detail is not in the Latin which reads et in terram positi umbram sibi planta pedis erecta faciunt. I do not know where the author found it; possibly the idea was furnished to him by an illustration in which the upturned foot suggested the lid of a sarcophagus.22 [f.191a]
628 U il de lur plantes se cuvrent.l.628 [l.628] E si de [C] E la de [D G] 22
Uns altres tut sanz chef i sunt,
Ke les oilz es espaules unt;
Pur nes e buche dous pertuz,
632 E cum bestes sunt veluz.
Lez la funtaigne de Gangis,L633 [L633] sic [CD] egantis [PR] sangis [G] 22
Ke est un fluvie de grant pris,
Une gent mainent, ço est la summe,
636 Ke vivent de l'odur d'une pume;
E si nul de els doit loinz errer,
Ne ublie la pume aporter;l.638 [l.638] la pas la [C G] mie la [D] 22
Se il bien vult e il eit mester,l.639 [l.639] e eit [y] 22
640 L'occean grant put tresnoer. x [x] [Cap. XIII]22
Une beste ilok habite,
Centocroce par nun est dite;l.642 [l.642] non d. [y] 22
Cors ad asnin, costez cervins,
644 E piz e quisses leonins,
Piez de cheval e un cors grant,l.645 [l.645] Pys [R] Dens [y] 22
De dous parz aguz e trenchant,l.646 [l.646] p. piez [y] 22
La buche ad grant e mult baanz,
648 D'orrille a l'altre atteignant,l.648 [l.648] orrille. ei tonic is written i several times in P, cf. ortilz 604, orille 668, nis 487, 824 and 2671, and Marsille 1330 (perhaps by analogy with the Latin form). For other examples of this relatively infrequent development see Stimming Boeve de Haumtone p. 200, and Waters' Brendan p. 154.22
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[f.191b]Plein os pur denz, maissele pleine,
E voiz purpostement humeine.l.650 [l.650] purpostement. This word translates the Latin pene. Godefroy does not list such a form, but since purpost is a possible variant for propos our form is perhaps to be identified as a variant of proposeement. If so, the word might be more precisely defined as intentionally.23
Un altre beste est en cel val,
652 Ke tel cors ad cum cheval;
Eale le solt hum nomer,
Si ad meissele de sengler,
Ausi cum olifant cuee,
656 Si est de dous cornes armee;l.656 [l.656] cornes. A feminine form from the neuter plural cornua; cf. also braces (<brachia) 706 R. This is the favourite form in our text, cf. ll. 657, 669, 693, etc., but the masculine cors is also found, cf. l. 645.23
Les cornes ne sunt for d'une cute,
L'une retret, l'autre bute,l.658 [l.658] de lautre [C G] 23
L'une tent red quant se cumbat,l.659 [l.659] t. astret [D] est esteit [C] estreit [G] 23
660 E l'altre lung sun dos tient flat;
E kant cele est rebukee,l.661 [l.661] celui est trebuche [y] 23l.661 [l.661] rebukee. The Latin reads illo obtuso, consequently I have defined the word as blunted. However the verb rebuker is found in the Set Dormans 1589 with the meaning of repulse or defeat, and it may be that this meaning pushed back was intended in our text.23
Arere est mise e l'altre avancee:
Horrible est, de neire culur,
664 En ewe e en terre ad sa valur.
Uns fauve tors sunt el munt sus,L665 [L665] sic [CDG] cors [P] corps [R] 23
De pail envers forz e hydus;
Le chief unt gros, la buche grant,
668 D'orille en autre baant;l.668 [l.668] b. atteynante [R C] 23
E ces lur cornes quant cumbatent, l.669 [l.669] ceuz [R] 23
L'une estendent, l'altre abatent;l.670 [l.670] not in y23
Tant unt le quir serré e dur
672 Ke nul dart ne lur fet tristur;
Si l'um par engin les susprent,l.673 [l.673] Si hom [R D G] 23
Del danter n'i ad ja nient.l.674 [l.674] ad n. [y] 23 [f.191c]
Manticora est une beste,
676 Ke en itel pais s'areste;l.676 [l.676] cel p. [R y] 23
Vis ad de humme par face bele,l.677 [l.677] om par [C D] 23
E trebble denz en la meissele;
Trestuit le cors ad de leon,
680 E la cue de escorpiun;
Page 23
Oilz ad jaunes, culur sanguin,
La voiz cum siffle serpentin;
Ducement siffle en sa facunde,l.683 [l.683] For fugiens descrimina volat in Migne's text read fingens descrimina vocum.24
684 E plus curt tost ke vole arunde.
Ke l'atent trop ne fet ke sage,
Ke char humeine ad en usage.
La sunt bofs ke trois cornes unt,
688 E pié de cheval tut rund.
Monoceros i meint en sum,
Ke nus unicorne numum:l.690 [l.690] appelom [R D] 24
Cors de cheval, chief ad cervin,l.691 [l.691] C. ad de c. chef c. [R D C] 24
692 Piez d'olifant, cue porcin;
D'une corne de quatre piez
Enmi le frunt est bien armez;
Mult est lung e resplendisant,
696 E mult aguz e mult trenchant:
La beste est fiere durement,
E si muist mult ferement;
Quanque encuntre tresperce lors,
700 Ne ad obstacle, ne quir ne os.l.700 [l.700] Ni ad [C D] 24 [f.191d]
Tuer le put ke l'avera pris,
Mes en danture n'ert ja mis.l.702 [l.702] en dante [C] pur danter [D] 24
Anguilles en Ganges resunt,
704 Ke trente piez de lungur unt.l.704 [l.704] de lung [C G] 24
En memes l'ewe uns verms sunt,l.705 [l.705] m. cel ewe [C] 24
Ke autels braz cum crabbes unt,
Mes lur braz de mult greignur sunt,
708 Ke sis cutes de lungur unt,l.708 [l.708] vnt de l. [y] 24
Dunt il pernent les olifanz,
E es undes noient asquanz.
Mer Indien ad limaçuns,
Page 24
712 Dunt les paisanz ce funt maisuns;l.712 [l.712] p. f. [y] 25l.712 [l.712] paisanz. Cf. paisant 938, tyranz 2745 and tiranz 2768. For a discussion of these forms with added t see Walberg Bestiaire p. lxiii.25
Les escales tant lees suntl.713 [l.713] e. si l. [y] 25
Ke il hostel larges en funt.
Inde magnete en soi nurist,
716 Ke chescun fer en soi ravist;
E adamant tuit ensement,
Ke sul sanc de buc freint e fent.
Ki les merveilles pardirroit
720 De Inde, trop enuius serreit. x [x] [Cap. XIV]25
Del flum de Inde desque a Tygrin
Est Parchie procain veisin,l.722 [l.722] Parchie procain veisin. For the form Parchie see note to l. 767.25
Ke content en ses enviruns
724 Trente e trois nobles regiuns.l.724 [l.724] la. The definite article regularly stands in this formula, cf. ll. 729, 753, 879, etc.25
Aracusye [la] regiun,L725 [L725] sic [C] not in [PR] la premere [D] 25
Ke de Aracuse tret le nun;l.726 [l.726] tient son non [y] 25 [f.192a]
Le regne ad nun de la cité,
728 Ke est en Parchie fundé.l.728 [l.728] en p. est [y] 25l.728 [l.728] In CDG (G lacks 725-8) these lines are placed after l. 734, which is manifestly incorrect as shown by the order of the Latin and by the fact that the correct sequence of the description is thereby disrupted.25
La est Medie la regiun,
Ke del roi Mede tret le nun;l.730 [l.730] tient sun non [y] 25
Une cité en sun nun ferma,l.731 [l.731] furma [R] 25
732 Dunt le regne le nun enprunta.
Sage est ki bienfet agree;L733 [L733] sic [CDG] ke [PR] 25l.733 [l.733] ki. The dative ki for cui is required in this construction. This form is written ki nine times in our MS, ll. 743, 802, 856, 947, 1115, 1272, 1693, 2260 and 2807, against twice as ke, here and in l. 2675. I have therefore generalized ki.25
Mult dure bone renumee.
La est Perse d'un roi dite,l.735 [l.735] si d. [R C] 25
736 Perse out a nun, si la tint quite,
E Persipolin i funda,
Dunt al regne le nun lessa;
Si comença premerementl.739 [l.739] Cil [R] E il [C D] 25
740 L'art ke l'um dit enchantement.l.740 [l.740] que hom [C] 25
Une piere pyride en vent,l.741 [l.741] pyride. Modern English and French pyrite or native disulphide of iron. Godefroy defines it as metallic sulphur. On this stone see Marbode's Lapidary p. 909, and Studer and Evans Anglo-Norman Lapidaries p. 402.25
Ke art la main de li quil prent;l.742 [l.742] de ki la tient [y] 25l.742 [l.742] li quil. Since pyride is generally feminine the original reading was doubtless ki la as given by CG.25
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E senilite, ki blanchurl.743 [l.743] senilite. Selenite or sulphate of lime or gypsum, cf. Marbode op. cit. p. 567, and Studer and Evans op. cit. p. 403.26
744 Od lune crest e pert luur.l.744 [l.744] p. color [y] 26 x [x] [Cap. XV]26
Del flun Tygre desq'en Eufrate
Est Mesopotamie la late;l.746 [l.746] la cite [R C D] 26l.746 [l.746] late. So written in G; the scribe of P wrote lace but the rhyme proves the form. Late is an evident Latinism for lee (< lata) to provide a rhyme for Eufrate. RCD rejected this unusual form and inserted cité. Since this word occurs frequently in our text the substitution could have been made independently. These three scribes probably read Eufrate as Eufraté thus giving a rhyme with cité.26
En griu est issi apelee,
748 Cum entre les dous flums posee.l.748 [l.748] e. dous [y] 26
Ceste ad cité Ninivé,l.749 [l.749] la c. [y] 26
Ke trois jurnees tient d'esté;
Le roi Ninois la funda,
752 E de sun nun si l'apela. [f.192b]
Babiloine la regiun,
Ke de la cité tint le nun,l.754 [l.754] son n. [y] 26
Ilokes set, ilok esta;
756 Nembroc le geant la ferma,l.756 [l.756] furma [R D] 26
Mes Semiramis la reinel.757 [l.757] reine. R reads regne, and the scribe of P, after writing reine, placed a g above i but did not expunctuate. He probably had regne in his original.26
La cité estora de ruine;l.758 [l.758] restora [R C] 26
Cinquante cutes de laurl.759 [l.759] ad de [C] est de [G] 26
760 Ad le mur de la cité entur;l.760 [l.760] om Ad [y] 26l.760 [l.760] Ad. Note that the verb is placed by CG in l. 759 in which case the final e of Cinquante could elide, cf. note to l. 295. An alternative explanation is that d of ad being silent, a + le give by enclisis a phonetic al.26
Quatre cent liues d'envirun,l.761 [l.761] om d' [C G] 26
Ad la cité, e quatre vint en sun;l.762 [l.762] cité e. Two like vowels may coalesce when in contact within a word or in adjacent words, cf. ll. 788, 829, 1574, 1786 and 2567. See on this point Suchier op. cit. p. 29.26
Cent portes de araym fortes i ad,l.763 [l.763] portes de. The atonic ending -es may lose syllabic value when the following word begins with a consonant, cf. ll. 657 (unless we should read corns with RDG) and 1903. See Suchier op. cit. p. 33.26
764 E flum Eufrates parmi vad;l.764 [l.764] Le f. de e. [y] 26
Babel, ço est la mestre tur,
Quatre mil pas ad de hautur.l.766 [l.766] Ke mil [y] 26
En Parthie reset Chaldee;L767 [L767] sic [R] perchie [P] parthe [CG] parche [D] 26l.767 [l.767] Parthie. P's reading Perchie (cf. Parchie in ll. 722 and 728) resulted from misinterpretation of the abbreviation for er or ar. The poem is in error at this point as the Latin In ea quoque est Chaldaea, refers to Mesopotamia and not to Parthia. This error extends to Arabia in l. 769 which is also in Mesopotamia according to the Latin. In P the scribe was apparently puzzled as he introduced an illumination in l. 769 but not in l. 767. A more logical division is at l. 767 which begins a new paragraph in Migne. Both C and D have illuminations here but not in l. 769.26
768 Astronomie i fu truvee.
Arabie est en lui fundee,
Ke Saba fu jadis numee.
Saba, fiz Cus, la herberga,l.771 [l.771] le fiz [C D] 26
772 E al regne sun nun leissa.
L'encens cult hum en icesti,
Page 26
E en li est munt Synai;l.774 [l.774] En [C G] 27
I[l] esteit Horeb enceis dit;L775 [L775] sic [RDG] en cest [P] 27
776 Moyses la ley [i] escrit.L776 [L776] sic [R] iloec ; La ou M. la lei aprist G [CD] 27
Juste cel liu fu Madian,
Dunt jetro fu prestres meint an;L778 [L778] sic [CG] not in [D] 27l.778 [l.778] These lines refer to Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, who was a priest in the land of Madian, a district in Arabia Petraea, bordering the Red Sea, and close to Mount Sinai. The people of this land were the Midianites of Biblical history, and were supposed to be the descendants of Midian, fourth son of Abraham by Keturah. See the passage in Exod. 3, 1, Moyses autem pascebat oves Jethro soceri sui sacerdotis Madian, and also Exod. 18.27
En ceste mainent Moabite, [f.192c]
780 E Ydumei e Amonite,
Sarazin e Madianite,
E multes genz de Deu despite.l.782 [l.782] despite. This form from despecta is the past participle of the verb despire (< despicere) to despise, and means unloved or rejected. The agreement of past participles in our text is quite irregular, but the singular may be explained by the fact that gent seems to permit either singular or plural agreement.27 x [x] [Cap. XVI]27
De Eufrate jesque a la mer -
784 Mediteraine l'oi numer -
Est Syrie d'un roi si numé,
Ke primes l'avoit cunquesté.
En li est Damas la cité,
788 D'un sers Abraham feit e numee;
E Antioche i esta,l.789 [l.789] iloec e. [y] 27
Ke rois Antiochus funda;l.790 [l.790] Ke le r. [y] 27
Ele fu ja Reblate dite,l.791 [l.791] fu iadis [y] 27
792 Mes le nun real ore herite.l.792 [l.792] ore i h. [y] 27l.792 [l.792] The Migne text reads as follows: in qua est Damascus, a Damasco Abraae liberto constructa et dicta, olim Reblata vocata. This is incorrect, the following words found in all the early editions having dropped out between dicta and olim, Ibi et Antiochia ab Antiochio rege cognominata. Our text is therefore correct.27
Comagent i est, un pais,
E Fenice lez li asis,
Ke est d'un oisel si numee,
796 K'en nul liu n'est for la truvee,
U de Feniz, fiz Agenor,
Ke la cunquist par sun tresor.l.798 [l.798] par sun tresor. I have found no explanation of this statement which is not based on anything in the Latin. We should expect pur (not par), but no MS offers this reading.27
Tyre e Sydoine en li resunt,
800 Dous citez ke a priser funt.l.800 [l.800] a priser funt. The construction faire+a+inf. instead of estre+a+inf. is quite common in OF and numerous examples occur with the verb preisier, see G. Gougenheim Etudes sur les périphrases verbales de la langue française (Paris 1929) pp. 212 ff.27 [f.192d]
En li estat le munt Liban,
A ki pe surt le flum Jordan. x [x] [Cap. XVII]27
Et Palestine i estet, l.803 [l.803] iloec e. [y] 27
804 Ke de la cité Palestin nun tret,l.804 [l.804] del c. [C] 27l.804 [l.804] A line of ten syllables in Continental French. MS C introduces the doubtful del for de la (cf. note to line 224). More probably the e of de elides by enclisis and the es of Palestin has lost its vowel, although this reduction usually occurs only when the syllable is final, cf. note to l. 763.27
Page 27
Ke ore est Escalon numee,
Kar eschaloine i fu truvee.
En ceste terre reest Judee,l.807 [l.807] r. est [C D] 28
808 De Juda, fiz Jacob, numee;
Ceste reest dite Chananee,l.809 [l.809] r. est [y] 28
De Chanaan, fiz Cham, numee.
En ceste esteit Jerusalem,l.811 [l.811] e. esta [R D G] 28
812 Ke Sem fist e numa Salem;
David Jerusalem la dist,
Pur Jebusen ke pus i mist:
Sem fiz al gentil Noé fu,l.815 [l.815] al a [R y] 28
816 Chanaan, fiz Cham, sun nevou;
Dunt des dous est dit Jerusaleml.817 [l.817] des de [R G] 28l.817 [l.817] This line could be reduced to octosyllabic form by omitting Dunt, which is unnecessary. Possibly dous est counts as one syllable, cf. note to l. 263. The line presents an awkward combination of d's and s's.28
Ausi cum Jebuz-Salem.
Rois Salemon enprés i mist,
820 E d'or e de gemmes la refist;
L'ost de Babilun la roba,
Zorobabel pus la força;
L'ost de Rome pus la cunquist,
824 Ke nis les fundemenz enquist;
Hely Adriane, empereur,l.825 [l.825] li e. [D G] 28
Pus la refist en sa valur; [f.193a]
E quant i[l] l'out bien estoré,l.827 [l.827] Q. il lout [D] 28
828 De soi l'a Helyam numé.
En Palestine reest Samarie,
Une realme de noble afeire;l.830 [l.830] n. grant [y] 28
De Samarie la cité tret nun,l.831 [l.831] Samarie. The rhyme with afeire in l. 830 establishes the form as Samaire of which the final e after r may elide, cf. note to l. 224.28
832 Ke nus Sebaste ore apelum.
E[n] Palestine est Galilee,
Ke tient Nazareth, la numee,l.834 [l.834] numee. For the dropping of a prefix see note to l. 40.28
Ke juste Thabor est fundee,
Page 28
836 Un munt de mult grant renumee.
Ilokes est Pentapolis,l.837 [l.837] Pentapolis. Cf. Isidore Etym. XIV, iii, 24, Pentapolis regio in confinio Arabiae et Palaestinae sita. The province of Cyrenaica is also called Pentapolis in our text, cf. l. 1211.29
Cinz citez furent ja de pris:l.838 [l.838] ja de p. iadis [R y] 29
Sodome e Gomorre i furent ja,L839 [L839] sic [CDG] transposed [PR] 29l.839 [l.839] furent. According to Suchier op. cit. p. 34 this word may count as one syllable.29
840 E trois altres ke Deu neal.840 [l.840] The context shows that the transposed order of P and R is incorrect as the words trois altres in l. 840 refer necessarily to Sodome e Gomorre and not to Cinq citez in l. 838.29
Par feu e sulphre tut ardantl.841 [l.841] e de [y] 29
Pur lur pechié ke fu puant;
En liu des citez est morte mer
844 E palu noir cum adverser,l.844 [l.844] The palu noir is not mentioned in the Latin.29
Ki flum Jordan en li reçoit,l.845 [l.845] li sei [y] 29
Mes del pur ewe point ne boit.l.846 [l.846] This line, an addition by our author, is probably corrupt in x for it is incorrect to say that the Dead Sea does not drink any pure water inasmuch as the Jordan empties into it. The variants of y indicate that the correct reading is Mes de cel ewe bom ne beit, i.e. no one drinks the water of the Dead Sea.29
En cest pais sunt Sarazin,l.847 [l.847] cel p. [R y] 29
848 De Sare unt nun, ço est la fin;
E Agaren iloc resunt,
Ke de Agar nun enprunté unt;
E la resunt Ysmaelite,
852 Ke de Ysmael sunt issi dite. [f.193b]
Iloc resunt li Nabathé,
De Nabaioth issi apelé,l.854 [l.854] si a. [y] 29
Ke fu le fiz danz Ysmael,l.855 [l.855] om danz [y] 29
856 Ki linnage fu grant e bel;
Kar duze genz de ces issirent,l.857 [l.857] de els i. [y] 29
Ke mult grant tens le mund venquirent.l.858 [l.858] mult grant tens. We have to choose between this reading and that of par geant teus in PR. Since the line is added by the author to provide the rhyme and is not based on the Latin, it is difficult to prove which reading is the original; but there is no record of these people, the Nabathaei of Roman history, ever having been considered giants, whereas for centuries they were the most powerful people of Arabia; see Pauly-Wissowa Real Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft XVI 1453, s. v. Nabataioi. The reading adopted not only fits the facts of history but has the advantage of being irreproachable metrically. Possibly the original was par grant tens. The tradition of the twelve nations (duze genz, l. 857) descended from Ishmael is based on Genesis 25, 16.29 x [x] [Cap. XVIII]29
Les regiuns ke numé sunt, L859 [L859] sic [CDG] Des [PR] 29
860 El orient orine funt,l.860 [l.860] En o. [R y] 29
E si descendent droit cheminl.861 [l.861] d. le droit [y] 29
Desque en la mer Mediterin.
Del su de ces Egypte gist,l.863 [l.863] El [C] Al [D] 29
864 Ke .xx. e quatre genz nurrist;
Ceste cumence en orient,l.865 [l.865] Del su de ces Egypte gist. This reading is unsatisfactory not only because of the unusual Del su but because there is no mention of south in the Latin, which reads Quibus (the regions of Asia) usque ad Austrum Aegyptus connectitur. Moreover Egypt cannot be said to lie south of Asia. El su of C and Al su of D appear to represent attempts to correct the reading Del su. The key to the puzzle is furnished by the reading of MS G Iuste cele, the cele referring in this case to the Mediterranean Sea in l. 862. The original reading was probably Dejuste ces which fits the Latin and which, being corrupted into Del su de ces, explains the readings of the other MSS.29
Page 29
E fet sa fin en occident;
Ele cumence a la Ruge Mer,
868 Mes Libe la fet finir;
Eurize fu primes numé,l.869 [l.869] Eurize. This name is a corruption of Euxia, cf. Eurie in C. The name was apparently treated as trisyllabic.30
Mes roys Egipteis Acelé,
Frere roy Dane, la cunquist,l.871 [l.871] These lines refer to the twin brothers Aegyptus and Danaus, the sons of Belus, king of Egypt, according to Grecian legend. I have not discovered where the name Acelé originated.30
872 E pur remembrer sun nun i mist;l.872 [l.872] remembrer. Perhaps the initial syllable is to be suppressed, cf. note to l. 40.30
Del flum de Nil tut est purceinte,l.873 [l.873] om tut [C D] 30
E en furme de .D. enpeinte;
Cent mile viles en soi tent,
876 Ne ja nue ne eir n'[i] vient;
Plue n'i chet, mes Nil surunde,
Dous fez en l'an, si la fecunde. [f.193c]
La est Thebaide la cuntree,
880 De Thebes la cité numee;
Lez ceste gist guastine grant,
U moines furent jadis manant.
Chambises rois Egypte prist,l.883 [l.883] C. le r. de e. le p. [y] 30
884 E une cité noble i fist,
E Babilun nun lui duna,
E de Egipte chief la leva.
Rois Alixandre la cunquist,
888 E une noble cité i fist,
E de sun nun la fist numer:
Bienfet ne purra ja finer! x [x] [Cap. XIX]30
Del north as dites regiuns
892 Quels lius marchent ore diuns.
Munt Caucas de la mer CaspinL893 [L893] sic [] see l. 520 [] 30l.893 [l.893] Caucas. See note to l. 520.30
De l'orient tient sun chemin,l.894 [l.894] Vers o. [C] 30
Par aquilon sa voie tient,
896 E a mes[mes] de Europe vent.
La sunt Amozenes manant,
Page 30
Femmes plus ke hummes cumbatant,
Lez els habitent Messageth,l.899 [l.899] h. maignent [y] 31
900 Colchi e li Sarmareth,
Trois genz ke sunt si apelee
Des lius ou il sunt habité.l.902 [l.902] s. vnt [C] 31
Seres apelent un chastell.903 [l.903] S. i est vn [y] 31
904 En orient mult fort e bel, [f.193d]
Dunt Serice ad nun quanque i apent,l.905 [l.905] D. ad a not in G non [y] 31
E regne e vesture e la gent.l.906 [l.906] e g. [y] 31
Baarie a li est acosté,
908 D'un flum de cel nun apelee.
Yrcanie est joint a cestui,
Ke d'un bois Yrcan ad nun si;
En cel bois sunt oisel manant,
912 Ke pennes unt de nuit lusant.
Ciht e Hunnie lez ceste sunt,l.913 [l.913] Ciht e Hunnie. Ciht is for Scythia, the original OF form probably being Sithie or Sithe. The Migne text reads Scythia et Hirnia, but this is an error for Hunnia which is the form in Cleop. B iv and the editions of 1497 and 1544. O. H. Prior suggested that Hirnia is a reduction of Hircania (cf. Cambridge Anglo-Norman Texts p. 64), but it is clearly a misreading for Hunnia.31
Ke .xliiii. genz unt.
