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The Anglo-Norman Voyage of St Brendan
Edited by I. Short and B. Merrilees
Manchester, MUP
Genre: Hagiography
AND Bibliography: S Brend mup
Original work © 1979 Manchester University Press, which has granted permission for it to be digitised, browsed and searched on this site. Any other use, including making copies of this electronic version, requires the prior written permission of the copyright holders, who may be contacted at Manchester University Press, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9NR, UK
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Six manuscripts of Benedeit's Brendan have survived, of which two (C and F) are fragments:
London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. X (I), 1-11. The text is written in double columns of forty-four lines each, 1834 lines in all. The handwriting is a neat and regular cursive with large, alternating blue and red initials, decorated with long vertical tendrils, dividing the poem into thirty-six sections. The first letters of each line are capitals set off marginally from the body of the text. The scribe uses current contractions and introduces acute accents over some vowels and the letter c. The only evidence for dating the volume is palaeographic, and the majority of scholars have attributed it to the thirteenth century (some even to the twelfth). However N. R. Ker (Medieval Libraries of Great Britain, 2nd ed., London, 1964, p. 73) considers it to belong to the first half of the fourteenth century, which would be quite in accord
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both with the decorative style of its initials and the hooked ascenders on certain of its letter forms. It was at one stage, as Ker has also shown, in the library of the cathedral priory of Durham. It also contains, on 11v-21, a text of the Latin Navigatio sancti Brendani. A diplomatic transcription of the Anglo-Norman poem was published by H. Suchier in Romanische Studien [Strasbourg] 5 (1875), 553-88. This Ms. formed the base of Francisque Michel's (1878) and Waters's (1928) editions, as it does of ours.B
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouv. acq. fr. 4503, 19v-42. Contains also inter alia the Old French Alexis (Ms. A of C. Storey's 1968 edition), and Clemence of Barking's Vie de sainte Catherine (Ms. A of W. MacBain's 1964 edition). Dates from the end of the twelfth or beginning of the thirteenth century; lacks 169 lines (two others added); Anglo-Norman origin.
Oxford, Bodleian, Rawl. D 913, f. 85. Fragment consisting of a single folio corresponding to ll. 1-310 of our edition (with one couplet missing). Late twelfth or early thirteenth century; Anglo-Norman.
York, Minster Library, xvi. K. 12 (I), 23-36. Contains also the text of Marie de France's Fables (Ms. Y of A. Ewert and R. C. Johnston's 1966 edition). Twelve lines are missing and nine not found elsewhere are added. Late twelfth or early thirteenth century; Anglo-Norman.
Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, 3516, 96-100v. Modernising revision in Continental French of the second half of the thirteenth century (1267-8); some Picard dialect forms; 1757 lines only; diplomatic edition by Th. Auracher in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 2 (1878), 438-57.
Cologny-Genève, Fondation Martin Bodmer, 17. This is a fragment of four single-column leaves preserving lines corresponding to ll. 792-889, 1165-81, and 1184-202 of our edition. It seems to be the oldest Ms. of our poem extant, dating in all probability from the last part of the twelfth century. The hand is insular and somewhat crude. The fragment is illustrated, described and the text transcribed by F, Vielliard, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana: Manuscrits français du Moyen Age, (Cologny-Genève, 1975), pp. 167-70. This Ms. is the only one of the six that was unknown to Waters.
The relationship between the first five of these Mss. was discussed in some detail by Waters (ch. IV) who classifed them into a stemma, which it would not be appropriate to discuss here. Suffice it to say that he found links on the one hand between A and B, and on the other
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between D and E, with C deriving, in his view, independently from the original. As for fragment F, a comparison of common readings provides insufficient evidence for classifying it exclusively either with the AB or with the DE group (it does not overlap with the C fragment). It contains a number of independent variants. For our present purposes, it is enough to note, with Waters (p. x), that A is the completest and best Ms., and that its preservation of many of the archaisms of the original as well as its general artistic coherence make it the obvious choice for a single-manuscript edition such as ours.Page 30
[f.1a]Donna Aaliz la reïne,L1 [L1] For Aaliz, see Intro., pp. 4-5.31
Par qui valdrat lei divine,
Par qui creistrat lei de terre
4 E remandrat tante guerre
Por les armes Henri lu rei
E par le cunseil qui ert en tei,
Salüet tei mil e mil feiz
8 Li apostoiles danz Benedeiz. L8 [L8] rej Benediz31L8 [L8] For Benedeiz, see Intro., pp. 5-6.31
Que comandas ço ad enpris
Secund sun sens e entremis,L10 [L10] note e not in A31L10 [L10] W. emends entremis to en letre mis on the basis of other manuscripts, even though this involves direct repetition with the next line. Our simple addition of e avoids this and gives a satisfactory sense (on this use of entremetre, see TL 3, 666; Gdf. 3, 291c).31
En letre mis e en romanz,L11 [L11] W. translates letre as writing, but Professor Legge, MLR 56 (1961), 333-4, has shown that the meaning Latin is equally possible. At all events, if Benedeit did in fact write a Latin version, it has not survived.31
12 Esi cum fud li teons cumanz,
De saint Brendan le bon abéth.L13 [L13] For an account of the historical Brendan, see Introduction, pp. 1-2. The spelling of the saint's name with e in the first syllable is the older form and is found in Latin texts in Low German areas; see C. Selmer, Scriptorium 10 (1956), 256-9. For rhymes with the name Brendan, see Intro., p. 13.31
Mais tul defent ne seit gabéth
Quant dit que set e fait que peot:
16 Itel servant blasmer n'esteot.L16 [L16] We have disregarded the scribe's word-division with the group es-, as in n'esteot for ne steot, in the interests of easier comprehensibility.31
Mais cil qui peot e ne voile,L17 [L17] rej si qui31
Dreiz est que cil mult se doile.L1 [L1] The subject of the first sentence of this prologue is postponed until l. 8: My lady Queen Adeliza, through whom the law of God will prevail and the law of men grow stronger, and through whom an end will be put to all this warring by virtue of King Henry's might and by the counsel that you will provide, the envoy Dom Benedeit greets you a thousand times and a thousand more. To the best of his ability he has embarked upon the task that you set and undertaken to put down in writing (Latin? and) in French, as you told him, the story of the good abbot, St Brendan. But protect him from being mocked, since he tells what he knows and does what he can: it is not right to reproach such a servant. But someone who is capable and yet is not willing, should properly be made to suffer.31
Icist seinz Deu fud néd de reis;L19 [L19] ff. In conformity with Old Irish custom, Brendan's ancestry is given, albeit briefly. Unlike most Irish tales, this text makes no mention of specific relatives or place of birth which would presumably be of little interest to an Anglo-Norman audience. (The NB has such details; see Selmer, pp. 3, 83, and J. Carney, Medium Aevum 32 (1963), 37-44.) It was also customary in Latin and French saints' lives to indicate whatever was noteworthy about a saint's birth or heritage, in this case his royal lineage. There is, incidentally, no foundation for crediting Brendan with royal blood.31
20 De naisance fud des Ireis.
Pur ço que fud de regal lin
Puroc entent a noble fin.
Ben sout que l'escripture dit:
24 'Ki de cest mund fuit le delit,L24 [L24] rej f. de d.31
Od Deu de cel tant en avrat
Que plus demander ne savrat.'L24 [L24] This is not an exact biblical quotation but renders the sense of, for example, Matthew 6: 19-21 and Luke 9: 24-5 (W.).31
Puroc guerpit cist reials eirs
28 Les fals honurs pur iceals veirs.
Dras de moine, pur estre vil
En cest secle cum en eisil,
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Prist e l'ordre e les habiz,
32 Puis fud abes par force esliz.L27 [L27] W. punctuates this passage differently, taking dras de moine 29 as an apposition to veirs 28 and placing a stop after eisil 30; cf. A. Långfors's review of W.'s edition, Romania 55 (1929), 568-71.32
Par art de lui mult i vindrentL33 [L33] Par art de lui through his skill, ability. The construction is not unknown in early texts; cf. Roland 1268, 1553.32
Qui a le ordre bein se tindrent.
Tres mil suz lui par divers leus
36 Munies aveit Brandan li pius,
De lui pernanz tuz ensample
Par sa vertud que ert ample.
Li abes Brendan prist en purpens,
40 Cum hom qui ert de mult grant sens,L40 [L40] rej home32
De granz cunseilz e de rustes,L41 [L41] The rhyme rustes (= ruistes): justes is imperfect and isolated. There is one instance (1573) of the reduction of the diphthong [yi] or [ui], but it is to [i] and not [y] or [u]; see Intro., p. 13.32
Cum cil qui ert forment justes,
De Deu prïer ne fereit finL39 [L39] The construction here is paratactical; l. 39 looks forward to l. 43: . . . prist en purpens [que] ne fereit fin de prïer Deu.32
44 Pur sei e pur trestut sun lin, [f.1b]
E pur les morz e pur les vifs,
Quer a trestuz ert amis.L46 [L46] rej as t.32
Mais de une rien li prist talentL47 [L47] rej rien] en32L47 [L47] ff. The Anglo-Norman author attributes Brendan's desire to see the Other World to his own faith and curiosity, whereas in NB the desire springs from hearing Barintus's account of his own journey given when he comes to visit Brendan; cf. ll. 73ff.32
48 Dunt Deu prïer prent plus suventL48 [L48] prïer prent The more frequent construction is prendre a + infinitive with the sense begin to; cf. 284, 501, 596. Another example without a is pregnent oser 307; cf. also prent avaler 868.32
Que lui mustrast cel paraïsL49 [L49] rej mustrat32
U Adam fud primes asis,
Icel qui est nostre heritét
52 Dun nus fumes deseritét.
Bien creit qu'ileoc ad grant glorie,
Si cum nus dit veir' estorie,L53 [L53] Anglo-Norman regularly retains apparently unmetathesised forms of semi-learned words such as gloria, historia, victoria etc. which survive through to Mod. Eng. in glory, history, victory etc. (Pope § 1105). The -orie suffix, however, counts for two, and not three, syllables here and elsewhere in our text (cf. 541, 1027), which suggests that the pronunciation was similar to the Continental French equivalent gloire, estoire, victoire etc. (cf. also refrigerie: miserie 1461, veire: materie 1673 and the note to l. 1707); cf. also W. p. cxliii, § xx.32
Mais nepurtant voldret vetheirL55 [L55] voldret, if not a variant spelling for a conditional voldreit, is to be seen as a relic of the Latin pluperfect indicative but with a preterite meaning (cf. Moignet, 77, 259).32
56 U il devreit par dreit setheir,
Mais par peccét Adam forfist,
Pur quei e sei e nus fors mist.L58 [L58] rej e sei nus32
Deu en prïet tenablement
60 Cel lui mustret veablement.L59 [L59] He prays God unceasingly [that] he show him that [place] clearly; an example of parataxis which is a characteristic feature of Benedeit's syntax; cf. Intro., p. 15, ll. 121-2, 205-6, 384, 1285-6 etc.32
Ainz qu'il murget voldreit vetheir
Quel séd li bon devrunt aveir,
Quel lu li mal aveir devrunt,
64 Quel merite il recevrunt.
Enfern prïed vetheir oveoc
E quels peines avrunt ileoc
Icil felun qui par orguil
68 Ici prennent par eols escuil
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De guerrëer Deu e la lei;L69 [L69] rej gurrer33
Ne entre eols nen unt amur ne fai.L70 [L70] rej fai33
Iço dunt lui pris est desir
72 Voldrat Brandans par Deu sentir.
Od sei primes cunseil en prentL73 [L73] rej cunseilz33
Qu'a un Deu serf confés se rent.
Barinz out nun cil ermite;L75 [L75] The historical Barintus (d. 548 or 552) was a kinsman and confidant of St Brendan and himself a cleric, becoming Abbot of Drumscullen. He is mentioned in only one other literary work besides the Brendan, the Vita Merlini of Geoffrey of Monmouth, in which he pilots King Arthur to the Fortunate Isles (see ed. J. J. Parry, ll. 929-31). Nowhere is he mentioned as making a voyage to the Promised Land, nor even as being a monk. It has been argued that the figure of Barintus was originally a seagod who in earlier Celtic literature and in NB had been changed into a saint; cf. Selmer, p. 99.33
76 Murs out bons e sainte vitte.L76 [L76] rej saint33
Li fedeilz Deu en bois estout,
Tres cenz moines od lui out;
De lui prendrat conseil e los,
80 De lui voldrat aveir ados.
Cil li mustrat par plusurs diz,
Beals ensamples e bons respiz,L82 [L82] rej bons espiz33
Qu'il vit en mer e en terreL83 [L83] rej Quil il33
84 Quant son filiol alat querre:
Ço fud Mernoc qui fud frerreL85 [L85] Mernoc is a hypocoristic or pet name derived from that of one of his ancestors, Ernan of Inis Caín (Fair Island) and is preserved in the Scottish place-name Kilmarnock. The Fair Island, not named in our text, appears in NB as the site of Barintus's monastery and called the Insula Deliciosa, identified by C. Plummer as an island in Donegal Bay; see J. Carney, op. cit., p. 39.33
Del liu u cist abes ere,L86 [L86] cist = Barintus.33
Mais de ço fud mult voluntif
88 Que fust ailurs e plus sultif. [f.1c]
Par sun abéth e sun parainL89 [L89] rej parin33
En mer se mist e nun en vain,L90 [L90] rej en un evain33L90 [L90] This is the reading proposed by W.33
Quer puis devint en itel liu
92 U nuls n'entret fors sul li piu:
Ço fud en mer en un isle
U mals orrez nuls ne cisle,L94 [L94] W. relates cisle to OP cislar which is itself derived from Latin fistulare to play a pipe, flute, etc., though the word has clearly undergone some onomatopoeic confusion with sifler < sibilare.33
U fud poüz de cel odur
96 Que en paraïs gettent li flur,
Quer cel isle tant pres en fud,L97 [L97] rej cel] del33
U sainz Mernoc esteit curud:L98 [L98] rej sainz] ainz33L97 [L97] for that island to which Saint Mernoc had sailed was so near [to Paradise that] he led a life of Paradise [there] and could hear the angels.33
De paraïs out la vie
100 E des angeles out l'oïde.L100 [L100] rej E les a.33
E puis Barinz la le requist
U vit iço qu'a Brandan dist.L102 [L102] rej vint33
Quant ot Brandan la veüe
104 Que cist out la receüe,
De meilz en creit le soen conseil
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E plus enprent sun apareil.
De ses munies quatorze eslist,
108 Tuz les meilurs qu'il i vit,L108 [L108] tuz is adverbial rather than adjectival here: the very best.34
E dit lur ad le soen purpens;
Savrat par eols si ço ert sens.
Quant oïrent iço de lui,
112 Dunc en parlerent dui e dui.
Respundent lui comunalmentL113 [L113] rej comunament34
Que ço enprist vassalment;
Prïerent l'en ques meint od seiL115 [L115] En is to be taken with meint; ques = que les: They begged him to take them along with him.34
116 Cum les seons filz soürs en fei.
Ço dist Brandan: 'Pur cel vos di
Que de vos voil ainz estre fi
Que jo d'ici vos en meinge,
120 Al repentir puis m'en prenge.'L120 [L120] rej repenter34L117 [L117] The reason I tell you this is that I wish to be sure of you before I take you away from here, rather than have to regret it afterwards, or alternatively: . . . rather than take you away and later regret it.34
Cil promettent süurance
Pur eols ne seit demurance.L121 [L121] They give assurance [that] there will be no delay on their account.34
Dunc prent le abes iceols esliz,
124 Puis que out oït d'els les diz;
En capitel les ad menez.
Iloec lur dist cum hoem senez:
'Seignurs, ço que penséd avum
128 Cum cel est gref nus nel savum.L128 [L128] rej Cum el34L127 [L127] We have no idea how difficult what we have envisaged is.34
Mes prïum Deu que nus enseint,
Par sun plaisir la nus en meint;
E enz el nun al Saint Espirit
132 Juine faimes que la nus guit,L132 [L132] rej iuit34 [f.1d]
E junum la quarenteine
Sur les treis jurs la semaine.'L133 [L133] And let us fast for three days in every week for a period of forty days.34
Dunc n'i ad nul qui se target
136 De ço faire qu'il lur charget.
Ne li abes ne nuit ne jurnL137 [L137] rej nen nuit34
Des ureisuns ne fait tresturn
De ci que Deus li enveiat
140 Le angel del cel qui l'aveiatL140 [L140] Cf. note to l. 356.34
De tut l'eire cum il irat;
Enz en sun quer si l'aspiratL142 [L142] rej ci34
Que tres bien veit e certement
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144 Cum Deus voldrat seon alement.L144 [L144] note le not in A35
Dunc prent cungé a ses freres,
As quels il ert mult dulz peres,
E dist lur ad de seon eire
148 Cument a Deu le voleit creire.
A sun prïur tuz les concreit,
Dist lui cument guarder les deit.
