Reins1 (1390-1412)

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Reins1 (1390-1412)


[ FEW: 10,226b Reims; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF: ; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  Raines n.; MED:  raines n.; DMLBS: ]
Rains,  Raynes,  Raynez,  Rayns,  Reims,  Reines,  Reisnes,  Renys,  Reynes,  Reyns  

As the OED notes in their etymology for Raines n., the from derives from the name of the city Rheims, however as the cloth was also once believed to have originated in Rennes, also a centre of linen production during the period, some forms may be influences by the latter.


1textilefine linen cloth made in Reims, France
( 1397 )  .iij. peires linthels ové .iij. hedeshetes de reynes  307
chalon de Reins
drap de Reins
1textilefine linen cloth made in Reims, France
( 1390-1412; MS: s.xiv1 )  Et entierment vous esmercie, treschier cousyn, de voz grandz presentz de drape de Reines et de laune  372.4
( 1396; MS: s.xv1 )  vous m'achatez du mercere [...] .xxx. aulnes de drap de Raynes et atant de tresbone teel  6.2
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