La sunt munt Yperborei,
916 Ke pur ce sunt numé iciL916 [L916] sic [RCD] ici n. [P] n. sunt issi [G] 31
Ke l'eir surmuntent par hautur,
Vent n'i vent ne n'ad valur.
Pus est Albane la cuntree,
920 Ke de blanchur est si numee;
Tuz ke en la terre sunt net,l.921 [l.921] cele t. [y] 31
De blanche crine sunt feffez.
De Armenie les munz pus sunt,
924 Ke munt Ararath en soi unt,L924 [L924] sic [GRC] mult [P] grant ; unt RCDG ] sunt P [D] 31l.924 [l.924] Ararath. This is the correct form as found in the editions of 1497 and 1544. Migne's form Arat is corrupt.31
U l'arche ke dan Noé fist,
Enprés le deluje se assist,
Dunt les fustz uncore perent
Page 31
928 A cels ke la veer les querent.l.928 [l.928] om la [C G] 32
A lui se cuple Hyberie,
Pus Capadoce la vermie,l.930 [l.930] guarnie [C] vrnie [G] 32l.930 [l.930] vermie. This form cannot be from vermir to fill with worms. Perhaps it represents fermie by interchange of f and v, cf. note to l. 115. More probably it is a corruption of guarnie C or urnie G.32 [f.194a]
U venz funt ywes concevanz,l.931 [l.931] Where the winds make the mares fecund. The scribe of G alone understood this line as he wrote ywes mares, whereas all the others wrote ewes the regular form in our text for waters and which is not attested as a spelling for Latin equas. The misinterpretation of this key word led the scribes to make further alterations as the variants show. For a similar confusion in OF of this same Latin passage see Langlois Connaissance du monde p. 132, n. 1.32
932 Les puleins vivent sul trois anz.L932 [L932] sic [GR] u. sur [P] ne u. fors [C] 32l.932 [l.932] sul. P's form sur is explained by confusion of final l and r which occurred very early in Anglo-Norman, cf. Walberg Bestiaire p. lv.32 x [x] [Cap. XX]32
Pus est Asye la menur,
Ke de mer est pres clos entur;
Ceste ad Ephesie la cité,
936 U seint Johan est reposé.
Le premer pan de cest Asye
Li paisant nume[n]t Bithinie.
La est Nicee la cité,
940 U ja fu grant sene assemblee;l.940 [l.940] This couplet should follow l. 936 according to the Migne text, but the passage is confused in the various editions.32 x [x] [Cap. XXI]32
La reest Troie la renumee, l.941 [l.941] r. est [C D] 32
Del roi Troi fez e numee;
Ele est numé Ylyun,
944 Cum sun fiz ke out nun Ylun.l.944 [l.944] Cum D'un [R G] De [C D] 32
A ceste se ajuste Liconie,l.945 [l.945] se a. sacostoie [C] sacoste [D G] 32
E la riche terre Chalie,l.946 [l.946] t. cite [y] 32l.946 [l.946] Chalie. A mistake for Carie, Latin Caria. All the MSS offer forms with l.32
U flum Hermes curt, ki graverl.947 [l.947] Hermes. This form occurs in Cleop. B iv. Migne reads Hirnus an error for Hermus.32
948 De fin or est mellé e cler.
Pus est Libie l'asenee,l.949 [l.949] Libie. This form, found in all the MSS, is an error for Lydie, Latin Lydia. The author probably used a MS which read Lybia.32
Del roi Lide si apelee;
Ceste ad une cité prisee,
952 Ke Thyatyr est apelee.
Pus est Ysaure, si numee
Ke de or est par tut aventee.
Aprés els Cilice vient,l.955 [l.955] A. celi [y] 32
956 Ke de sa cité sun nun tient,l.956 [l.956] sa la [C D] 32 [f.194b]
La quele rois Silis funda,
Page 32
Ke rois Agenor engendra.
En ceste est munt Amana,
960 Ki e de Taurus le nun a;l.960 [l.960] om e [R y] 33
En ceste est Tharse la cité,
Ke de seint Pol fu honuré.
Pus est Licie e Perside,l.963 [l.963] L. latide [R] litide [G] 33
964 E [P]amphilie ki n'es[t] Lide.l.964 [l.964] ki n'est Lide. The latter part of this line represents an obvious cheville to give a rhyme. It appears that the scribes did not understand what was meant as the MSS are all different. The reading I have adopted is conjectural, meaning which is not Lydia, and which was suggested by the forms ending in -ide in l. 963. No such adjective as lide exists and the reading n'eslide, though possible, is equally unintelligible.33
Pus est Pontus la regiun,
Ke multes genz ad en bandun,
Dunt la mer ad nun Pontil;
968 La fu Ovides en exil,
E pus i murrut seint Clement,
Ke cunverti tute la gent.
Ore avum [Asie] trescuru,L971 [L971] sic [GCD] not in [PR] 33
972 Desque a Europe sumes venu.l.972 [l.972] om a [C G] 33 x [x] [Cap. XXII]33
Europe sun nun ad cunquisl.973 [l.973] ad quis [C G] 33
De Europe, un roi de cel pais,l.974 [l.974] de cel p. iadis [y] 33
U de Europe, fille Agenor,
976 Pur ki Jupiter se feint tor.l.976 [l.976] f.] feist y33
En ceste vers septentriun
Sunt munz Rifei al premer sun,l.978 [l.978] al] el [C G] 33
E un flum ke ad nun Thanais,
980 Dit de Thanai, roi del pais,
E un paluz grant a plenté,l.981 [l.981] Ou sunt vns not in D p. a grant p. [y] 33
Ke Meodides sunt numé,l.982 [l.982] n.] apele [y] 33 [f.194c]
Ke a la Grant Mer sunt cuplél.983 [l.983] mer set acostoie [C] 33l.983 [l.983] Grant Mer. See note to l. 1028.33
984 Lez Thiodisie la cité. x [x] [Cap. XXIII]33
De Thanay, des flums la flur,
S'en vent Sithie la menur,
E vers midi tent sun chemin,l.987 [l.987] m.] mede [y] 33
988 E en Danubie fet sa fin.
Page 33
Lé pais de ceste Sichie,
Germanie, Alane, Dacie.l.990 [l.990] The correct reading for the Latin is Alania, Dacia, Gothia. Migne's Dania is an error for Dacia. From the foregoing it results that our author has translated Gothia by Germanie.34 x [x] [Cap. XXIV]34
De Danubie desque a munt Giu l.991 [l.991] a] al [R C D] 34l.991 [l.991] munt Giu. This term is used to translate Alpes in our text. Cf. note to ll. 1131-4.34
992 Grant Germanie tent sun liu;
Iceste en dous flums se termine,
Vers occean en Ren se fine,l.994 [l.994] loc. [C G] 34l.994 [l.994] occean. All the MSS have this reading which is an error for occident, Latin occasum, i.e. germany is bounded on the west by the rhine., i.e. Germany is bounded on the west by the Rhine.34
En Albine vers north se fine,
996 E Suave tient en saisine;l.996 [l.996] en sa s. [y] 34
Ele reest Alemaine numee,
D'un lai ke est en la cuntree.l.998 [l.998] un roi qui fu en. [y] 34
Danubie en cest realme nest,l.999 [l.999] cel r. [C D] 34
1000 E de seisante flums se acrest,
Einz ke il veigne a mer Pontin,l.1001 [l.1001] a la mer [y] 34
U en .vii. buches fet sa fin.
Ci est Norich, une cuntreel.1003 [l.1003] La [C D] 34
1004 Ke est Beivere apelee;
La mestre cité del regnél.1005 [l.1005] del pais [C] 34l.1005 [l.1005] regné. The form is proved here by rhyme as also in ll. 2834 and 2917. Within the line I have not used the accent as there is no proof that the author did not also use regne.34
Est Ratisbon apelé.l.1006 [l.1006] The mention of Ratisbon in the Imago mundi, which city is nowhere mentioned in its sources, is accepted by many as proof that the author was German, see Introduction, p. liii.34
Pus est France oriental,
1008 Ke vers Turigne fet estal; [f.194d]
Pus [est] Sessoine la vaillant,L1009 [L1009] sic [RCDG] 34
Ke en Albie vet fina[n]t.l.1010 [l.1010] finant. The readings of the MSS are confused, but the Latin for l. 1011, Ab Albia fluvio est Germania inferior, proves that the Elbe was considered the boundary between Saxony and Lower Germany, consequently finant must stand.34 x [x] [Cap. XXV]34
D'iloc la basse Germanie,
1012 El north el occean se guie;
Danemarche i est e Norweie,
Nul hum [ne] set avant la veie.L1014 [L1014] sic [RCDG] 34 x [x] [Cap. XXVI]34
De Danubie jesque a la mer,
1016 Ke soil Mediterin numer,
Vers orient s'estent Messie,
Dit cum de messun replenie.
Pus est Pennine, pus Bugrie, l.1019 [l.1019] Pennine. Refers to Pannonia inferior lying north of Bulgaria. In l. 1075 Pannonie refers to Pannonia superior lying north of Dalmatia.34
Page 34
1020 Pus Trace de gent replenie; l.1020 [l.1020] L 1019-20 not in y35
Tyras, fiz Japheth, la cunquist,l.1021 [l.1021] Treis fez I. [y] 35l.1021 [l.1021] Tyras. This form is correct, appearing in Cleop. B iv. Migne reads a tras.35
E de sun nun Trace la dist.
Ceste ad Heberon, un flum noble,l.1023 [l.1023] ad un flum ebron la n. [y] 35
1024 E la cité Constentinoble,
Ke li roys Constentin funda,
E de sun nun la numa.l.1026 [l.1026] Migne's text reads, et civitatem Hebron, ibi constructa, an error for et civitatem Constantinopolim a Constantino constructa, as found in all the early editions.35 x [x] [Cap. XXVII]35
De ceste mer Mediterin
1028 En la Grant Mer, Grece fet fin.L1028 [L1028] sic [R] de grece [PCDG] see note [] 35l.1028 [l.1028] Grant Mer. The text of the Imago mundi reads A Mediterraneo mari est Graecia, . . . et versus austrum Magno mari terminatur. This passage is not clear owing to the use of the term Magnum mare in the Latin text. In Cap. XXII the marshes called Meotides were said to join the Magnum mare near the city of Theodosia; cf. the text, ll. 981-4. In Cap. XXIV the Danube is said to flow into the Ponticum mare; cf. the text l. 1001. Thus the Magnum mare is in this case equivalent to the Black Sea. However, the Nile also flows into the mare Magnum; cf. the text, l. 516. This apparent confusion arises from the fact that mare Magnum was an inclusive term used to refer to all the expanse of water from Gibraltar to and including the Black Sea, the various parts of which each bore individual names, cf. Isidore of Seville Etym. XIII xvi I. Our author has translated literally, and the passage means that Greece extends from the Ionian Sea on the east to the Adriatic Sea on the west.35
De Grec, un roi, est apelee,
Terre Sechin fu ja numee;l.1030 [l.1030] S.] cethim [C] 35
Vers le su turne sun chemin,l.1031 [l.1031] t.] tient [y] 35
1032 En mer Illico fet sa fin.l.1032 [l.1032] mer Illico. The Illyricum mare or Adriatic Sea is meant. This is the same body of water referred to as Grant Mer in l. 1028. There appears to have been confusion between Illyricum and Illyria, cf. R's variant Ylirie. The syllable count favors a trisyllabic form.35
Ceste ad en soi une cuntree,
Ke Dalmathie est numee;l.1034 [l.1034] Ke Alemaine [y] 35 [f.195a]
E un autre Epir ad nun,l.1035 [l.1035] E.] empire [y] 35
1036 De Pirro, le fiz Achillun.l.1036 [l.1036] fiz ascalon [y] 35
En Epir ad une funtaine
De ewe duce garnie e pleine,
Ke les tisuns ardanz afume,l.1039 [l.1039] a. alume [C D] 35
1040 E les tisuns esteinz realume.l.1040 [l.1040] om t. [R C D] 35
La est Chaonie la cuntree,l.1041 [l.1041] est caoyne [y] 35
De sa cité memes numee;l.1042 [l.1042] la c. [R D] 35
Elen, fiz Hector, la fundat,l.1043 [l.1043] Eleine la not in C fille h. [C D] 35l.1043 [l.1043] Elen fiz Hector. The Latin text reads Helenus frater Hectoris. Probably our author's MS read filius instead of frater. The scribes of C and D substituted the reading Eleine fille Hector doubtless because of the fact that Helen of Troy was well-known from the Roman de Troie, whereas the name Helenus was quite unfamiliar to them.35
1044 E de sun frere la numat.
Sis freres out Chao a nun,l.1045 [l.1045] out C.] caonon out [y] 35
Dunt nus Chaonie apelum.l.1046 [l.1046] nous caoyne lap. [y] 35
La est Boette de bof dite,l.1047 [l.1047] b. si dite [y] 35
1048 Ke Cadmus rois tint sul e quite.
Cadmus, ke fu fiz Agenor,l.1049 [l.1049] C. fu [y] 35
En icel liu truva un tor,l.1050 [l.1050] cel [R D] 35
Ke il a ses deus sacrefia,
Page 35
1052 E Thebe la cité aferma;l.1052 [l.1052] a.] i fermat [C] a.] ferma [D G] 36
Le regne Boette apela,
Del boef ke il iloc truva.
E memes icele cuntree
1056 Est Aonie reappelleel.1056 [l.1056] apelee [y] 36
D'une funtaigne renumee,l.1057 [l.1057] De aonie f. [C] 36
Ke as muses fu ja sacree:
Ke jadis de cele bevoit,l.1059 [l.1059] cel ewe b. [y] 36
1060 Tuz sens e tuz engins savoit. [f.195b]
La est Pelopenens la cité,l.1061 [l.1061] la] une [y] 36l.1061 [l.1061] Pelopenens. The second e is probably elided in pronunciation, cf. note to l. 308.36
Del roi Pelope si numee;
Et Thessalie reset la,
1064 Ke Thessal, fiz roi Grec, funda.l.1064 [l.1064] t. un roi [C] 36
Achaia reest en cel pais,L1065 [L1065] sic [CDG] Et chaia [PR] 36
U rois Cheo sun nun ad mis.
Corinthe, ke fu fiz Horest,
1068 La cité Corinthe fist el est.l.1068 [l.1068] These lines are found after l. 1072 in P and R, which is clearly incorrect. The Migne text does not mention Corinth, but the following statement is found in Cleop. B iv and in the early editions, In hac (Achaia) est Chorinthus a Chorintho filio Horestes dicta. The words el est in l. 1068 have no support whatever in the Latin and appear to exist in the line solely to provide a rhyme. Corinthus, the legendary founder of Corinth, was not the son of Orestes, but of Zeus, or according to another legend, of Marathon.36
La est Archadie la cuntree,
Ke fu Sironie ja numee.l.1070 [l.1070] fu S.] liconie fu [y] 36
Archadie ad une pere arbest,
1072 Ke n'esteyndra pur nul tempest;l.1072 [l.1072] pur] par [C D] 36
Si une feiz est de fu esprise,l.1073 [l.1073] est] soit [R y] 36
Pus n'esteindra en nule guise. x [x] [Cap. XXVIII]36
Pus est Pannonie sun veysin,
1076 Ke teint jesque al munt Appenin.l.1076 [l.1076] Deinde et Pannonia superior usque ad Peninum montem. Cf. the note to l. 1019 where Pennine referred to Pannonia inferior. The form Appenin in l. 1076 is an error owing to confusion with the Apennines, cf. l. 1123 below. MS C reads Pennin and D reads perin.36
Hystrie del north se est assis,
Ke de Hystre, un flum, sun nun ad pris;
Ceste fu dite ja grant Grece, l.1079 [l.1079] fu ia la g. [y] 36l.1079 [l.1079] Ceste. This should refer to Italy; cf. the Latin, Italia olim magna Graecia est dicta.36
1080 Mes Saturne l'out une pece,
E pur ce ke il aukes regna,
Page 36
Saturne nun lui duna;
Jupiter Saturne venquist,
1084 E il en cel pais tapist,
Dunt pus out nun Laciun,
Kar laterre tapir disum.l.1086 [l.1086] lateri [D] 37l.1086 [l.1086] The author derives Latium from latere which in French means tapir to hide. He probably intended a pun in l. 1086 on la terre.37 [f.195c]
A la parfin del roi Ytal
1088 Out Ytali nun comunal;
De munt Giu ceste prent orine,
E en la Grant Mer se termine;
En ceste Rume ben herite,l.1091 [l.1091] c. est R. [C G] 37
1092 Del roi Romul fundé e dite.
Les citez de vels purtreturel.1093 [l.1093] de vels] des vals [R] de vels] les uiles ont [C] de vels] de veille [G] de vels] e uiles par [D] 37
Des meillurs bestes unt figure;
Li antif par signifiance
1096 Les furmerent par lur creance;l.1096 [l.1096] Cities possess in ancient representation the forms of the noblest beasts. The ancients, following their beliefs, gave them forms according to their symbolical meaning. Vels in l. 1093 without agreement (cf. veil 116, velz 575), for which G gives veille showing agreement, may have been influenced by viez (< vetus), normally indeclinable in OF, cf. Pope From Latin to Modern French sec. 795. This form is apparently explained by depalatalization of l-mouillé before consonant as in the form solalz, see Phonology, paragraph 3. Suchier (Voyelles toniques sec. 69) cites veuz from Benoit de Sainte-Maure.37
Dunt Rume ad furme de leun,
Ke roi des bestes est par nun;
Le bruc ke ferma Romulus,
1100 En est le chef tut a estrus;l.1100 [l.1100] Ele est [y] 37
Les edefices par defors,
Ces sunt les costez e le cors;
Dunt Lateranes sunt si numez,l.1103 [l.1103] s. si n.] n. sunt [C] s. si n.] si n. s. [G] s. si n.] sunt n. [D] 37
1104 Kar latera ço sunt costez.l.1104 [l.1104] coe c. s. [C] c. s. [G] ces s. c. [D] 37
Brandiz est cum un cerf furmé,l.1105 [l.1105] come c. [y] 37
Cartage cum boef purtreté,
Troie de cheval ad figure,l.1107 [l.1107] ad de c. [C] 37
1108 Chescune ad sufferte sa aventure.
Champaine reest en Ytalie,
Terre de tuz biens replenie.
De Capua est la cité dite,
1112 Ke rois Capi prist e tint quite. [f.195d]
La est Puille, la est Y[m]brie,L1113 [L1113] sic [CD] ybrie [PR] Vmbrie [G] 37l.1113 [l.1113] Ymbrie. This form prevails in the editions, Umbria occurring in that of 1544 only.37
Page 37
De tant dite k'i[l] n'i plut mie
Quant le deluje surunda,
1116 E pluie e ewe tut nea.
Etthurie est la posee,l.1117 [l.1117] est] rest [C] 38
Del roi Etthurche si numee;
E Lumbardie reset la,
1120 Ke de lungs barbes nun a.l.1120 [l.1120] b. son n. [y] 38
Padus, ke Eridan est dit,
Par Ytalie curt a delit;
De munt Apenun nest e surt,l.1123 [l.1123] Del [y] 38
1124 E desque en la mer a fort curt.l.1124 [l.1124] f.] force [R D] f.] forte [G] 38
Venete del roi Bene dite,l.1125 [l.1125] Bene. The Latin is a Beneco rege, the trisyllabic form occurring in all editions. The original reading of our text seems to be Bene, which indicates that our author sometimes took liberties with the forms of names.38
Primes esteit Benete escrite.
Gallia de blanchur est dite,
1128 Kar bele genz en li habite.l.1128 [l.1128] en li] i [C G] en li] iloke [D] 38
Le Rin a munt Giu surt a fort,l.1129 [l.1129] Leon a [y] 38
E entre l'occean vers le north;l.1130 [l.1130] l'] en [R] l'] en l' [y] 38
Rin le flum de munt Goie surt,
1132 E ver le nort en la mer curt;l.1132 [l.1132] This statement is out of order in Migne's text. It should appear at the end of Cap. XXVIII instead of in Cap. XXIX. Munt Goie in l. 1131 renders mons Jovis and stands in contrast to munt Giu in l. 1128 which translates Alpes; cf. also ll. 991 and 1089. Mons Jovis is Mount Saint-Bernard.38
Ele ad a nun la mer de Bretaigne,l.1133 [l.1133] om a [R y] 38
Ke de pessuns n'est pas baraigne. x [x] [Cap. XXIX]38
La est Gallia le pais,
1136 Ke ad le surnun de Belgis;l.1136 [l.1136] Belgis. Cf. Isid. Etym. XIV iv 21,Belgis autem civitas est Galliae, a qua Belgica nominata est. The site of this city was near the modern Tolbiac.38
Ele reest France numee,l.1137 [l.1137] n.] apelee [y] 38
Del roi Franc ke l'out cunquesté, [f.196a]
Ke de Troie vint od Enee,
1140 E Troie ad sur le Rin fundee;
La terre ad de sun nun numee,
E de Franc France apelee.
Ceste France vers occidentl.1143 [l.1143] o.] orient [y] 38
1144 Vers munt Leun se tret e tent.l.1144 [l.1144] The term occident (the reading of y is orient) is correct in that the line refers to Gallia Lugdunensis (which included all Northwestern France) as opposed to Gallia Belgica (cf. l. 1136) and Gallia Narbonensis (cf. l. 1148). Since Gallia Lugdunensis had its capital at Lugdunum (Lyons), which was in the Southeastern part of the province, the substitution of orient for occident is easily explained. There is also the possibility of confusion between Lugdunum Segusianorum (Lyons) and Lugdunum Batavorum (Leyden). The term munt Leun in l. 1144 results apparently from the fact that the name Lugundum contains the Celtic root dun, which means hill, and was in fact built on the hill now known as La Fourvière, which overlooks the present city. Strabo referred to Lyons as situated at the foot of a hill; see Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities, s.v. Lugdunum.38
Page 38
France, l'um dit, e Cumee, l.1145 [l.1145] Cumee. This form is derived from the Latin term comata long haired which Migne has incorrectly written Comaga.39
Pur lung chevols k'iloc agree.l.1146 [l.1146] qe lur a. [R] qui lout a. [G] 39l.1146 [l.1146] not in CD39
De Leunais vers le sul.1147 [l.1147] Leunais. Gallia Lugdunensis (le Lyonnais) is meant.39
1148 Est France Nerboneys tendu,L1148 [L1148] sic [] Nerboneis -erbone [CDG] Narbonensem Galliam - Narbona] [V] Verboneys -erbone PR [PR] 39
Ke de Nerbone la cité
Est France Nerboneys numé.
Et iceste vers aquilun
1152 Ad Equitaigne a cumpaignun
Dous flums nun de Equitaine funt,l.1153 [l.1153] f. en Aq. sunt [C D] 39
Kar Ronne e Lengres par li wnt.l.1154 [l.1154] Lengres. All the MSS have this form which stands for the Latin Liger, the Loire. The Roman province of Narbonensis Gallia lay south of the Loire and west of the Rhone.39 x [x] [Cap. XXX]39
Espaine pus aprés li vent,
1156 Ke del roi Y[s]pan le nun tent.l.1156 [l.1156] Yspan son n. [y] 39
Enprés Espaigne vent Yberie,l.1157 [l.1157] v.] est [C G] 39
Ke d'un flum Yber sun nun trie,
Ke del rey Yber est si numé;l.1159 [l.1159] E del [C] Ou del [D] Del [G] 39l.1159 [l.1159] The Latin reads prius Iberia ab Ibero flumini, et Hesperia ab Hespero rege nominata. The OF text appears to have been based on a Latin MS in which this passage was corrupt.39
1160 La terre prist, la fu neé.L1160 [L1160] sic [RC] ne [P] neiee [G] nez [D] 39l.1160 [l.1160] la fu neé. The form né of P is clearly an error for neé (< necatu). This detail is not in the Latin and I have found no source for it.39
Ceste terre vers le avesprer
Finist en occean la mer.l.1162 [l.1162] loc. [C G] 39
Cinc cuntrees en ceste sunt,l.1163 [l.1163] Cinq. Cf. also cinq in l. 1164. The Latin reads sex, and both the Latin and the poem proceed to enumerate six provinces. The error arises from the inclusion in the list of Tinguitane (Mauritania Tingitana) which was in Africa, and is mentioned later as the most western of the North African provinces, cf. l. 1241. Isidore of Seville (Etym. XIV iv 29) refers to this province as follows, et transfreta in regione Africae Tingitania; cf. also ibid. XIV v 3.39
1164 Ke nun de cinc citez unt:l.1164 [l.1164] des .v. c. [R] de lor c. [y] 39 [f.196b]
Teracune e Cartage,
E Lusitane salvage,l.1166 [l.1166] s.] la s. [y] 39
Galice i est, si est Boece,l.1167 [l.1167] G. rest e b. [C] 39
1168 E Tinquitane, bone pece. x [x] [Cap. XXXI]39
Cuntre Espaigne en la grant mer, l.1169 [l.1169] Entre e. e la [y] 39l.1169 [l.1169] grant mer. The Latin text reads versus occasum sunt in oceano, hence the term grant mer is here used to mean the Atlantic ocean; cf. note to l. 1028.39
Ke l'em sout occean numer,
Ces ydles sunt: primes Bretaigne,l.1171 [l.1171] Bretaigne. In ll. 1173 and 1177 Engleterre and Escoce are mentioned as separate islands. The author has followed his Latin original, but, since he lived in England, he must have been aware that all three names referred to one island. He was probably familiar with the use of the word ydle in the sense of country or region.39
1172 Ke de nul bien n'est baraigne;l.1172 [l.1172] om n' [R D] ni [G] 39
Pus Engleterre la plentive,
Page 39
E dunc Yrlande rive a rive,
E Thanet, ki terre defeit
1176 Les serpenz, ou ke portee soit.
Pus sunt Escoce e Orkenie,
Ke trente e trois ydles furnie.l.1178 [l.1178] f.] furmeye [R] 40l.1178 [l.1178] furnie. This form cannot be read as the past participle of furnir to offer or to provide unless Ke be emended to de, for which there is little support, the Ke de of D resulting from the sunt fermés at the end of the line. It seems necessary to admit furnie as a variant of furnist introduced by the author to provide a rhyme with Orkenie.40
Utre Escoce uns arbres sunt,
1180 Ke de lur foiles a tutdis unt.l.1180 [l.1180] om de [y] 40
Tel liu i at k'en esté
Sis mois entiers fet grant clarté,
Kar li soleil tutdis i lust,
1184 E le umbre de la nuit n'i nust;l.1184 [l.1184] la lune ni [y] 40
E en yver sis mois enters
La nut i fet ses encumbrers.
