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[intruser] (1341-42)

[intruser] (1341-42)

entruser,  entruiser  
  FEW:  introtrudere *4,783a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF: DMF:  intruser  TLF: OED:  intruse v.  MED: DMLBS:

v. refl.

lawto intrude, take possession illegally (of land, a tenement, etc.)
( 1341-42 )  puis le pere s’entruse et el disseisi l’enfaunt  YBB 16 Ed III 51
( 1383 )  luy (=refl.pronoun) entrusa sur la possession le dit T.  Affairs of Ireland 257
faire entruser
lawto place, introduce unlawfully (into benefice, etc.)
( 1383-84 )  (Archbishop removed the beneficed clergy) et fist entruiser en ycelles benfices autres ses clerks  Rot Parl1 iii 183


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