Cumandet eals lui obeïr,
152 Cum lur abét mult bien servir.
Puis les baiset Brandan e vait.L153 [L153] rej lur baiset35
Plurent trestuit par grant dehait
Que mener ne volt lur peres
156 Fors quatorze de lur freres.
Vait s'en Brandan vers le grant merL157 [L157] Our text has several examples of scribal le for la; cf. le arbre blanche 849, and ll. 652, 928, 950, 1147, 1522.35
U sout par Deu que dout entrer.L158 [L158] To the place where he knew, from God, that he was to embark.35
Unc ne turnat vers sun parent:
160 En plus cher leu aler entent.
Alat tant quant terre dure;
Del sujurner ne prist cure.
Vint al roceit que li vilain
164 Or apelent le Salt Brandan.L164 [L164] Corresponding to le Salt Brandan NB has (§ 4) sedes Brendani Brendan's Seat (identified with present-day Brandon Head on the Dingle Peninsula), though earlier in § 2 it had spoken of Saltus virtutum Brendani to describe the site of Brendan's abbey at Clonfert. Benedeit would appear to have transferred the Latin saltus meadow from the earlier context to here, and to have linked it to OF salt meaning leap. The obvious parallel which springs to mind is Tristan's Leap, a rock on to which, as Beroul explains (ll. 948 ff), Tristan dramatically jumped from a chapel to avoid capture. Beroul's wording Encor claiment Cornualan / Cele pierre le Saut Tristran (953-4) might even seem to echo Benedeit's que li vilain / Or apelent le Salt Brandan. Cf. for this and other possible connections between the Brendan and OF romances, M. D. Legge, Anglo-Norman Historiography and the Romances in Medievalia et Humanistica n.s. 6 (1975), 41-9. On Tristan's and other similar leaps, cf. A. Ewert's ed. of Beroul, vol. ii (Oxford, 1970), pp. 138-9.35
Icil s'estent durement luin
Sur l'occean si cume un gruign.
E suz le gruign aveit un port
168 Par unt la mer receit un gort,L168 [L168] rej Par un35
Mais petiz ert e mult estreits;
Del derube veneit tut dreiz.L170 [L170] rej drez35
Altres, ço crei, avant cestui
172 Ne descendit aval cel pui.L172 [L172] rej al val35
Ci aloeces fist atraire
Mairen dunt sa nef fist faire:
Tut dedenz de fust sapin,L175 [L175] We assume that avolst, which clearly means covered at 176, is also implicit in this line with the meaning of lined.35
176 Defors l'avolst de quir bovin; [f.2a]
Uindre la fist qu'esculanteL177 [L177] rej Juindre35L177 [L177] Not only does Ms. juindre join seem less appropriate than uindre caulk in the context, but as W. points out, juindre would conflict with the text of NB.35
Od l'unde fust e curante.
Ustilz i mist tant cum estout
180 E cume la nef porter en pout.L173 [L173] There is less detail on the construction of the currach here than in NB, which explains (§ 4) that the ribs and frame were made of timber (wicker in some Mss.), as was the custom in those parts, that the covering was tanned oxhides rubricatis in roborina cortice, which would appear to mean that the hides had been seasoned between strips of oak bark. The seams of the boat were caulked ex butiro by which is meant wool grease or animal fat (the more usual pitch would have been bitumine), and a mast, sail and rudder were fitted. Cf. T. Severin, op. cit., ch. 2 and appendix iii.35
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La guarisun i mist odveoc
Que il aveient portét iloec:L182 [L182] rej Qui il aveint36
Ne plus que a quarante dis
184 De vïande n'i out enz mis.
Dist as freres: 'Entrez en enz!L185 [L185] W.'s word-division enenz (also 280) has been adopted by TL 3, 308, but these are the only examples listed.36
Deus gracïez: bons est li venz.'
Entrerent tuit e il aprés.L187 [L187] rej Entrent36
188 Ast vos ja tres curanz adés,
A haltes voiz Brandan criant
E lor palmes vers lui tendant:
'De ton muster sumes meüd
192 E desque ci t'avum seüd;
Lai nus, abes, a tei entrerL193 [L193] A tei entrer, which seems to have the sense of accompany you, enter your service, might show the analogical influence of estre a be a vassal of. TL 3, 676-9 registers nothing similar.36
E od tei, donz, par mer errer.'
Il les cunut e sis receit.
196 Qu'en avendrat bien le purveit:
Ço que par Deu le abes purvit
Ne lur celet, ainz lur ad dist:
'Les dous de vus avrat Satan
200 Od Abiron e od Dathan.L200 [L200] Abiram and Dathan revolted against the authority of Moses, and the earth opened and swallowed them up: Numbers 16: 1-33.36
Li tierz de vus mult ert temptez,
Mais par Deu ert bien sustentez.'
Quant out ço dist l'abes Brandans,
204 Dunc drechet sus ambes les mains
E Deu prïet escordement
Les seons fetheilz guard de turment.
E puis levet sus la destre,
208 Tuz les signet li sainz prestre.
Drechent le mast, tendent le veil,
Vunt s'en a plain li Deu fetheil.
Le orrez lur veint de l'orïent
212 Quis en meinet vers occident.
Tutes perdent les veüthes
Fors de la mer e des nües.
Pur le bon vent ne s'en feignent,L215 [L215] rej seignent36
216 Mais de nager mult se peinent;
E desirent pener lur cors
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A ço vetheir pur quei vunt fors.
Si cururent par quinze jurs
220 Desque li venz tuz lur fud gurz: [f.2b]
Dunc s'esmaient tuit li frereL221 [L221] rej se maient37
Pur le vent qui falit ere.
Li abes dunc les amonestet,
224 Que curages unc ne cesset:L224 [L224] Que is no doubt for qui = cui whose, though it could also be construed as a conj. W. suggests that cesset, which makes an imperfect rhyme with amonestet, was originally cestet stumbles, and corrects accordingly.37
'Metez vus en Deu maneie,
E n'i ait nul qui s'esmaie!
Quant averez vent, siglez sulunc;
228 Cum venz n'i ert, nagez idunc!'L228 [L228] idunc then, in these circumstances, according to Moignet p. 290, marque une certaine vivacité de ton.37
As aviruns dunc se metent.
La grace Deu mult regrettent,L230 [L230] rej gracez37
Quer ne sevent quel part aler,
232 Ne quels cordes deient aler,L232 [L232] aler = haler haul.37
Quel part beitrer, quel part tendre,
Ne u devrunt lur curs prendre.
Un meis sanz vent nagerent tut plein
236 Tuit li frere par nul desdeign.L236 [L236] It is difficult to see what meaning can be attributed to par nul desdeign. (For negative nul, see note to l. 630).37
Tant cum durat lur vitaile,
Pener pourent sanz defaile.
Force perdent e vïande;L239 [L239] They lose strength as their food runs out. This construction seems to combine the two figures of rhetoric zeugma and hysteron-proteron.37
240 Puroc ourent poür grande.
Cum lur avient li granz busuinz,
A ses fetheilz Deus n'est luinz:
Puroc ne deit hoem mescreire.
244 Si cil enprent pur Deu eire,
Tant en face cum faire pout;
Deus li truverat ço que lui estout.
Terre veient grande e halte.
248 Li venz lur vient sanz defalte:L248 [L248] rej san37
Qui de nager erent penét
Sanz tuz travalz la sunt menét.
Mais n'i truvent nul' entrethe
252 U lur nef fust eschipede,L252 [L252] rej nif37L252 [L252] eschiper in OF normally means embark, though the context here (confirmed by NB, L and M) demands the sense, unattested elsewhere, of moor, make fast (W.).37
Quer de rocheiz ert acloseL253 [L253] rej de] li37
U nul d'eals entrer n'ose.
Halt sunt li pui en l'air tendant,
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256 E sur la mer en luin pendant.
Des creos desuz la mer resort,L257 [L257] rej resurt38
Pur quei peril i at mult fort.
Amunt aval port i quistrent,
260 E al querre treis jurs mistrent.
Un port truvent, la se sunt mis,
Qui fud trenchéd al liois bis,
Mais n'i unt leu fors de une nef;
264 Cil fud faitiz en le rocheit blef. [f.2c]
Ferment la nef, eisent s'en tuit,
Vunt la veie qui bien les duit.L266 [L266] rej vei38
Dreit les meinet a un castelL267 [L267] In NB they are led to this place by a dog; Selmer, pp. 13-14.38
268 Qui riches ert e grant e bel
E resemblout mult regal leu,
De emperur mult riche feu.
Entrerent enz dedenz le murL271 [L271] rej enz denz38
272 Qui tuz ert faiz de cristal dur.
Paleiz veient tuz a marbre,
N'i out maisun faite de arbre;
Gemmes od l'or funt grant clarté
276 Dun li pareit sunt entailét.L275 [L275] For the rhyme clarté: entailét, see Intro., p. 13.38
Mais une rien mult lur desplout,
Que en la citét hume n'i out.
Dunc esgardent l'alçur palais,L279 [L279] rej les gardent; la cur p.38
280 Entrent en enz al num de pais.
Enz en le palais Brandan se mistL281 [L281] rej ses m.38
E sur un banc puis s'asist.
Fors sul les soens altres n'i vit;
284 Prent a parler, si lur ad dist:
'Alez querre par cez mesters
Si rien i at dun est mesters.'
Alerent cil e truverent
288 Ço que plus dunc desirerent:
Ço fud sucurs de vïande
E de beivre plentét grande;
De or e de argent la vaisele
292 Que forment fud e bone e bele.
Page 38
Quanque voldrent tut a plentétL287 [L287] The Voyage of Mael Duin also mentions an island where food, drink and shelter are ready for travellers; ch. 6, p. 469.39
Trovent iloec u sunt entrét.
Le abes lur dist: 'Portez nus ent!
296 N'en prengez trop, ço vus defent.L296 [L296] rej prenget39
E prïez Deu checun pur sei
Que ne mentet vers Deu sa fai.'
Pur ço les volt li abes guarnir
300 Quer bien purvit que ert a venir.
Cil aportent asez cunrei,
E n'en prestrent a nul desrei;L302 [L302] rej En e p.39
Tant mangerent cum lur plout,
304 E cum idunc lur en estout.
De Deu loër ne se ublïent,L305 [L305] For this construction see M. Pelan, Old French s'oublier . . . in Romanistisches Jahrbuch 10 (1959), 59-77.39
Mais sa merci mult la crïent.
Del herberger pregnent oser;L307 [L307] They venture (lit. begin to dare? cf. 48) to spend the night (W.).39
308 Quant fud l'ure, vont reposer. [f.2d]
Cum endormit furent trestuit,
Ast vos Sathan qui l'un seduit:L310 [L310] In NB, p. 75, Brendan sees the devil in the form of a black baby, a not infrequent image according to Selmer, p. 85 n. 26.39
Mist l'en talent prendre an emblét
312 De l'or qu'il vit la ensemblét.
L'abes veilout e bien vetheit
Cume dïables celui teneit,
Cume lui tendeit un hanap de or;L315 [L315] rej leui39L315 [L315] hanap communion cup, chalice. NB has a frenum argenteum in this episode which, Selmer suggests, p. 85, n. 27, could be translated as necklace rather than the conventional bridle. In the Voyage of Mael Duin one of the three latecomers, Maelduin's fosterbrothers, also steals a necklace for which crime he is struck down and turned to ashes by a fiery cat. A similar incident occurs in the Perlesvaus, ll. 125-77 (eds. W. A. Nitze and T. A. Jenkins), where a squire, Cahus, steals a candelabra from a chapel and subsequently dies for the theft. Marjorie Williamson compares all three episodes in Modern Philology 30 (1932), 5-11.39
316 Plus riche n'i at en un tresor.
Cil levet sus, prendre l'alat,
E en repost tost l'enmalat.
E puis que out fait le larecin,
320 Revint dormir en sun reclin.L320 [L320] rej Revin dormer39
Tut vit l'abes u reposoutL321 [L321] rej Tuit39
Cum cil freres par nuit errout.
Pur tenebres ne remaneit:
324 Sanz candeile tut le vetheit,
Quar quant ço Deus li volt mustrer,L325 [L325] note li not in A39
Sur ço n'estout cirge alumer.
Treis jurs enters i sujurnerent
328 E puis al quart s'en turnerent.L328 [L328] rej quarte39
Brandans lur dist: 'Seignurs, vus pri,
Page 39
Ne portez rien od vus d'ici,
Neïs un puint de cest cunrei,
332 N'enteins l'aigue pur nule sei.'L332 [L332] rej nul se40
Forment plurant dist as freres:
'Vedez, seignurs, cist est leres.'L334 [L334] rej Veidez40
Cil aparceut que l'abes sout
336 Del larecin, cument il l'outL336 [L336] rej larcein40L336 [L336] larecin, correctly spelt at 319, here appears in the Ms. as larcein with the r added in superscript. At 1272 it appears as larcin with i added interlinearly over an expuncted e. Given this scribal confusion, we have emended the two variant spellings to conform with that of 319.40
Cunuit; a tuz confés se rent,L335 [L335] He (the thief) realised that the abbot knew of the theft, [and understood] how he had come to know of it. This is, perhaps, the boldest example of enjambement in the text, and the sense is not altogether clear. Cf. W.'s note.40
As pez le abét mercit atent.L338 [L338] rej abes40
Dist lur abes: 'Prïez pur lui;
340 Vus le verrez murrir encui.'
Devant trestuz tuz veables
Eisit criant li diables:
'Cheles, Brandan, par quel raisun
344 Gettes mei fors de ma maisun?'L344 [L344] note ma not in A40
Dist al frere ço que il volt,L345 [L345] rej qui40
Mercit li fait e puis l'asolt.
Desque receut cumungement,
348 Veanz trestuz mort le prent.
L'espirit en vait en paraïs
En grant repos u Deus l'at mis.L350 [L350] rej repose40
Al cors firent sepulture,
352 Prïent Deu qu'en prenget cure.L352 [L352] rej que p.40 [f.3a]
Cist fud un des tres freres
Qu'en la nef receut li peres.
Vindrent al port el rivage.L355 [L355] rej Vindrint40
356 Ast vus mult tost un message:L356 [L356] This is the first appearance of the messenger, announced in l. 140, who appears at various times throughout the story, providing the travellers with food, and helping them find their way to Paradise. Also referred to as lur hoste (825 etc., as well as mes 405 and le Deu fedeil 580), this guardian angel remains in Paradise when Brendan and his companions return to Ireland (1809-10).40
Pain lur portet e le beivre
E sis rovet cel receivre.L358 [L358] rej cil40
Puis lur at dist: 'Soür sëez,L359 [L359] rej seet40
360 Quelque peril que vus veiez.
Que que veiez, n'aëz poür:
Deus vus durat mult bon oür,
E ço verrez que alez querant
364 Par la vertud de Deu le grant.
E de cunrei rien esmaëz
Que vus ici asez n'en aiez:
Page 40
Ne frat faile desqu'en vendrezL367 [L367] rej Nen; dis quen41
368 En tel leu u plus prendrez.'L368 [L368] rej leiu41
Parfunt clinant, saisit les en.
Plus ne lur dist, meis alat s'en.
Or unt voüt li Deu servant
372 Que il eirent par Deu cumant,
E unt pruvét tut a soütL373 [L373] rej un41
Par miracles que unt voüt.
E bien veient que Deus les paist:L375 [L375] rej veiant; le41
376 De loër Deu nuls ne se taist.
Siglent al vent, vunt s'en adés.
Li cunduz Deu mult lor est pres.
