Braban (1260)

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Braban (1260)

[ FEW: *15/i,233a Brabant; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF: ; DMF:  brabant; TLF:  brabant; OED: ; MED:  Braban n.; DMLBS: 212a Brabanus ]
Brabain,  Brabant,  Brabayn;  Breban,  Brebant  


1toponymBrabant, region comprising several areas of modern Belgium and Netherlands
( 1275 )  Heliseus de Brabayn  Brabin
( 1281 )  Raban de Braban  Brabin
( 1280-1307; MS: s.xiv1 )  Ly duk J. de Braban et ly Hoylaunders  379.1349
( 1340 )  en les terres de Flaundres et Brabant  ii 120
( 1423 )  villes en Flandres et Brabain  iv 251
2demonymBrabanter, one originated from or living in Brabant
( 1280-1307; MS: s.xiv1 )  Ne Vyeneys ne Bascle ne Braban ne Breton [...]  408.2085
3mercenary (originally from Brabant)
( 1280-1307; MS: s.xiv1/4 )  Al (l. As) Brabauns en garde l’encloystre ount donez  ii 128
robber, brigand, thieft
( s.xiv3/4; MS: s.xiv3/4 )  quaunt C. la teste Melor a luy (=his evil uncle) ust presenté [...] Avereit sun guerdun doblé (l. doble) qe luy fu promys avaunt. Lors s’en parti del dux le desleaus breban  196
4 name (used as a surname)
( 1260 )  Richard Braban  Brabin
( 1283 )  John le Braban  Brabin
( 1366 )  Mathere le Brabayn  Brabin
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.