roignus (s.xii1/3)

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roignus (s.xii1/3)


[ FEW: 10,469b *ronea; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,582b rogneux; TL: 8,1410 roignos; DEAF:  roigne (roignos); DMF:  rogneux 1; TLF: ; OED:  roinous a. / roynish a.; MED:  roinous(e a.; DMLBS: ]
reygnous,  reynous,  rognos,  rognous,  roigneus,  roignous,  roinnous,  roinous,  roinus,  rongnos,  royngnus,  roynnous,  roynous,  roynouus;  ruignous,  ruignus,  ruinnos,  ruinos,  ruinus,  raingnus,  raungeous  ii 259  

The sense ‘(metal) rusty, stained with corrosion’ is unique to Fouke ants, with the adjective normally referring to a state of the skin, now used, with a transference of sense, to the surface of metal armour or weapons. As an alternative interpretation, the adjective may also be considered a form of ruinus1 (‘ruined, dilapidated, in a state of decay or disrepair’), which is usually used for buildings or constructions. Both interpretations are possible (albeit with a transference of sense), but the attested forms are closer to roignus than to ruinus1. The two Fouke ants attestations may also be corruptions of the adjective *ruilous, otherwise not attested in Anglo-Norman, but related to the ruil1 (‘rust’) word family, and present in Continental French as rouilleux (cf. Godefroy rouilleus 7,247c). However, confusion between l and gn seems unlikely.


1pathol.suffering from sores, scabs or ulcers on the skin
( c.1165; MS: s.xii4/4 )  Mieux valt cul ruinus, que chief teinus  5.61
( MS: s.xiiim )  me trest, tute ruignuse, morvuse e maubaillie de tutes parz de cele prisun  270
( c.1275; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  Lé buches baysa despitouses E lé mayns mut royngnuses  372
( s.xivin; MS: 1382 )  Femme ad la cou roynouus (M.E. Woman hath the wriste scabbut)  205
( 1396; MS: c.1400 )  je comence a estre roignous, et tout le corps me mange  86
( 1429 )  les ditz forest et hundredes sount paiis bien large et de raungeous poeple et biens pres adjoignantz a Gales  ii 259
pathol.zool.mammals(of sheep) mangy, scabby, suffering from sores, scabs or ulcers on the skin
( s.xii1/3; MS: s.xiiex )  Les berbiz lait asez avront; Ne mais ruinuses (var. (C: s.xiiim-2) rognouses;  (D: 1276-77) rongnoses) ne seront  60.782
( s.xiii1/4; MS: s.xiiiex )  Et si homme en =of Galactites fet pudre et l'em la seme al toit de berbiz pur ke il soyt nettoiés, les berbiz en sunt meuz leiteres et si ne serrunt ja puys raingnuses  135.xxxii.7-8
( c.1378; MS: s.xivex )  sicomme ly berbis ruignous  9262
metalrusty, stained with corrosion
( s.xivin; MS: 1312-40 )  trova en la sale un viel roynous haubert  12.8
( s.xivin; MS: 1312-40 )  Joce quida qu'il fust borgeis, quar borgeys relement ont vestu les armes, e ceus qe l'enfant avoit furent roynous e ledes  12.31

s. who suffers from sores, scabs or ulcers on the skin
( s.xii2; MS: c.1200 )  car dunc n’i avroient ovre fait le povre gent, dunc n’i feroit nient Lazarus li povres, li roignous  508.208
roigne#1   roigné#1  roigneson 
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