Curent par mer grant part de l'an
380 E merveilles trestrent ahan.
Terre veient a lur espeir,
Cum de plus luin lur pout pareir.L382 [L382] As far away as they could see (lit. . . . as it could be clear to them).41
Drechent lur nef icele part,L383 [L383] rej icel41
384 E n'i at nul de nager se tart.L384 [L384] rej de le nager41
Lascent cordes, metent veil jus;
Ariverent e sailent sus.L386 [L386] This is ariver in its etymological sense ( < *adripare) of come to shore, land.41
Veient berbiz a grant fuisun,L387 [L387] rej granz41
388 A chescune blanche tuisun.
Tutes erent itant grandes
Cum sunt li cers par ces landes.L390 [L390] Ces landes shows the so-called epic or descriptive use of the demonstrative replacing the definite article and connoting generalised familiarity: il sert à présenter la notion du substantif comme bien connue, notoire, quasi constante dans le genre de situation évoqué (Moignet, 113).41
Dist lur l'abes: 'Seignurs, d'ici
392 Ne nus muverum devant terz di.
Jusdi est oi de la ceine,L393 [L393] rej Judis41L393 [L393] La ceine is specifically the Last Supper, more generally Holy Communion. Here the reference is to Maundy Thursday, called jusdi absolud at 822. Cf. note to ll. 829-30.41
Cum li Filz Deu suffrit peine;
Il nus est douz e prest amisL395 [L395] rej e epres41
396 Qui prestement nus ad tramis [f.3b]
Dunt poüm la feste faire.L397 [L397] rej fest41L397 [L397] dunt that with which.41
Pensez de la nef sus traire!
De icez berbiz une pernez,
400 Al di pascal la cunrëez.
A Deu cungét de ço ruvum,
Altre quant nus or n'i truvum.'L402 [L402] Since we now find no one else here [from whom to ask leave].41
Page 41
Que cumandat, iço fait unt,
404 E par tres dis ileoc estunt.
Al samadi lur vient uns mes,
De la part Deu salüet les.
Peil out chanut, oilz juvenilz:
408 Mult out vescut sanz tuz perilz.
Pain lur portet de sun païs:
Grant e mult blanz guasteus alis;L410 [L410] Grant for granz before a pl. obj. is encountered also at 609.42
E si lur falt nule rien,
412 Tut lur truverat, ço promet bien.
L'estre d'iloc l'abes anquist.
Ne sai s'osat, mais poi l'en dist;L414 [L414] rej soasat42L414 [L414] I do not know if he was forthcoming (?), but he told him little about it. Cf. the use of oser at 307 above.42
Ço respundit: 'Asez avum
416 Quanque des quers penser savum.'L415 [L415] We have all that our hearts could desire (lit.. . . that we can think of in our hearts).42
E dist l'abes: 'Berbiz ad ci,
Unc en nul leu tant grant ne vi.'
Respunt lui cil: 'N'est merveille:
420 Ja ci n'ert traite öeile;
L'ivers n'en fait raëncune,
Ne d'enfertét n'i mort une.
A cel isle que tu veis la,
424 Entre en ta nef, Brandan, e va.
En cel isle anuit entrasL425 [L425] Entras looks like a syncopated future form of entreras. The other Mss. have estras.42
E ta feste demain i fras.
Demain einz nuit en turnerez;
428 Pur quei si tost, bien le verrez!
Puis revendrez e sanz peril,
Bien pres siglant de cest costil.
E puis irez en altre liu
432 U jo en vois e la vus siu.
Mult pres d'ici, la vus truverai;
Asez cunrei vus porterai.'
Siglet Brandan, nel cuntredit;
436 Vait a l'isle que il bien vit.
Vent out par Deu e tost i fud,
Mais bien grant mer out trescurud;
Eissi vait qui Deus meine.L439 [L439] qui he whom; cf. que 923.42
440 Terre prennent e sanz peine.
Page 42
[f.3c]Eissent s'en fors tuit li frere
Fors sul l'abes qui enz ere.L442 [L442] rej en ere43L442 [L442] ff. The fact that Brendan stays aboard shows his foreknowledge of events, and when the whale begins to move, he is ready to explain what has happened to his startled companions and to draw an appropriate moral. The meal on the whale's back is perhaps the best known episode of the Brendan legend, and was a favorite subject in medieval iconography, finding its way particularly into illustrated bestiaries; cf. F. McCulloch, Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1960), esp. pp. 91-2.43
Beal servise e mult entrinL443 [L443] rej sevise43
444 Firent la nuit e le matin.
Puis que unt tut fait lur serviseL445 [L445] rej out43
En la nef cum en eglise,L446 [L446] rej glise43
Charn de la nef qu'il i mistrent,
448 Pur quire la dunc la pristrent.
De la busche en vunt quere
Dunt le manger funt a terre.
Cum li mangers fud cunrëez,
452 Dist li bailis: 'Or asëez!'
Dunc s'escrïent mult haltement:L453 [L453] rej ses scirent43
'A! donz abes, quar nus atent!'
Quar la terre tute muveit
456 E de la nef mult se luigneit.
Dist li abes: 'Ne vus tamez,
Mais Damnedeu mult reclamez!
E pernez tut nostre cunrei,
460 Enz en la nef venez a mei!'
Jetet lur fuz e bien luncs raps;
Parmi tut ço muilent lur dras.L462 [L462] For examples of the OF phrase parmi tot ço even so, apparently unknown to W. (cf. his gloss during s.v. parmi), see TL 7, 310-11; cf. also Horn II, p. 107, and A. Bell in Romania 97 (1976), 475-7.43
Enz en la nef entré sunt tuit.
464 Mais lur isle mult tost s'en fuit,
E de dis liuues bien choisirentL465 [L465] rej luiues; chosserent43
Le fou sur lui qu'il i firent.
Brandan lur dist: 'Freres, savez
468 Pur quei poür oüt avez?
N'est pas terre, ainz est beste
U nus feïmes nostre feste,
Pessuns de mer sur les greinurs.L471 [L471] sur more than i.e. Bigger than; cf. 702.43
472 Ne merveillés de ço, seignurs!
Pur ço vus volt Deus ci mener
Que il vus voleit plus asener:L474 [L474] rej Qui43
Ses merveilles cum plus verrez,
476 En lui puis mult mielz crerrez.
Primes le fist li reis divins
Devant trestuz pessuns marins.'L477 [L477] This is a clear reference to Genesis 1: 21 where whales are the first creatures created: And God created whales, and every living creature that moveth. . . .43
Page 43
Quant out ço dist l'abes Brandan,
480 Bien ad curut de mer un grant pan.
Veient terre alte e clere,L481 [L481] rej a. edere44L481 [L481] ff. The Island of Birds. Similar episodes occur in Mael Duin pp. 493-5, Hui Corra, p. 49, and Snegdus and Mac Riagla, p. 21, and find echoes in medieval vision literature where souls are depicted in bird form (see below 519), as well as in Arthurian literature, notably Chrétien de Troyes's Yvain where the beautiful tree guarding Esclados le Roux's storm-creating fountain becomes the roost for a multitude of harmonious birds when the storm ends (ed. M. Roques, ll. 380-5, 413-18, 459-75); see also S. Méjean, A propos de l'arbre aux oiseaux dans Yvain, Romania 91 (1970), 392-9 for possible Arabic influences. M. Donatus, Beasts and Birds in the Lives of Early Irish Saints (Philadelphia, 1934), pp. 242-3, reminds us that Giraldus Cambrensis in his description of Ireland (ed. Dimock, ll. 5124 ff) refers to sanctuaries, not primarily for men alone, but for birds and beasts in honour of the patron saints Saint Beanus and Saint Brendan, and sees in this concern for animals and birds early motivation for stories later associated with St Francis (p. 244). Cf. Selmer, p. 86 n. 31.44
Si cum lur out dist cil frere.L482 [L482] rej Cil cum44
Venent i tost e arivent,
484 Ne de l'eisir ne s'eschivent,L484 [L484] rej ne se sivent44L484 [L484] they are not afraid (lit. do not avoid) to land.44 [f.3d]
Ne pur altre rien ne dutent,
Mais a terre la nef butent.
Amunt un duit s'en vunt süef
488 E od cordes traient lur nef.
Al chef del duit out une arbreL489 [L489] arbre with feminine gender is attested more readily at 849. Similarly masc. isle is apparently found at 93, 97, 423 etc. (cf. also note to 1165). Since both of these genders recur in Anglo-Norman (see The Anglo-Norman Alexander, vol. ii (ANTS 32-3, London, 1977), p. 47), this is probably a dialectal feature. A parallel to masc. flur 96 occurs in Chardri's Josaphaz (ed. J. Koch, 1. 1964; cf. also Roland 2871-2), and to masc. dulur 1440, 1538 in Philippe de Thaün's Bestiaire (ed. E. Walberg, l. 2830). sigle, usually masc. in our text, is found once as a fem. (1654); mer is also perhaps encountered once with a masc. adj. (see note to l. 883).44
Itant blanche cume marbre,
E les fuiles mult sunt ledes,
492 De ruge e blanc taceledes.L492 [L492] note e not in A44L491 [L491] No description as precise is given in NB and one wonders whether Benedeit was aware of the corresponding episode in Snegdus and Mac Riagla (p. 21) where the birds perched in the tree used to beat their sides with their wings, so that showers of blood dropt out of their sides for dread of the signs of Doom.44
De haltece par vedueL493 [L493] as high as the eye could see. W. glosses par vedue judging by the eye.44
Muntout le arbre sur la nue;
Des le sumét desque en terre
496 La brancheie mult la serre
E ledement s'estent par l'air,
Umbraiet luin e tolt le clair;
Tute asise de blancs oiseus:
500 Unches nul hom ne vit tant beus.
Li abes prent a merveiller
E prïet Deu sun conseller
Que li mustret quel cose seit,L503 [L503] rej Qui44
504 Si grant plentét des oiseus que deit,L504 [L504] what is the meaning of such a great abundance of birds; cf. que tu deies 516 what your purpose is.44
Quel leu ço seit u est venuz;
D'iço l'asent par ses vertuz.
Sa prïere quant la laisat,
508 L'un des oiseus s'en devolat.
Tant dulcement sonat li vols
En eschele cum fait li cols;L510 [L510] like the sound (lit. striking) of a bell.44
E puis qu'asist desur la nef,
512 Brandan parlat bel e süef:
'Si tu es de Deu creature,L513 [L513] rej crature44
De mes diz dunc prenges cure!L514 [L514] rej meis44
Primes me di que tu seies,
Page 44
516 En cest liu que tu deies,
E tu e tuit li altre oisel,
Pur ço que a mei semblez mult bel.'
L'oiseil respunt: 'Angele sumes,L519 [L519] ff. Fallen angels who were spared the torments of Hell for refusing to join Satan, yet denied their abode in Heaven because they were unfaithful to God, occur elsewhere in medieval literature, notably in Dante's Inferno iii, 37-42 (quel cattivo coro / Degli angeli che non furon ribelli / Né fur fedeli a Dio). For a review of the literary occurrences of these neutral angels, see M. Dando, Cahiers d'Etudes Cathares, 2e série, 69 (1976), 1-28. Dando neglects to mention that angels appear in the Brendan texts in the form of birds and notes no other such example. Souls in the form of birds were not uncommon in Irish literature; see Selmer, p. 87 n. 32.45
520 E enz en ceil jadis fumes;
E chaïmes de halt si bas
Od l'orguillus e od le las
Par superbe qui revelat,L523 [L523] rej que relvelat45
524 Vers sun seignur mal s'eslevat.L524 [L524] rej les lavat45
Cil fut sur nus mis a meistre,
De vertuz Deu nus dut paistre;
Puroc que fu de grant saveir,
528 Sil nus estout a meistre aveir.L528 [L528] rej Si45 [f.4a]
Cil fud mult fels par superbe,
En desdein prist la Deu verbe.L530 [L530] rej En desclem45
Puis que out ço fait, lui servimes
532 E cum anceis obedimes;
Pur ço sumes deseritét
De cel regne de veritét.
Mais quant iço par nus ne fud,
536 Tant en avum par Deu vertud:L536 [L536] tant this much anticipates 537-8; itant 539 has the same meaning.45
N'avum peine si cum cil
Qui menerent orguil cum il.L538 [L538] rej manerent45
Mal nen avum fors sul itant:
540 La majestéd sumes perdant,
La presence de la glorie,
E devant Deu la baldorie.
Le num del leu que tu quesis,
544 C'est as Oiseus li Paraïs.'
E il lur dist: 'Or ad un anL545 [L545] note il not in A45
Que avez suffert de mer le han;L546 [L546] rej le han45
Arere sunt uncore sisL547 [L547] rej seis45
548 Ainz que vengez en paraïs.L548 [L548] rej Anz45L545 [L545] The notion of a seven-year voyage belongs to the NB tradition. In VB there are two voyages, the first lasting five years and ending unsuccessfully because, according to St Íde Brendan's fostermother, his currach was made of the skins of once living creatures; the second voyage which lasts a further two years, hence the seven, is made in a boat of timber which reaches the Blessed Isle that Brendan had earlier seen in a vision.45
Mult suffreiz e peines e mal
Par occean, amunt aval,L550 [L550] rej amult45L550 [L550] Noting a similar use of amunt aval in Thomas's Tristan 2993, L. Foulet, Romania 69 (1946-7), 38-9, says: Il est clair qu'ici amont et aval n'indiquent ni une montée ni une descente, mais un mouvement à la surface de la mer qui entraîne le navire tantôt dans un sens tantôt dans le sens opposé. . . . Here the sense is indeed something like back and forth, perhaps even all over.45
E chescun an i frez la festeL551 [L551] rej C ch.45
552 De la Pasche sur la beste.'
Page 45
Puis que out ço dist, si s'en alatL553 [L553] rej Pui46
En sun arbre dun devalat.L554 [L554] devalat The preterite, as is common in OF, serves the function of the pluperfect.46
Quant vint le jurn al declinant,
556 Vers le vespre dunc funt cant;
Od dulces voices mult halt crïentL557 [L557] rej creient46
E enz en le cant Deu mercïent.
Or unt veüd en lur eisil
560 Itel cumfort cum urent cil.
Humaine gent unches anceisL561 [L561] rej a ceis46
N'i enveiat li suvereins reis.
Dunc dist le abes: 'Avez oïd
564 Cum cist angele nus unt goïd?
Loëz Deu e gracïez,
Plus vus aimet que ne quïez!'
La nef leisent en l'ewageL567 [L567] rej en leugue46
568 E mangerent al rivage;
E puis chantent la cumplieL569 [L569] cumplie compline, the last of the canonical hours, hence the last service of the day; cf. matines 576, the first service of the day. See also the note to l. 1428 below.46
Od mult grant psalmodie.
Puis enz as liz tuit s'espandent
572 E a Jesu se cumandent. [f.4b]
Dorment cum cil qui sunt lassét
E tanz perilz qui unt passét.
Mais nepurtant a chant de gals
576 Matines dïent ainzjurnals,
E as refreiz ensemble od ealsL577 [L577] rej od] ed46
Respunt li cors de cez oisals.
En prime main al cler soleil
580 Ast vus venant le Deu fedeilL580 [L580] rej le] de46
Par qui asen unt cest avei,
E par sun dun unt le cunrei.
E il lur ad dist: 'De vïande
584 Jo vus truverai plentét grande;
Asez averez e sanz custe
As uitaves de Pentecuste.
Puis les travalz estout sujurn:L587 [L587] rej en jurn46
588 Dous meis estrez ci enturn.'
Dunc prent cungé e s'en alat,
Page 46
E al terz di la repairat.
Dous feiz tuz dis la semaine
592 Cil revisdout la cumpaine.
Cum lur ad dist, eissil firent,L593 [L593] eissil = eissi le.47
En sun seign tut se mistrent.L594 [L594] rej seig47
Quant vint li tens de lur errer,
596 Lur nef prengent dunc a serrer;
De quirs de buf la purcusent,
Quar cil qu'i sunt a plein usent;L598 [L598] rej que s.47
Asez en unt a remüersL599 [L599] rej e r.47L599 [L599] a remüers to change, as replacements; cf. Horn 2488 aveir a remüer have a change (of clothes), and TL 8, 765.47
600 Que estre puisset lur baz enters.
E bien de tut se guarnissentL601 [L601] rej guarrisseint47
Pur defalte ne perisent.L602 [L602] rej periseint47L602 [L602] [so that] they do not perish for lack [of provisions].47
Cil lur liverat pain e beivre
604 Cum il voldrent plus receivre.
Tut ad cunté a pleins uit meis;
La nef ne pout plus suffrir peis.