Utre Orkenie ver le north
1188 Est li gel e li froit si fortl.1188 [l.1188] si freit e f. [y] 40
Ke mer e terre est engelee,l.1189 [l.1189] sunt e. [C D] 40
Si endurcie, si leel.1190 [l.1190] e. e si liee [y] 40l.1190 [l.1190] lee. The variants prove that this word represents liée (< ligata) meaning here ice-bound.40 [f.196c]
Ke n'ert ja deliverél.1191 [l.1191] Kele [y] 40
1192 Se par Deu nun ke l'ad fundé.
Europe avum passé suef,
Vers Aufrike turnum le tref.l.1194 [l.1194] le chef [C D] 40 x [x] [Cap. XXXII]40
Aufrike de Afe est numé, l.1195 [l.1195] de affre [C] 40l.1195 [l.1195] Afe. The Migne text reads Apher uno ex posteris Abrahae, which refers to Epher, son of Midian and grandson of Abraham, cf. Gen. 25, 4.40
1196 Ke fu un sergant Abrahé.l.1196 [l.1196] Abrahé. This name occurs in l. 788 as Abraham.40
Ceste cumence en orient,
De Inde le flum ke tant est gent;
Par midi fet sun cheminl.1199 [l.1199] fet] torne [y] 40
1200 Si fet en occident sa fin.
Ceste ad Libie, une cuntree
D'une reine si numee;
Ceste cumence en verité
1204 De Parithone la cité,l.1204 [l.1204] A p. [y] 40
E par munt Cathabathinon ist,l.1205 [l.1205] par le m. [y] 40l.1205 [l.1205] Cathabathinon. This is an error for Cathabathmon the form found in the early editions, and which gives an octosyllabic line.40
Page 40
E en mer Philene finist;l.1206 [l.1206] en la mer [y] 41
E pur ço k'ele est la finee,l.1207 [l.1207] finie [y] 41
1208 Mer Libien est apelee.l.1208 [l.1208] Est apele la mer libie [y] 41
Puis est un regne Carmarike,l.1209 [l.1209] Carmarike. An error for Cyrenaica, but found in all the MSS.41
Dit de la cité noble e riche;
Iceste reest Pentapolis,l.1211 [l.1211] En cest est p. [y] 41
1212 De cinc citez dite jadis:
Beronice, Arsinoé,
E Ptolomaide la cité,
E Cyrene e Apolonie,
1216 Des cinc citez n'i falt mie;l.1216 [l.1216] ne falt il mie y41 [f.196d]
Chescune cité sun nun ad
De li ke primes la fundad.
Lez ceste est Censis la vaillant,l.1219 [l.1219] Censis. So written in all the MSS. Migne has Heusis, but the correct form is Zeugis, cf. Isidore Etym. XIV v 9. 41
1220 Ke cuntent Cartage la grant,
Ke de Didon fu ja fundee,
La quele Edisse reest numee;l.1222 [l.1222] r. Elise n. [C] est ore e. apele [D] 41l.1222 [l.1222] Edisse. Agrees with the edition of 1497. Migne has Elisa, the correct form.41
E Cartage retint a nunl.1223 [l.1223] retint. The variants and the context show that this form is present, i.e. stands for reticent. Tint in 2695 may also be present, RCB reading tient, but the past could stand.41
1224 D'un chastel fort e felun;
Mes li Rumein tut l'abatirent,l.1225 [l.1225] a.] habiterent [D G] 41
E de rechief tut le refirent;l.1226 [l.1226] om tut [C D] 41
Nun lui dunerunt de Cartage,
1228 Uncore le tent en nostre age;
Dis e .vii. cutes de laurL1229 [L1229] sic [DGCR] citez [P] 41
Ad le mur de la cité entur.
Puis est Genilie e Indie,l.1231 [l.1231] e medie [y] 41l.1231 [l.1231] Genilie e Indie. D reads Genule and CD Medie. These forms represent Getulia and Numidia. Our original may have read Getulie e Numidie. Numide appears in the text l. 1334.41
1232 U Jugnice regna sa vie;l.1232 [l.1232] Jugnice. CD writes Gogrite. The Latin is Jugurtha for which we can postulate an original Jugurte in the poem.41
La est Ypone la cité,
Ke fu seint Austin eveské.
Lez ceste Moretaigne estat,
1236 Ke de neiresce le nun ad;
Page 41
Iceste tent une cuntree,
De Stif chastel Stipens numee;l.1238 [l.1238] The OF corresponds to Migne's reading Stiffensis a Stiffi oppido. Cleop. B iv and the early editions read correctly Sitifensis a Sitifi oppido.42
Cesariene iloc herite,
1240 De Cesarie sa cité dite.l.1240 [l.1240] c. la c. [y] 42
La terce Tinguine est apeleel.1241 [l.1241] t.] terre [R y] 42
De Tinguin, sa cité prisee.l.1242 [l.1242] sa] vne [C] sa] la [D] 42l.1242 [l.1242] Cf. note to l. 1163.42 [f.197a] x [x] [Cap. XXXIII]42
Ethiope reest vers midi,
1244 Del roi Ethan numé issi.
Un Ethiope en orient,l.1245 [l.1245] en] ad en [C] en] est en [D] 42
Un autre se est en occident;
Entre ces dous sunt Garemanz,
1248 E Gamare, cité vaillant.
Ilokes est une funtaigne,
De ewe duce tute pleine;
Nul ne la put taster de jur,
1252 Tant par ad en soi grant freidur;l.1252 [l.1252] om par [R y] 42
Ne de nuz nul hume ne la beit
Pur la grant chalur ke la defeit.
Pardelez ces en orient
1256 Sunt Trogodite, une gent,
Tant delivres, parigneler
Ke beste nes put eschaper.
Utre Ethiope sunt uns liusl.1259 [l.1259] Utre. The Intra of Migne's text is an error for Ultra.42
1260 De tutes genz voidez e eschius;
Mult par est grant la gastine
E tute pleine de vermine;
E le soleil tant chaut i art,
1264 Ke nul ne passe cele part;
Puis est l'occean tant boillantl.1265 [l.1265] t.] si [y] 42
Cum est chaudere sur feu grant.l.1266 [l.1266] feu ardant [C] 42
Aufriche en ses forens pais
1268 Vers occident ad citez de pris:l.1268 [l.1268] This line has nine syllables and no emendation seems possible unless the author used the form cit instead of cité.42
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[f.197b]Gabes i ad, une citél.1269 [l.1269] Gabes. The modern Cadiz, the Latin form being Gades. All the MSS have the b instead of d. The location of this city seems to have been a matter of uncertainty. On the maps of Orosius and Isidore it is on an island facing the Straits of Gibraltar. In the Divisiones mundi edited by O. H. Prior, ll. 925-7 it is mentioned as being surrounded by the sea.43
Ke les Fenices unt fundé,l.1270 [l.1270] f. i ount [C] 43
Dunt la mer ad nun Gaditan,
1272 E altres ki nuns ne sunt plan.l.1272 [l.1272] plan. The rhyme is Gaditain:plain. For a similar form in rhyme of a Latin name in -an see Waters' Brendan, l. 13 and note to same.43
En occean est munt Athlas,l.1273 [l.1273] o.] orient [R] o.] occident [y] 43
Tant haut ke hum nel survoit pas;l.1274 [l.1274] lum [C D] 43
Dunt la mer ad nun Athlantike,
1276 Des bons pessuns plentif e riche.l.1276 [l.1276] De [y] 43
Rois Athlas Aufrike tenoit,
Ke frere Protomeu estoit;l.1278 [l.1278] promotheu [C D] 43
Cil Prothomeu en cel munt mist,
1280 E astrologie iloc escrist;
Dunt dit est ke il le ciel sustint,
Pur sen celestre ke en vint.L1282 [L1282] sic [CDG] vnt [P] est veu [R] 43
De Aufrike asez oi avum,
1284 As ydles ore tresnoum.l.1284 [l.1284] C and D incorrectly insert these lines after l. 1266. The couplet is wanting in G.43 x [x] [Cap. XXXIV]43
Chipre est en mer Mediterin,
Riche des bles e de bon vin;l.1286 [l.1286] des b. [y] 43
E Taphe de sa cité dite,l.1287 [l.1287] Taphe. This form appears to have stood in the original OF text. The Imago mundi states that Cyprus was called Paphos from the city of the same name. Perhaps there has been confusion with the name Thapsus, a city and peninsula of Sicily. On Isidore's map an island called Tapsus is found just east of Sicily. Cf. also Etym. XIV vi 35.43
1288 E Crete de sun roi escrite.
Cele meimes est Centipolis,
Kar ele ad cent citez de pris;
Ceste set en mer Libien,
1292 Ke de Adre cité est Adrien.l.1292 [l.1292] Adrien. Latin adriaticum. The OF form is explained by the necessity of a rhyme for Libien 1291.43
Anidos est un ydle ausi,l.1293 [l.1293] Anidos. The only variant is Aniclos in D, consequently Anidos must represent the original OF form. The author's Latin MS must have read Anidos for Abydos the form given by Migne. No island called Anidos is recorded and Abydos was a town on the Hellespont. However an island Avidos is mentioned in the Image du Monde (ed. Prior, p. 130).43
En Ellespont se set de fi;l.1294 [l.1294] om se [C] i [D] 43 [f.197c]
Ellespont est la mer nomé
1296 D'Elle la bone cité.l.1296 [l.1296] Elle. Helle was not the name of a city, but of the daughter of Athamas and Nephele who was drowned in the Hellespont, from which incident this body of water derived its name.43
Un ydle read, Colcos ad nun,l.1297 [l.1297] r.] y ad [R D G] r.] est [C] 43
Dunt Jason prist l'orin toysun.l.1298 [l.1298] No mention of Jason and the golden fleece is found in any of the versions of the Imago mundi which I have examined. Jason found the golden fleece of Colchis, which was not an island but a country on the east shore of the Black Sea. Colcos is referred to as an island in the Image du Monde (ed. Prior, p. 130). It is doubtful, however, that the author added this detail himself.43
Les Cyclades ydles resunt,
Page 43
1300 Dites de ço k'il sunt rund,l.1300 [l.1300] ke elles s. [C] 44
Kar cyclon en cel lur gregeisl.1301 [l.1301] om cel [R y] 44
Dit rund en cest nostre franceis;
Ke petit, ke maen, ke grant,
1304 Cent en i ad e quatre estant;
Les nuns a quel os cunteroie?
Kar plus ennui ke bien feroie.l.1306 [l.1306] ke delit frei [C] 44
E cil ke vuldra bien cunter,l.1307 [l.1307] bien conter uodra [C] 44
1308 Ennui e surfet doit lesser.l.1308 [l.1308] s. tot lerra [C] 44 x [x] [Cap. XXXV]44
Sezille de roi Sicul ad
Sun nun, kar il la cunquestad.l.1310 [l.1310] om Sun nun [C D] 44
Li roys Ytal sun frere estoit,
1312 Dunt Ytalie le nun tret.l.1312 [l.1312] son n. [y] 44l.1312 [l.1312] The Migne text, Sicilia a Siculo rege dicitur. Italia dicta, should read rege fratre Itali dicta.44
Puis fu nomé Sycanie,
Del roi Sican kin out bailie;
Ele reest dite Mo[n]trine,l.1315 [l.1315] est d. monterine [y] 44
1316 De trois munz k'ad en sa seisine.
Munt Ethne set en ses banduns,l.1317 [l.1317] set] est [R] set] se est [G] set] i ad [D] 44
Ke gette sulfrins arsuns;L1318 [L1318] sic [RCG] grece [P] iuste [D] 44
En ceste mer dous perilz sunt,
1320 Stille e Karibde les nuns unt;l.1320 [l.1320] om les [R] lur [y] 44 [f.197d]
Li Cyclope i mistrent ja,L1321 [L1321] sic [CG] La [PR] Le [D] 44
E comedia i cumença.l.1322 [l.1322] comedia. MSS CDG have the variant comedie. The Latin form in PR suggests that the word had not become French at the date of composition.44
Ceste ydle set cuntre Ytalie,
1324 Ke ore est dite Lumbardie. x [x] [Cap. XXXVI]44
Lez Sezille resunt poseesl.1325 [l.1325] r.] sunt [y] 44
Del roi Coile ydles numees,l.1326 [l.1326] C.] Olle [C] C.] elle [D] 44l.1326 [l.1326] Coile. The Latin is ab Eolo rege; C's variant Olle and D's Elle indicate that the original OF form was eole or eolle.44
Ke resunt dites Vulcanies,l.1327 [l.1327] Que sont [R D] 44
Page 44
1328 Kar d'enbraser sunt replenies.
Ydles Stecades nef i sunt,
Ke vers Marsille lur lius unt.
Sardine i est, la region,
1332 Ke ad del rei Sardin le nun;
Cist Sardin fu fiz Herculis.
L'ydle vers Numide s'est mis;
Lou ne serpent iloc ne nest,
1336 Mais un altre malvé i crest,
Solivag est par sun [nun] dit,
Si reest cum araigne petit,
Si reest venimus ensement,
1340 E par mordre tue la gent.
Un herbe i crest, cil ke s'en disne,
Cum riant mort si bel reschine;l.1342 [l.1342] Cum riant mort si bel reschine. The Latin for this couplet is quae comedentibus rictus contrahit et quasi ridentes interimit. This poisonous plant causes contraction of the facial muscles which creates a sort of grin giving the impression of laughter.45
L'erbe dunt jo vus vois disant,l.1343 [l.1343] om vus [y] 45
1344 Ache resemble en sun cressant.
Funtaignes chaudes la resunt,
Ke as malades sancté funt;l.1346 [l.1346] sancté. Cf. the forms cunctrés 2275, cummectees 2448 P and equinocte 1469. Perhaps it was from such forms as the latter, which were undoubtedly influenced by the Latin spelling, that the use of ct elsewhere developed.45 [f.198a]
Mais si larrun i boit ou baigne,
1348 Del ver ert tutdis baraigne.
Ebosus est cuntre Espaigne,
Ke reest de tuz serpens baraingne.
Aparmemes est Colubrie,l.1351 [l.1351] Colubrie. Colubria (Migne) or Colubraria (Isidore and Pliny). O. H. Prior in his edition of the Image du Monde, p. 43, argues for the identification of this island with the modern Iviza, one of the Balearic group. This interpretation is assured by the term Aparmemes alongside of our text.45
1352 De plusurs serpens bien emplie.l.1352 [l.1352] s. replenie [C] 45
Gorgoines, ydles de bel grant,l.1353 [l.1353] Gorgoines. The reading of all the MSS; an error for Gorgodes which goes back to the original OF text.45
En occean sunt lez Athlan.l.1354 [l.1354] En occident lez mund a. [C] 45
En ces furent jadis manant
1356 Trois femmes de bealté grant;l.1356 [l.1356] b. mult g. [C] 45
Si ensembles fussent aunees,l.1357 [l.1357] a.] veues [R] a.] aunets [C] 45
Page 45
Ja mes [ne] fusent devisees,L1358 [L1358] sic [RC] 46
Tant par s'entresemblerent,l.1359 [l.1359] sentre asemblerent [C] face entresemblerent [R] 46l.1359 [l.1359] s'entresemblerent. This form is a reduction by haplography of the regular form s'entreresemblerent, which would give a seven syllable feminine line.46
1360 E Gorgoines lé appelerent.l.1360 [l.1360] Ke G. sap. [C] 46
Lez cestes Ysperides sunt,L1361 [L1361] sic [RC] Des [P] Iloke [G] 46
Ke de lur citez lur nun unt;
Blanches berbiz asez i sunt,
1364 Dunt il le gentil purpre funt.l.1364 [l.1364] om il [y] 46
Utre ces fu un ydle grant,l.1365 [l.1365] ces] cest [y] 46
Dunt Platun dit en sun lisant
K'ele fu greignur ke n'est Aufrike,
1368 Ne Europe ke tant fu riche;l.1368 [l.1368] fu] est [y] 46
Mes ele ove sa gent enfundra,
E morte mer en sun liu ad.
Un ydle el Nil ad nun Menee,l.1371 [l.1371] Menee. The reading of all the MSS; an error for Meroe.46
1372 El chief de Ethiope posee;L1372 [L1372] sic [CDGR] chiel [P] 46 [f.198b]
Umbre n'i pert en nul esté;
L'iban i crest, un fust prisé.l.1374 [l.1374] iban. The orthography of R is Eban. This word is normally trisyllabic in OF, cf. forms such as ibanus, ebaine, ebenus, etc., cited by Godefroy, who, however, cites eban defined as the pocke tree from Du Guez, p. 914. Tobler-Lommatzsch also cite eban from the Entree d'Espagne.46
Delez ceste est Syrine la cité,l.1375 [l.1375] Syrine. All the MSS have forms with r, which is an error, the Latin form being Syene. There has been confusion with the name Cyrene , a city of Cyrenaica in Northern Africa; cf. l. 1215.46
1376 Ke ad un puz de antiquité;
Les philosophos la fuirent,l.1377 [l.1377] la] i [y] 46
Seisante cutes parfunt firent;
Le soleil i luist el mois de juinl.1379 [l.1379] soleil. Cf. note to l. 224.46
1380 Tut droit as funz sanz nul essoin.l.1380 [l.1380] as] al [R D G] as] el [C] 46
Un ydle est el occean,l.1381 [l.1381] est] rest [C G] 46
Mais l'um ne set en quel pan;
Ydle Perdue est apelee,
1384 Une fez put estre truvee.
Sage est kel truve se il l'enprent,l.1385 [l.1385] om il [R y] 46
Kar del retrover n'i ad nient.
L'ydle par est tant plentive,
Page 46
1388 La fin ne seit humme ke vive;
N'est metal el mund ke rien vaile,l.1389 [l.1389] om r. [y] 47
Gemme ne piere ke la faile,
Tutes especes e tuz blez,
1392 Ewes duces e pessuns e prez,l.1392 [l.1392] d. p. [y] 47
Arbres chargez de trestuz frutz,l.1393 [l.1393] t.] touz [R G] t.] chascun [C D] 47
Tutes delices e tuz deduiz;
Le mund ke tant par est espars,l.1395 [l.1395] par est tant [R G] 47
1396 Ver li de tuz biens est eschars.
La terre brefment avum trespassé,l.1397 [l.1397] auom b. [C G] 47
Oum d'enfer la verité. [f.198c] x [x] [Cap. XXXVII]47
Enfer set enmi terre en veir,l.1399 [l.1399] por ueir [C D] 47
1400 Cum fet la terre en miliu l'eir;
Dunt il est dit terre foreigne,l.1401 [l.1401] terre foreigne. Translates the Latin novissima terra.47
De tuz mals, de tuz turmenz pleine;l.1402 [l.1402] de] e de [C D] de] e des [G] om tuz [R C G] 47
Ka[r] cel liu est de fu espris,
1404 E de sulfre k'art tutdis;
Mult est horrible e tenebrus,
Desuz mult large, estreit desus.
Ceste est numé terre de mort,
1408 Ke la entre n'ad mes resort;l.1408 [l.1408] mes] nul [y] 47
Estanc de fu reest il numé,l.1409 [l.1409] r.] est [R D G] 47
Kar li malvois i sunt plungé,
Cum est la piere en parfunde mer,
1412 E la ardent sanz recuvrer.
Cesti est terre de tenebrur,
De fume, de niule, de puur;l.1414 [l.1414] n. e de [y] 47
Cesti est terre de obliviun,l.1415 [l.1415] Ceste [R C] 47l.1415 [l.1415] terre de obliviun. The Hades of the Greeks was similarly a land of forgetting, cf. the river Lethe, which meant oblivion. The explanation offered in our poem, ll. 1416-8, represents the christianizing of a concept borrowed from pagan antiquity.47
1416 Kar li son sunt sanz rançun;l.1416 [l.1416] son i s. [y] 47
Si cum il ci Deu ublierent,
Page 47
La de tuz bienz ubliez erent.
Cil liu reest numé Tartarus,l.1419 [l.1419] r.] est [R y] 48
1420 Kar en tuz hidurs est confus;
Jehenne reest ausi numé,
Ço est terre tut enbrasé;
Nostre fu ke nus avum ci,
1424 N'est fors umbre vers cesti.l.1424 [l.1424] celui [y] 48l.1424 [l.1424] Cf. ll. 2071-2, where this idea is repeated with ymage replacing umbre.48 [f.198d]
Sa parfundesce est Herebus,
De draguns ardanz tant penus;l.1426 [l.1426] a. mult perillus [C] 48
Sa buche est dite Baratrum,l.1427 [l.1427] Sa buche. The Migne text reads Hic patens os dicitur et barathrum, which should read Hujus p. os d. b.48
1428 Ke noir devurement numum;
Ses lius sunt numé Acherun,l.1429 [l.1429] not in y48
Ke ord espiriz unt en sun.l.1430 [l.1430] e. ad [y] 48l.1430 [l.1430] This couplet translates the Latin Hujus loca fetorem exhalantia dicuntur Acheronta, id est spiracula immundos spiritus emittentia. The couplet thus means Its regions which are overhung with foul exhalations are called Acheron.48
E Flageton, un flum, i est,
1432 Ke nule fez n'est sanz tempest;
Kar l'ewe est a tutdis ardant,l.1433 [l.1433] om a [R y] 48
E la puur horrible e grant,
E le froit tutdis ensement;
1436 L'un par l'altre ne se desment,l.1436 [l.1436] This detail is added by our author at this point. For the idea of alternate heat and cold in Hell, see note to ll. 2075-82.48
Nul mal par altre ne se pert.l.1437 [l.1437] por a. [C] 48
Fols est ke cel regne desert;l.1438 [l.1438] r.] liu [C] 48
Les peines n'erent ja pensees,
1440 Dunt almes sunt la turmentees.l.1440 [l.1440] i sunt [C] 48l.1440 [l.1440] Cf. ll. 2103-4 which repeat this idea.48
Et altres lius en terre sunt,l.1441 [l.1441] om E [C D] 48
Ke grant turmenz en soi refunt,L1442 [L1442] sic [RCG] resunt [P] unt [D] 48
En ydles, en munz e en vals,
1444 De sulfre, de feu e de altres mals;l.1444 [l.1444] om e [R D G] 48
E en cel eir tut ensementl.1445 [l.1445] en leir [y] 48
U les almes sunt en turment.
