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profrer (c.1260)

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The form propherer is a cross reference to the following entry:

profrer (c.1260)

proefrir,  proferer,  profferer,  proffrir,  profrir,  profryr,  propherer,  proufrir  (profeire  Actes privés 203 purfrer );
ind.pres.3 profruit, 
p.p. profert,  profré,  profry,  profyt  
  FEW:  proferre 9,428b Gdf: GdfC:  proferer 10,426a TL: proferer 7,1951 / proferir 7,1952 DEAF:  proferer  DMF:  proférer  / ofrir  TLF:  proférer  OED:  profer v.  / proffer v.  MED:  profren v.  DMLBS:  proferre 2490b

The entries parofrir, profrer, and puroffrir have been split based on etymological grounds. They ultimately derive from Latin offerre, (DMLBS 2009a)with the addition of a prefix, which generated the form proferre in medieval Latin (DMLBS 2490b), with the senses of ‘to produce; to display; to present, proffer’. This verb also had the sense of ‘to pronounce, utter’. These two verbs are distinguished in modern English, giving proffer and profer, now obsolete, while in modern French, the single form proférer, is now used with the sense of ‘to pronounce, utter’ is now used (though the TLF notes literary examples of the sense of 'porter en avant, produire').



1to offer, proffer
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  qe les seignurs dounent ou profrent mariages  BRITT ii 23
( 1316 )  Il fust essoné vers plusurs en un bref ou chescun de eux profirent a fere ly noun suy vers ly  YBB Ed II xx 4
( 1357 )  lui ount profré pur soun travaile solom ce qe lai maryne demande  ROUGH 121
merch.to offer for sale
( s.xivin; MS: s.xivm )  de profrer lur marchandie les viles ou le pays vont regeantes  BOZ Cont 166
( 1417-73 )  Item, qe null’ du dit mistier (=cutlers’ guild) oevere par noet nul manere de cotelerye, ne profra cotelrye a Evenchepyng as hostelries  Goldsmiths’ Reg Deeds 376r
lawto present, show, offer as evidence
( c.1260; MS: c.1275 )  ke le jugement est leus e bon e [...] ke le record fu fet tel come yl le profrent  Casus Plac 100
2to utter, express
( MS: s.xivm )  Ceste chose que nous meux entendoms et ceo nous proferoms meux  S Jer 5vb


lawto present, show, offer evidence
( 1316 )  Aprés ceo qe le demaundaunt ad profyt (var. profreprofert ) en play de graunt assise  YBB Ed II xx 145


1to offer, present (oneself)
( 1260; MS: c.1300 )  issi ke on se proffre le chanpiun present  Brev Plac 116
( 1280-1307; MS: s.xiv1 )  Et cil pur sainte eglyse se profre champyoun  LANGTOFT thiol2 382.1435
2lawto present oneself at the bar to take part in a legal proceeding
( 1280 )  l’abbé se proffry devant le conseyl le roi  Parl Writs 8
( MS: s.xiv1/4 )  J. [...] se proffre vers W. de N. en play de grante assise  Nov Narr 36
se profrer a fere
to undertake to do
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  se profre a fere homage a soen seignur  BRITT ii 16
( s.xiiiex; MS: s.xiv1/3 )  il tendi tesmoin qi se proffrir a fere la desrenee  Mir Just 111
se proffrer pur
to claim to be
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  acun qi se profre pur dreit heir  BRITT ii 53


See also:

offrir  parofrir  profre  profrour  puroffre  puroffrir 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.