Quant cil e cil baisét s'en sunt,
608 Prengnent cungét e puis s'en vunt.
Cil lur mustrat od mult grant plurs
Quel part dourent tendre lur curs.L610 [L610] rej Que p.47
Ast vus l'oisel desur le mast:
612 Dist a Brandan que s'en alast.L612 [L612] rej alat47
Granz curs li dist qu'ad a faire,L613 [L613] rej succurs47
E mult ennois ad a traire:
Uit meis enters estreit baïs
616 Ainz que puisset entrer païs,L616 [L616] rej pusset47L616 [L616] This transitive use of entrer, surviving into Mod. Eng., seems to be characteristic of Anglo-Norman (there are four examples in Horn; cf. also TL 3, 679).47 [f.4c]
Ainz qu'a l'isle vengent AlbeuL617 [L617] rej ad i.; abeu47L617 [L617] Albeu is a determinant of l'isle; cf. l'isle Albeu 784, 876. Saint Ailbe, one of the earliest of Irish saints (d. c. 530), was Bishop of Emly (County Tipperary) and patron saint of Munster. According lo legend, he had been suckled by a she-wolf, and later, like Brendan, set out in search of the Promised Land. An episode of the Hui Corra (ch. 68-9) tells of an island whose inhabitants had arrived there after St Ailbe and followed his rule.47
U estreient al Naël Deu.L618 [L618] rej estreint47
Puis qu'out ço dist, plus n'i targe;
620 Vait s'en al vent tut la barge.L620 [L620] tut may be for tost straight away (as in the other Mss., though cf. the next line), but could conceivably be read with al vent as a reinforcing adv. (cf. lur nef est tut en brande 900).47
Vunt s'en mult tost en mer siglant,
De tant bon vent Deu gracïant.
Crut lur li venz e mult suvent
624 Crement peril e grant turment.
Puis quatre meis veient terre,
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Mais fort lur est a cunquerre.
E nepurtant a la parfin
628 Al siste meis virent la fin.L628 [L628] rej mes iurn la f.48
Prengent terre, mais nepuroecL629 [L629] rej a t.; que pur oec48
Nul' entree truvent iloec.L630 [L630] Usually in OF the adj. nul has positive value (cf. two lines below where nul = any) unless used in conjunction with the verbal negation ne. Here, however, nepuroec 629 can hardly fulfil this function. There is another example of negative nul without ne at 786 (cf. also earlier 236). Although it might be tempting to regard this as an Anglo-Normanism (cf. A. R. Harden's comment in La Vie de Seint Auban, p. xxviii), Continental examples are also found, notably in Chrétien's Erec (2972) and Yvain (3468). Cf. W. 's note to l. 788.48
Virun en vunt .xl. dis
632 Ainz que en nul port se seient mis,
Quar li rocheit e li munz grant
A la terre lur sunt devant.
Puis mult a tart truvent un cros
636 Que fait uns duiz, qui lur ad os.
Qui cundüent lur nef amunt
Reposent sei quar lassét sunt.
Puis dist l'abes: 'Eisums fors;
640 Querums que seit mester as cors.'
Eisent s'en tuit uns e uns,
L'abes ovoec ses cumpaignuns;
E funtaine trovent duble,
644 L'une clere, l'autre truble.
Vunt i curant cum sedeillus.
Dist lur l'abes: 'Retenez vus!
Prendre si tost jo vus defent
648 D'ici que avum parlé od gent.
Quel nature nus ne savumL649 [L649] rej nel48
Aient li duit que trovét avum.'
Les diz l'abét, cil les crement,L651 [L651] rej labes48
652 E lur mult grant seif, le prement.L652 [L652] rej les p.48L652 [L652] They keep their very great thirst in check. seif can be both masc. and fem. in OF, though in our text le is sometimes found for la (cf. note to l. 157). Cf. Mss. B and D: E lur grant sei mult la prement.48
Hastivement e nun a tart,
Ast vus currant un grant veilard.
Poür oussent ne fust l'abit,
656 Quar moines ert; mais rien ne dit.L655 [L655] They would have been afraid had it not been for the [monk's] habit [which he was wearing].48
Vient enchaër as pez Brandan.
Drechet lui sus cil par la main.
Clinet parfunt e humlement;
660 Le abét e tuz baiser enprent.L660 [L660] rej abes e tuit48 [f.4d]
Puis prent Brandan par la destre
Pur mener l'en a sun estre.
As altres dist par sun seigneL663 [L663] The scribe's spelling seems to confuse etymological seign with the semi-learned form signe required by the rhyme with digne.48
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664 Vengent vedeir leu mult digne.
Cume alouent, le abes ad quis
Quels leus ço seit u se sunt mis.
Mais cil se taist, respuns ne fait;
668 Goït les fort od mult dulz hait.L668 [L668] rej duce49L668 [L668] On scribal duce for dulz, cf. dulce for dulz 699 and terce for tierz 1498; see also Intro., p. 12.49
Tant unt alét que ore veientL669 [L669] aler with the auxiliary aveir has the sense of journey, walk in OF (Moignet, 183).49
Le leu u il aler deient:
Abeïe bele e bone;
672 Plus sainte n'at suth le trone.
Le abes del leu fait porter fors
Ses reliques e ses tresors:
Cruz e fertres e les tistes,
676 Bien engemmét de amestistes,
De or adubez e de peres
Precïuses e enteres,
Od encensers de or amassétL679 [L679] note censers expuncted encers49
680 E les gemmes enz encassét.L680 [L680] Encassét for fem. pl. encassees sacrifices grammar for rhyme.49
Li vestiment sunt tuit a or;
En Arabie nen at si sor;
Od jagunces e sardines
684 Forment grandes e entrines;
Od tupazes e od les jaspes
Itant clers sunt les haspes.L686 [L686] W. is no doubt right to emend clers to cleres since this not only gives the extra syllable needed, but also brings the gender of haspes into line with the fem. gender of Old English hœpse from which it derives. This English word, as well as raps 461 ropes, also at the rhyme, can be used as evidence of insular influence on Benedeit's French.49
Tuit li moine sunt revestud,
688 Od lur abét sunt fors eisud.L688 [L688] rej abes49
Od grant goie e grant dulceur
Processïun funt li seignur.
E quant baisét se sunt trestuit,
692 Chescun le altre par la main duit.
Meinent les en lur abeïe,
Brandan e sa cumpainie.
Servise funt bel e leger;
696 Nel voleient trop agreger.
Puis vunt manger en refraiturL697 [L697] rej fraitur49
U tuit taisent for li litur.L698 [L698] rej for49
Devant eals unt dulz e blanc painL699 [L699] rej dulce49
700 Bien savurét e forment sain.
Racines unt en lu de mes,
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Qui sur deintez saülent les.L702 [L702] rej saluent50
Puis unt beivre mult savurét:L703 [L703] rej mul50
704 Aigue dulce plus de murét. [f.5a]
Quant sunt refait, levét s'en sunt
E verseilant al muster vunt.
Vunt verseilant miserereL707 [L707] The Miserere is one of the Penitential Psalms (Psalm li: Have mercy upon me, O God . . .).50
708 Desque en estals tuit li frere
Fors iceals qui servirent;
En refreitur cil resirent.L710 [L710] The verbal prefix re-, as it does often in OF, has the sense for their part.50
Quant l'eschele fud sonee,L711 [L711] rej sone50
712 Puis que l'ure fud chantee,L712 [L712] rej chante50
L'abes del leu fors les meinet.
D'els e del leu lur enseignet:L714 [L714] rej de leu50
Qui sunt, cument, des quant i sunt,L715 [L715] rej Si sunt50
716 De qui, par qui succurs unt:L716 [L716] rej sunt50
'Nus sumes ci vint e .iiii.;
Ci conversum en cest atre.
Uitante anz ad que prist sa fin
720 A saint Albeu li pelerin.L720 [L720] rej A saint A.; pelerein50L719 [L719] It is eighty years since the pilgrim St Ailbe died (lit. took his end). W.'s assumption (p. 203) that prist has an (unexpressed) impersonal subject allows him to retain a of 720, thus preserving correct syllable count, but it obliges him at the same time to correct Ms. li pelerin (which we take to be subj.) to le pelerin. Cf. prist decés 736 with Ailbe as subj.50
Riches hom fud de mult grant fiu,L721 [L721] ff. These lines describing Ailbe's life are not derived from NB; cf. note to l. 617.50
Mais tut guerpit pur cest leu.L722 [L722] rej tuit50
Quant alat en tapinage,
724 Apparut lui Deu message
Qui l'amenat; trovat leu prest:L725 [L725] rej amanat50
Icest muster que uncore i est.
Quant oïmes en plusurs leus
728 Que ci maneit Albeus li pius,
Par Deu ci nus asemblames
Pur lui que nus mult amames.
Tant cum vesquit, lui servimes,
732 Cume a abét obeïmes.L732 [L732] rej abes50
Puis que le ordre nus out apris
E fermement nus out asis,
Dunc lui prist Deus de sei pres;
736 Uitante anz ad que prist decés.
Deus nus ad puis si sustenuzL737 [L737] note ad not in A50
Que nuls mals n'est sur nus venuz,
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De nostre cors nul' enfermetét,
740 Ne peisance ne amertét.
De Deus nus veint, el ne savum,L741 [L741] rej veient51
La vïande que nus avum.
Nus n'i avum nul loreür,L743 [L743] loreür workman, servant < *lauratorem; cf. more usual OF laborëor.51
744 Ne n'i veduns aporteür,L744 [L744] rej venduns51
Mais chescun jurn tut prest trovum,L745 [L745] rej tuit51
Sanz ço qu'ailur nus nel ruvum,L746 [L746] rej nus] nes51
Tute veie le jurn uvrerL747 [L747] rej vie51
748 Entre les dous un pain enter; [f.5b]
A di festal ai tut le men
Pur le super, e chascun le son.L749 [L749] men: son These could not rhyme as they stand and W. supposes an original rhyme mien: suen, which though infrequent is paralleled elsewhere, e.g. Beroul 3583.51
E des dous duiz que veïstes,
752 Dunt pur un poi ne preïstes,
Li clers est freiz que al beivre avum,L753 [L753] rej Li cres51
Li trubles calz dun nus lavum.
E as hures que nus devumL755 [L755] rej Ehas51L755 [L755] at the appropriate times (lit. at the hours that we ought) . . ..51
756 En noz lampes fou recevum,
Ne pur l'arsun que cist fous fait
Cire ne oile le plus n'en vait;L758 [L758] is not used up any the more. The use of le is perhaps an Anglo-Normanism; cf. Seint Auban, p. xxvii.51
Par lui emprent, par lui esteint,
760 N'avum frere de ço se paint.L760 [L760] we have no brother [whose task it is] to look after [the lamps]. Cf. the use of the indicative in the same construction at ll. 135 and 286.51
Ici vivum e sanz cure,
Nule vie n'avum dure.
Ainz que vostre venir sousum,
764 Volt Deus qu'a vus cunrei ousum.
Il le dublat plus que ne solt;L765 [L765] note le not in A51L765 [L765] dublat increased, augmented not doubled; cf. meitez 950 portions not halves (W.).51
Bien sai que vus receivre volt.L766 [L766] rej vus refaire v.51
Des Thephanie al uitime diL767 [L767] rej thepanie51L767 [L767] a week after Epiphany; cf. 586, 778.51
768 Dunc a primes muverez d'ici;
Desque dunches sujurnerez,
Puis a primes vus an irez.'
Dunc dist Brandans: 'N'est liu si chers
772 U mansisse si volunters.'L772 [L772] rej mansesisse51
Respunt l'abes: 'Ço va quere
Pur quei moüs de ta terre,
Puis revendras en tun païs,
Page 51
776 Ileoc muras u tu nasquis.
Muveras d'ici la semaine
As uitaves de Thephaine.'L777 [L777] Brendan has arrived at the Isle of Ailbe for Christmas (cf. l. 618) and is to depart eight days after Epiphany, 13 Jan. (W.). La semaine is an apposition to the following line.52
Quant vint le jurn que l'abes mist,L779 [L779] rej veint52L779 [L779] The oblique form le jurn, which is the subject of vint, may well have been determined by its function as antecedent of objective que.52
780 Brandan de lui le cungé prist;L780 [L780] rej leu52
Li uns abes l'altre cunduit,
Ensemble od lui li moine tuit.
Entrent en mer, vent unt par Deu
784 Qui les luinet de l'isle Albeu.
Curent en mer par mult lunc tens,
Mais de terre unt nul asens.L786 [L786] rej sens52
Failent al vent e a cunreid;
788 Crut l'egre faim e l'ardant seid;
E la mer fud tant paisibleL789 [L789] rej passibile52L789 [L789] ff. On the Coagulated Sea, which follows the Intoxicating Spring episode in NB, see Selmer, p. 88, n. 55. This incident recurs frequently in later medieval literature, particularly in Middle High German.52
Pur quei unt le curs mult peinible.
Espesse fud cume palud;L791 [L791] rej palude52
792 Tel i out enz ne creit salud.L792 [L792] rej salude52 [f.5c]
Deus les succurt par orage:
Terre veient e rivage,
E bien sevent li afamét
796 Que la les ad Deus destinét.
Trovent tel lur entreeL797 [L797] W. corrects tel to tele for correct syllable count, as he does also at 1194, but this particular analogical form is nowhere attested in our text.52
Cume se lur fust destinee.
Un duit unt cler e pessuns denz,L799 [L799] ff. The Intoxicating Spring. This incident occurs in similar stories in various forms: as water as sweet as milk in Snegdus and Mac Riagla, as the devil's well in Mael Duin, as a river of wine in Hui Corra and as aqua suavissima in the Latin life of Saint Malo; cf. Selmer, p. 88 n. 54.52
800 E cil em prenent plus que cenz.L800 [L800] W., following Ms. B, corrects to a plus que cenz by more than hundreds.52
Mester lur unt virun l'umeitL801 [L801] note virun not in A52
Herbes que sunt en betumeit.L801 [L801] These two lines are obscure and puzzled the copyists of all the manuscripts. We emend following W. who translates: They have need of herbs which are in the boggy ground around the river-bed. Alternatively: the herbs . . . are useful to them; cf. TL 5, 1709.52
L'abes lur dist: 'N'aiez cure
804 De beivre trop sanz mesure.'L804 [L804] note De not in A52
Cil em pristrent secund lur seid,
As diz l'abét ne tenent feid.L806 [L806] rej diz abet52
Tant em pristrent puis a celétL807 [L807] rej alelet52
808 Pur quei furent fol apelét,
Quar li sumnes lur cureit susL809 [L809] rej curent52
Dum il dormant giseient jus.
Qui trop beveit giseit enclins,L811 [L811] rej geisent52
Page 52
812 Tel jurn, tel dous, tel .iii. entrins.L812 [L812] some for a day, some for two . . ..53
Brandan prïout pur ses muines
Que il vedeit tuz suduines.L814 [L814] rej il ne deit tuit53
Desqu'en lur sens cil revindrent,L815 [L815] rej Desque lur53
816 Pur fols forment tuit se tindrent.
Dist lur abes: 'Fuium d'ici
Que ne chaiez meis en ubli.L818 [L818] rej umbli53
Mielz vient suffrir honeste faim
820 Que ublïer Deu e sun reclaim.'
Par mer d'ileoc se sunt tolud,
Desque al jusdi vint absolud;
Dunc repairat peres Brandan
824 En la terre u fud l'altre an.
Ast lur hoste, le veil chanud:
Al port lur ad un tref tendud;L826 [L826] rej porte53
Bainéd i ad les travailez,
828 E nuveals dras apareilez.
Funt la ceine e lur mandét
Cum en escrit est cumandét.L829 [L829] mandét ritual washing of feet performed on Maundy Thursday. The action recalls Christ's washing of the feet of his disciples on the day before his crucifixion (John 13: 14). The word itself is derived from Latin mandatum novum, the new commandment given by Christ in John 13: 34: A new commandment I give you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. The verse is sung in the liturgy for Maundy Thursday. maundy entered the English language from AN maundé.53
E sunt ileoc desque al .iii. di.