Quantke eida ci a pecher,
1448 Trestut aie al turmenter.l.1448 [l.1448] Tut eide iloec a t. [y] 48
Page 48
Enfer ja trespassé avum -
Deus [nus] en ost par sun saint nun! - L1450 [L1450] sic [CDGR] 49 [f.199a]
E la terre tut ensement,
1452 Oum del secund element.l.1452 [l.1452] Oum] Ore dirrom [R] Oum] Ore oum [C G] Oum] Ore oyez [D] 49 x [x] [Cap. XXXVIII]49
Ewe est le secund element,
Ke entur la terre se estent;l.1454 [l.1454] Ki en tote la [y] 49
Iceste en mer tute se cult,
1456 Par flums curt, par funtaignes bult,
Par tutes terres se espanist,
E par l'eir grantment atenvist;
Ceste depart les regiuns,
1460 Les cuntrees, les mansiuns;
Sa parfundesce abisme ad nun,
Pur ço ke funz ne ateignum.l.1462 [l.1462] ni a. [y] 49 x [x] Cap. XL49
L'occean munte, si retret, l.1463 [l.1463] si] e [y] si] et se [R] 49
1464 E siut la lune en sun espleit;
Par sun espirement el mundl.1465 [l.1465] el m.] amont [C D] 49
Retret les ewes e refunt.l.1466 [l.1466] les] ces [R y] 49l.1466 [l.1466] The Latin reads cujus the moon's aspiratione retro trahitur, ejus impulsu refunditur. The text may be rendered by its attraction on the earth it draws back the waters and (by its repulsion) pours them back again. refunt is therefore from refundre and not from refaire.49
La mer ove la lune descret,
1468 E si crest quant la lune crest;
En equinocce est la mer grant,
Kar la lune est dunc pres curant;l.1470 [l.1470] est p. [C D] 49
En solstice ses salz reprent,l.1471 [l.1471] salz] cors [y] 49l.1471 [l.1471] En solstice ses salz reprent. This line refers to the fact that the rise and fall of the tide is less at the solstice than at the equinox. The Latin text reads cum in solstitio minores (fluctus). It is thus evident that salz means rising and falling and reprent stands presumably for reprient from repreindre, unattested derivative of preindre (for priembre < premere).49
1472 Pur la lune ke loinz se tient;
Par dis e neof anz sun curs tent,
E sun començail dunc reprent,
Tut ausi cum la lune fet,
1476 Kar od li crest, od li retret.l.1476 [l.1476] c. e si r. [C] 49 [f.199b] x [x] [Cap. XLI]49
La mer ad un devurement,
Ke les ewes devure e rent;
Si ad un el orient,
Page 49
1480 E un altre vers occident;l.1480 [l.1480] v.] en [R y] 50
En prime lune mult tret, mult rent,
E en la pleine tut ensement.l.1482 [l.1482] En [R G] 50
Si l'achesun saver vulez,
1484 Jo le vus dirai, ore l'escutez:l.1484 [l.1484] ore e. [R y] 50
En terre est un abisme grant,
Ço est parfundesce baant;
Dunt tru[v]um en escrit lisant,L1487 [L1487] sic [RCDG] libant [P] 50l.1487 [l.1487] tru[v]um. Cf. l. 1952 where the v has likewise been restored and l. 272 where the scribe puts it in. Dropping of the v(u) may have been merely negligence, but it is possible that the scribe equated u in this case with w which in Anglo-Norman had the value of two u's, cf. wnt=vunt 1154.50
1488 Deus overi le abisme tresgrant.l.1488 [l.1488] Cf. Gen. 7, 11, Rupti sunt omnes fontes abyssi magnae.50
Lez cesti sunt fosses mult lees,
E caves e boves celees;L1490 [L1490] sic [RCD] bones [P] boefs [G] 50
En cels, par grant espirement
1492 Des ewes, nessent tut li vent,
Dunt cil sunt numé esperitl.1493 [l.1493] esperit De tempest. Cf. spiritus procellarum, Ps. 148, 8.50
De tempest en seint escrit.l.1494 [l.1494] Des [y] 50
Ces venz par lur espiremenzl.1495 [l.1495] v.] ouerent [y] 50
1496 La mer treent la par dedenz,
E l'abisme tut funt paremplir,
E quant est plain, par force issir.l.1498 [l.1498] a f. [y] 50
De ço sunt floz en occean,l.1499 [l.1499] loc. [y] 50l.1499 [l.1499] floz. Cf. l. 2453. See Godefroy Supplement, s. v. fluet. The context proves that the meaning is high-tide as opposed to retreanz low-tide in l. 1500. flot may still mean tide or high-tide in Mod. Fr., see Larousse Dictionnaire, s. v. flot.50
1500 E retreanz e jur e an. x [x] [Cap. XLII]50
De ces venz terremute vent,
Kar quant les crus les venz retent,l.1502 [l.1502] les crus. The scribes of PRD interpret the invariable word crus as a plural and so write les.50 [f.199c]
Ke issir ne puent franchement,l.1503 [l.1503] poet [C D] 50
1504 La terre enpeignent durement,
E funt fremir horriblement,
E par tant trembler ferement. x [x] [Cap. XLIII]50
De ço se avent ke terre bee, l.1507 [l.1507] om se [y] 50l.1507 [l.1507] se avent. The reflexive is probably scribal, cf. the variant of y and avient in l. 387. avenir reflexive meaning to happen is unusual in OF, Tobler-Lommatzsch citing one case only, and Godefroy none.50
1508 Quant est par ewe afebliee;l.1508 [l.1508] ewe] tut [y] 50
Page 50
Li venz deden les crus rebutent,
E sa tenvesse tut derutent,l.1510 [l.1510] sa tenvesse. The reading in Migne's text is loca cava, et continuis aquis frigida, ventis conclusa rumpuntur, which is to be corrected to loca cava continuis aquis fragilia x [x] cf. tenvesse51 ventis concussa x [x] cf. 150951 rumpuntur. Sa could refer to terre in l. 1507 but it may refer to les crus in 1509 for such cases of confusion between sun(sa) and lur are found; cf. ll. 1717 and 2669, possibly also l. 58 (cf. note). The Latin indicates that sa in the above case does refer to les crus in l. 1509.51
E funt en ces crus jus chair,
1512 E grant baees aoverir.L1512 [L1512] sic [CG] anurrir [P] amireer [R] 51l.1512 [l.1512] aoverir. The Latin verb is aperiuntur, which supports aoverir, of which P's reading anurrir appears to be a corruption. The objection to amireer:chayer in R is that chair is the usual Anglo-Norman form of this infinitive and that a rhyme such as chaer (< chaeir):amirer (cf. ll. 394) does not occur elsewhere in the text.51
Multes citez par tels haschees
Sunt perdues e enfundrees.
Dunt la terre, ke est cavee,l.1515 [l.1515] The Latin reads Inde tellus Siciliae, quia cavernosa. Evidently the author's MS lacked the word Siciliae.51
1516 E cum espoigne tut crusee,l.1516 [l.1516] espoigne. An early example of this word, of which Godefroy's earliest example is from 1402.51
La u ad sulfre u betumee,
Pleine de feu, devent percee,
Quant li venz s'enpeint durement,
1520 Cum en forge le feu se esprent,
E fet issir flambe e fumee,
Ou altre male destempree;l.1522 [l.1522] destempree. The Latin reads fumam, vel vapores, vel flammas eructat. Since the flames and smoke are mentioned in 1521, it is necessary to equate vapores and destempree if we assume a literal translation. It appears that this word is connected in meaning with the English distemper, a disease of dogs and horses, a sort of catarrh accompanied by foul breath and nasal discharge. An alternative is to accept it as a pp. subs. meaning disturbance.51
En asquanz lius gette sabelun,
1524 Si en fet muncels a bandun.
Dunt Ethna, ke est un grant munt,
E ensample d'enfer parfund,
De feu est tutdis enbrasee,
1528 De venz suzterins aventee; [f.199d]
Kar des ewes ke desuz sunt,l.1529 [l.1529] des] les [G] 51
En muant tutdis vent funt;l.1530 [l.1530] The Latin on which this couplet is based reads dum aquarum concursus spiritum in imum profundum secum rapiens. The OF is not an exact rendering, the Latin stating that the waters suck the air down into their depths by their movements rather than that they create winds. Further we should expect les ewes instead of des ewes, but les is found in G only. As it stands we may translate the couplet For waters which are below are always creating winds by their agitation. The reading of PR in l. 1530 E en muant might perhaps be read as E enmuant for E esmuant, the participle functioning as an adjective meaning agitated.51
E ces venz entrent en crusesces,l.1531 [l.1531] Ces [y] 51
1532 E tant dis sunt en lur destrescesl.1532 [l.1532] t.] tut [R G] 51
Ke il ne puent mes suffrir,
E dunc se efforcent de issir,
Par grant fruis funt le munt fremir,l.1535 [l.1535] E par [y] 51
1536 Feu esprendre, flambe sailir.l.1536 [l.1536] e. et f. [R C] 51
Ileoc ad un devurement,
Ke la mer e devure e rent;l.1538 [l.1538] mer d. [y] 51
Scille ad nun, dunt li fableant
Page 51
1540 Dient ke chiens i ad baant,
Pur ço ke mer tant fremist,l.1541 [l.1541] mer] la mer [y] 52
Quant ele i entre u en ist,l.1542 [l.1542] ele entre e quant ele ist [y] 52
Ke la noise ount tut clierl.1543 [l.1543] ount. cf. note to l. 586.52
1544 Li marinail loinz en la mer;l.1544 [l.1544] m. ki uont par la not in D mer [C D] 52l.1544 [l.1544] marinail. P alone gives this form, but the adjective marinail occurs elsewhere as a substantive, for instance in the Roman de Horn.52
Ço est de l'ewe e del vent,
Ke se ferent ensemblement.l.1546 [l.1546] sentreferent [C D] 52 x [x] [Cap. XLIV]52
Par meimes ices achesuns
1548 Art terre en altre regiuns,L1548 [L1548] sic [RCG] A retrere [P] Ardent [D] 52
Si cum la chalur de feu nest,
E la freidure de l'ewe crest;
Dunt les foreins parz de occean,l.1551 [l.1551] loc. [R y] 52
1552 De gel e froit unt grant ahan; [f.200a]
Gelee pardurable i nuist,
Kar li soleil unkes n'i luist.
De l'occean cele partie,
1556 Ki par miliu le mund se guie,
De boillant chaud est tutdis pleine,
Kar tutdis li solz la se meine. x [x] [Cap. XLV]52
Occean par les flums ne crest, l.1559 [l.1559] Loc. par f. [y] 52
1560 Ke la salse durer ne le lest;l.1560 [l.1560] ni lest [C] ne l. [D G] 52l.1560 [l.1560] The Latin is quia fluenta dulcia partem salsis vadis consumuntur. The text thus means that the brine does not allow the ocean to increase in volume because it consumes part of the fresh water of the rivers. For Ke = kar cf. note to l. 2087.52
Li soleil une part ravist,l.1561 [l.1561] p.] partie [R y] 52
Partie par les venz sechist,
Partie par uns venz privezl.1563 [l.1563] venz privez. Translates the Latin occultos meatus, which proves that the meaning is secret or hidden passages; cf. the Mod. Eng. vent.52
1564 Repeire as ses propres guez.
Pur ço remeint la mer salee,
Des flums, de pluies tant chargee,l.1566 [l.1566] des p. [R y] 52
Kar li solail trest la ducur
1568 De l'ewe e la tenve liquur,
Dunt sa chalur atempre e pest,l.1569 [l.1569] la c. [y] 52
Le grant, le pesant aval lest;
Page 52
Dunt mer en sum est duce e clere,
1572 Vers ço ke ele en parfund est amere.l.1572 [l.1572] The meaning of the line is whereas it is bitter in its depths. The readings are confused owing to the scribes having interpreted parfund as an adjective. The scribe of P wrote ele ē parfund ē amere. The original reading may have been ele est par fund amere, in which par fund, at the bottom, stands opposite en sum, on the surface, in l. 1571.53
Duce ewe la lune nurrist,l.1573 [l.1573] Dolcor en la [y] 53
Al solail la amere suffist. x [x] [Cap. XLVI]53
De l'occean la Ruge Mer vient,
1576 Mes de la terre culur tient,
Ke tut est ruge cum est sanc,l.1577 [l.1577] cum s. [y] 53 [f.200b]
La mer la demoist cum fanc.L1578 [L1578] sic [RG] sanc [P] estanc [C] 53l.1578 [l.1578] demoist. The variant of RDG is demoiste, which gives an octosyllabic line. Godefroy lists enmoistir in this sense, which suggests a form demoistir, but this infinitive seems uncertain in view of the variant demoiste.53
La mer est de amertume dite,
1580 Pur la sause dunt ja n'ert quite;
Par veines en la terre curt,
E es funtaignes duces surt;l.1582 [l.1582] as f. [R G] 53
En la terre tant est culee,l.1583 [l.1583] est tant [R G] ad t. [D] 53
1584 Ke l'amerté tut ad lessé.l.1584 [l.1584] ad tut not in C l. [y] 53 x [x] [Cap. XLVII]53
Quant Deu paradis compostat,
Une funtaigne en li posat;
En quatre flums la devisat,l.1587 [l.1587] q. parties [y] 53
1588 E le mund aruser ruvat;
Dunt ces ewes tres duces sunt,L1589 [L1589] sic [CDG] Quant [PR] 53
Ke arusent trestut le mund;l.1590 [l.1590] tut [y] 53
Dunt ad la mer tel amertume,l.1591 [l.1591] cel a. [y] 53
1592 Ke tant undeie, tant escume.l.1592 [l.1592] e tant not in C e. [y] 53l.1592 [l.1592] All the MSS place this couplet here, but it is clearly out of its context. Its correct position is not certain as it does not reproduce any Latin phrase, but it surely belongs to the passage 1609-24 (cf. note to same). I suggest that it be read after l. 1612.53
Les flums ke de paradis vunt,
Par tut lur droite ducur unt,
Ne pur terre ne pur marine,
1596 Ne perdent lur duce seisine.l.1596 [l.1596] p. ia lor [C D] 53
Lur curs parfunt enterinement,l.1597 [l.1597] parfunt. Curs having dropped out in y, the scribes confused the verb parfunt with the adjective parfund and replaced the adverb enterinement by the substantive enterrement. P apparently understood his line but wrote parfund. Since d final in this word is not used elsewhere in the MS I have altered it to t. The line refers to the rivers of Paradise which must complete their course by flowing back underground to the point at which they rose to the surface.53
E entrent tut priveement
En le abime de lur funtaigne,
1600 Dunt pus issent a veine pleine;
Page 53
Dunt Salomon dit en apert,
Chescun ewe en sei revert.l.1602 [l.1602] Hiatus appears to have been introduced in the text after the fourth syllable of a line in which there is a well-marked pause or caesura, cf. ll. 2088 and 2203.54 [f.200c]
Al liu dunt [ist], iloc repeireL1603 [L1603] sic [RCG] not in [PD] 54
1604 Pur autre fez sun curs refere.l.1604 [l.1604] See Eccles. 1, 7, ad locum unde exeunt flumina revertuntur ut iterum fluant. In the Latin text this is found at the end of Cap. XLVI and not in Cap. XLVII, but the lines fit their context perfectly and were doubtless placed here deliberately by the author.54
De ces flums e de lur funtaigne
Vent chescun ewe duce e seine,
E les funtaines autresi,
1608 Ke de ewe duce sunt empli.
La mer ke en un liu estait,
De la chalur amerté trait,l.1610 [l.1610] Lamerte de la c. t. [y] 54
Ke la ducur tute ravist,
1612 E sa tenvesce tute sechist.l.1612 [l.1612] tuit bruist [C] 54
De la terre tut ensement
L'occean sa amertume prent:l.1614 [l.1614] sa a.] lamerte [C] 54
La terre ad en soi plusurs veines
1616 De cel e sal gemme pleines,l.1616 [l.1616] p.] tutes p. [R C] 54l.1616 [l.1616] sal gemme. Native chloride of sodium or rock-salt, cf. the Mod. Fr. sel gemme and the English sal-gem. See Studer and Evans Anglo-Norman Lapidaries p. 402.54
Ke en l'ewe tute defit,l.1617 [l.1617] Ke lewe dolce t. [C] 54
E li solail amunt la quit,l.1618 [l.1618] la quit. La refers to ewe in l. 1617 and quit is the ind. pr. 3 of cuire to cook or to boil.54
E par itant devent amer;l.1619 [l.1619] tant d. tut a. [C] 54
1620 Essample pernez del sauner.
L'occean sa amertume cultl.1621 [l.1621] samerte [C] 54
Desuz la zone u tutdis bult,l.1622 [l.1622] u] que [C D] 54
Dunt tutes mers salces sunt,
1624 Kar il purceint tut le mund.l.1624 [l.1624] This passage is not based on anything in the Latin text. Of the ideas developed, the first, evaporation of sea-water as a cause of the ocean being salty is found already in the text, cf. ll. 1561 and 1567 ff.; the second and the third, the dissolving of salt from the earth and evaporation taking place mainly in the tropics are too obvious to need sources. They could also have been suggested by ll. 1263-6 of the text.54 x [x] [Cap. XLVIII]54
Unes fosses en terre sunt,
Ke de sulfre grant plenté unt;
Li venz i pulse durement,
1628 E le sulfre de feu se esprent. [f.200d]
Sulfre en sun naturelmentl.1629 [l.1629] om [y] 54
Trop dure, mes de poi se esprent.l.1630 [l.1630] This couplet is probably an addition in x as it is found neither in y nor in the Latin, and the text reads better without it.54
L'ewe ke par cest arsun curt,l.1631 [l.1631] c. ardor sort [y] 54
Page 54
1632 Tut est boillant si de pres surt,l.1632 [l.1632] p. cort [y] 55
Si reest de sulfre tut puant,
Pus atenvist quant curt avant,
Puis en avant si colt froidure,l.1635 [l.1635] E si coilt puis la f. [C] 55
1636 Kar ço est sa droite nature.l.1636 [l.1636] sa] la [R D] 55 x [x] [Cap. XLIX]55
Uns autres lius sunt suzterins,
Pleins de serpenz et de venims;l.1638 [l.1638] v.] uermines [y] 55
Les ewes ke la sunt voisin,
1640 Treent la force del venim;l.1640 [l.1640] Tenent [D C] 55l.1640 [l.1640] The Migne text, qui viciniam veneno inficiunt, should read qui vicinam aquam veneno inficiunt.55
Ki en boit tantost murt a peine;
Itele est Stix, une funtaine.l.1642 [l.1642] Icele [C] Cest [D] 55 x [x] [Cap. L]55
Nul vent nel mut ne fet trembler
1644 Les ewes de la Morte Mer;
Les betumeis i sunt si grant
Ke les ewes tenent estant.
Betum par naturel afeire
1648 E[st] a l'ewe tute cuntreire,L1648 [L1648] sic [RCD] 55
Kar l'ewe est tutdis remuant,l.1649 [l.1649] Kar ewe [y] 55
Betum est estant e trop tenant;l.1650 [l.1650] om est [R y] 55
Ren nule nel put depescer,
1652 For sul sanc menstre de mulier.
Nembroc sa tur de ço fermad,
Ke de Babel le droit nun ad. [f.201a] x [x] [Cap. LII]55
Quant la mer de nut estencele,
1656 As aviruns tempest apele;l.1656 [l.1656] As mariners t.55
Quant li porpeis sailent amunt,
Tempest proceinement sumunt;
E de iloc le venz vendra,
1660 Vers u li porpeis tombera.
D'iloc ausi les vent vendrunt,
Page 55
U les niules se defenderunt.l.1662 [l.1662] niules. The Latin is nubes, consequently C's reading nues is probably correct as niule (< nebula) means mists not clouds. In the Latin text of Migne for this line, et inde nubes undis excussae coelum aperiunt, the word undis should be omitted.56
Les ewes sumes tresnoé,
1664 De l'eir cerchum la qualité.l.1664 [l.1664] les qualitez [C D] 56 x [x] [Cap. LIII]56
Eir est quantke vus vein veez,
U vus ren funder ne poez;l.1666 [l.1666] fonder rien [y] sustindre r. [R] 56
Aval a la terre se prent,
1668 E desque a la lune se estent;l.1668 [l.1668] om a [C G] 56
De li viel espirementl.1669 [l.1669] li ouuel e. [C G] 56
Treent oisels, bestes e gent;
En li sunt diables sujurnant,
1672 Jur de juise atendant;l.1672 [l.1672] Le ior [D G] Et le i. [R] 56
De li pernent corsage en veir,l.1673 [l.1673] por ueir [C] 56
Quant a la gent vulent pareir.l.1674 [l.1674] as homes [C G] 56 x [x] [Cap. LIV]56
De l'eir resunt li venz criez, l.1675 [l.1675] r.] sont [R D] 56
1676 Kar quant il est bien demenez,
E commu en remuant,l.1677 [l.1677] commu. As written in P the line is heptasyllabic, which raises the question whether we should read commëu with RCG. Unfortunately the author of our text appears to have introduced heptasyllabic lines, both masculine and feminine, into his poem. Further, the orthography eu for u, which developed as a consequence of the disappearance of atonic vowel in hiatus before the tonic vowel, is attested in our MSS, cf. Seur 2463, and the Introduction, pp. xxxviii and xliii. Lines such as 2137 indicate that the atonic e in hiatus was elided or at least could be in the author's scansion, but the uncertainty of the metre makes it difficult to determine precisely his practice. It may be that he could count or elide such vowels at will, as Suchier suggests, cf. Vie de Seint Auban p. 27. Such a conclusion is supported by comparing l. 1677 with l. 2175. On the other hand certain words seem to be used consistently with the e retained, cf. rançun in ll. 1416, 2221 and 2581, all lines of seven syllables unless we read rëançun, which spelling is, however, never found in the MSS. A similar case is veer, cf. note to l. 258, but in this case the orthography of the scribes varies.56
Cum chose ke n'est pas estant,l.1678 [l.1678] om pas [C] en [D G] 56
Par ses multes remuvemenzl.1679 [l.1679] multes remuvemenz. All the other MSS read remuemenz which is the usual form. P's form may represent a scribal error. Multes before a masculine (R alone has moltz) seems to have been introduced merely to avoid a seven syllable line. It is not possible to affirm whether it is scribal or belongs to the author.56 x [x] [Cap. LV]56
1680 De plusurs parz meut plusurs venz,l.1680 [l.1680] meut. The subject is il in l. 1676, which refers to eir in l. 1675.56 [f.201b]
Dunt les quatre sunt cardinals,
E uit altres collateral.l.1682 [l.1682] Migne offers the reading illorum collaterales, which should read octo illorum c. as the context shows. The early editions read alii instead of octo.56
Les cardinals apelé sunt,l.1683 [l.1683] Les quatre c. [y] 56
1684 De quatre parties del mund.l.1684 [l.1684] Des [R y] 56
Li premer est Septemtriun,
Ke nus ici Bise numum;
Cesti s'en vent dever le nordh,
1688 E fet nues e froiz e forz;l.1688 [l.1688] mult. The Latin text reads faciens frigora et nubes, which supports the reading of R in which froiz is a substantive translating frigora.56
Il e li diu collaterall.1689 [l.1689] diu. The form is clearly so written in both P and C, the other MSS having deus. The regular forms in the MSS are deus and dous. On the question of metathesis of vowels in OF see the article by J. Vising in Medium Aevum VI (1937) pp. 210-2. Vising lists a number of cases of iu passing to ui but none of the passage of ui to iu as in the above example.56
Funt noif e gresil e grant mal.
Page 56
Li secund Subsolan ad nun,
1692 Ke nus Solaire renomum;l.1692 [l.1692] s. apelom [y] 57
Cist est attemprez, mes ki sunt
Lez li, nue e sec tens funt.
Li terz vent Auster ad nun,l.1695 [l.1695] t. a. apelum [y] 57
1696 Ke nus del su Surreis disum;
Cesti humurs e chalurs tret,
E fuldres e tuneires fet.
Sis cumpaignuns ke sunt delez,
1700 L'un est sec, l'altre attemprez.
Li venz del su plus umbles sunt,
E greignur tempest en mer funt.l.1702 [l.1702] The Latin text reads Australes venti faciunt majores tempestates, quia ex humili flant in mari. The adjective umbles thus translates the words ex humili. A variant for ex humili is ex humido, but umbles derives certainly from humiles. humilis is defined by Forcellini as follows, Humilis proprie est humo proprior, humi declivis, ab humo non alte se extollens. The words ex humili must therefore mean blowing close to the ground, whence heavy and humid. Winds from the south were regularly thought to bring rain; cf. Neckam De laudibus divinae sapientiae, distinctio secunda, 85-88. umbles may then be defined as low blowing and rain bringing.57
Le quart ad Zephirus a nun,l.1703 [l.1703] q. z. ad n. [y] 57
1704 Ke nus Molvent a droit numum;
Kar il yver toit e defet,
De terre herbes [et] flurs tret. [f.201c]
Si cumpainun ke a destre esteit,
1708 Tempez, tuneres, fudres feit;l.1708 [l.1708] t. f.] f. et t. [R] t. f.] t. et f. [y] 57
L'altre en orient nues porte,
E Inde de bel tens conforte.
