Jesse (1267)

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Jesse (1267)


[ FEW: 5,35a Jesse; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF: ; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  Jesse n.1; MED:  jesse n.; DMLBS: 1502a Jesse ]


1decor.ornamental representation of the Tree of Jesse (a tree representing the genealogy of Christ, starting with Jesse, father of King David)
( 1423 )  Item, .j. cope de drap satyn blanc d'or, les orfreis de Jesse enbroudrés, pris .vj. li.  iv 229.640
verge (de) Jesse
1Bibl.theol.Tree of Jesse
( 1267; MS: c.1300 )  Les queus duns ennumbre Ysaye En Jhesu Crist par sa prophecye Quant [de] la flur parla e dit K'en la verge Jesse flurit  7086
( c.1360-79; MS: s.xivex )  O rose sanz espine dite, [...] O fleur du lys, o turturelle, O vierge de Jesse confite  29932
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