832 Turnerent s'en al samadi
E vunt siglant sur le peisun.
L'abes lur dist: 'Fors eisum!'
Lur caldere qu'il perdirent
836 En l'an devant, or la virent; [f.5d]
Li jacoines l'ad gwardee,L837 [L837] The name jacoines representing Jasconius of NB has been preserved only by our Ms. It is derived from Irish iasc fish; see Selmer, pp. 100-1.53
Or l'unt sur lui retruvee.L838 [L838] rej Or unt53
Plus asoür sur lui estunt,L839 [L839] rej Pluis53
840 E lur feste bele i funt.
Tute la nuit desque al matinL841 [L841] rej Tut53
De festïer ne firent fin.
Le di paschur celebrïent;L843 [L843] rej celebreient53
844 De lur hure ne s'ublïent:L844 [L844] W. corrects hure to hures services at canonical hours, but sing. hure most likely refers to the appointed hour of their departure.53
Plus de midi ne targerent,
Mais dunc lur nef rechargerent.
Alat s'en tost e curt li sainz
848 Vers les oiseus u furent ainz.
Bien unt choisit le arbre blancheL849 [L849] rej un53
Page 53
E les oiseals sur la branche.
De luin en mer bien oïrentL851 [L851] rej oierent54
852 Cum li oiseals les goïrent:L852 [L852] rej goierent54
De lur canter ne firent finL853 [L853] note fin not in A54
Desque arivé sunt li pelerin.
Traient lur nef amunt le gort
856 La u devant ourent lur port.L856 [L856] rej U la54
Ast lur hoste chi tent un tref:
Cunreid portet pleine sa nef.
Dist lur: 'Ci estreiz del tens un poi.L859 [L859] rej streit54
860 A voz cungez jo m'en revoi.
Ici mandrez e sanz custe
Desque uitaves de Pentecoste.
Ne dutez rien; ne demurai:
864 Quant mesters ert, vus succurrai.'
Ferment lur nef od chaines,L865 [L865] The rhyme is between [ẽjn] and [ãjn] (cf. Intro., p. 13), chaines being a spelling variant of OF chaeines.54
E sunt iloec uit semaines.L866 [L866] Set was no doubt originally uit, or more likely .viii.; cf. the reading of Mss. D, E and F. To the seven weeks separating Easter and Pentecost is to be added the octave of Pentecost of l. 862.54
Quant vint le tens de lur aler,
868 L'un des oiseals prent avaler:L868 [L868] . . . comes swooping down.54
Sun vol ad fait tut a cerne,L869 [L869] rej uols54
Puis s'est asis sur la verne.
Parler voldrat; Brandan le veit,
872 Dist a checun que em pais seit:
'Seignurs', ço dist, 'a cest sujurn
Tuz cez set anz freiz vostre turn.L874 [L874] note set not in A54
Chascun an al Naël Deu
876 Sujurnerez en l'isle Albeu;L876 [L876] rej en isle54
La ceine freiz e le mandét
U vostre hoste l'at cumandét.
E chescun an freiz la feste
880 De la Pasche sur la beste.' [f.6a]
Quant out ço dist, si s'en alat
En sun arbre dum devolat.
La nef en mer parfunt flotet;L883 [L883] Despite W.'s contention that parfunt here is an adverb, it is not easy to translate it otherwise than as an adj., albeit masc. in form qualifying mer.54
884 L'oste chescuns aböotet.
Chil de venir ne s'est targét:
Vent de cunrei sun bat chargét,
E de sa nef charget la lurL887 [L887] note la not in A54
Page 54
888 Od bon cunrei de grant valur.
Puis apelet Filz Marie
Qui guart cele cumpainie.L890 [L890] note cel (or tel?)55L890 [L890] W. corrects Ms. qui to que, but unnecessarily; for constructions with relative qui followed by the subjunctive, see Moignet, 229.55
Del revenir metent termes.
892 Al departir fundent lermes.
Trestout curent al portant vent
Chi fait errer vers occident.L894 [L894] W. supplies the missing object by correcting chi to chis = chi les; cf. also 906.55
Dormante mer unt e morte
896 Chi a sigler lur ert forte.
Puis q'unt curut .iii. quinzeines,
Freidur lur curt par les veines:
Poür lur surt forment grande
900 Que lur nef est tut en brande,L900 [L900] Tut en brande pitching perilously, not burning as glossed by Gdf. 1, 721 and TL 1, 1120; see W. in MLR 21 (1929), 401-2.55
E poi en falt pur turmente
La nef od eals que n'adente.L901 [L901] And because of the storm it is touch-and-go whether the boat with them [in it] will capsize.55
Puis lur veint el dun s'esmaientL903 [L903] rej v. e d.55
904 Plus que pur nul mal qu'il traient:
Vers eals veint uns marins serpenz
Chis enchaced plus tost que venz.
Li fus de lui si enbraise
908 Cume buche de fornaise:
La flamme est grant, escalféd fort,L909 [L909] rej La flum55
Pur quei icil crement la mort.
Sanz mesure grant ad le cors;
912 Plus halt braiet que quinze tors.
Peril n'i oust fors sul de denz,L913 [L913] rej out55
Sil fuïssent mil e cinc cenz.L914 [L914] rej Cil furent55L913 [L913] Though the Ms. reading is comprehensible as it stands (there was danger only from its teeth, and these [masc. in OF] were 1500), it makes little or no sense in the context. What must have been the original hyperbolic vigour of the passage is preserved in the Latin prose translations, and can be restored by emending out to oust, following W., and cil furent to sil fuïssent (cf. W.'s sil fuireient). For a translation, see Intro., p. 21.55
Sur les undes que il muveit,L915 [L915] rej qui il55
916 Pur grant turment plus n'estuveit.L915 [L915] In addition to the waves which it caused, nothing more was needed to make a great storm (W.).55
Cum aprismout les pelerins,
Dunc dist Brandan li veirs divins:
'Seignurs, n'entrez en dutance:
920 Deus vus ferat la venjance.L920 [L920] Ferat being the only instance of the unreduced future of faire in our text (see Glossary), W. corrects to en frat.55
Guardez que pur fole poür
Deu ne perdez ne bon oür,
Quar que Deus prent en sun cunduit
924 Ne deit cremer beste qui muit.'
Page 55
[f.6b]Puis que out dist, a Deu urat;
Ço qu'out urét ne demurat:
Altre beste veient venir
928 Qui bien le deit cuntretenir.L928 [L928] Le is no doubt for la, i.e. the first monster.56
Dreit cum ceste vers la nef traist,L929 [L929] rej cest56
L'altre qui vient a rage braist.L930 [L930] rej veient arge56
Ceste cunuit sa guarrere;L931 [L931] rej Cest56
932 Guerpit la nef, traist s'arere.L932 [L932] rej sairere56
Justedes sunt les dous bestes:
Drechent forment halt les testes;
Des narines li fous lur salt,
936 Desque as nües qui volet halt.
Colps se dunent de lur noës,
Tels cum escuz, e des podes.
A denz mordanz se nafrerent,
940 Qui cum espiez trenchant erent.L940 [L940] rej espiz56
Salt ent li sanz des aigres morsL941 [L941] rej enz li s. fud a.56
Que funt li denz en cez granz cors;
Les plaies sunt mult parfundes,
944 Dun senglantes sunt les undes.
La bataile fud estulte:
En la mer out grant tumulte.
E puis venquit la dereine;
948 Morte rent la primereine:
A denz tant fort la detirat
Que en tres meitez le descirat.L950 [L950] Cf. note to l. 157.56
E puis que fist la venjance,
952 Realat a sa remanance.
Ne deit hom mais desesperer,L953 [L953] rej desperer56
Ainz deit sa feit plus averer
Quant veit que Deus si prestement
956 Vivere trovet e vestement,
E tanz succurs en perilz forz
E estorses de tantes morz.L958 [L958] rej tante56L958 [L958] All the examples of estorse in TL 3, 1424 relate to hunting, with the sense movement of prey to escape capture.56
L'abes lur dist: 'Laisum tut el:
960 Seignur servir bien deit l'um tel.'
Cil respunent mult volunters:
Page 56
'Quar bien savum qu'il nus ad chers.'L962 [L962] rej qui57
Puis al demain terre veient,
964 E ariver bien se creient.
Vunt mult tost e sailent fors
Pur reposer lur lassez cors.
Sur l'erbeie tendent lur tref,
968 E sus traient al secc lur nef.L968 [L968] al secc on to dry land, found both in Wace's Brut (ed. I. Arnold), l. 6814, and Rou ii (ed. A. J. Holden), l. 6572.57 [f.6c]
Cum a terre ariverent,
Les tempestes aviverent;
Cunuit Brandans a l'air pluius
972 Que li tens ert mult annüus.
Li venz lur ert cuntresailiz,
E li cunreiz lur ert failiz;
Mais cil puroc ne s'esmaient,
976 Quelque peril que il traient.
L'abes lur ad tant sermunét,
E Deus par tut asez dunét,
Que ne poient puint mescreire
980 De nule rien en lur eire.
Puis aprés ço, nïent a tart,
Del peisun veint la terce part;L982 [L982] rej veient57
L'unde de mer tant la serre
984 Que ariver lur fait a terre;
La turmente sus la chacet
Pur ço que a cez aise facet.
Dunc dist Brandans: 'Veiez, frere,
988 Ki enemis ainz vos ere
Or nus succurt par Deu grace:
Mangerez en grant espace.
Ne dutez rien, il nus ert past,
992 Quelque semblant qu'il nus mustrast.
Tant en pernez as voz suspeis
Que ne failet devant .iii. meis.'
Al sun cumant cil le firent:
996 A tant de tens se guarnirent.
D'eigue dulce des funtaines
Funt lur tunes tutes pleines,
E de busche se guarnirent.
1000 Puis q'unt l'uré, s'en issirent.L1000 [L1000] rej sen alirent57L1000 [L1000] At this point in NB there are two other chapters, the first the Island of the Three Choirs (ch. 17) which has three groups of inhabitants, boys, men and old men, each group differently dressed and singing in turns. The third of the intruding monks remains here, forcing Benedeit in the Voyage to explain his disappearance rather enigmatically later on (1493-1504). In the other chapter omitted (ch. 18) a large bird drops a bunch of magnificent grapes into Brendan's lap, food which sustains them through a three-day fast. The omission of the two episodes allows Benedeit to maintain the quickening dramatic pace of his poem.57
Page 57
De miracles Deus ne cesset:
Altre peril les apresset.
Si fust primers, ne fust meindres
1004 Icist perilz, ainz fust graindres.L1003 [L1003] if it had been the first [of the two], this peril would not [in their estimation] have been smaller [than the other], but would have been greater. The poet is comparing the respective fearsomeness of the griffin and the sea-serpent. The second only seems lesser to them because of the experience of the first (W.).58
Mais ne crement pur le purpens
Qu'il unt de Deu, e le defens.L1005 [L1005] They are not afraid because their thoughts are turned to God, and [they are aware of] his protection. W. interprets defens as prohibition.58
Uns grips flammanz de l'air descent,L1007 [L1007] The griffin was a fabulous animal usually represented as having the head and wings of an eagle and the body and hindquarters of a lion.58
1008 Pur eals prendre les ungles tent,
E flammantes ad les goës
E trenchantes fort les poës.
Bord de la nef n'i ad si fort
1012 Sul od l'ungle que ne l'en port;L1012 [L1012] rej lungles58 [f.6d]
Pur sul l'aïr e le sun vent
Pur poi la nef achant ne prent.L1014 [L1014] rej naf58L1011 [L1011] There is no plank in the boat of such strength that the griffin cannot tear it away with a mere [blow of its] claw. The ship very nearly capsizes because of the very violence [of its flight] and the wind it creates.58
Cum les caçout eisi par mer,
1016 Vint uns draguns flammanz mult cler;L1016 [L1016] rej f. par mer58
Mot les eles, tent le col,
Vers le gripun drechet sun vol.
La bataile sus est en l'air:
1020 Li fus des dous fait grant esclair;L1020 [L1020] rej de dous58
Colps e flammes e morz e buz
Se entredunent veiant eals tuz.
Li grips est granz, draguns maigres;
1024 Cil est plus fort, cil plus aigres.
Morz est li grips, en mer chaït:L1025 [L1025] chaït is recorded both as preterite and a past participle in OF. The former seems marginally preferable here.58
Vengét en sunt ki l'unt haït.
Vait s'en draguns, portet victorie;
1028 Cil en rendent Deu la glorie.
Vunt s'en icil d'iloec avant;
Par l'espirit Deu mult sunt savant.
Vint la feste de saint Perrunt
1032 Ki fud ocis al préd Nerunt;L1031 [L1031] The feast-day of St Peter (and St Paul) is 29 June. Peter, according to a tradition dating from around A.D. 200, was put to death and buried on or near the site of the present Vatican basilica, also believed to be the site of Nero's gardens.58
Feste li funt cil e glorie
A saint Perrunt l'apostorie.
Cum l'abes fist le servise,
1036 Si cum la lei est asise,L1036 [L1036] rej Sicum lais58
Chantout mult halt a voiz clere.
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Dunc dïent tuit li frere:
'Beal pere chers, chante plus bas,
1040 U si ço nun, murir nus fras;L1040 [L1040] rej si que nun murer59
Quar tant cler' est chascun' unde
U la mer est parfunde
Que nus veüm desque en terre,L1043 [L1043] rej venum59
1044 E de peissuns tante guerre.L1044 [L1044] rej gurre59L1044 [L1044] TL 4, 743 accepts the sense of confusion proposed for guerre by W., but with reservations.59
Peissuns veüm granz e crüels,
Unc n'oïmes parler de tels.
Si la noise les en commout,
1048 Sachez, murir nus estout.'
L'abes surrist e les blasmat,
E pur mult fols les aësmat:L1050 [L1050] rej asinat59
'Seignurs, de rien pur quei dutez?
1052 Voz crëances cum debutez!L1052 [L1052] rej creance59
Perilz avez suffert plus granz;
Vers tuz vus fud Deus bons guaranz.
Uncore ne vus vint cist.L1055 [L1055] This danger has not yet happened to you; i.e., the monks have taken fright when there is no danger.59
1056 Clamez culpe!', Brandans lur dist. [f.7a]
Chantat plus halt e forment cler.
Sailent bestes ruistes de mer,
Vunt costeant la nef enturn,L1059 [L1059] rej costant59
1060 Goïsant la feste del jurn.
Puis q'unt chantét que al jurn partint,L1061 [L1061] . . . the service that was appropriate to the day.59
Chescun peissun sa veie tint.
Avant curent e veient clerL1063 [L1063] rej Quant59
1064 En mer halte un grant piler:L1064 [L1064] rej halt59L1064 [L1064] ff. The Great Pillar and Canopy. This episode could call to mind the description of an iceberg; see Selmer, p. 90 n. 85. A similar episode in Mael Duin, closely paralleled by details in Hui Corra, refers to a silver column in the sea, eight oarstrokes in circumference, with a silver net coming out of the summit. A mesh of the net is taken to be offered on the altar of Armagh.59
De naturel fud jargunce;L1065 [L1065] jargunce jacinth. The OED notes that among the ancients this was a gem of a blue colour, probably a sapphire. Hence in l. 1067 saphire is probably adjectival (W.).59
D'altre mairein n'i out unce;
De jargunce fud saphire;
1068 Riches estreit ki'n fust sire.
Desqu'as nües muntout en sus,
As funs de mer descendeit jus.
Uns paveiluns enturn i tent;
1072 Des le sumét en mer descent,
De or precïus uvrét sutil:L1073 [L1073] rej il veirent s.59
Page 59
Pur tut le munde faiz ne fust il.L1074 [L1074] It could not have been made [even] for all the [wealth of the] world; cf. Mod. Eng. to cost the earth. The correction uvrét 1073 is W.'s from Ms. B.60
Siglet Brandan icele part;L1075 [L1075] rej icel60
1076 Ainz que venget semblet lui tart.L1076 [L1076] He finds the time long getting there.60
Sigle levét entret en tref
Od ses muines e od sa nef.
D'esmaragde veit un alter
1080 U li pilers descent en mer;
Li sacraires fud sardoine,
Li pavemenz calcedoine;
Enz el piler fermét aveitL1083 [L1083] rej li p.60
1084 Tref de fin or: ço susteneit;L1084 [L1084] ço is the object: it (the beam) supported all this, i.e. alter 1079, sacraires 1081, pavemenz 1082.60
E les lampes sunt de beril.