Kanz ces vus voil dous vent numer,l.1711 [l.1711] Ces dous uenz vus voit n. [y] 57l.1711 [l.1711] Kanz. A prepositional use of quant in the sense of along with or at the same time as. Analogy of adverbial expressions involving quand, cf. quand e quand meaning en même temps, may have led to the addition of an adverbial s to quant. However it is quite possible that the s is merely scribal, reflecting the confusion of t and z final which is evident in MS P. The prepositional use of quant was particularly common in Normandy, cf. the examples cited by Littré.57
1712 Eure en terre, Altain en mer. x [x] [Cap. LVI]57
Les venz par lur espiremenz
De l'ewe en l'eir tirent grantment;l.1714 [l.1714] t.] treent [R y] 57
Les ewes la ensemble vunt,
1716 E nues granz e espés funt.l.1716 [l.1716] espes] espesces [R C D] 57
Quant li vent est en lur clos,l.1717 [l.1717] c.] reclos [R y] 57
Cum ren muvable n'ont repos;l.1718 [l.1718] ren] chose [y] 57
Les nues pulse a grant air,l.1719 [l.1719] a] oue [R] a] par [y] 57
1720 Les uns as altres fet ferir;
El entreferir sunt pesant,l.1721 [l.1721] Al e. [R C D G] 57
Page 57
Dunt feu gettent e noise grant; x [x] [Cap. LVII]58
La noise ço est la tunaire,
1724 Le feu, escleire e fudre en veire;l.1724 [l.1724] en v. ] en eir [C D] en v. ] a ueire [G] 58
Ço feu tresperce quantke ateint,
Kar la force des venz l'enpeint.l.1726 [l.1726] del uent [y] 58 x [x] [Cap. LVIII]58
L'arc del cel quatre culurs fet,
1728 Ke il de quatre choses tret;l.1728 [l.1728] c. atreit [C D] 58
Del cel ad il culur fuin,
E de l'ewe la purprin;l.1730 [l.1730] la] color [C D] 58 [f.201d]
De l'eir ad il jaune colur,
1732 E de la terre la verdur.l.1732 [l.1732] la] ad la [C] la] ad il [D] 58
Volez saver dunt l'arc est nez,l.1733 [l.1733] Ki sauer uolez [y] 58
Par essample melz l'aprendez:
En un rai del soleil metez
1736 Un bacin ou eit ewe asez;l.1736 [l.1736] eit] ert [R D] 58
Tantost verrez un rai issir,
E en la meisun resplendir;
Mais dunc ert mult bien aparisant,
1740 Quant l'ewe ert ben en pes estant.
Ausi quant les nues estunt,
E le solail les rais i funt,
De l'ewe ke la nue tent,
1744 E del solail l'arc del sel vent. x [x] [Cap. LIX]58
La pluie de l'eir partent vent, l.1745 [l.1745] portent v. [R] partie uient [y] 58l.1745 [l.1745] The scribes were puzzled by this line which seems to mean The winds separate the rain from the air. The Latin reads simply Imber ex nubibus descendit.58
L'ewe en gutes se coil[t] e tent,
Ke par l'eir ke nes put porter,
1748 Ke par le vent ke les fet ruer,
Ke par le solail ke les deserre,l.1749 [l.1749] The text of Migne reads non vento impellente, non sole dissolvente, which is to be corrected to nunc vento impellenti, nunc sole d.58 x [x] [Cap. LX]58
L'ewe par gutes chet a terre.
Ceste gutes, quant sunt furmé,
1752 Alcune feiz sunt engelé
Page 58
Par le froid eir ke aval est,l.1753 [l.1753] a.] de aual [C] a.] de ual [G] 59
Si funt de grisil le tempest. x [x] [Cap. LXI]59
La neif en l'eir de l'ewe vent, l.1755 [l.1755] de leir en ewe [y] 59
1756 Ke en sa liquur se retent, [f.202a]
E n'est par gutes departie,
Einz ke le gel le eit pursesie;l.1758 [l.1758] que giel [y] 59
Li venz la fert e tut desrumpt,
1760 Si ke a terre par offes funt.l.1760 [l.1760] offes. From offas particles, cf. REW 6041a. Du Cange cites the form ofella.59 x [x] [Cap. LXII]59
La rusee de l'eir revent,
Quant a grevance l'ewe tent;
Par le chaut de la nut descent,l.1763 [l.1763] chaut. So all MSS. The Latin has rigore noctis, which gives the meaning required by the context. Chaud is either a misreading for froid or else our author's Latin MS read calore instead of rigore.59
1764 E par la lune ke resplent.
Si la nut grantment froidist,
En gel la rusee enblanchist,l.1766 [l.1766] blanchist [y] 59
E ço ke dust estre rusee,
1768 Si revert en blanche gelee. x [x] [Cap. LXIII]59
Niule vent de muistes aleines,
Ke od terre e ewe sunt es eines;l.1770 [l.1770] od. Here used in the meaning of near or close to, cf. the Latin apud. Funt of PR does not make sense, whereas sunt es eines of y is a common phrase, cf. Waters in Mod. Lang. Rev. XXI (1926) p. 395 and XXII (1927) pp. 199 ff.59
Iloc bas en l'eir pent,l.1771 [l.1771] E i. [y] 59
1772 U par le solail jus descent. x [x] [Cap. LXV]59
Uns feus de nuz vers terre elident, L1773 [L1773] sic [CGR] Vne fez [] P [] Vn grans feus [D] 59
Ke esteiles seient plusurs quident;
Einz sunt feus de l'ethre amunt,l.1775 [l.1775] sunt. The scribe of P carelessly repeated sunt instead of writing feus.59
1776 E li forz venz ravist e rumpt,l.1776 [l.1776] ra.] le reimt [C] ra.] les raient [G] 59
E ver la terre aval enpeint,l.1777 [l.1777] e.] lemp. [C D] 59
Mes el muiste eir sunt tost esteint.l.1778 [l.1778] om tost [y] 59 x [x] [Cap. LXVI]59
Pestilence de l'eir resurt,
1780 Quant trop grant sekeresce curt,
U trop grant chaud, u grant tempeste,
Ke l'eir de corupture veste.l.1782 [l.1782] The rhyme is tempest:vest, cf. tempest:arbest 1072 and est in ll. 1432 and 1754.59
Page 59
[f.202b]Ke l'eir corumpu en soi tret,l.1783 [l.1783] He who inhales the polluted air.60
1784 E pureture e mort receit.
Desuz la lune est quantke ai dit,
La clarte l'amunt ne defit.L1786 [L1786] sic [CD] Le chaud de [PR] La charge [G] 60
L'eir avum briefime[n]t tresvolé,
1788 Del feu parler nus vient a gré.l.1788 [l.1788] The Migne text omits this statement which reads as follows, Aerem transvolavimus iam etheris ignem conscendamus.60 x [x] [Cap. LXVII]60
Feu, ke est le quart element,
Va de la lune al firmament.
Il reest dit ethre e pur eir,l.1791 [l.1791] r. est [y] 60
1792 Kar tutdis resplendit pur veir;L1792 [L1792] sic [RDG] par [P] le [C] 60
Angeles pernent de li corsage,
Quant funt en terre le Deu message. x [x] [Cap. LXVIII]60
Set esteiles en cesti sunt, l.1795 [l.1795] Les s. e. en li s. [y] 60
1796 Ke funt lur curs encuntre le mund;
Planetes apelees sunt,
Kar wai curs e folif funt.
Cestes par grant ignelesceL1799 [L1799] sic [CD] lur [PA] la g. [G] 60
1800 Del firmament ke n'ad peresce,
De l'orient el occidentl.1801 [l.1801] en o. [R y] 60
Sunt ravi mult ignelement;
E si est lur naturel curs
1804 Cuntre le mund tut a reburs. x [x] [Cap. LXIX]60
La planete premer est dite
Lune, ver les autres petite,
Mais pur ço resemble grantl.1807 [l.1807] r. ele g. [C D] 60
1808 Ke de la terre est pres curant;l.1808 [l.1808] Kar [C D] 60 [f.202c]
Ele fet sun curs a estrus
El premer cercle pres de nus.l.1810 [l.1810] c. plus p. [y] 60
Ceste ad le cors tut rund en fin,
1812 E par nature tut fuin,
Mes pur ço ke de ewe est medlee,
Page 60
Des neirs puinz e[st] tut techelee;
Si ele od ewe ne fust medlee,
1816 De chaud serreit tant enbraseel.1816 [l.1816] s. tut e. [R D G] 61
Ke la terre tuit arsereit
Cum li solail, si pres esteit,
Kar sa rundesce est mult greinur
1820 Ke la terre trestut entur,l.1820 [l.1820] tr.] tot [y] 61
Ja soit ço ke ele perge petite
Pur ço ke loinz de nus habite.
La lune lust cele partie,
1824 U ele ver le soleil se plie;
E cele partie oscurité treit,
U ele le solail pas ne veit;
Quant del soleil loinz est ostee,l.1827 [l.1827] est loinz [y] 61
1828 Dunc est trestut enluminee.l.1828 [l.1828] est ele tut e. [C] 61l.1828 [l.1828] Migne's text licet tota sit should read lucet tota.61
Ele ne crest ne ne decrest pas;l.1829 [l.1829] ne ne] ne [y] 61l.1829 [l.1829] Migne's text tamen crescit nec minuitur should read non enim crescit, etc.61
[Mes] quant ele est en itel cas
Ke la terre entredous s'estent,l.1831 [l.1831] entre els d. [C G] entre nus [D] 61
1832 La luur pert ke del solail prent;l.1832 [l.1832] l.] lune [R D G] 61l.1832 [l.1832] soleil. Cf. note to l. 224.61
De la terre la grant haltur
A basse lune tolt luur. [f.202d]
E ja soit ço ke le firmamentl.1835 [l.1835] om E [y] 61l.1835 [l.1835] ke le. In combinations of monosyllabic pronominal forms ending in atonic e the second vowel may lose its syllabic value, cf. Suchier Vie de Seint Auban p. 31. Other examples from the text are ll. 1829 and 2823.61
1836 De l'est le treie en le occident,
Par si grant force nepurquant
Encuntre le mund va errant
Ke les duze signes trescurt,
1840 Dunt le zodiac tent sa curt,
En vint e set jurs cuntenanz,L1841 [L1841] sic [GCR] dis e set [PD] 61
E sun cercle en dis e nof anz.L1842 [L1842] sic [DCR] dis e vit [P] dis nef [G] 61
Si la lune quarte ruvist,
Page 61
1844 De granz venz tute genz garnist;l.1844 [l.1844] tote la gent [R] la g. [D G] 62
E si ele en sa corne suveraineL1845 [L1845] sic [CD] curune [PR] 62
Des neir teches ad estraine,l.1846 [l.1846] De [y] 62
Del mois le premer cumencement
1848 Serrat pluius tut finement;
Si ele en miliu les noirs poinz ad,
Bele pleine lune serrad. x [x] [Cap. LXX]62
L'altre planete Mercur ad nun, l.1851 [l.1851] Mercurie [R D] 62
1852 E si reest apelé Stilbun.l.1852 [l.1852] r.] est [R D] 62
Cist reest tut rund par figure,
E trestut fuin par nature;
La lune veint de sa grandur,l.1855 [l.1855] de] par [y] 62
1856 E del solail reçoit luur;
En trois cent jurz e trente nof
Le zodiac trescurt cum of. x [x] [Cap. LXXI]62
La terce planete ad nun Venus,
1860 Si reest numé Hesperus, [f.203a]
E Lucifer en la matinee,l.1861 [l.1861] jurnee] matinee [C D G] 62
E Vesper est a la vespree.
Cist est rund e tut fuin,
1864 Cuntre le mund tent sun chemin;l.1864 [l.1864] Encontre [C D] 62
Trois cent e quarante e ait jurs
Al zodiac parfet sun curs. x [x] [Cap. LXXII]62
La quarte planete est li solail,
1868 Issi numé, si jo ne fail,
Pur ço ke il sul relut,l.1869 [l.1869] sul r.] tot soul luist [y] 62
Quant as esteiles li jurz nut.
Cist est rund e plein de feu,
1872 Cuntre le mund curt a vertu;
Uit feiz ke la terre greinur,
As esteiles dune luur.
Page 62
Trois cent e seisante e cinc jurneesl.1875 [l.1875] j.] iors [C D] 63
1876 El zodiac tent ses estrees;l.1876 [l.1876] ses e.] son cors [C D] 63
En vint e uit anz fet ses curs,l.1877 [l.1877] ses c.] son tor [C] ses c.] sun curs [G] 63
E puis reprent ses premers jurs.l.1878 [l.1878] son primer ior [C] 63
Sa presence nus fet le jur,
1880 E sa absence nut oscur;l.1880 [l.1880] a. la nuit [y] 63
Le jur nus lust sus terre amunt,l.1881 [l.1881] sur t. [R y] 63
La nuit suz terre ses raiz funt.l.1882 [l.1882] r. sunt [y] 63
Quant ver le north son chemin tret,
1884 Lungs jurs e lungs estez nus fet;l.1884 [l.1884] lung este [R y] 63
E quant el su refet ses curs,
Yver nus fet e mult curz jurs. [f.203b] x [x] [Cap. LXXIV]63
La quinte planete Mars est dite,
1888 E Pyroys en altre escrite;l.1888 [l.1888] dite:escrite. The rhyme is dit:escrit as given by y. Agreement of the past participle is very erratic in our text and cannot be used to prove dite.63
Cist est rund e tut ardanz,
Zodiac parcurt en dous anz. x [x] Cap. LXXV63
La siste planete ad nun Jovis,
1892 Si li reest de Phenon nun mis;l.1892 [l.1892] de pheton [y] 63l.1892 [l.1892] Migne's text omits the words qui et Phenon.63
Cist est rund e atemprez,
En duze anz ad sun curs finez. x [x] [Cap. LXXVI]63
La setime planete est Saturne,
1896 Ke en Pheton sun nun returne;l.1896 [l.1896] turne [R y] 63
Il est rund, gelus e froid,
En trente anz sun curs tut feit.
Puis ces .xxx. anz, al cumencer,
1900 Ke de arraim froit ymage cler,
Ke bien attent quant getté l'ad,l.1901 [l.1901] a.] ateint [y] 63
Alsi cum humme parlerad.l.1902 [l.1902] After these thirty years, when it (Saturn) is beginning its course again, if someone makes an image of shining brass, and listens attentively after he has cast it, it will talk like a man. For ki with conditional force and for the verb atendre meaning be attentive, see note to l. 4.63
Tutes les planetes ke numees sunt,l.1903 [l.1903] This line may be read as octosyllabic if the atonic e in the ending -es before consonant be not counted, cf. note to l. 763.63
1904 En cinc cenz anz lur curs parfunt,l.1904 [l.1904] c. font [R C D] 63
E trente douz anz tuit ensement,
Page 63
E puis chescun sun curs reprent. x [x] [Cap. LXXIX]64
Le zodiac est signifer
1908 Ke de duze signes est cler;
Ço est ausi cum un cumpas,l.1909 [l.1909] om un CD" [wit=] 64
U cercle rund ke chef n'ad pas;
En duze parz est divisé,l.1911 [l.1911] p.] parties [R D] 64
1912 En sa laur est mesuré. [f.203c] x [x] [Cap. LXXX]64
Ices rundesces dunt dit ai,
Ke jo cercles enceis numai,
Od les planetes funt lur curs,
1916 E lur errees e lur turs.l.1916 [l.1916] e.] trespas [C] e.] cercles [D G] 64
Tutes par lur muvementl.1917 [l.1917] lor esmouement [y] 64
Funt tel ducur e tel content,
E tant suef armonie,
1920 Ke nul ne set la melodie.
N'est voiz de oisel ne voit humeine,
Ke ne soit ver ceste veine,
Kar quant li mund encuntre eus tent,l.1923 [l.1923] contre [D G C] 64
1924 Ke turne tant ignelement,
E il cuntre li lur curs funtl.1925 [l.1925] il entor li [y] 64
Od tant de force cum il unt,
Par lur ignel encuntrement
1928 Gettent tant duz frestelement
Ke tut l'envirun rebundist
De la melodie ke en ist;l.1930 [l.1930] m.] dolcor [R C] 64l.1930 [l.1930] R first wrote this couplet after l. 1924, and then recopied it in the correct position, substituting dolcor for melodie. In P after l. 1924 is an erased line which can still be deciphered as l. 1929. Following this is a space. It is clear, therefore, that P's original repeated the couplet just as it occurs in R and that P merely avoided an obvious repetition.64
Mais tut soit grant la melodie,
1932 Ne parvent pas a nostre oie;l.1932 [l.1932] Napartent pas [C] 64
E ço est ultre le eir amunt,l.1933 [l.1933] Kar ceo [y] 64
Ki espeise nostre oir rumpt;
E nus ne oum ren nule en voir
1936 Fors ço ke sune par cest eir. [f.203d]
De la terre, ke bas se estent,
Page 64
Jeske la sus al firmament,
Ceste musike est mesuree,l.1939 [l.1939] Celeste m. [y] 65l.1939 [l.1939] Ceste. The Celeste of y is undoubtedly the original reading, cf. the Latin coelestia musica.65
1940 Dunt la nostre [est] cuntruvee;L1940 [L1940] sic [RCDG] 65 x [x] [Cap. LXXXI]65
Kar si en terre gamma soit, l.1941 [l.1941] Migne's text omits the word gamma, the correct reading being In terra namque si gamma, etc.65
Et .a. en la lune resoit,l.1942 [l.1942] en la lune .a. [R] 65
E en Mercurie soit le .b.,l.1943 [l.1943] mercure [C G] 65l.1943 [l.1943] Mercurie. Cf. Mercur:aseur 1955 and within the lines 1851 and 1957. The Latin form is also used, cf. Mercurius:curs 2007, unless we should read Mercurs in this case.65
1944 E Venus tenge en soi le .c.,l.1944 [l.1944] v. retienge le [y] 65
E el solail resoit le .d.,
E Mars de l'.e. soit bien paé,
E en Jove resoit .f. mis,l.1947 [l.1947] soit [R y] 65
1948 E Saturne eit le .g. en pris,l.1948 [l.1948] E en S. le. g. seit p. [C D] 65
La mesure ert tut manifestel.1949 [l.1949] Dunc ert la m. m. [y] 65
De la nostre gamme e la celeste.l.1950 [l.1950] De n. [y] 65
De la terre jeske al firmament,
1952 Set tuns tru[v]um veirement;
Un tun cumence de la terre,l.1953 [l.1953] om tun [C D] 65
Ke deske a la lune se aserre;
De la lune jeske a Mercur,
1956 Est demi tun aseur;l.1956 [l.1956] a.] tot a. [y] 65
De Mercur treske a Venus,l.1957 [l.1957] E de [y] 65
Est demi tun e nen[t] plus;
D'iloc deske a solail pur voir,l.1959 [l.1959] om deske [y] 65
1960 Trois demi tuns sunt de poeir;
Del solail treske a dan Mars,l.1961 [l.1961] E del [y] 65
Est un tun plener nent eschars; [f.204a]
Des iloc desque a Jovis,l.1963 [l.1963] De [R] E de [G] D' [C G] 65
1964 Est demi tun de mult grant pris;
De Jovis desque a Saturne,l.1965 [l.1965] E de y65
Un demi tun sun curs aturne;l.1966 [l.1966] returne [C G] turne [D] 65
Des iloc desque a signifer,l.1967 [l.1967] De [R] E de [y] 65
Page 65
1968 Trois demi tuns resunt cler:l.1968 [l.1968] r.] sonent [y] 66
Joignez ices ensemblement,l.1969 [l.1969] ces [R y] 66
Set tuns i avrez veirement.
Le tun ad en ces elemenz
1972 Quinze mile liues e sis cenzL1972 [L1972] sic [CDGR] cinc [P] 66
E vint e cinc, n'i faut de ren;
Saver poeez, haut sune e bien.
Demi ton set mil ad en lil.1975 [l.1975] en sei [C D] 66
1976 E uit cenz e duze e demi;L1976 [L1976] sic [GDCR] quinze [P] 66
Dunt philosophes escristrent,l.1977 [l.1977] les p. [y] 66
E nof muses en escrit mistrent,
Kar nof consonances suntl.1979 [l.1979] consonances. Translates the Latin consonantias, and means musical note in this case. Each of the seven spaces containing the respective planets gives forth its own characteristic note as it turns.66
1980 De la terre al cel amunt,
Les quels en humme sunt manant,
Ke est naturelment vivant.l.1982 [l.1982] Ki sunt [y] 66 x [x] [Cap. LXXXII]66
Si cum li mund est destincté
1984 Par set tens ke sunt ja numé,
E la nostre musike ausi
Par se[t] est mult bel departi,l.1986 [l.1986] set. See note to l. 515.66
Si est cors de humme ensemble joinz
1988 Par set maneres en tuz poinz; [f.204b]
Le cors cuplent quatre elemenz,l.1989 [l.1989] conprent [R] emplent [y] 66
E treis forces l'alme dedenz.l.1990 [l.1990] The three forces (vires) of the soul are described as follows in Lib. III of the Elucidarium of Honorius Augustodunensis, anima etiam habet tres vires, quae sunt rationalis, irascibilis, concupiscibilis, cf. Migne Pat. Lat. CLXXII, col. 1158. This may be compared with the passage from William of Conches, Hujus animae diversae sunt potentiae, scilicet Intelligentia, ratio, memoria, cf. De philosophia mundi libri quatuor (Migne Pat. Lat. CLXXII 98D).66
Ces set ausi cum par musike,
1992 Chescun a altre se joint e fiche;
Tant cum il sunt a un acord,l.1993 [l.1993] E t. cum s. [y] 66
Mar dutera nul humme la mort.l.1994 [l.1994] Ia mar d. h. [C] 66
Dunt humme est microcosme dit,
1996 Sulunc les Grius e lur escrit;l.1996 [l.1996] e] en [R C] 66
Microco[s]mus ço est mendre mund,l.1997 [l.1997] M. est li m. m. [y] 66
Page 66
Dunt cist nun tres bien nus sumundl.1998 [l.1998] om tres [y] 67
Ke li mund n'ad ren par feture,
2000 Ke humme n'ad en soi par figure;l.2000 [l.2000] ad] eit [y] 67
Dunt sa jointure est alsi riche
Cum est la celeste musike.l.2002 [l.2002] Cum la [y] 67 x [x] [Cap. LXXXIII]67
Entre la terre e la lune amunt
2004 Quinze mile liues bones sunt
Ove sis cenz e vint e cinc,
Si ke n'i falt ne point ne pinc.l.2006 [l.2006] ne f. [R D] 67l.2006 [l.2006] pinc. The word is still used in English to mean a small hole made in a garment for decorative purposes. The verb is to pink, in Middle English pinken.67
De la lune desque Mercurius
2008 Set mile liues ad de curs
E uit cenz e duze e demi;
D'iloc a Venus autresi.
D'iloc al solail liwes genz,
2012 Vint e trois mil e quatre cenz
E trente e sis liwes altresi;l.2013 [l.2013] .xxxvij. l. et demy a. [R] 67
Kis mesura ren n'i faili.l.2014 [l.2014] ne f. [R y] 67 [f.204c]
D'iloc a Mars sunt par arpenz
2016 Quinz mile liwes e sis cenz
E puis vint e cinc sanz falture;l.2017 [l.2017] The Migne text reads et triginta, which is an error for twenty-five, the number found consistently elsewhere.67
Kis mesura mult i mist cure.
D'iloc a Jovem de assensl.2019 [l.2019] de] est de [y] 67
2020 Set mile liues e uit cenz
E duze liwes en avant.l.2021 [l.2021] l.] l. et demy [R] 67
D'iloc a Saturne altretant,
E de Saturne al firmamentl.2023 [l.2023] De [R D] 67
2024 Vint e trois mil e quatre cent
E trente e sis liwes de acrés;l.2025 [l.2025] .xxxvij.l.et demy de [R] 67
Kis mesura ne fu pas malvés.l.2026 [l.2026] Ne is perhaps enclitic after mesura, but more probably pas should be omitted.67
Assumez ço tut en un fil,x [x] lacuna begins in R67
2028 Si averez cent e trente milL2028 [L2028] sic [CD] en [P] 67
Page 67
E trois cent e seisante e cincL2029 [L2029] sic [CD] cent [P] 68
Des liwes muntant en [eslink.]L2030 [L2030] sic [C] lacuna begins in [P] 68 [f.138d]
Mult estot estre pure e clerx [x] l. 1968l.2031 [l.2031] M. couent e. pruz e leger [D] 68
2032 L'alme que deit tant haut munter.l.2032 [l.2032] Ke si halt ueot m. [D] 68
Garde soi que carké ne soit
De fol tresor ne de mesfeit.l.2034 [l.2034] De auarice ne de autre leid [D] 68
Plus n'i pot li riche entrer le ciell.2035 [l.2035] r. munter al c. [D] 68
2036 Ke en l'agoille pot li camel;l.2036 [l.2036] Cf. Matt. 19, 24, Facilius est camelum per foramen acus transire, quam divitem intrare in regnum caelorum. See also Luke 18, 25 and Mark 10, 25. The article in l. 2035 may be intrusive, which would correct the syllable count. For i used redundantly as here, cf. l. 146.68
E li pecchanz est si pesantl.2037 [l.2037] li pecheur [D] 68
Ke il ne pot estre montant.l.2038 [l.2038] e. ben m. [D] 68
Ki tels dous riens porterat,l.2039 [l.2039] Ki de ci ren od sei p. [D] 68
2040 [Ensemble] od lui tut arderat.L2040 [L2040] sic [D] 68l.2040 [l.2040] Line 2039 as given in D (see variants) may be read as eight syllables by counting de as enclitic after Ki (cf. l. 2410), which would make lui in l. 2040 refer back to ren rather than to Ki, in which case we should expect soi.68
La voie est tant ardant e purel.2041 [l.2041] Le chemin est si & pur en sei ardant [D] 68
Que n'i passe nule pureture.l.2042 [l.2042] Ke nul ne p. por. portant [D] 68
Par repentir e par amender,l.2043 [l.2043] Mes pur r. e sei a. [D] 68
2044 Ki la va, se face leger.l.2044 [l.2044] Ne put il fere tut l. [D] 68
Par petit fes perist e falt
Ki porte e volt monter en haut.l.2046 [l.2046] porter ueolt e m. h. [D] 68l.2046 [l.2046] He who carries only a small burden and tries to mount aloft falters and perishes.68
Por ceo doit li riche doner,
2048 Kar il ne porra rens porter;
S'il ne done, a sei le tout,l.2049 [l.2049] sei meimes le [D] 68
E cel od tut qu'il aver volt.
