s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiii2
Deus est tut dis parmanant
s.xiv1; MS: c.1361
Soietz tu parmesnaunt (Latin: constans), si com tu as tesmoignee de moy en Jerosolme, issint covient il tesmoigner a Rome
(A) 373a
2remaining, continuing to be:
MS: s.xiii/xiv
Plumbum habeat et linulam, quibus lineatur pergamenum, margine circumquaque tam es parte tergi quam ex parte carnis existente
(glosses: (D) parmeynant)(var. (L: s.xiii/xiv) seant) libera
ii 79 and i 188
a parmanant
1permanently, eternally, everlastingly:
1171-74; MS: c.1200
Corune d’or avereit el ciel a parmenant
estre en parmanant
1to be perpetually, remain in perpetuity:
c.1136-65; MS: c.1200
Cil le guenchist ki se chastie E se rependt de sa folie, E de celx se vait retraiant Ki en lor mal sunt parmanant
c.1235; MS: c.1235
Les martirs sunt en gloire el regne permanant