Cil ne crement nul peril;
Ici estunt desque al .iii. jurn;
1088 Messes chantent tuit al lur turn.
Brandans en prent purpens en sei
Ne deit querre le Deu secrei;
Dist as muines: 'Creés mun sen:
1092 Toluns d'ici, alum nus en!'
Un chaliz mult festival
Prent l'abes tut de cristal;
Bien set de Deu ne resortet,
1096 Pur servir l'en quant le portet.L1095 [L1095] He is certain of not being unfaithful to (lit. turning away from) God, since he is taking it (the chalice) in order to serve him with it (W.).60
Granz curs unt fait li pelerin,
Mais uncore ne sevent fin.
E nepurtant ne s'en feignent:
1100 Mais cum plus vunt, plus se peinent, [f.7b]
Ne de peiner ne recrerrunt
De ci que lur desir verrunt.
Apparut lur terre trubleL1103 [L1103] ff. The Episode of the Smithy of Hell, paralleled in Mael Duin (ch. 21), has echoes of the island of the Cyclops in the Aeneid. Selmer (p. 90) suggests that the description represents the eruption of a volcano.60
1104 De neir calin e de nuble:
De flaistre fum ert fumante,
De caruine plus puante;
De grant nerçun ert enclose.
1108 Cist ne rovent estre en pose,L1108 [L1108] rej am p.60
E de mult luign unt or oïtL1109 [L1109] rej un or60
Que la ne erent guairs goït.
Mult s'esforcent de ailurs tendre,
Page 60
1112 Mais ça estout lur curs prendre
Quar li venz la les em meinet.
E li abes bien les enseignet
E dist lur: 'Bien sachez
1116 Que a enfern estes cachez.
N'oustes mester unc mais si grant
Cum or avez de Deu guarant.'
Brandans ad fait sur eals la cruz.
1120 Bien set, pres est d'enfern li puz:
Cum plus pres sunt, plus veient mal,
Plus tenebrus trovent le val.
Des parfunz vals e des fosses
1124 Lammes ardanz volent grosses.
De fous sufflanz li venz enruit;
Nuls tuneires si halt ne muit.
Estenceles od les lammes,
1128 Roches ardanz e les flammes
Par cel air tant halt volent
Le cler del jurn que lur tolent.
Cum alouent endreit un munt,L1131 [L1131] rej Cun61
1132 Virent un féd dunt poür unt.L1132 [L1132] For féd man, see B. Foster, Fé, fée and maufé in French Studies 6 (1952), 345-52.61
Forment fud granz icil malfez,
D'enfern eisit tuz eschalfez;
Un mail de fer en puin portout:
1136 A un piler asez i out.
Cum s'aparçout par sun reguard
As uilz flammanz cum fus chi art,
E veit iceals, a tart li est
1140 Que sun turment tut i ait prest.
Jetant flammes de sa gorge
A granz salz curt en sa forge.
Revint mult tost od sa lamme
1144 Tute ruge cume flamme. [f.7c]
Es tenailes dun la teneit
Fais a dis bofs bien i aveit.
Halcet le sus vers la nue
1148 E dreit vers eals puis la rue.
Esturbeiluns plus tost ne vait
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Quant sus en l'air li venz le trait,
Ne li quarel d'arbeleste,
1152 Ne de funde la galeste:
Cum plus halcet e plus enprent,
En alant forces reprent.
Primes depart, puis amasset;
1156 Ne cheot sur eals, ainz passet.L1156 [L1156] trespasset passes over from Ms. D seems preferable, though W. corrects to les passet.62
U cheit en mer, iloec art
Cum brüere en un asart,
E mult lunc tens art la lame
1160 En la mer a grant flamme.
Li venz la nef ad cunduite,
Pur quei d'iloec pregnent fuite.
Al vent portant s'en alerent,
1164 Mais la suvent reguarderent:L1164 [L1164] rej reguardernt62
L'isle virent aluminé
E cuverte de fumé.L1166 [L1166] In view of the apparently masc. gender of isle (cf. note to p. 489), both fem. cuverte and the form fumé (also 1170) make this line unsatisfactory grammatically as well as hypometric. W. corrects aluminé 1165 to alumee, and fumé to fumee. The sense emerges clearly from the text however it is edited.62
Malsfez veient millers plusurs;
1168 Criz de dampnez oënt e plurs.L1168 [L1168] rej dampnez cent e plusurs62L1168 [L1168] The misreading of oent as cent, and the repetition of plusurs from the end of the previous line are obvious scribal corruptions which we correct following W.62
Püur lur vent forment grant
Del fumé chi luign par l'air s'espant.L1170 [L1170] Fumé, which we have again refrained from correcting, is probably for fum, which would give the line a correct syllable-count.62
Endurerent cum melz pourent;
1172 Eschiverent cum plus sourent.
Sainz hoem cum ad plusurs travailz
De faim, de seif, de freiz, de calz,
Ainxe, tristur e granz poürs,
1176 De tant vers Deu creist sis oürs.L1173 [L1173] These lines are Benedeit's own, though probably based partially on a commonplace; cf. Roland 1010-11: Pur sun seignor deit hom susfrir destreiz / E endurer e granz chalz e granz freiz (repeated 1117-18). A further example of plusur with its original comparative force of more is to be found at 1834 (cf. W.'s note to his l. 1840).62
Eisi est d'els puis q'unt voüd
U li dampnez sunt reçoüd:
En Deu ferment lur fïance,
1180 N'i aturnent mescreance.
Vunt s'en avant, n'i dutent rien;
Par ço sevent que espleitent bien.
Ne demurat fors al matinL1183 [L1183] Lit. there was no delay except until the morning when they saw . . ., in other words hardly had the next day dawned when . . .. The usual expression is ne demora . . . que, but the conj., as here, can be omitted; cf. the examples quoted in TL 2, 1384-5.62
1184 Virent un lu pres lur veisin:
Un munt cuvert de nublece;
Las meineit vent par destrecce.L1186 [L1186] Las = la les: the wind brought them there.62
Vindrent i tost al rivage,
1188 Mais mult ert de halt estage:
Page 62
[f.7d]Nuls d'els trestuz choisir ne pout
La haltece que li munz out.
Vers la rive plus ne descent
1192 Que la u plus amunt s'estent.L1191 [L1191] The meaning of these lines (with no equivalent in NB) is not clear; lit. [the mountain] does not slope down more [steeply] towards the shore than where it extends higher up. W., who does not translate here, sees this as a description of the island as a cone, sloping evenly from bottom to top.63
E la terre est tute neire;L1193 [L1193] note est not in A63
Tel nen out en tut lur eire.
Pur quel chose il ne sourent,
1196 Salt en l'uns fors; puis ne l'ourent.
Tuit unt oïd qu'il lur ad dit,
Mais sul l'abes des uilz le vit:L1198 [L1198] rej sul abes63
'Seignur, or de vus sui preiez
1200 Pur mes pechez, bien le crëez.'L1200 [L1200] rej meis63
E li abes le veit traire
A cent malfez chi le funt braire.
Turnent d'iloec, ailurs en vunt;
1204 Reguardent sei quar poür unt.
Del fum li munz est descuverz,
Enfern veient tut aüverz.
Enfers jetet fus e flammes,
1208 Perches ardanz e les lammes,L1208 [L1208] rej perchez63
Peiz e sufre desque as nües,
Puis les receit, quar sunt sües.L1210 [L1210] note les not in A63
Puis les meinet Brandans par mer,
1212 Des signacles les fait armer.
Veient en mer une boche
Si cum ço fust une roche;L1214 [L1214] rej Ci cum63L1213 [L1213] boche ( < *bottja) hump is Mod. Fr. bosse. The rhyme with roche might indicate a Norman or Picard dialectal pronunciation. Though there is no other example of this development in our text, the English loanwords cherry, chive, fashion (Fr. cerise, cive, façon) seem to show that it may not have been unkown in Anglo-Norman; cf. Pope § 1092.63
E roche fut verablement,L1215 [L1215] rej fust63
1216 Mais nel quïent crëablement.L1216 [L1216] rej ne q.63
Dunc dist l'abes: 'Ne demurum!
Sachum que seit, si i curum.'L1218 [L1218] rej si iccurum63
Vindrent ila, si truverent
1220 Iço que poi espeirerent:
Sur la roche u sunt venud
Trovent seant homme nud.
Mult ert periz e detirez,L1223 [L1223] periz is retained with the sense doomed, lost,; cf. Marie de France, Guigemar (ed. Ewert), l. 67, and Vie de Seint Auban (ed. Harden), ll. 243, 465, 913. Two of the other Mss. have pelfiz, pelfés plucked bare.63
1224 Delacherez e descirez.
Page 63
D'un drap liéd sun vis aveit,
A un piler si se teneit.
Fort se teneit a la pere
1228 Que nel rosast le unde arere;L1228 [L1228] We have kept rosast pushed back with o; cf. TL 8, 1190 under rëuser.64
Undes de mer le ferent fort,L1229 [L1229] rej mer firent fort64
Pur quei n'ad fin la süe mort.
Le une le fert, pur poi ne funt;L1231 [L1231] rej ne fent64
1232 Le altre detriers jetet l'amunt. [f.8a]
Peril devant, peril desus,
Peril detriers, peril dejus;
Turment grant ad a destre,
1236 Ne l'ad menur a senestre.
Quant l'unde ad fait ses empeintes,
Mult lassement fait ses pleintes:L1238 [L1238] rej les64
'A! reis, Jesu, de majestét,
1240 Faldrat ma morz n'ivern ne estét?L1240 [L1240] rej niverz64L1240 [L1240] faldrat will fail to take place; cf. Yvain 5486 La bataille ne puet faillir Ne remenoir en nule guise.64
Jesu, chi moz tut le trone,
a est ta mercit itant bone.L1242 [L1242] rej J est64
Jesu, tant es misericors;
1244 Ert nul' hure que seie fors?L1244 [L1244] rej sei64L1244 [L1244] will there [ever] be any hour that I am out [of my torment]?64
Jesu, li nez de Marie,
Ne sai si jo mercit crie:L1246 [L1246] crie is a deliberative subjunctive: . . . whether I am to cry for mercy.64
Ne puis ne n'os, quar tant forfis
1248 Que jugemenz de mei est pris.'
Quant le oit Brandans issi plaindre,
Unches dolur nen out graindre;
Levet sa main, tuz les seignet,
1252 D'apresmer la mult se peinet.
Cum apresmout, la mer ne mot,
Ne venz ne orrez ne la commot.
Dist lui Brandans: 'Di mei, dolenz,
1256 Pur quei suffres icez turmenz?
De part Jesu, qui tu crïes,
Jo te cumant quel mei dïes;
E certement me di qui es,
1260 E le forfait pur quei ci es.'
Page 64
Pur le plurer Brandans ne pout
Avant parler, mais dunc se tout.
Cil lui respunt a voiz basse,
1264 Mult ert roie, forment lasse:
'Jo sui Judas qui serveieL1265 [L1265] rej servie65L1265 [L1265] ff. Judas's account of his misdeeds is not derived from NB which has merely Ego sum infelicissimus Judas atque negotiator pessimus, p. 66. On Brendan's visit to Hell, cf. D. D. R. Owen, The Vision of Hell: Infernal Journeys in Medieval Literature (Edinburgh and London, 1970), 22-27, 59-62, 116-18.65
Jesu que jo traïseie.L1266 [L1266] rej traie65
Jo sui qui mun seignur vendi,L1267 [L1267] rej que65
1268 E pur le doul si me pendi.
Semblant d'amur fis pur baiser,L1269 [L1269] pur even to the point of; cf. Roland 514, 3617 and G. Moignet's note to this last line in his edition (Paris 1969, p. 254).65
Descordai quant dui apaiser.L1270 [L1270] rej aapaiser65
Jo sui qui sun aveir guardai,
1272 En larecin le debardai;L1272 [L1272] rej larcin65
E le offrande q'um li portout,L1273 [L1273] rej quin li p.65
Tut' as povres il l'enhortout,
Jo celoue en mes burses:L1273 [L1273] The object of celoue 1275 is offrande 1273 and l. 1274 is to be taken as a parenthesis: he exhorted [that] it [should] all [be given] to the poor.65
1276 Puroc me sunt peines surses; [f.8b]
E quidoue que fust celét
A lui qui fist cel estelét.
As povres Deu bien defendi;L1279 [L1279] denied comfort (goods) to God's poor. It is difficult to understand how W. in his glossary could construe bien as an adverb here.65
1280 Or sunt riche, e jo mendi.
Jo sui li fels qui Deu haï,
Le simple agnel as lus trahi.L1282 [L1282] rej Li s.65
Quant vi que as mains ert Pilate,
1284 Dunc oi chere forment mate.
Quant vi as mains ert as Judus,
A ceals crüels liverez li pius,L1286 [L1286] rej As65L1285 [L1285] There is no que in 1285, a further example of parataxis, and in 1286 the paratactical construction is compounded by ellipsis of the finite verb.65
Quant vi que as gabs l'aürouent,L1287 [L1287] rej lauroueint65
1288 E d'espines coronouent,L1288 [L1288] rej de spinis corouneint65
Quant vi vilement que fud traitez,
Sachez que fui mult dehaitez.
Puis vi que fud menez tüer;
1292 Le dulz costéd vi sanc süer.
Quant vi qu'en cruz esteit penduz,
E fud a mort de mei venduz,
Les deners tost offri trente;
1296 Cil ne voldrent cuilir rente.
Repentance n'en oi sage,L1297 [L1297] rej Renpentance65
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Ainz me tuai par ma rage;
E quant confés ne me rendi,L1299 [L1299] rej confesse66
1300 Dampnez sui de di en di.
Tu ne veiz rien de ma peine
Que enz enfern jo demaine;
Cist est repos de mun peril,L1303 [L1303] The notion of a respite for the damned is probably of Jewish origin according to P. F. Baum, Judas' Sunday Rest, MLR 18 (1923), 168-82, who notes two other examples of Judas's relief in OF literature, Baudouin de Sebourc and Esclarmonde. In Christian legend the respite came about through the intercession of St Michael and St Paul; cf. D. D. R. Owen, The Vision of Hell, pp. 307, 51-5.66
1304 Que al samadi prenc al seril.L1304 [L1304] rej Quel al s.66
Dimaine trestut le jurn
Desque al vespere ai tel sujurn,
E del Noël la quinzeineL1307 [L1307] The passage is more precise in NB: from Christmas until Epiphany.66
1308 Ici deport ma grant peine;L1308 [L1308] rej deportet66
E as festes la MarieL1309 [L1309] NB makes it clear that the feasts involved here are: Purificacione Dei Genitricis [2 Feb.] atque Assumpcione [15 Aug.].66
Mes granz peines n'i ai dunc mie;
Pasches e a Pentecoste
1312 Fors tant cum veiz n'i ai plus custe;
A feste altre en trestut l'an
N'ai entrebat de mun ahan.L1314 [L1314] According to TL 3, 646, there is no other recorded example of entrebat interruption.66
Dïemaine al serir
1316 D'ici m'en voi pur asperir.'
Dunc dist Brandans: 'Or me di,
Itel repos quant as ici,
En quel endreit te demeinesL1319 [L1319] rej deimeines66
1320 En turmentes e es peines? [f.8c]
E en espeines quel liu as tu?L1321 [L1321] rej queliu66L1321 [L1321] W.'s correction to E es peines involves a clumsy repetition with the previous line. It might however be possible to interpret Ms. espeines as an unattested substantive formed on OF espeneïr expiate (sins) (cf. TL 3, 1176-7), and a correct syllable-count can be obtained simply by omitting the conj. e, the force of which is in any case unclear in W.'s text. As for en turmentes of the previous line (corrected by W. to es turmentes), cf. en tenebres 1418, en estals 708. The rhyming of identical words in ll. 1321-2 is found only twice elsewhere in our text: 1259 and 1375. W. (p. lvii) points out that the addition of the preceding syllable in each case produces normal leonine rhymes.66
D'ici quant moz, u en vas tu?'
Respunt Judas: 'Pres est li lius
1324 As dïables u est li fius.L1324 [L1324] Sc. li fius a[s] dïables the devils' domain.66
N'i ad guairs fors sul un poi;L1325 [L1325] rej po66
Tant en sui luign que ci nes oi.