Bon donor ne mort en poverte,l.2051 [l.2051] ne murra la en [D] 68 [f.139a]
2052 Kar del ciel ad la porte overte.
Li avers coilt e tuit en perte,
Kar en enfer est sa deserte;l.2054 [l.2054] all variants from D68
Kar ki ne pot en le ciel monter,l.2055 [l.2055] pust al c. [G] 68
2056 Si [l]'estot en enfer plunger.
Page 68
La ard le feu que fin n'ad mie
Ki ci enprist la lecherie,l.2058 [l.2058] There the fire without end burns him who, etc.69
E orgoil e sorquiderie,l.2059 [l.2059] om E [G] 69
2060 E hayne e coveitie,
E avarice e dure envie,l.2061 [l.2061] Dure a. e e. [G] 69
E mensoinges e glotonie.l.2062 [l.2062] om E [G] 69
N'est pecché grant ne petitl.2063 [l.2063] p si g. ne si p. [D] 69
2064 Ke la, sache, paine ne quit.l.2064 [l.2064] Ke en enfern ne art e q. [D] 69l.2064 [l.2064] paine ne quit. does not pain or burn, cf D.69
La est le verme de conscience,
[Ke tutdis mort e puint e tence;]l.2066 [l.2066] t. point e m. e blesce [G] 69
Tutdis point par remembrance,
2068 E mort par fole repentance,l.2068 [l.2068] text from D, not in C69
Ke totdis tence od soi meime,l.2069 [l.2069] om Ke [D G] 69l.2069 [l.2069] Ke totdis. Cf. l. 2066. The omission of ll. 2066-8 in C is clearly a case of haplography.69
Kar d'enfer ad deservi l'abime.
De ces dous l'escripture dist:
2072 'Lur feu n'estaint, verm ne desist.'l.2072 [l.2072] ne defist [D G] 69
Nostre feu n'est fors une ymage
Vers l'enfernal que ard a rage;l.2074 [l.2074] Cf. note to ll. 1423-4.69
Nostre fraid est cum chaud esté
2076 Vers cel ou pecchurs sunt pené,
Ki de un en altre sunt plungé,
Solun la forme del pecché.
L'escrit dist: 'Pecheur fet sun turL2079 [L2079] sic [D] pecche [CG] 69
2080 Del feu ardant en grant freidur.'l.2080 [l.2080] De [G] 69
[Le feu al freit est ajusté,]L2081 [L2081] sic [DG] not in [C] 69
Si n'est nul par autre atempré;l.2082 [l.2082] The alternation of extreme heat and cold in hell is not prominent in Holy Writ, although we can cite Job 24, 19, Transibunt ab aquis nivium ad calorem nimium. It is rather in mediaeval vision literature that this idea prevails, cf. the punishment of Judas as described in the Voyage of Saint Brendan (ed. Waters), 1397 ff. However these two forms of punishment had become standard in the orthodox Christian hell, cf. the Elucidarium of Honorius, Pat. Lat. CLXXII, col. 1159. It is of interest to note also that the list of punishments given by Honorius corresponds closely to the description of the infernal tortures found in our poem, except that the last, the fiery chains, is not mentioned. Cf. the references given by K. Warnke in his edition of the Espurgatoire (Halle 1938), p. xvi, n. 4.69
Le feu ard sanz doner luur,
2084 Dunt tutdis i ad tenebrur.l.2084 [l.2084] t. sunt en t. [G] 69
De debles i ad tel hidur,l.2085 [l.2085] E de [D] Des [G] 69
Tel brai, tel cri e tel haur,l.2086 [l.2086] h.] hydur [D] h.] horrur [G] 69
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Ke tonaire semble duz chantL2087 [L2087] sic [DG] Kar [C] 70l.2087 [l.2087] Ke. C reads Kar, which form occurs occasionally in this MS for ke, cf. l. 2904.70
2088 Vers lur noise orrible e grant.
Il reprochent as pechours
Lur mesfez e lour fols amors.l.2090 [l.2090] Lur peche e [D G] 70
Le deble nuli mesfeit ne ublie,
2092 Kar il entice e al fet guie.l.2092 [l.2092] il lentice al fet e g. [D] 70
Cest reprover est tant fort
Ke iloec melz volsist estre mort,
Kar cil del ciel e enfernalsl.2095 [l.2095] de ciel [G] 70 [f.139b]
2096 Touz tresveient les criminals;l.2096 [l.2096] Tuz pechez verrunt c. [G] 70
Les mals en acreis de lur mal,
Les bons a ben quant ne sunt tal.l.2098 [l.2098] The elect in heaven and the damned in hell can see each other. The suffering of the lost is intensified at the sight of the joys they have missed and the joy of the saved augmented by the sight of the torments they have escaped. The idea that heaven and hell are visible one to the other is illustrated by the parable of the rich man in hell, see Luke 16, 19-31. A passage similar to that in our text is found in the Elucidarium of Honorius, Pat. Lat. CLXXII, col. 1161, in which case the rich man is said to have been in the limbus.70
Trestut serrat iloques apert,
2100 Kantque confesse n'averad covertl.2100 [l.2100] Ke par confusiun nad descouert [D] 70
Par coragus repentement,
E par parfit amendement.
Unke ne fu ne ja n'ert home,L2103 [L2103] sic [DG] la uist [C] 70
2104 Ke des paines deist la summe,L2104 [L2104] sic [D] nissist une [C] peut penser la s. [G] see note [] 70l.2104 [l.2104] deist. The reading deit of D must be for deist since the subjunctive would necessarily follow the negative in l. 2103. C's reading nissist une is unintelligible.70
K'en enfer averont li suduiant,l.2105 [l.2105] Although averont counts as two syllables only, the line still has nine syllables. Possibly the article li is intrusive, but l. 2106 makes this appear improbable.70
Li endurci, li mescreant.
Ki si creire ne me voldra,
2108 Certes al suffrir me creira.
Proverbe dist que trop est tart
La main retraire quant ele art;l.2110 [l.2110] Morawski does not list this proverb, but has collected several others with the same moral; cf. J. Morawski Proverbes français antérieurs au XVe siècle (Paris 1925) p. 6.70
E a la fin est parhonizl.2111 [l.2111] om E [D G] 70
2112 Ki ainz ne vot estre garniz.l.2112 [l.2112] Cf. ll. 129-30.70
Melz vaut un bon conseil avant,
Ke aprés le colp ne funt dis tant.
Fols est qui en nul se asseure,l.2115 [l.2115] ke a ren se [D] 70l.2115 [l.2115] nul. Means anybody or somebody, cf. l. 2115.70
Page 70
2116 Chescun cumparra sa faulture;
Celui perist a mult grant dreitl.2117 [l.2117] a bon d. [G] 71
Ki tut se met en autri fait.l.2118 [l.2118] Who relies entirely on another's action for his salvation.71
Home dist bien, a la cort le rail.2119 [l.2119] b.] ke [G] 71
2120 Chescun respundera por sai.L2120 [L2120] sic [D] respunderai [C] respoyne [G] 71l.2120 [l.2120] Cf. Morawski op. cit. p. 2.71
Jhesu li juges est a dreit,l.2121 [l.2121] I. est iuges [D G] 71
Li rois qui tut set e veit;l.2122 [l.2122] e tut v. [G] 71
Il jugera totes homes nez
2124 Solun lor fes e voluntez.
Seint Jake dist: 'A Deu est mortl.2125 [l.2125] A] ke a [G] A] en [D] 71
Ki sun veisin het a son tort.'l.2126 [l.2126] a t. [D G] 71l.2126 [l.2126] I do not find this statement in the Epistle of St. James but in I John 3, 14 we read qui non diligit, manet in morte, and in 15 Omnia qui odit fratrem suum, homicida est.71
E nul [ne] deit autre hom hair,
2128 Ne mal voler en son desir.
Plusurs por male volenté,
Sanz plus fere, sunt dampné;l.2130 [l.2130] serunt d. [G] 71
Ki ses avols ben ne refraint,l.2131 [l.2131] sa uolente ne destreint [D] ses volers ne restreint [G] 71
2132 Vers Deu de malfait est ataint.
Home ne juge fors le fet,
Fort est juger que l'em ne veit;l.2134 [l.2134] est a iuger kom [D G] 71 [f.139c]
Mes ki veit trestut secrez
2136 Juge solun les volentez.
Dunc al pecheor esta mult fort,
Ki suratent desques a la mort;
Ses mals vendront susprisement,l.2139 [l.2139] s.] sudainement [G] s.] si priuement [D] 71
2140 Si l'estreindront tant durement
K'il ne purrat nul el penser,l.2141 [l.2141] p. rien p. [G] 71
Ne de ses pecchés remembrer;
E li malfez pur desturber
2144 Se peinent de l'enfantomerl.2144 [l.2144] text based on C71
Page 71
[f.205d]Par sunges, par avisiuns,x [x] PR resume, text based on P72l.2145 [l.2145] s. e par [y] 72
E par altres illusiuns,
Ke il ne put a el entendre,
2148 Ne cunfessiun parfeit rendre.
E dunc se mustrent enemis,
Ke einz se feintrent bons amis;
Tant li a[c]umblent ses mesfez,L2151 [L2151] sic [CG] acombrent [R] 72
2152 Tant les funt horribles e leiezl.2152 [l.2152] leiez. Scribal for leiz or laiz C. The second e is inorganic.72
Ke il le mettent en desespeir,
Ke il n'ert salvé par nul poeir;
Se il en tel point a sa fin va,l.2155 [l.2155] cel p. [C D] 72
2156 Ja mes d'enfer ne eschapera.
Pur ço fet bien ke en santé
Geist sun mal e sun peché,l.2158 [l.2158] Regeist [C D] Lest [G] 72
E dunc se peine de amender,
2160 Quant il ad poeir de pecher.
Ke a la mort prent cunfessiun,
Pecché li lest e il li nun;
Li fols, si il vivre plus quidast,
2164 De ses pechez point ne lessat;l.2164 [l.2164] om De [R D] 72
Pur ço serrat en grant destreit
Quant bien ne volt quant il poeit.l.2166 [l.2166] Volt is a preterite, cf. also l. 2200.72
E se il eit passé tut sun tens,
2168 Purrad il dunc en tant de tens
Remembrer bien en sun purpens
Tuz ses mesfez, tuz ses offens,l.2170 [l.2170] m. e ses [C D] 72 [f.206a]
Ke il ad fet tant lungement
2172 En dit, en fet, en talent?l.2172 [l.2172] fet e en [y] 72
Certes meint hume par ubliance
Sa alme met en grant grevance,
Dunt l'escrit dit ke pas n'est mu:
Page 72
2176 'Ke ne cunoist n'er[t] pas cunu.' l.2176 [l.2176] ne conut [R D G] 73
Deu ne cunoist nul pur salver,
Ke ne cunoist sun amender.
Ore soit ke il bien se cunoisse,l.2179 [l.2179] Cf. Matt. 10, 32-33, Omnis ergo qui confitebitur me coram hominibus, confitebor et ego eum coram Patre meo qui in caelis est. Qui autem negaverit me coram hominibus, negabo et ego eum coram Patre meo qui in caelis est. The author is using the verb cunoistre in two senses: first, to recognize or admit a fault, hence to confess; secondly, to acknowledge or accept the sinner's repentance.73
2180 Purra il dunc en tel anguisse
En un moment tut regeir?
U se il le dit, tut espenir,
Quantke ad einz fet [en] sa vie fole
2184 En fet, en penser, en parole?l.2184 [l.2184] p. e en [y] 73
Pur Deu amendum nostre vie!
Certes malfé nul mal ne ublie;
Nes tut le mendre penser
2188 Remembre il pur l'alme grever.
Si nul est ki se quide tel
Ke il seit digne munter al cel, l.2190 [l.2190] Ke d. soit m. [C] 73
Purvoie soi de quor parfund,
2192 Kar malfez sunt el eir amunt,
Ke rien ne funt fors espier
Les almes, ke il voient munter. L2194 [L2194] sic [] le [P] que [CDG] 73
Si ren i truvent de mesfet,
2196 Tantost la mettent en destroit, [f.206b]
E tenent en lur cumpaignie,
Desque ele eit trestut espenie,
Quantque cunfesse [e] repentir L2199 [L2199] sic [G] e not in [PR] par confes e par [C] 73
2200 Par bienfet ne volt ci cuverir.l.2200 [l.2200] Whatever confession and repentance, expressed in good works, were not willing to cover up here. Volt is a preterite and is singular agreeing with its nearest subject.73
Lasse! dolente creature
Ke Deu tant eime, tant honure l.2202 [l.2202] et t. h. [R y] 73
Ke nus forme a sa figure,
2204 E met sur tute creature!l.2204 [l.2204] met] mette [C] met] nus mist [G] met] eyme [D] 73
Tant par ad dever nus le quor tendre
Page 73
Ke hume devint e se suffri vendre;l.2206 [l.2206] Ke hom se fist e [y] 74
Flaelé fu e en croiz mis
2208 Pur parreindre nus cheitifs;
Puis releva de mort a viel.2209 [l.2209] a] en [R D G] 74
Pur acerter nostre folie,
K'en altre vie parvendrum,l.2211 [l.2211] K'] Kar [C G] 74
2212 U ja puis murrir ne purrum;
Veant les suns en cel munta,l.2213 [l.2213] en] el [G] en] al [D] en] le [R] 74
E par iço bien nus mustra,
Ke si nus sulunc li vivum,
2216 Par sa grace a li munterum.
Cheitifs dolenz! ke la frum,
Ke sa furme tut defurmum,
Ke sa vente ne li rendum,
2220 E sun achat par mal tolum,l.2220 [l.2220] mal lui t. [R C] 74
Ke despisum sa rançun,
E de sa mort plet ne tenum, [f.206c]
Ke de altre vie ne pensum,l.2223 [l.2223] del a. [C D] 74
2224 Ne de sun cel cure n'avum!
Cheitif, dolenz, maleurez!
Ou sunt noz senz e noz pensez!
Pur quoi sumes si estuné
2228 Ver li ke tut nus ad duné!
Il ne nus demande ren
For mal lesser e fere bien,l.2230 [l.2230] f. le bien [R C] 74
E ke nus li rendum s'ymage,
2232 Pur ki il out mortel damage;
D'argent n'ad cure, ne de or,
L'alme eime plus ke nul tresor;
Pur ço volt il ke nus vivum,
2236 Ke l'alme rendre a li pussuml.2236 [l.2236] om a [R C] 74
E a sun cel par li venir,
Page 74
E sa grant feste paremplir,
Ke nus seum si purs, si clers,
2240 Delivres de tuz encumbrers,l.2240 [l.2240] E d. [y] 75
Ke pussum bien a l'habitacle
Del cel venir sanz nul obstacle.l.2242 [l.2242] De [R y] 75 x [x] [Cap. LXXXIV]75
Mais quant del cel tuché avum,
2244 Droit est ke alkes en dium.
Le ciel est fuin par nature,l.2245 [l.2245] f.] fin [C D] 75
Sutil e rund en sa feiture;
Si est a terre ke set bas
2248 Cum a sun point si est cumpas;l.2248 [l.2248] si est] fet not in G le [y] 75 [f.206d]
Quant al cumpas le point poi valt,
Si fet la terre al cel en halt;l.2250 [l.2250] As the point centre is of little value to the circle cumpas, so is the earth insignificant in relation to the sky above.75
Quant la terre al cel est nient,l.2251 [l.2251] al c. la t. [y] 75
2252 Kar cel trestut le mund cumprent;l.2252 [l.2252] le ciel [C D] 75
Le point el cumpas set enmi,l.2253 [l.2253] el] al [C] el] en [G] 75
E terre est centre al cel alsi.
Il est tres bien cel apelé,
2256 Kar a tuz pecheurs est celé;
Purquant en latin celaturel.2257 [l.2257] Por quai en [C] 75
E en nostre franceis peinture,l.2258 [l.2258] Wherefore [it is called] celature in Latin and in our French tongue peinture.75
Kar des esteiles est depeint,
2260 Ki lumere ja n'ert esteint.
Il est rond veraiment,
Kar en chambre trestut s'estent;l.2262 [l.2262] en chambre. chambre (dial. cambre, Mod. Engl. camber) is the OF adjective derived from camurus, arched, vaulted.75
Tant par turne ignelement
2264 Ke nul fors Deu le veit ne entent.
Dous portes ad, si escrit ne ment,l.2265 [l.2265] See note to l. 153.75
L'une orient, l'altre occident;
A l'orient solail se leve,l.2267 [l.2267] o. le s. [y] 75
2268 A l'occident la nut le greve. x [x] [Cap. LXXXV]75
Quatre parties le cel ad,
Page 75
Le Griu climaz les apellad:
L'un ad nun oriental,
2272 L'altre est dist solsticial,
La terce ad nun occidental,
La quarte est apellé brumal. [f.207a] x [x] [Cap. LXXXVI]76
Ces cunctrés sunt espuns
2276 En cel grezeis par altres nuns:l.2276 [l.2276] om cel [C D] 76
Anathole dist orient,
E Disis redist occident,
Aracon est septemtriun,l.2279 [l.2279] Archon [C] Archos [D] 76l.2279 [l.2279] Aracon. The correct form is Arctos, cf. Archos in D.76
2280 Messimbria le su ad nun.
De ces quatre fu tresfurmé
Le nun Adam, e aurné;
La premere lettre pernez
2284 De chescun, e puis ensemblez,l.2284 [l.2284] assembletz [R y] 76
Si bien espeudre le savez,
Le nun. Adam i troverez.
Cest nun, ke del mund est estret,
2288 Mustre ke il pur home est fet,
E iço nun tres bien espunt
Ke home est droit le mendre mund.
Septemtriun iço nun al.2291 [l.2291] S. de ceo non [y] 76
2292 De .vii. esteiles que sunt la;
Trion, ke buf en griu ad nun,
Ot set, nume septemtriun. x [x] [Cap. LXXXVII]76
Le suverain cel est firmament,
2296 Kar entre eus mult fort s'estent;
I[l] reest tut rund en sa feture,l.2297 [l.2297] r.] est [R y] 76
E si reest ewus par nature;
Il reest des ewes composté,l.2299 [l.2299] Il est [y] 76
2300 Cum glace u cum cristal fermé.l.2300 [l.2300] f.] conferme [R] f.] formee [y] 76 [f.207b] x [x] [Cap. LXXXVIII]76
Dous poles el firmament sunt,
Page 76
Ke de polir numé sunt,l.2302 [l.2302] n.] si n. [C] 77
Kar il polisent si le ciel
2304 Ke il turne par eus tut uel.l.2304 [l.2304] tut ouel [R y] 77
En ces le cel turne sun vol,L2305 [L2305] sic [RCDG] uoil [P] 77l.2305 [l.2305] sun vol. The reading sun voil of P cannot be accepted as the orthography oi does not occur for open o. The scribe doubtless had in mind the phrase sun voil at will.77
Cum la ro fet en l'asol.l.2306 [l.2306] vol:asol. Cf. the rhyme fous:avels 2525. On these rhymes see Phonology, paragraphs 1 and 14.77 x [x] [Cap. LXXXIX]77
2307 Le cel est trestut esteilé,
2308 Me[s] pas ne veum la moité,
Kar del solail la grant luur,
Nus defent ver lur mireur;
Alsi fet la neire nue,l.2311 [l.2311] fet] cum f. [D G] fet] en f. [R] 77
2312 Ke de[l] solail tot la vue.L2312 [L2312] sic [RCDG] sa [P] 77
Si li cel ruvist al serain,
Bel tens demustre a l'endemain;l.2314 [l.2314] al demain [C] al matin [D] 77
E si al matin ruvist,
2316 Le jur sonz tempeste ne finist.l.2316 [l.2316] sonz. Cf. the same form in l. 2549 and repentonce in l. 2635. Prior claims that this orthography for anc is Kentish and represents the pronunciation on. He likewise considers as Kentish the orthography ie for e, of which several examples occur in MS P, cf. clier 1543, 2617 and 2697, and fieble 147 (see O. H. Prior Cambridge Anglo-Norman Texts pp. xxiii and 2). Since P is a Canterbury MS, Prior's opinion on this point seems justified.77 x [x] [Cap. XC]77
Tutes esteiles rundes sunt,
E le nature de feu unt;
Mais sul Deu set lur pousté,
2320 Lur curs, lur nuns, lut qualité,
Lur signes, lut liu[s], lur tens;
Poi en set checun humein sens.l.2322 [l.2322] set. The rejected form cest of P may be for sest with intrusive s before consonant, cf. M. K. Pope From Latin to Modern French sec. 1282.77
Li sages quis espigucerent,L2323 [L2323] sic [G] les [P] qui les [C] qui; e. CGR] espierent P [R] see note [] 77l.2323 [l.2323] espigucerent. Cf. espigucer 2431 RC. The scribe of P wrote this form but the corrector struck out -gucerent and wrote -erent above, i.e. espierent. The only other known example of this verb is in the Resurrection Play, cf. the edition by Jean G. Wright (Paris 1931) 323. The etymon of the word is unknown, but its form and meaning suggest that it belongs to the same word family as the English spigot, spike, etc.77
2324 E tant cum l'um set, controverent,
Lur nun[s] de bestes lur donerent,L2325 [L2325] sic [CGR] 77
E de homes ke jadis erent,l.2326 [l.2326] des [R y] 77 [f.207c]
Ke l'em puse le meus saver
2328 Lur lius, lur curs, lur poer.l.2328 [l.2328] e lot p. [y] 77 x [x] [Cap. XCI]77
Enz e[n] miliu del firmamentl.2329 [l.2329] Eynz [R G] 77
Sunt duze signes veroiement,
Page 77
Ke i sunt en travers tresposez,l.2331 [l.2331] om i [R y] 78
2332 E uelement bien destinctez.
Iceste dispositiun
Le sodiac en griu numum;