Dous enfers ad ci dejuste;
1328 De suffrir les est grant custe.
Mult pres d'ici sunt dui enfern
Que ne cessent estét ne ivern.L1330 [L1330] rej esteit66
Li plus legiers est horribles,
1332 A ceals qu'i sunt mult penibles.
Ço quident cil qui la peinent
Que altre mal vers eals ne meinent.L1334 [L1334] [They believe] that others in comparison with them suffer no torture. W. prefers the word-order of the other Mss.: Que altre vers eals mal . . .66
Fors mei ne set uns suls de nus
Page 66
1336 Quels des dous seit plus penus;
N'est nuls plus ait que l'un des dous,L1337 [L1337] rej de dous67L1337 [L1337] There is no one [who] has more than one of the two.67
Mais jo chaitis ai amedous.
L'uns est en munt e l'altre en val,
1340 E sis depart la mer de sal:
Les dous enfers mer les depart,
Mais merveille est que tut ne art.L1342 [L1342] rej merveil; tuit67
Cil del munt est plus penibles,
1344 E cil del val plus horribles:
Cil pres de l'air calz e sullenz,
Cil pres de mer freiz e pullenz.L1346 [L1346] rej del m.67
Ovoec la nuit un jurn sui sus,
1348 Puis altretant demoir en jus.
A l'un jurn munte, l'altre descent;L1349 [L1349] rej Al lun67
N'est altre fin de mun turment.
Ne change enfer pur aleger
1352 Mes pur les mals plus agreger.
Par lundi e nuit e jurn
En la roe sui en tresturn,L1354 [L1354] rej ro67L1354 [L1354] On infernal wheels, see D. D. R. Owen, op. cit., pl. 1 and passim.67
E jo chaitis, encröez enz,L1355 [L1355] rej encroenz67
1356 Turni tant tost cum fait li venz.
Venz la cunduit par tut cel air:
Tot dis m'en voi, tot di repair.
Puis el demain en sui galizL1359 [L1359] rej el d. el sui g.67
1360 Cum cil qui est tot acaliz:
Ultre la mer vol en le val
A l'altre enfern u tant ad mal.L1362 [L1362] rej Al laltre67
Iloces sui tost ferlïez,
1364 De dïables mult escrïez; [f.8d]
El lit sui mis sur les broches;
Sur mei mettent plums e roches;
Iloces sui si espëez
1368 Que mun cors tant percét vëez.
Al mecredi sus sui rüez
U li perilz m'i est müez:
Pose del jurn buil en la peizL1371 [L1371] rej Puis del67
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1372 U sui si teinz cum ore veiz;L1372 [L1372] rej fui ci68
Puis sui ostét e mis al rost,
Entre dous fus liéd al post.
Li post de fer fichét i est;
1376 Se pur mei nun, pur el n'i est.
Tant est ruges cume si dis anz
En fus goüst as fols sufflanz.L1377 [L1377] . . . as if it had lain ten years in fire blown by bellows.68
E pur la peiz li fus s'i prentL1379 [L1379] rej li peiz68
1380 Pur enforcer le men turment;
E dunc sui en peiz rüez,
Pur plus ardeir sui enlüez.L1382 [L1382] rej lui e.68
Ne n'est marbres nuls itant durs
1384 Ne fust remis se fust mis surs,L1384 [L1384] rej remis ne fust68
Mais jo sui fait a icest' ireL1385 [L1385] rej f. acce a icest68
Que mis cors ne poit defire.L1386 [L1386] rej nuls c.; desire68L1383 [L1383] And no marble is so hard that it would not have melted had it been put on [the fire]. The next two lines (1385-6) are badly corrupt in the Ms. W. corrects nuls to mis, following the other Mss., and translates: I am made for (or adapted to) this wrath . . ., for my body is unable to perish. Cf. the Latin prose translation: Set ego miser, quicquid patiar, adnichilari non possum.68
Itel peine, que que m'anuit,
1388 Ai tut un jurn e une nuit.
Puis al jusdi sui mis en val,L1389 [L1389] rej su68
E pur suffrir contrarie mal
Dunc sui mis en un freid leu
1392 Mult tenebrus e forment ceu.
Tant i ai freid que mei est tartL1393 [L1393] rej est atart68
Qu'el fu seie qui tant fort art;
E dunc m'est vis n'est turmente
1396 Que del freid que plus me sente;
E de chescun si m'est vis
Ne seit si fort quant enz sui mis.
Al vendresdi revenc amunt
1400 U tantes morz cuntre mei sunt.
Dunc m'escorcent trestut le cors
Que de la pel n'at puint defors.L1402 [L1402] rej puig d.68
En la suie ovoec le sel
1404 Puis me fulent od l'ardant pel;
Puis revent hastivement
Tuz nuvels quirs a cel turment.
Dis feiz le jurn bien m'escorcent,
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1408 El sel entrer puis me forcent; [f.9a]
E puis me funt tut cald beivre
Le plum remis od le quivre.L1409 [L1409] The rhyme beivre: quivre is repeated at 1421-2 where the spelling is quivere. W. corrects in both instances to queivre to reflect the rhyme in [ejvrə]. Though Latin cŭpreum gives cuivre in French, other dialectal variants of the word with ei are attested in OF; cf. Fouché, op. cit. II, 405; Pope § 1196.69
Al samedi jus me rüent
1412 U li altre mals me müent,L1412 [L1412] Strict observance of the flexional endings of OF would make mals the obj. of the verb and li altre (sc. devils) its subject.69
E puis sui mis en gaiole;
En tut enfern n'at si fole,
En tut enfern n'at si orde;
1416 En li descen e sanz corde.
Iloeces gis, n'i ai lüur,
En tenebres e en püur.
Püurs i vent itant grande
1420 Ne guart quant mes quers espande.L1420 [L1420] W. interprets the construction ne guarder quant as a variant of the more usual ne guarder l'eure que (cf. TL 4, 149-50); lit.: I do not look for the moment when my heart might burst, that is, I am in constant fear that . . ..69
Ne puis vomir pur le quivereL1421 [L1421] rej vomer69
Que cil la me firent beivre;
Puis enfle fort, e li quirs tent;
1424 Anguisus sui; pur poi ne fent.
Tels calz, tels freiz e tels ulurs
Suffret Judas e tels dolurs.
Si cum fud er al samedi,
1428 Vinc ci entre nune e midi;L1428 [L1428] rej Veinc69L1428 [L1428] Medieval time of day was, of course, based on the canonical hours. nune here must have its etymological sense of the ninth hour (i.e. midafternoon, nine hours after prime at 6 a.m.). It was only subsequently, because of the imprecision inherent in this sort of measurement of time, and because the ninth hour was a recognised meal-time, that it came in English to mean noon. See W. Rothwell, The hours of the day in medieval French in French Studies 13 (1960), 240-51, and A further note on nonne ibid. 20 (1966), 223-5.69
Hui mei repos a cest sedeir.
Eneveis avrai mal seir:L1430 [L1430] rej Uneveis69L1430 [L1430] OF eneveies soon appears in Beroul's Tristan both as anevois and enevoies (ed. Ewert, 2441, 3051), though the four-syllable form seems indicated here by the metre (W.).69
Mil deiables senés vendrunt;
1432 Ne avrai repos quant mei tendrunt.
Mais si tu es de tel saveir,
Anuit me fai repos aveir!
Si tu es de tel merite,
1436 Anuit me fai estre quite!
Bien sai que tu sainz es e pius,
Quant sanz reguarz vens a tels lius.'
Plurout Brandans a larges plurs
1440 D'iço que cist ad tanz dolurs;L1440 [L1440] at the fact that.69
Comandet lui que lui dïet
Que li dras deit dum se lïet,L1442 [L1442] deit: cf. note to l. 504.69
E la pere u il se tint,
1444 Demandet dunt e de qui vint.
Cil lui respunt: 'En ma vie
Page 69
Fis poi bien e mult folie.
Li biens e mals or me perentL1447 [L1447] rej pent70
1448 Quel enz el quer plus chier m'erent.L1447 [L1447] The good and evil [that I have performed in my lifetime] are now clear to me, [and I understand] which [of the two] were closer to (lit. dearer in) [my] heart.70
De l'almoine que jo guardai
A un nud féd drap acatai;
Pur cel ai cest dun me lie
1452 Par la buche, que ne nie.L1452 [L1452] rej neie70L1452 [L1452] Nie is most probably a pres. suj. ( <nĕcem) with analogical final e for z: so that I do not drown. The Ms. Spelling neie, emended here for the sake of the rhyme, is a wholly analogical form reflecting the stem of the infin. neiier (Mod. Fr. noyer), and the vocalic alternation ei/i of its pres. indic. paradigm.70 [f.9b]
Quant l'unde vent en le vis devant,
Alques par cest ai de guarant,
Mais en enfern ne me valt rien,
1456 Quant de propre ne fud mun bien.L1456 [L1456] Since it was not bought with my own money (W.).70
A un' aigue fis un muncel
E puis desus un fort puncel,
U mult home periseient,
1460 Mais puis bien i guariseient:
Puroec ai ci refrigerie
De si grande ma miserie.'L1462 [L1462] rej manuserie70L1457 [L1457] NB is more specific in stating that the rock to which Judas clung was the actual stone which he had once placed across a ditch for public safety (W.).70
Cum apresmout vers le premseir,L1463 [L1463] rej apremout70
1464 Dunc vit Brandans que cil dist veir:
Vit venir deiables mil
Od turmentes e grant peril;
E venent dreit a cel dolent;
1468 Salt l'uns avant, al croc le prent.
Brandans lur dist: 'Laisez l'ici
Desque al matin que seit lunsdi.'L1470 [L1470] rej lusdi70
Cil li dïent e calengentL1471 [L1471] The sense of calengent seems from the context to be claim defiantly though we have not found another example with a similar construction.70
1472 Ne lairunt pas que nel prengent.
Dunc dist Brandans: 'Jo vus comant,
E de Jesu faz mun guarant.'
Cil le laisent, e a force;
1476 N'i unt nïent a l'estorce.L1476 [L1476] Their efforts are futile in the end. For this sense of a l'estorse, see TL 3, 1424 (cf. Gdf. 3, 628). W. translates in the snatching away (cf. l. 958 and note above).70
Brandans estait iloec la nuit;
N'i ad malfez qui mult n'annuit.L1478 [L1478] There is no demon to whom this is not very irksome.70
Deiables sunt de l'altre part;
1480 Ainz que seit jurz mult lur est tart;
A grant greine, a voiz truble
Dïent que avrat peine duble.
Respunt l'abes: 'Ne avrat turment
Page 70
1484 Plus que ad oüd par jugement.'
E puis qu'il fud cler ajurnét,
Od tut Judas s'en sunt turnét.
Brandans s'en vait d'iloec avant.
1488 Bien set de Deu ad bon guarant;
E li muine bien sevent tuit
Que segur sunt al Deu cunduit;
Mercïent Deu de lur veies
1492 E de tutes lur agreies.L1492 [L1492] agreies equipment. This is the only example cited by TL 1, 214, but other forms also derived from Old Norse greiða make ready, equip are found: agroi, agroier, TL 1, 214, and groie, TL 4, 684. Cf. Anglo-Norman Dictionary (1, 17) where the word is wrongly glossed from Ms. D s.v. agree and lacking s.v. agrei.71
Cum se numbrent li cumpaignun,
En lur cunte failent a l'un,
E ne sevent qu'est devenuz
1496 Ne en quel leu est detenuz. [f.9c]
Des dous sevent cum unt errét,
Mais de cest terz sunt enserrét.L1498 [L1498] rej terce71
L'abes lur dist, qui tut le sout:
1500 'Deus en ad fait ço que li plout.
D'iço n'aiez nule dute,
Ainz tenez bien vostre rute.
Sachez qu'il ad sun jugement
1504 U de repos u de turment.'L1493 [L1493] Benedeit is forced to add this brief episode to explain the disappearance of the third of the intruding monks; cf. note to l. 1000.71
Si cum il vunt, veient ester
Un munt mult halt tut sul en mer.
Tost i venent, mais la rive
1508 Roiste lur ert e escive.
L'abes lur dist: 'Istrai m'en fors.
Ne movet uns fors sul nun cors!'L1510 [L1510] no one except myself. This periphrastic use of cors for the personal pronoun is common in OF; cf. for ex. Roland 525, 892, 1984 etc.71
Puiet le munt e lunges vaitL1511 [L1511] rej Puieit71
1512 Ainz que trovét nule rien ait.L1512 [L1512] rej u nule71
Par un rochét sa veie tint,
Une bodme puis li survint.L1514 [L1514] rej p. il s.71L1514 [L1514] Benedeit does not explain that the rock, bodme, contains the life-giving fountain mentioned in 1585; cf. NB pp. 74-7.71
Eisit uns hom tost de cel liu,L1515 [L1515] rej Eist71L1515 [L1515] ff. It was not unusual in Irish hagiography for saints to visit one another; cf. Selmer, p. 91 n. 92. The real Brendan visited St Columba on lona some time after 563.71
1516 Religïus semblout e piu.
Cil apelet Brandan avant,
Quar par Deu fud sun nun savant,L1518 [L1518] The periphrastic construction estre savant has the same meaning as the simple verb saveir.71
Puis le baiset, ses cumpaignunsL1519 [L1519] rej cumpaignus71
Page 71
1520 Dist qu'amenget: ne failet uns.
Vait i Brandans, fait les venir,
Funt al rochét le nef tenir.L1522 [L1522] rej tener9d
Cil ad tuz numez par sei:
1524 'Venez avant e baisez mei!'
Cil li firent. Puis les menet
A sun estre, lur enseignet.L1526 [L1526] shows [it] to them.9d
Cil reposent cum lur ad dit.
1528 Merveillent lui e sun habit:L1528 [L1528] Generally in OF, the third person pronoun retains the weak form, not the strong as here, even when following the verb; cf. Moignet, 131-2.9d
N'ad vestement fors de sun peil,
Dum est cuvert si cum de veil;
Reguard aveit angelïel
1532 E tut le cors celestïel;
N'est si blance neifs ne clere
Cumme li peilz d'icest frere.
Dist lui Brandans: 'Beal pere chers,
1536 Di mei qui es'. Cil: 'Volunters!
Jo ai nun Pols li hermites.L1537 [L1537] Paul, known as the first hermit, took up the solitary life in the Egyptian desert during the persecution of the emperor Decius (249-51). His life was written by St Jerome (ed. J.-P. Migne, Patrologia latina XXIII, coll. 17-28). In the Brendan legend the desert is replaced by a more appropriate lonely island.9d
De tuz dolurs sui ci quites.
Ci ai estét grant e lunc tens,
1540 E ça m'en vinc par Deu asens.
Page 9d
El secle fui hermite en bois:
Cele vie pris en mun cois;L1542 [L1542] rej cors72
Secund le sens que aveie poi,L1543 [L1543] rej aver72L1543 [L1543] according to my limited ability.72
1544 Deu serveie si cume soi.L1544 [L1544] rej servie72
Il le cuilit par sa buntét,L1545 [L1545] rej I ble c.72
Qu'a plus que n'est le m'at cuntét.L1546 [L1546] rej lamat c.72L1546 [L1546] he has given me more credit for my service than I deserve (lit. he has counted it to me at more than it is worth) (W.).72
La me mandat que ci venisse
1548 U ma glorie attendisse.
Cument i vinc? En nef entraiL1549 [L1549] ff. The motif of a ship ready to transport a voyager and sailing under invisible guidance is widespread and is found elsewhere in OF literature, e.g. Marie de France, Guigemar (cf. Ewert's note to his edition, p. 165).72
Tute preste cum la truvai;
Deus me cunduit tost e süef;L1551 [L1551] cunduit is preterite despite its form without s.72
1552 Quant arivai, ralat la nef.
Nunante anz ad qu'ai ci estét.
Beal tens i ad, tuz dis estét.
Ici atent le juïse;
1556 De Deu en ai cumandise:
Trestut i sui en carn e en os
Page 72
Sanz mal que ai sui en repos;L1558 [L1558] rej que ai] quar73
Dunc a primes al jugement
1560 L'espirit del cors frat seivrement;
Od les justes resuscitrai
Pur la vie que segut ai.