Ço est signifer en latin,
2336 Kar les signes porte sanz fin.
Les signes de bestes unt nuns,l.2337 [l.2337] des [R D] 78
E nus sodiun bestes numuns;l.2338 [l.2338] sodiun. The reading of RG is zodyn(s) and of C zodin, which is apparently the OF original. The form zodin occurs in the earliest edition, that of 1477. Migne gives the Greek form ζῶον.78
Par fables furent cuntruvé
2340 Les nuns ke sunt a els doné;
Mes jo voil les fables lesser,
Kar eles ne funt fors encumbrer;
E del nun ke je troverai,
2344 La signefiance vus dirai.l.2344 [l.2344] The author rejects the legendary origins of the signs of the zodiac as recorded in the Imago mundi on the ground that fables are a useless encumbrance and announces that he is going to substitute his own explanations. Nevertheless the explanations are all taken from the Imago mundi, where they follow the mention of the classical legends which served as sources of the names.78 x [x] [Cap. XCII]78
La premere signe Mutun est,
Ke plusur esteilles revest;L2346 [L2346] sic [RD] renest [PC] 78
E par ce est signefié,
2348 Si cum le mutun tut l'esté
Se cuche sur sun costé destre,l.2349 [l.2349] P's reading Si may be merely a scribal slip caused by the Si in l. 2348, or it may be for S'i, but it is also possible that the scribe of P wrote si for se, cf. l. 2580 where I have read s'i but where se would be expected, and ci in l. 2524 which could represent si < sic, but also si for se. Since ki occurs for ke (cf. note to l. 2094), si may stand for se, and perhaps also ni for ne, cf. n'i in ll. 146 and 2035. Another possibility is that si stands for sei. Reduction of tonic ei to i is attested in P, cf. note to l. 648, but no examples occur in final position.78
E tut l'iver sur sun senestre,
Si fet li solail quant la vient,
2352 E suz le Mutun sun curs tientl.2352 [l.2352] suz] sur [R C] suz] for [D] 78 [f.207d]
Del cel ver la destre partie,l.2353 [l.2353] De [R C D] 78
E sun curs a sa chalur guie. x [x] [Cap. XCIII]78
Le secunde signe est Tor numé,
2356 E par tant est signifié
Ke quant li solail cel signe use,l.2357 [l.2357] Ke] Kar [C] om Ke [D G] 78
Ses chauz alsi cum corns aguse,
E si refet le terre arable:
2360 Meus vaut cest cens ke fole fable. x [x] [Cap. XCIV]78
Le terce signe Gimels ad nun,
Page 78
Si ad significaciun,l.2362 [l.2362] ad tele s. [D G] 79
Ke les jurs en lui plus luns sunt
2364 Ke es altre mes [que de]vant vunt.l.2364 [l.2364] It appears that the author misunderstood the Latin text which reads quia sol sub hoc signo duobus diebus amplius quam sub aliis moratur.79 x [x] [Cap. XCV]79
Le .iiii. signe Cancre ad nun
Par tele significaciun:l.2366 [l.2366] cele [R] icele [D G] 79
Si cum crabe vet a reburs,
2368 Si turne en li le solail sun curs.l.2368 [l.2368] solail. Cf. note to l. 224.79 x [x] [Cap. XCVI]79
Le .v. signe a nun Liun
Par itele significatiun:
Le leuns est en sa feture
2372 Par devant de chaude nature,
E si est freide en sun derere;
Li solail i est en tele manerel.2374 [l.2374] i est] reest [R] i est] est [y] 79
En icel signe quant il [e]n ist,
2376 Primes enchaufe, pus ten[v]ist.L2376 [L2376] sic [RC] tenist [PG] 79 x [x] [Cap. XCVII]79
Le sime signe Virgo ad nun
Par itele significatiun: [f.208a]
La virgine ne consoit mie
2380 Ne terre adunc ne fructifie.l.2380 [l.2380] la t. [y] 79 x [x] [Cap. XCVIII]79
Le .vii. est Libre veirement
Par itele signefiement:
Si cum la peisse uel balance,
2384 Ne l'un ne retret ne l'altre avance,l.2384 [l.2384] un r. [R C D] 79l.2384 [l.2384] Just as the balance swings evenly, and neither side is above or below the other, so . . .79
Si sunt nuit e jur parigal,L2385 [L2385] sic [RCDG] cum [P] 79
Kar il est equinoxial.l.2386 [l.2386] est] est donc [C D] est] donqe est [R G] 79 x [x] [Cap. XCIX]79
Le .viii. [signe] est Scorpiun, L2387 [L2387] sic [RCDG] 79
2388 Beste mult puinant e felun,l.2388 [l.2388] Sest [C] Ceste [D] 79
E signefie en sun tensl.2389 [l.2389] en] qe en [R C] en] ke a [D] en] bien [G] 79
Sunt grisil, pluies e turmens. x [x] [Cap. CI]79
Le .ix. signe est Capricorne,
Page 79
2392 Pur le solail ke dunt est borne,
Kar dunc comence a monte[r],
Si cum chevre [solt] mu[n]z haunte[r].L2394 [L2394] sic [CGR] soleit [D] 80 x [x] [Cap. C]80
Le .x. signe est Sagitrarie,
2396 Par pluie e grisil e gel fere.l.2396 [l.2396] The OF reverses the correct order of the ninth and tenth signs: Sagittarius should come first, then Capricornus, as in the Imago mundi.80 x [x] [Cap. CII]80
Le .xi. ad nun Aquarius, l.2397 [l.2397] ad] signe ad [R G] 80
Pur ce ke il est trestut pluius;
Les nues sunt dunc desliés,L2399 [L2399] sic [RCDG] nuns [P] 80l.2399 [l.2399] For Migne's solutis nivibus read solutis nubibus.80
2400 Dunt les ewes sunt plus versés.l.2400 [l.2400] plus] plues [R] plus] pluies [D] plus] par lues [C] 80 x [x] [Cap. CIII]80
Le .xii. signe est Pessuns,
Feveres fet, ewes e glasçuns. x [x] [Cap. CIV]80
Set esteilles autres resunt, l.2403 [l.2403] r.] sunt [y] 80
2404 Ke grant pluies e ewes funt; [f.208b]
Pur ço sont apellé Hiades,L2405 [L2405] sic [CR] aidas [P] pliatas [D] Iuades [G] 80
Kar en lur tens plut il adés.l.2406 [l.2406] om il [y] 80
Ce ke il dient hii en gregés
2408 Nus apellum pluie en franceis. x [x] [Cap. CV]80
Pliades esteiles resunt,
Ke de pluralité lur nun unt;l.2410 [l.2410] p.] plusurs [D] 80
Kar ço ke est pliron en grezeis,l.2411 [l.2411] Ke tant dist plurin en g. [D] 80
2412 Est plusurs en nostre franceis.l.2412 [l.2412] Tant cum p. en f [D] 80
Altres esteiles sunt plusurs,
Dunt l'em set les lius e les curs,
E les nuns e lur poustés,l.2415 [l.2415] lur] les [C G] 80
2416 Mais jo m'en terrai de grez,
Cel començail est fol e gref,
Ke ne pout trere a nul bon chef;l.2418 [l.2418] a bon [R G] 80
N'est merveille si a ennui turtL2419 [L2419] sic [RC] est [P] en; t. RD] curt P [D] crut [C] 80
2420 Chose dunt sens ne pru surt,l.2420 [l.2420] pru ne curt [D] 80
Page 80
E quel pru est oir la ren
Ke l'em ne put entendre bien!
Ke bien out sanz bien aprendre,
2424 Od le asne seit a l'arpe entendre.l.2424 [l.2424] Compare Li Cumpoz 143-4, Si i pot esculter Cum l'asnes al harper. See also Romania XXXVII (1908) 220 f.81
Ke vaut de oir de astronomie
Ke l'astrologe nen ad mie!
Bel dire sanz tuz biens mustrer
2428 Fet le musard plus musarder;
Dunt li sages sun fiz chastie:
'Gardez ke vus ne prenge miel.2430 [l.2430] p.] pernez [R] p.] penez [C] p.] mesprenez [D] 81l.2430 [l.2430] Beware that the desire does not seize you to, etc. The construction is impersonal but the vus has led the scribes to change the verb form. The impersonal construction is regularly followed by de (cf. l. 2431), whereas if the construction were se prendre meaning to begin it should be followed by a.81 [f.208c]
De espigucer lé Dez secrez,L2431 [L2431] sic [RC] cunter [P] pincer [D] 81
2432 Ne ke soit le cels esteillez.'L2432 [L2432] sic [CDR] est celes [P] 81
Suvent celi ke vult tut saver,l.2433 [l.2433] tot uolt [y] 81
Tut pert quant voit sun nunpoer.
De chose ke pert tut a nuel.2435 [l.2435] a veue [R C] 81l.2435 [l.2435] a nue. P alone reads nue against veue RC which is probably correct inasmuch as P's reading, being adverbial, should be a nu, an attested phrase.81
2436 Put l'um dire resun sue?L2436 [L2436] sic [] Pur [P] Peut [R] Pot [C] 81
Lessum a Deu sé privestez,
Tant [cum] il nus deigne mustre[r] assez.L2438 [L2438] sic [] see note [] 81l.2438 [l.2438] cum. Written in the margin by corrector. The scansion of the line indicates that qu'il (R has qe il, D rewrites, and the line is wanting in CG) is the correct reading and that deigne is scribal for deint (< dignet), cf. note to l. 164.81 x [x] [Cap. CXXXVI]81
Galaras est une zone, l.2439 [l.2439] Galaxas [C] 81
2440 Ke tant est cler, blanche e bone,
E tut parmi le cel s'en vad,l.2441 [l.2441] tut] treis [R D] tut] dreit [D] 81
E il tel non de dux leit ad;l.2442 [l.2442] Et cel [R] E icel [C] Icel [D] Itel [G] 81
Leit est blanc e galac est leit,l.2443 [l.2443] galac est leit. This information is in the Imago mundi (Cap. XXVIII) in another connection: Gallia a candore populi dicitur, gala enim lac dicitur; cf. the edition l. 1127.81
2444 Dunt tele zone tel nun tret.l.2444 [l.2444] ceste z. [R] cel z. [y] 81
Les esteiles sa clarté funt,
Kar ele a checun respunt.l.2446 [l.2446] respunt. The Latin text reads quia omnes stellae fundunt in eam sua lumina, consequently the verb respunt must mean responds to or reflects the light of the stars. In the Divisiones mundi 506 respunt translates the Latin reflectit turns back (of a horn), cf. Prior op. cit. p. 50.81 x [x] [Cap. CXXXVII]81
En ceste zone par fieesL2447 [L2447] sic [RCDG] cestes [P] 81
2448 Ver le nort perent cometes lees,L2448 [L2448] sic [CDG] cummectees [P] cometeles [R] 81l.2448 [l.2448] cometes lees. Cummectees of P is an unattested form invented apparently by the scribe to give a rhyme with fiees. R's reading cometeles would have to be interpreted as cometelees to give a rhyme, which is also inadmissible. These forms seem to be corruptions of cometes lees, the reading of CDG. The adjective lees broad (referring to the tails of the comets?) appears in the line solely in order to provide the rhyme with fiees, but it seems preferable to admit the reading rather than accept the doubtful forms of P or R. The syllable count is no objection since cometes may be read as disyllabic before lees if we do not count the atonic e of -es; cf. note to l. 763.81
Unes esteilles mul[t] gremues,l.2449 [l.2449] g.] cremues [D G R] g.] tenues [C] 81l.2449 [l.2449] gremues. The normal form is cremues as given by DGR. Conversely grasse in l. 267 was written crasse in MS C.81
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E de mult flambans raiz kernues;
Change de regne signefient,
2452 U pestilence u guerre dient,
U granz vens u granz floz de mer
Garniz est k'en set penser.
Set jurs perent, uitante al plus;L2455 [L2455] sic [] see note [] 82l.2455 [l.2455] uitante. The Latin text reads cernuntur autem septem diebus, si diutius, octoginta. The readings of the MSS are de tante P, de tant R, ou .viij. C, ou vint D, v vyt G. P has preserved the -tante and C has .viij. supported by vyt in G. I have therefore restored the word uitante which must have stood in the original.82
2456 De nus garnir est Deus gelus. [f.208d] x [x] [Cap. CXXXVIII]82
Amont iço grant firmament
E tut sun avironement,
Sunt unes ewes suspendues,
2460 Alci cum niule est en ces nues,
Ke le cel cloent tut envirun,l.2461 [l.2461] clorent [C] 82
Si unt le cel ewin a nun.L2462 [L2462] sic [RCG] sunt; Icel cel e. ad nun D [P] 82l.2462 [l.2462] unt. The Latin reads unde et aqueum coelum dicitur. Thus it appears that Si unt translates unde et. The scribes seem to have understood unt as a verb despite the fact that cel is necessarily singular, since they all write a nun except D who wrote ad nun. This mistake is facilitated by the fact that aveir a nun is used alongside aveir nun in our text.82 x [x] [Cap. CXXXIX]82
Seur li est cel espirital,
2464 Ke n'est coneu de home mortal;
Li angle sunt la enz maina[n]t,
Ke a tutdis unt joie grant;l.2466 [l.2466] B begins [B] 82
La resunt les almes as seinz,l.2467 [l.2467] r.] sunt [R D] 82
2468 Ke [a Deu] servir ne furent feinz.
Icel cel fu primes criez,l.2469 [l.2469] Icest [C B R] 82
E ove la terre purtreitez. x [x] [Cap. CXL]82
Outre cesti, bien loinz de la,
2472 Est un grant cel ke fin nen a;
Il est numé cel des cels,
U maint li rai des angles, Deus. x [x] Latin text ends82
La maint li rai trestut pussant,
2476 Liu nel tent, si est tut tenant,
[Tut feit, tut veit, tut governe, ]l.2477 [l.2477] et tut g. [R] 82
Et liu ne tient ne liu ne cerne;l.2478 [l.2478] liu . . . . liu. The reading of C (the text is based on C at this point) in both cases is lui, but I have altered it to liu to conform to the orthography of P which is consistent for this word. The MSS offer both liu and lui, none of them being entirely consistent except P. For a discussion of lui for liu see Menger Anglo-Norman Dialect p. 77.82
Il est par tut mes puissalment,l.2479 [l.2479] om mes [R D G] 82
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2480 E nul liu nel tient nel comprent;l.2480 [l.2480] not in P, text from C83
Par [tut] est tut e liu nel tient,L2481 [L2481] sic [RCDGB] 83
Rien nel tent e il tut maintent;
Dunt l'escripture [de lui dist,]L2483 [L2483] sic [] 83
2484 K'il escrit par seinte espirit:l.2484 [l.2484] par le s. [R C G] 83l.2484 [l.2484] P has but one line, the words in square brackets having been lost by internal haplography. P, noticing the missing rhyme, left a space, which proves that the error was already in his original. The text has been restored from RC.83
Il est plus haut ke le cel amunt,
E ke abisme plus parfunt;l.2486 [l.2486] a.] lab. [G B] 83 [f.209a]
Plus est lung ke la mer s'e[s]tent,L2487 [L2487] sic [RCDGB] se tent [P] 83
2488 E plus est lé ke terre ne tent,
Kar i[l] put tut, tut voit, tut o[t],L2489 [L2489] sic [CDGBR] o tut preceding tut uoit [P] 83
E tut le mund en sure poin clost;
Tut est el mund e tut est dehors,l.2491 [l.2491] om e [D G B] 83
2492 Mais ne[l] cumprent ne liu ne cors;L2492 [L2492] sic [RCB] ne [PG] ne li [D] 83
El mund est tut e tut ensus,
E tut a lez e tut dejus;l.2494 [l.2494] a] de [C G] a] as [B] 83
Il est desus tut pusant,
2496 Il est desuz [tut] sustenant,L2496 [L2496] sic [CDGBR] deus; tut RCG] trestut DB [P] 83
Il est dedens pur tut tenir,
Il est dehors pur tut garnir;
Par les costés trestut cuntent,
2500 E par l'environ trestut maintent;l.2500 [l.2500] t.] tut [y] 83
Mes i[l] n'e[st] pas confus deors,L2501 [L2501] sic [CDGB] cum feu [P] compris [R] 83
Ne c[u]mpris enz en mundain cors,L2502 [L2502] sic [CB] einz [PR] not in [DG] 83
Ne gre[vé] par sun sustenirs,L2503 [L2503] sic [RCDGB] 83
2504 Ne esquis par sun haut empirs,L2504 [L2504] sic [] see note [] 83
Ne enhaucé par l'amunter,l.2505 [l.2505] l'a.] le m. [R C] l'a.] sun m. [D G] 83
Ne abessié par l'avaler.
Il n'ert ja plus haut ne plus bas,
Page 83
2508 Kar il est tutdis en un cas;
Sanz labur est a governer,l.2509 [l.2509] est al g. [R C B] est gouernor [D G] 84
E sanz travail a tut ovrer;
Tut fet, tut tent, tut aurne,
2512 E[n] peis est quant tut vait e turne; [f.209b]
Quanque fu e est e serat,
Tut a fet e tut defrat;
Quanque est ver lui ne est plus pussant
2516 Ke une gutette en raim pendant.
Que quide dunc li faucener!
Quei en ert quant il se vult venger!l.2518 [l.2518] Ken ert [C D B] 84
Cura ert, quidez, l'alme anguisuse
2520 Ke tute creature encuse!
Kar tute ren l'encusera,L2521 [L2521] sic [CDBR] encurcera [P] anuira [G] 84
Ke al pecher einceis l'eida.l.2522 [l.2522] al] a [R C D G] 84
L'escrit dit ke tut le mund tendral.2523 [l.2523] L'escrit. The scribe of P wrote Hele crist and the corrector struck out hele. L'escrit is found in all the other MSS.84
2524 O Deu, e ci cumbateral.2524 [l.2524] e ci] si [R] e ci] e se [C] e ci] e [D] e ci] si s'enc. [G] 84
Cuntre les pecheurs e les fous,l.2525 [l.2525] Cf. Job 20, 27, Revelabunt coeli iniquitatem illorum, et terra adversus eos consurget, cf. also Sap. 5, 21.84
Ke le guerpirent pur lur avels.l.2526 [l.2526] Ki deu g. [C D] 84l.2526 [l.2526] fous:avels. Cf. note to ll. 2305-6.84
La terre tute l'encusera,l.2527 [l.2527] tute] fort [y] 84
2528 Ke la vitaile li trova;
E lé rechesses tut ensement,
Ke il despendi folement;l.2530 [l.2530] d. si f. [C B] 84
La mer, les ewes altresi
2532 L'e[n]cuserunt tut a un cri,
K'i[l] enbut [si s'en lava],L2533 [L2533] sic [] see note [] 84l.2533 [l.2533] si s'en lava. The end of the line is blank in P. The readings of the MSS are: et bust aussi R, si lui lava C, e sa seif estancha D, si sen leua G, et il sen laua B.84
E pur plus pecher se ascema;L2534 [L2534] sic [CDGBR] pechez [P] 84
E l'eir par unt il espira,
2536 E le feu ke li treschaufa,
Page 84
E le solail ke l'aluma,
E la nout ke le mal cela, [f.209c]
Trestute dirrunt la vie fole,l.2539 [l.2539] la] sa [C D B] 85
2540 Kar tute ren a Deu parole.
Le cheitif pecheor ke fra
Quant tut le mund l'encusera?
Quant le mund [li] mut bataile,L2543 [L2543] sic [RCDGB] 85
2544 Ke fra dunc une ventaile?l.2544 [l.2544] ventaille. Cf. the variant nentaille of B. The meaning is a light object which cannot resist the wind, the ending -aille serving to indicate something of little value. Ventaille is probably the same word as ventail cited by Cotsgrave meaning a childish toy or whirligig of paper on the end of a stick.85
Certes nent est home en verité,l.2545 [l.2545] om Certes [R G] 85
Kar a nient tret par sun peché;
Nient est pur voir ke par foliel.2547 [l.2547] ke] quant [R G] 85
2548 Pert Deu e la durable vie;l.2548 [l.2548] la pard. [C G] 85
Nient est a tutdis sonz resort,
Ke desert pardurable mort;l.2550 [l.2550] p.] la p. [C G] p.] la dur. [R B] 85
Nient est kar sur tute rien
2552 Tuz mauz averat ne ja nul bien.l.2552 [l.2552] ne] et [R G B] 85
Tute rien est pur home fet,
Ke il en face en Deu sun esplet.
Quant il ad tut sun estover,
2556 E ren est areré pur voir,l.2556 [l.2556] arere] a dire [R G] arere] dire [B] 85l.2556 [l.2556] areré. The verb arerer for arrierer is attested for England only, where it became a legal term, cf. the Modern English arrears. We could also read arere, but the verb is stronger in meaning and fits the context perfectly.85
E idunc de celi retret,
Ke sanz deserte tut li fet,
Et sert [de] quer sun enemiL2559 [L2559] sic [RCB] 85
2560 O le tresor k'il ad de li,L2560 [L2560] sic [BCGR] ki il [P] 85
N'est bien droit ke i[l] seit aneinti,L2561 [L2561] sic [RCB] Ne croit [P] Nest d. [G] 85
Robbé, perdu e tut peri?
Sertes si est il vereiment
2564 Si par tens ne se repent,l.2564 [l.2564] Sil [C B R] 85 [f.209d]
E la perte trestute rent
A li ke li dona bonement.l.2566 [l.2566] li d.] le d. [R G B] 85
Page 85
Ore seit ke tut leel rendu a,
2568 Soi memes coment rendra?
Home n'e[st] pas sa creature,
Mes Deu ymage e Deu feture.
Quant [Deu] ymage ad defurmé,L2571 [L2571] sic [CGBR] 86
2572 E fet ymage al maluré,l.2572 [l.2572] lym. [C G B] 86
Coment pora tut cest deferel.2573 [l.2573] p. il tut [C B R] 86
E sei a sun fetur retrere?L2574 [L2574] sic [RCB] recrere [P] 86
Si li feturs tel [le] resceit,L2575 [L2575] sic [CDBR] 86
2576 A maluré tort e force feit;l.2576 [l.2576] Al malfe [R y] 86
E Deu ne veut nule torture,
[Mes] justice, pes e dreiture.L2578 [L2578] sic [RCGB] 86
Coment sera dunc raentL2579 [L2579] sic [CGR] creant [P] rent [B] 86
2580 Ke s'i ad vendu folement?l.2580 [l.2580] si] se [C] si] sei [G] si] si li [B] 86
La rançun est fort e[n] voir,L2581 [L2581] sic [RGB] por [C] 86
Mal[f]é vut tut le sen avoir,
Li faiters vut tut les sun prendre,
2584 Certes fort est tut a tuz rendre;
Chescun voudra aver le sen,
Ci[l] le pecheor, Deu le bon,
Kar tel l'estut a Deu venir
2588 Cum il le fit a sun pleisir;
E la seinte escripture dit:
'Les Deu overaines sunt parfit, [f.210a]
E Deu vit quantke il avoit fet,
2592 E tute rien tres bon estait.'l.2592 [l.2592] Cf. Gen. 1, 31 and Ecclus. 39, 21.86
E le pecheur, s'il se retrait
Del malfé par alcun aguait,
Cument ja mes surdre pura
2596 Al grant bien ke Deu li duna?
Cument serra grant feu esteint!
Page 86
Poet fort pecheur estre bon seint!
Oil certes, se il se refraint,L2599 [L2599] sic [CB] restraint [P] restraint [RG] 87
2600 E sun cors de tuz maus restraint,
E sun quor a tuz biens enpaint,
E [ses] maus parfitement plaint,
E hunte par confession vaint,
2604 E en tuz biens estable maint.
Deus est tant pius, tant dreiturer
Ke il le pecheur vult justifier,l.2606 [l.2606] iustiser [R C B] 87
Quant vult a merci repairer,
2608 E ses maus gehir e lesser,
E par tuz bienfez eslaver,l.2609 [l.2609] e.] resl. [C] e.] eux l. [R] e.] eshaucer [B] 87
Par uveraines e par geuner,l.2610 [l.2610] u. ] oreisons [y] 87
Par afflictiuns, par esveiller,l.2611 [l.2611] a. et par veiller [R C G] 87
2612 Par almones e par plurer.
E ne fet tort a l'adverser,l.2613 [l.2613] The subject of fet is Deus from l. 2605; also in l. 2615 il refers to God. In l. 2614 quil trei means who betrayed him (the sinner).87
Quil trei par sun losenger,
Kar il le criat tut premer,
2616 E deigna en croiz achater; [f.210b]
En erres mist sun sanc tant clier.
Ki primes poeit rien enerrer,
Par asise le doit porter.l.2619 [l.2619] le] lem [C B] 87
2620 Tut ce ne fit pas l'averser,
Einz trahit tuz par enticer;
Par bien promettre sanz rien doner,
Perdre deit quant[ke] il pout gainer:l.2623 [l.2623] pout. Perhaps a preterite, but the other MSS have present forms.87
2624 Tresun doit en soi repairer.L2624 [L2624] sic [RCB] reperirer [P] reperier [G] 87
Pur ce fet bien li pecheur,
Quant let sé mals e sa folur;
E reveint a son creatur,
2628 Ke le sufre e atent checun jur,
Page 87
E rapele par grant doucur,
E puis receit par tel amurl.2630 [l.2630] puis] pus le [C G B] 88
Ke tut pardone sa haur,
2632 E defe[n]t ver le traitur,L2632 [L2632] sic [CGBR] creatur [P] 88
E de cel li promet le sujur;
Mes k'il suffre ci un pou d'e[s]tur,
En repentonce, en doul, en plur,l.2635 [l.2635] d. et en [R B] 88
2636 Pur eslaver sa grant pour,L2636 [L2636] sic [RCGB] si auer si [P] 88
E sei getter de la tristur,
Ke out apresté son faus seinur.L2638 [L2638] sic [CGBR] Ki [P] 88
E Deu! cum cil grant joie averunt,L2639 [L2639] sic [CGBR] auera e amur [P] 88
2640 Quant il ad cel la sus serunt,l.2640 [l.2640] ad] al [R] ad] el [C B] ad] v [G] 88
Ke si bien se repenterunt,
E par confesse se ellaverunt,l.2642 [l.2642] se laueront [C B] 88 [f.210c]
E par benfés se amenderunt,
2644 Establement se tendrunt,l.2644 [l.2644] Et e. [R C B] 88
E pus en maus ne recharrunt!L2645 [L2645] sic [CBR] tuz m. enchacerunt [P] de m. se retrerunt [G] 88
Les chais Deu het e confunt,
E les estables tent amunt,
2648 E tret de [cest] cecle parfunt,L2648 [L2648] sic [CB] ceo [R] 88
E met la u ses angles sunt;
E ja mes pus mal ne sentirunt,l.2650 [l.2650] om E [y] 88
Mes en joie tutdis meinderunt,
2652 E ad duz chant respunderunt,l.2652 [l.2652] ad] al [y] 88
Ke li angle lur chanterunt;
Ke de salu mult lé serrunt,
Plus ke ne dirrait humme el mund,
2656 Kar tant plus lur ajoiruntl.2656 [l.2656] lur] lui [R] lur] lees [G B] 88l.2656 [l.2656] lur ajoirunt. Will rejoice over them. Ajoirunt (cf. also ajoie 2661) is for esjoirunt. This construction with the dative is cited by Godefroy from the Cambridge Psalter.88
Cum de plus fort eschapé serrunt;l.2657 [l.2657] sunt [R y] 88
Page 88
E il meimes Deu plus loerunt
Ke enprés granz mals granz joies unt,
2660 E ke nul mal mes ne sumunt.l.2660 [l.2660] ne] nes [R] ne] les [C] 89l.2660 [l.2660] ne. nes of R is the correct reading, cf. les in C.89
Deu! cum cele alme ert ajoie,
E honuree et mult cherie,
Ke ci fu bien espenie,l.2663 [l.2663] tresbien [C B] 89
2664 E de tuz pechez furbie!
Kar la averat la manauntie,
Dunt ja ne finerat la vie
En cele duce melodie,
2668 Ke li seint angle fort escrie, [f.210d]
Od sa tres chere cumpaignie,l.2669 [l.2669] Od la t. [G B] 89
Ke tant est bele e esclarie,l.2670 [l.2670] esclarcie [y] 89
Ke nis penser ne put l'um mie.