Un sergant oi trent' anz pleiners,L1563 [L1563] rej Uns s.73
1564 De mei servir suveners:
Uns lutres fud qui m'aportout
Suvent peisun dun il me pout
Tuz dis tres jurs en la semaine;
1568 Unckes nule ne fud vaine
Que treis peisuns ne me portastL1568 [L1568] No [week] ever passed (lit. was ever empty) without its bringing me three fish.73
Dun aveie pleiner past.
Al col pendud marin werecL1571 [L1571] rej A c.73
1572 Plein un sacel portout tut sec
Dun mes peisuns pouse quire.
Par qui ço fud, bien ert sire!L1574 [L1574] He through whom this happened was Lord indeed!73
Es primers anz que vinc ici
1576 Tuz les trent' anz fui poüd si.
Des peisuns fui poüd si bien
N'oi mester de beivre rien;
N'ennuiout puint nostre Seignur
1580 De tel cunreid ne de greignur.
Puis les trent' anz ne revint cil;
Nel fist sur peis ne ne m'out vil,L1582 [L1582] He did not do so (fail to return) out of reluctance or [because] he despised me; cf. OF sor son pois against his will, TL 7, 1337 (also 9, 916).73
Mais Deus ne volt que plus de fors
1584 Venist cunreid pur sul mun cors. [f.10a]
Ici me fist la funtaine
De tuz cunreiz qui est pleine:L1586 [L1586] rej cunreid73
Ço li est vis qui rien en beit
1588 De tuz cunreiz que saüls seit.L1588 [L1588] rej cunreid73
De aigue ai vescut anz seisante,
Trent' a peisun: sunt nonante.
En le mund fui anz cinquante:
1592 Mis ethez est cent e quarante.
Frere Brandan, or te ai dit
Cument ici ai mun delit.
Mais tu iras en paraïs;
Page 73
1596 Pres ad set anz que tu l'as quis.
Arere fras anceis return
Al bon hoste u ous sujurn:L1598 [L1598] rej u uus s.74
Il te menrat e tu le siu
1600 En paraïs u sunt li piu.
D'icest' aigue porte en od tei,L1601 [L1601] rej portez od74
Dum guarisses de faim e sei.
Entre en ta nef; ne demurer!
1604 Ne deit sun vent hom sururer.'L1604 [L1604] rej sun nen74
Dunet cungét e cil le prent;
De ses bienfaiz graces l'en rent.
Or turnent vers lur hoste,
1608 Si unt niule mult enposte.
Siglent lunges ainz que veingent,
Ja seit ço que dreit curs teingent,
E al jusdi de la ceine
1612 La i venent a grant peine.
Iloec estunt, cum soleient,
Desque la que muveir deient.L1614 [L1614] rej muver74
Le samadi al peisun vunt:
1616 Cum altres anz la feste i funt,L1616 [L1616] rej ainz74
E bien sevent qu'or ad set anz
Que li peisuns est lur servanz.
Deu en loient: n'i unt perte
1620 Pur la vertud de Deu certe.
E l'endemain d'iloec movent
A itel vent cum il trovent.
Vers les oiseals tut dreit en vunt
1624 La u dous meis sujurnerunt.
Iloec estunt a grant deduit,
E atendent le bon cunduit
Del bon hoste qui frat od eals
1628 L'eire qui est tant bons e beals. [f.10b]
Cil aprestet tuz lur busuinz
Quar bien saveit que l'eire est luinz;
E bien set tut que lur estot,
1632 Pur ço guarnist de quanque poet.
Entrent en mer, l'ostes ovoec;
Page 74
Ne revendrunt jamais iloec.
Tendent lur curs vers orïent.
1636 De l'esguarer n'i funt nïent:
Tel i at enz en qui cunduit
Vunt a goie e a deduit.
A curs entrin sanz defalteL1639 [L1639] rej c. enclin75
1640 Quarante dis en mer halte
Eisi curent que ne lur pert
Fors mer e cel qui sur eals ert.
E par l'otreid del rei divin
1644 Or aprisment vers le calin
Qui tut aclot le paraïs
Dunt Adam fud poëstis.
Nües grandes tenerge funt,
1648 Que li sun eir return n'i unt:L1648 [L1648] rej le s. e.75L1648 [L1648] His (Adam's) heirs refers to the mariners.75
Li granz calins tant aorbet,
Qui i entret, tuz asorbet,
Si de Deu n'at la veüe
1652 Qui poust passer cele nue.
Dunc dist l'ostes: 'Ne i targez,L1653 [L1653] note lostes not in A75
Mais la sigle de vent chargez!'
Cum aprisment, part la nue
1656 A l'espace d'une rue.
Cil se metent enz el calin
E parmi unt grant chemin.
Mult se fïent en lur hoste
1660 Pur la nue q'unt en coste:L1660 [L1660] rej que qunt75
Grant est forment e serree,
De ambes parz est amassee.
Treis jurz curent tut a dreit curs
1664 Par le chemin que lur est surs.
El quart issent de cel calin;
Forment sunt léd li pelerin.
De la nue eisut s'en sunt
1668 E paraïs bien choisit unt.
Tut en primers uns murs lur pert
Desque as nües qui halcez ert:
N'i out chernel ne aleür
Page 75
1672 Ne bretache ne nule tur.L1672 [L1672] rej brestache76 [f.10c]
Nuls d'els ne set en feid veire
Quel il seit faiz de materie,L1674 [L1674] rej maiterie76L1674 [L1674] Sc. de quel materie il seit faiz. The rhyme veire: materie seems to presuppose a form of the latter [matejrə]; cf. note to l. 53 above.76
Mais blancs esteit sur tutes neifs:L1675 [L1675] rej nefs76
1676 Faitres fud li suverains reis.L1676 [L1676] rej Fatters76
Tuz ert entrins, sanz antaile,
Unc al faire n'out travaile,
Mais les gemmes funt granz lüursL1679 [L1679] rej grant76
1680 Dum purplantez esteit li murs.
As gutes d'or grisolitesL1681 [L1681] ff. These lines are based on Revelation 21: 19-20: And the foundations of the wall were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper . . .. On the symbolic virtues of such stones, see for example Anglo-Norman Lapidaries (eds. P. Studer and J. Evans, Paris, 1924) (W.).76
Mult i aveit d'isselites;
Li murs flammet, tut abrase,
1684 De topaze, grisopase,
De jargunce, calcedoine,
D'esmaragde e sardoine;
Jaspes od les amestistes
1688 Forment luisent par les listes;
Li jacinctes clers i est il
Od le cristal e od le beril;L1690 [L1690] rej biril76
L'un a l'altre dunet clartét:
1692 Chis asist fud mult enartét.
Lüur grande s'entreportent
Des colurs chi si resortent.
Li munt sunt halt, de marbre dur,
1696 U la mer bat mult luign del mur;L1696 [L1696] note mult expuncted before luign76
E desur le munt marbrin
La muntaine est tute d'or fin;L1698 [L1698] rej Li m.76
E puis desus esteit li mursL1699 [L1699] Esteit is not the impf. indic, of estre, but the pres. indic. of ester, stands.76
1700 De paraïs qui clot les flurs.L1695 [L1695] The wall enclosing Paradise is established on a mountain of gold, which is itself on hills of marble raised high above the sea (W.).76
Tels est li murs, si surplantez,
Qui doust estre de nus hantez.L1702 [L1702] . . . into which we ought to have entered (lit. which should have been frequented by us), if, that is, Adam's heirs had not been exluded.76
Tendent tut dreit vers la porte,L1703 [L1703] ff. The description is an addition of the poet, who may have relied on Genesis and Revelation for his inspiration; cf. Revelation 21: 12: and at the gates twelve angels; Genesis 3: 24: So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life (W.).76
1704 Mais l'entree mult ert forte:L1704 [L1704] rej entre; fort76
Draguns i at qui la guardent;
Si cume fus trestut ardent.
Dreit a l'entrer pent uns glavies,
1708 Qui cel ne creint nen est savies,L1708 [L1708] rej creit76L1707 [L1707] The two semi-learned forms glavies: savies no doubt rhyme in [ajvəs]; cf. the spelling glaive 1725, and the note to l. 53 above. savie appears alongside saive in the Roland (cf. 20 and 248). Cf. also munies 107 for muines.76
Page 76
La mure aval, le helte amunt;L1709 [L1709] note Lamur or Lai nur77
Ne me merveille si poür unt.
En aines pent, e turnïet;L1711 [L1711] note e not in A77
1712 Sul del vedeir esturdïet.
Fer ne roche ne adamant
Ne pot guarir a sun trenchant.
Puis unt veüd un juvencel
1716 Qui veint cuntre eals, forment bel;L1716 [L1716] rej veient77 [f.10d]
E cil se fait Deu message,
Dist que vengent a rivage.
Il arivent; cil les receit,
1720 Tuz les numet par lur nun dreit;
Puis dulcement les ad baisez,
E les draguns tuz apaisez:
Fait les gesir cuntre terre
1724 Mult humlement e sanz guerre;L1724 [L1724] rej gurre77
E le glaive fait retenir
A un angele qu'il fait venir;
E l'entree est uverte:
1728 Tuit entrent en glorie certe.
Avant en vait cil juvenceals,L1729 [L1729] rej Quant77
Par paraïs vait ovoec eals.
De beals bois e de rivere
1732 Veient terre mult plenere.
Gardins est la praierieL1733 [L1733] rej Grandins77
Qui tuz dis est beal flurie.
Li flur süef mult i flairent,
1736 Cum la u li piu repairent,
D'arbres, de flurs delicïus,
De fruit, d'udurs mult precïus;L1733 [L1733] The meadow, which is constantly in flower, is a garden. The flowers there smell very sweet, fitting for the place where the pious live, [a place that is] a delight of trees and flowers, a priceless spot of fruit and sweet scents. cum 1736: as befits.77
De runceie ne de cardunt
1740 Ne de orthie n'i ad fusun;
D'arbre n'erbe n'i ad mie
Ki süaté ne rechrie.
Flurs e arbres tuz dis chargent,
1744 Ne pur saisun unc ne targent;
Estét süef tuz dis i est,L1745 [L1745] rej Esteit77
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Li fruiz de arbres e de flurs prest,L1746 [L1746] In order to complete the sense, it is necessary to repeat tuz dis i est from the preceding line. Similarly i sunt must be understood in 1747 and i sunt repleni(z) in 1748 (W.).78
Bois repleniz de veneisun,
1748 E tut li flum de bon peisun.
Li flum i sunt qui curent lait.L1749 [L1749] rej Li f. isurent ci c.78
Cele plentét par tut en vait:
La ruseie süet le mel
1752 Par le ruseit qui vient del cel.L1751 [L1751] Though the actual forms ruseie (rosoie) and ruseit (rosé) appear to be unique, the corresponding masc. rosoi and fem. rosee are common in OF.78
Ci munt i at, cil est de or;L1753 [L1753] rej Ci78L1749 [L1749] The description of the land as flowing with milk and honey, an embroidery by Benedeit on his source, is a clear reference to the Old Testament Book of Exodus. In his introduction to his German translation of our poem, E. Ruhe argues that Benedeit in fact deliberately portrays Brendan as a new Moses-figure leading God's chosen people to the Promised Land (ed. cit., 22).78
Si grande pere n'a en tensor.L1754 [L1754] rej pere a tensor78L1754 [L1754] Our correction is independent of the other Mss., each of which has a different reading here. A further emendation of grande pere to granz peres would give better sense (There are no such large gems in [any] treasure) and a correct syllable-count. Cf. W.'s note to his l. 1760, and l. 316 above.78
Sanz fin i luist li clers soleil,
1756 Ne venz n'orez n'i mot un peil,
N'i vient nule nue de l'air
Qui del soleil tolget le clair.
Chi ci estrat, mal n'i avrat,
1760 Ne de mals venz ja ne savrat,L1760 [L1760] rej nel78L1760 [L1760] W. corrects to Ne dunt mals vent nor whence evil comes. We retain the Ms. reading (except to emend nel to ne) and understand nor will he experience ill winds, though this is far from clear.78 [f.11a]
Ne chalz ne freiz ne dehaite
Ne faim ne seit ne suffraite.
De tuz ses bons avrat plentét.
1764 Ço que plus est sa voluntét,
Cel ne perdrat, süurs en est;
Tuz dis l'avrat e truvrat prest.
Bien veit Brandans cele goie.L1767 [L1767] rej vait78
1768 L'ure li semblet forment poieL1768 [L1768] rej Lur le s.78L1768 [L1768] Ms. Lur le. W.'s conviction that each and every line must be syllabically perfect leads him to postulate what the recognises himself as being an inadmissible enclisis: urel = ure li.78
Qu'il i estait a ço vedeir;
Lunges voldrat iloec sedeir.
Mult bien avant l'ad cil menét,
1772 De multes riens l'ad asenét:
Bien diviset e si li ditL1773 [L1773] rej divisit78L1773 [L1773] The common meaning of diviser (OF deviser) is divide, divide up, here used figuratively describe in detail; cf. divisiuns 1778 explanations.78
De quel avrat chascuns delit.
Vait cil avant e cist aprés
1776 Sur un halt munt cume ciprés;L1776 [L1776] ciprés might be read ci prés, but this does not seem to make good sense in the context. It must be admitted, none the less, that neither TL nor Gdf. give ciprés in such a simile or metaphor.78
D'ici veient avisïuns
Dum ne sevent divisïuns.
Angeles veient e sis oient
1780 Pur lur venir cum s'esgoient.
Oient lur grant melodie,
Mais nel poient suffrir mie:
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Lur nature ne poet prendreL1783 [L1783] prendre understand, grasp could represent an instance of the omission of a prefix but more probably the verb has simply taken on the wider sense (W.).79
1784 Si grant glorie, ne entendre.
Cil lur ad dist: 'Returnum nus!
Avant d'ici ne menrai vus;
Ne vus leist pas aler avant,L1787 [L1787] rej list79
1788 Quar poi estes a ço savant.
Brandans, tu veis cest paraïs
Que tu a Deu mult requeïs.L1790 [L1790] rej as D.79
De la glorie cent mil tant
1792 Que n'as veüd, ad ça avant.
A ore plus n'i aprendras,
Devant içoe que revendras.
O or venis ci carnalment
1796 Tost revendras spiritalment.
Or t'en reva; ci revendras,
Le juïse ci atendras.
De cez peres en fai porter
1800 A enseignes de conforter.'
Puis que out ço dist, il en alat,L1801 [L1801] The subject of the first clause would seem to be the celestial guide, that of the second Brendan.79
Enseignes de paraïs portat.
Brandans de Deu cungét ad pris
1804 E as chers sainz de paraïs. [f.11b]
Li juvenceals les en cunduit:
Desqu'en la nef sunt entrét tuit,
Puis ad sur eals seignacle fait.
1808 Mult tost unt sus lur sigle trait.
Iloec remist lur hostes pius,
Quar paraïs fud sis dreiz fius.
E cil s'en vunt haitément;
1812 Nen unt d'orez retenement:
En treis meis sunt en Irlande
Par la vertud de Deu grande.
La nuvele vait par païsL1815 [L1815] rej Ja79
1816 Que venuz est de paraïs.
Ne sunt haitét sul li parent,L1817 [L1817] It is not only the families who are glad, but . . ..79
Ainz sunt trestuz comunement.
Sur tuz sunt liéd li cher frereL1819 [L1819] rej chere f.79
1820 De ço qu'or unt lur dulz pere.
Suvent lur dist cum unt errét,
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U furent bien u enserrét;L1822 [L1822] note second u not in A9999
E si lur dist cum prest truvat
1824 Quanque busuign a Deu ruvat,L1824 [L1824] The difficulty of taking quanque as an adjective could be avoided by an emendation suggested by Professor T. B. W. Reid: Quanqu'al busuign a Deu ruvat whatever in his need he asked of God.9999
E l'un e l'el trestut lur dist,
Cum il truvat ço que il quist.
Li plusurs d'els ensaintirent
1828 Par la vertud qu'en lui virent.
Tant cum Brandans el secle fud,
A mulz valut par Deu vertud.
Quant vint al tens que il finat,
1832 Ralat u Deus lui destinat.
El regne Deu, u alat il,
Par lui en vunt plusur que mil.L1834 [L1834] note after this line follows: Explicit vita sancti brandani9999
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