2672 Dex! tant mar fet ke s'en ubliel.2672 [l.2672] fet] fu [y] 89
Pur glorie ke tost est finie!
Ço est ceste tant feble vie,l.2674 [l.2674] om tant [C G] 89
Ki joie est de tuz mals emplie.L2675 [L2675] sic [CBR] Ke [PG] 89
2676 Et ki de amer ad cuvaitie,
Dame u pucele eschevie,l.2677 [l.2677] escherie [B] cherie [C] 89
La est la bele cumpainie,
Ke suit la mer Crist, Marie,
2680 De tutes buntez aducie,
De tutes beutez bien flurie;
La mains vaillante ke la se guie,
Valt plus ke terre d'or emplie.
2684 La purrez choisir bele amie,
Quele ke vodrez sanz envie;l.2685 [l.2685] La q. [C G] 89
Ja de altre ne avrez gelusie,
Kar tutes sunt cum une amie,
2688 E lur amur tuz mais defie,
Page 89
Ke sa amur en teles enplie,
Bor nasquit, ja n'ert fenie.l.2690 [l.2690] n. kar ia [C B] 90
E lur voiz par est tant serie,l.2691 [l.2691] t. par est [R y] 90
2692 E tant duce lur melodie,
Ne dirrait humme ke seit en vie.l.2693 [l.2693] On this idea of heavenly mistresses see the discussion in the Introduction, pp. lv, lvi.90
La est pucelage cherie, [f.211a]
Ke ci se tint sanz cuveitie,l.2695 [l.2695] tient [R y] 90l.2695 [l.2695] tint. Perhaps for tient the present, which is found in all the other MSS; cf. note to l. 1223.90
2696 Humblement, sanz surquiderie,
Plus bele e plus cliere en sa bailliel.2697 [l.2697] b. e p. c. en] c. est [R] b. e p. c. en] bel e c. est en [C] b. e p. c. en] est b. [G] b. e p. c. en] b. est et c. [B] 90
Ke n'est solail en sa maistrie;l.2698 [l.2698] s.] li s. [C R] 90
E si chantent par tele baldie
2700 Ke altres lur chant ne dient mie;
Kar aime ki char n'est blemie,L2701 [L2701] sic [CR] ki de [PG] si [B] 90l.2701 [l.2701] ki char. PG read ki de char. The passage is devoted to extolling virginity, which proves that this line must mean For the soul whose flesh is not blemished, i.e. is virgin.90
Mult pres costeie al fiz Marie.l.2702 [l.2702] costeie. See note to l. 907.90
Deu! tant bor fut ci espenieL2703 [L2703] sic [RCB] bon [P] bien [G] 90
2704 Ke vient a tele cumpaignie!l.2704 [l.2704] cele [R y] 90
Iloc reest espousaile asise,l.2705 [l.2705] r.] est [R C G] 90l.2705 [l.2705] Marriages are there renewed which here, etc.90
Ke ci ne fu de mal esprise,
Ne ne mesprist e[n] nule guise
2708 Cuntre lai de seinte eglise,l.2708 [l.2708] C. la lei [R C B] 90
Einz se tint en redde justice;l.2709 [l.2709] tient [R y] 90
E se li fut unc de rien mesprise,l.2710 [l.2710] li] ele [y] 90l.2710 [l.2710] The line is difficult, but as written in PR meprise appears to be a substantive and the line would mean and if ever a misdeed of any sort were [imputed] to it. In y ele replaces li, in which case we should have to translate If ever it (espousaile) were guilty of any transgression. In either case the line appears to be hypermetrical.90
Sei memes juga par devise,l.2711 [l.2711] iugera [C G] 90
2712 E si en trait peine [e] juise,
Durit tutdis est en joie mise;
Kar ele l'ad par droit conquise,l.2714 [l.2714] ele ad [R G B] 90
Quant ele en soi ad sa char ocise,l.2715 [l.2715] Kant en [y] 90l.2715 [l.2715] ele. y omits. It is intrusive from l. 2714.90
2716 E volenters de ses desporz demise.
Cil ke pur Deu ses avels debrise,
E nule vers li ne aime ne prise,l.2718 [l.2718] n. rien uers [y] 90
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Sa glorie averat kar par drait l'ad conquise.l.2719 [l.2719] For the re-establishment of marriage in heaven see the Introduction, p. lvi.91 [f.211b]
2720 Iloc resunt cil ke ja pecheor furent,
E lur pechez en repentant cunurent,
E la charge sulun le fet reçurent,
E en umble repentance se turent,
2724 E pus unc de bienfet ne se murent,
Ne de lur char pener unc ne recrurent,l.2725 [l.2725] ne retrurent [R B] 91
E en oraisuns e en afflictiuns jurent,l.2726 [l.2726] om E [R y] e en] et [R] e en] en [G] a. uirent [R C B] 91
Povres vestirent, herbergerent e purent,
2728 Herbe e gros pain mangerent, ewe burent,l.2728 [l.2728] m. e ewe [C B] 91
Tut pardunerent quanke de mal reçure[n]t,
Parfitement la lai retindrent e crurent,l.2730 [l.2730] lei tiendrent [R G B] 91
Dunt en glere sanz entrelais demurent.l.2731 [l.2731] glere. R reads glerie. In l. 2734 both P and R read glerie, while in ll. 165 and 2719 P reads glorie and R glerie. In l. 2767 P reads glere and R glerie. The form glorie is apparently scribal for gloire as this word may be monosyllabic before a following vowel, cf. l. 2719. Glere is an inverse spelling for gloire. The diphthong ei < tonic free e gives e in Anglo-Norman, not oi; but the orthography oi occurs, doubtless through Continental influence; cf. Phonology, paragraph 4. Thus oi was a possible spelling for ei and e, and inversely e may stand for oi. Similarly C writes aver (aveir) 2849, and avoir 2851.91
2732 Iloc resunt les martirs honurez,
Ke tant furent pur Deu amur penez;
Ore sunt de glerie tuz vestuz e fefez,
Kar les paines suffrirent de grez,
2736 E de suffrir furent joius e lez,l.2736 [l.2736] del s. [y] 91
Dunt ore sunt [de] Deu plus honurezL2737 [L2737] sic [RCGB] 91
Cum plus furent detrait e defulez.
Plus unt joie quant al cel sunt levez,
2740 Quant d'enfer sunt par tant eschapez,
Kar ore sunt en itel liu posez,
De lur plaies tant docement armez,
De lur sanc curunez e helmez,l.2743 [l.2743] lur cler s. [y] 91 [f.211c]
2744 Si feitement de tuz biens adobez,
Ne dutent mes tyranz ne malfez,
Kar il sunt tuz en enfer trebuchez.
Ke plus fit mal plus serra penez,
2748 Ke plus suffri pur Deu plus serra proisez.l.2748 [l.2748] serra] iert [C B] serra] est [G] 91
Pur Deu! seignurs, vus ke terre tenez,
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E par suffrance Dei hummes [avez],
Estreitement de vus memes pensez,
2752 Ke as forz tyranz parigals ne seez,
Quant as altres lur aver ravisez,
E lur quor de ire, de dolur nafrez,
E par suffrance plusurs partuez,l.2755 [l.2755] s.] suffaite [C] s.] surfeyte [D] 92
2756 Ke lur martyre ne vus soit aloez,
Dunt en peine a tutdis mes seez.l.2757 [l.2757] peines [C B] 92
Il sunt a vus en garde cumandez,
A vus e a els il sul est avuez,
2760 Bor le verrez si ben les governez;
N'estes pasturs mes lus quant les devorez,l.2761 [l.2761] les mangez [y] 92
Li ultre sire en ert graviz e irrez,l.2762 [l.2762] g. e i.] grantment i. [R C] g. e i.] granus e i. [B] g. e i.] tres coraucez [G] 92
Par la ravine en enfer boillerez;
2764 E cil ke sunt par vus martirizez,
E apovriz e a grant mendivetez,l.2765 [l.2765] om e [R y] 92l.2765 [l.2765] mendivetez. Cf. note to l. 121.92
Quant par suffrance en Deu unt endurez,
De parfit glere serrunt tutdis chasez. [f.211d]
2768 Par les tiranz tut ço veer poez,
Ke as martyrs tuz mals firent de grez,
Dunt il sunt ja a tutdis dampnez,
E li martyr joiusement sauvez.
2772 Li povre Deu altresi martyrisez,l.2772 [l.2772] a.] alsi [y] a.] ensi [R] 92
Quant terriens biens a sorfet avez,
Et poi ou nient a els pur Deu dunez,
Ne lur suffraite, quant poez, ne amendez.l.2775 [l.2775] om ne [C B] 92
2776 De tant serrez par devant Deu rettez,
Quant pestre, vestir, herberger ne volez,l.2777 [l.2777] The correct reading is herberger poez as found in GB.92
E nel fetes de bones violentez,
Mes les choses ke Deu vus ad baillez,
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2780 Dunt il vus ad despensers ordenez,
Ke a ses amis largement en donez,L2781 [L2781] sic [RCB] donisez [P] doygnez [G] 93
Estraitement u poi lur en paez,l.2782 [l.2782] en partez [C B] 93
E as lechors les larges duns dunez,
2784 As povres poi, nient as ordenez,l.2784 [l.2784] poy ou neint [R y] 93
Ke de terres ne sunt pur ço fefez;
Ke li riches lur doit doner asez,
Dunt seint Pol dit as tuz cristienez:l.2787 [l.2787] crestiens [R C] 93
2788 'De voz provoz - ces sunt prestres - enpensezl.2788 [l.2788] pensez [y] 93
Ke sunt pur vus penuz e esveillezl.2789 [l.2789] penuz] peniz [C B] penuz] pensis [G] 93
Cum pur rendre resun pur voz pechez.'l.2790 [l.2790] pur] de [R C B] 93l.2790 [l.2790] I do not find an exact original for these lines in the writings of St. Paul, but passages abound urging generosity towards the saints who are in need; e.g. Rom. 12, 13.93
E Deu memes redit a ses privez:
2792 'Les ovrers sunt dignes ke gardez.'l.2792 [l.2792] Cf. Luke 10, 7 and I Tim. 5, 18.93 [f.212a]
Mes ses cumandemenz ledement passez,l.2793 [l.2793] l. trespasez [y] 93
Quant vus cloez voz mains as ordenez,
E en poverte vilement aler lessez,
2796 De freit, de feim, de saif ledement turmentez.l.2796 [l.2796] l.] les [C B] l.] lesset [G] om l. [R] 93l.2796 [l.2796] ledement. Error for les as given by CB.93
Sul cel refui ke ver Deu avez - l.2797 [l.2797] que vus vers [y] 93
Ço sunt povres, malades, ordenez - l.2798 [l.2798] m. e o. [R C] 93
Cels despisez e lessez deshonurez,l.2799 [l.2799] om e [G B] 93l.2799 [l.2799] e. Omit with GB.93
2800 As lecheresces e as lechors donez,
Pur accrestre les voz e lur pechez,
Kar al peché sunt il tut turnez,
Dunt estes fols, cheitif e asorbez.
2804 A un lechur pur folie donez
Dunt vint povres sustenir pussez,l.2805 [l.2805] s. pestre v uestir [CB] p. [G] 93
E les fiz [Deu] lessez tut esgarrez,L2806 [L2806] sic [CGBR] 93
Par ki aie al cel munter deivez;l.2807 [l.2807] deuez [R G B] poez [C] 93
2808 La haute [es]chiele de vertu depescez,L2808 [L2808] sic [RCGB] 93
E l'enfernal chescun jor esforcez.
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Pur Deu! seignurs, eez de vus pitez!l.2810 [l.2810] de vous ayez [R B] 94
Voz murs, vos vies, voz duns adrescez,
2812 E pur mesfet Deu nel cel ne perdez;
Lessez orgoil si amez umbletez,
Ja surquidez de Deu n'ert privez,l.2814 [l.2814] nen ert [C B] 94
Ne ramponuz ne gloiz ne malatechez; [f.212b]
2816 Ja lecherie el cel [ne] mettra piez;L2816 [L2816] sic [RBG] 94
Pernez la veie, le chemin, les degrez,l.2817 [l.2817] degrez. A reference to the eschiele de vertu in l. 2808. The Christian's life was frequently represented as a ladder, cf. the Scala coeli major and the Scala coeli minor as described by Honorius Augustodunensis in Pat. Lat. CLXXII, coll. 1229 ff., and 1239 ff.94
Ke al ciel meine, ou tutdis a plentez
De tutes joies, de honurs e de buntez.x [x] PR end94L2819 [L2819] sic [CB] murs [PR] 94 [f.143d]
2820 [De quantque vus en vos quers penserez, ] x [x] 143d l. 994l.2820 [l.2820] pensez [B] 94
Uncore i ad del bien Deu plus ass[e]z;l.2821 [l.2821] de biens deu [B] 94
Car unc oie ne vit n'en quer est montez,
Nen porra oir nes home nez,l.2823 [l.2823] Ne ne p. neis oir h. [B] 94l.2823 [l.2823] Nen. Represents Ne ne (B); cf. note to l. 1835.94
2824 Les granz honurs que Deu ad aprestez
A ceu ke ci parfont sa volentez.l.2825 [l.2825] ke si fount bien sez u. [B] 94l.2825 [l.2825] Cf. I Cor. 2, 9.94
Trop sunt chaitifs ke pur fauses beautez,
Ou pur deliz ke tost suret ci outreez,
2828 Perdent les joies, honurs e poustez,
Qe saunz terme ja ne serrunt finez,l.2829 [l.2829] sanz termine [B] 94
Ou li seinz sunt plus lusant ass[e]zl.2830 [l.2830] reluisantz [B] 94
Q'est li solail en ses greignur clartez;l.2831 [l.2831] Ke li s. quant en este est esclarcez [B] 94
2832 Ou plus ad bien en un an comblezl.2832 [l.2832] acomblez [B] 94
K'en cest mund cent mil anz anombrez.l.2833 [l.2833] nombrez [B] 94
Veez ke valent ces terres, ces regnez,
Ces burcs, ces viles, chasteals e citez,
2836 Ces noble dras, ces granz richetez,
E touz les biens ke vus ci tant prisez;
Tuz sunt umbre e tantost passez,l.2838 [l.2838] e breuement p. [G] tot sount t. p. [B] 94
Tut deceivent par falses vanitez,
Page 94
2840 S'il ne seient pur l'amur de Deu donez.l.2840 [l.2840] pur deu amor d. [B] 95
E cil qui les donent par pure volentez,l.2841 [l.2841] par bone v. [B] 95
Od Deu serrunt en son ciel coronez,
E od ses seinz cheriz e honurezl.2843 [l.2843] h. et ch. [B] 95
2844 Pur les honurs ke ci li firent de gre.l.2844 [l.2844] kil f. [B] 95
Cil qui sunt tenaunz e afolez,
Chinches, avers, orgoillous e sorquidez,l.2846 [l.2846] o.] greynard [G] o.] graignus [B] 95
El puz d'enfer serrunt trebuchez,l.2847 [l.2847] s. tut t. [B] 95
2848 U tu[t]dis serrunt sanz fin dampnez;
Ci furent riches e de aver amassez,
La serrunt povres e de touz mals chargez;
Povres d'avoir e de peines chascez, [f.144a]
2852 Kar as povres ne firent largetez;
Povres de amis, riches de malfez,l.2853 [l.2853] a. et r. [B] 95l.2853 [l.2853] malfez. From malefatos devils. The line means that (in Hell) they will have few friends and many devils.95
Kar il vers povres nul tindrent amistez.l.2854 [l.2854] vers nul ne t. [B] 95
Ne por eus n'ert nul ami escutez
2856 Del sage Deu que set tut lur foletez;l.2856 [l.2856] tot set [B] 95
Ne deivent estre par amis rechatez,
Ne par aumoines ne par bons faiz salvez,l.2858 [l.2858] par f. [B] 95
Ki sei meimes ublierent de grez;
2860 Dont l'escrit dit: 'Tant fetes cum poez
De quer, de bouche, de mains, de pez,l.2861 [l.2861] q. et de m. de b. et de p. [B] 95
Kar en enfer n'est nul benfet presez;'
E si redist: 'Deu n'ert de mort loez,
2864 Ne cil del lai n'erent ja meciez.'l.2864 [l.2864] nert [B] 95l.2864 [l.2864] Cf. Isa. 38, 18.95
Les mors sunt cil qui morent en pechez,
E pur ceo sunt el lai d'enfer ruez.
Por nent serra Deus pur itels priez,
2868 Kar ja d'iloc ne istront a salvetez.
Ki son bien het, tant ert de Dé amez,
Mes li priant de Deu avera les grezl.2870 [l.2870] p. aiunt de deu les [B] 95
Page 95
Por ses benfaiz, por ses grant pitez;
2872 Dont David dist qui tant fu espirez:l.2872 [l.2872] D. saynt D. qui [B] 96
'Mon [piu] urer en mon sein ert luez.'L2873 [L2873] sic [B] 96
Ceo est a dire, a li ert acuntezL2874 [L2874] sic [B] ert [C] 96
Le grant benfait qu'il feit de volentez;
2876 Tut ne fet il autre, parfitement salvez.l.2876 [l.2876] Tut en sait a. [B] 96l.2876 [l.2876] Saved wholly, although he does no other.96
Mes cil qui vot ben estre escutez,
Por sei le face tant cum ad poestez,
De quer parfit e de bone volentez;l.2879 [l.2879] p. en b. [B] 96
2880 Dont le prendra Deu memes a grez,
Si lui serra al ciel a cent dublez.
E s'il se est en poi tresubliez,l.2882 [l.2882] il est [B] 96
Por ceo n'ert pas longement travaillez,
2884 Kar par amis ert tanttost deliverez,l.2884 [l.2884] t.] tost [B] 96
Par oreisons e par bienfez alegez;l.2885 [l.2885] o. par [B] 96
Si ert en bens que ja n'erent finez,l.2886 [l.2886] en] es [B] 96
Od Jhesu Crist e od ses seinz feffez.
2888 Ai! Deus de glorie! Com ert li bien dublez
Kant cors e alme se serrunt assemblez!l.2889 [l.2889] om se [G B] 96l.2889 [l.2889] Cf. the Elucidarium of Honorius Augustodunensis, Pat. Lat. CLXXII, col. 1162.96
Kant ceste char que vus morir veez, [f.144b]
Cest cors cheitif de vermin percez,l.2891 [l.2891] vermin. Read vermine with B; cf. the rhyme gastine:vermine 1261.96
2892 Ke ci nasqui e vesqui en pechez,
Par un petit que serad espenez,
De quer parfit, de bone volentez,
Puis serra de sa alme restorez,l.2895 [l.2895] P. resera [B] 96
2896 Al grant juise a destre Deu posez,l.2896 [l.2896] a] al [B G] 96
Od les beneiz joint e coronez,l.2897 [l.2897] j. e c.] choisez et c. [B] j. e c.] clers escor. [G] 96
Ou les pecheurs que ci furent haitez,
E ne vodreient ci espener lur pechez,
2900 Od les malfez serrunt tutdis dampnez!
E il serra en ciel halt menez,l.2901 [l.2901] el c. hautement m. [B] 96
Page 96
Od les angeles, princes e poestés,
De tant plus lez, plus joius, plus haitez,
2904 Ke de touz mals est tant bien eschapez,L2904 [L2904] sic [BG] Kar [C] 97l.2904 [l.2904] Ke. C has the form Ki. The substitution of ki for ke occurs also in P, twice when a word beginning with i follows, cf. ll. 2560 and 2634 and once before out when elision occurs. Forms such as ki il are presumably scribal for k'il as elided vowels are frequently written by the scribes. ki for ke arises doubtless from the fact that ki is so frequently written ke in the MSS. A similar use of qui for que occurs in the MS of Gui de Warewic, cf. Ewert's edition, I p. xxx. As these cases are exceptional in our text I have emended them consistently.97
E en touz bienz pur poi de paine entrez,
U ja mes puis n'ert dolent ne irrez,
Ne de nul mal enblemiz ne tuchez;
2908 Ainz se lusera com soleil en estez,l.2908 [l.2908] A. reluira [B] 97
E plus assez que ja n'ert reconsez;
Ne de sa joie n'ert ja mes fastengez,l.2910 [l.2910] fastengez. One other example of this word occurs in the Miroir des Domées (ed. Aitken), l. 10875 and p. 98. Godefroy defines it as meaning dégoûter. See REW 3215 where it is derived from fastidiare on the model of laidengier.97
Kar ben celestre com vus plus en averezl.2911 [l.2911] om vus [G B] 97
2912 Plus le vodriez e plus le desirez,l.2912 [l.2912] voudrez [B] 97
Ne cel desir nen ert ja mes finez,
Kar mal n'en ist mes tut biens adurez.l.2914 [l.2914] t. b.] totdis bien [B] 97
Jhesu nos doint par sa seinte pitez,
2916 Si espenir nos mals e nos pechezL2916 [L2916] sic [GB] espenit [C] 97
Ke ensemble od lui seon en ses regnez,
U li beneiz serront sanz [fin feffez;]L2918 [L2918] sic [GB] see note [] 97
E cil l'ottreye qui est saunz nul degrezl.2919 [l.2919] V cil [B] 97
2920 Treis en persones e un en majestez.l.2920 [l.2920] text from C97
Page 97
the following Prologue of 40 lines occurs in MS D, and replaces ll. 1-166 of the present edition.
[f.128c]Ky vout saver del mapemund,
La forme de trestut le mund,
De terres e de regiuns,
4 E de citez les propre nuns,
Ki les fist e edefia,
E primes nuns lur dona,
E des ewes ke portent navie,
8 Jeo en dirraie grant partie
Si cum jeo ai en escrit truvé,
Dunt jeo ai asez auctorité.
Seint Luck li evangeliste ditA-L11 [A-L11] ff. Cf. Luke 2, 1, Factum est autem in diebus illis, exiit edictum a Caesare Augusto, ut describeretur universus orbis.98
12 En le ewangeile k'il escrit,
Ke Augustus Cesar l'empereer,
En ki tens fud né li Sauver,
Commanda par sun commandement
16 A tuz le mund communement
Ke tut lui feisent a saver,
E les escriz a lui enveer
De teres e de regiuns,
20 E des hiles les propre nuns,
E la manere de la gent,
E des bestes ensement;
E ke ren ne lui duissent celer
24 Que digne fut a remembrer;
E quel servise chescun deveit
A Rome ke lur chef esteit.
Ceo fit il par le conseil
28 De un sage ke fud feel,
Ke Cyrinus aveit a nun,A-L29 [A-L29] Cf. Luke 2, 2. Haec descriptio primo facta est a praeside Syriae Cyrino.98
Page 98
Esveske de Syre, sages hom. [f.128d]
Rome fud chef de tut le mund
32 Si cum le livre nus respund;
En tutes teres est ben seu,
A Rome rendirent treu.
Quant cest ban fud criez,
36 E par escriz partut enveez,
Tut issi e en teu manere
Cum out commandé l'emperere,
Par teres e par regiuns
40 A Rome aurent lur respuns.A-L40 [A-L40] aurent. Apparently a variant of eurent or ourent received.9999
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